The public needs to understand that conservative political decision makers, and some BCNDP as well, have decided that the economy is far more important than the lives of the people they govern.
I’m certain their wealthy donors have used persuasion to elicit that decision.
The way that Covid is being managed by primarily conservative premiers in Canada favours wealthy owners of production over human lives.
That’s an incontrovertible fact. Not conjecture.
It also includes an overt eugenicist policy that targets the most vulnerable in society.
Human beings with health complications, medical conditions or the inability to be vaccinated are at greater risk of death and long term complications from Covid, regardless of the variant.
So the policy to treat Covid as an endemic virus is essentially selecting those individuals with higher risk factors for death or long term illness.
That’s eugenics.
It’s the same process used by farmers of livestock to produce better yields.
Chickens are fertilized and lay eggs. When the chicks hatch, those with physical deformities or any health issues are culled. They aren’t permitted to live or breed because their genetics have been proven to be undesirable.
Eugenics is when that process is used on human beings.
Treating Covid as endemic is that process in government policy.
Conservative premiers from QC, ON, MB, SK, AB & BC have taken it upon themselves to decide for Canada that Covid will be treated as an endemic virus.
The official policy in those provinces is now “let the strong survive and the weak be selected for extermination.”
This is not hyperbole or an over exaggeration. That’s what making Covid endemic is. A eugenicist policy.
Many don’t want to accept or acknowledge that the leaders of these provinces have such diabolical beliefs and have made this decision on our behalf, but they have.
They are not protecting people, freedom or liberty. They’re protecting corporate profits.
People’s lives have become immaterial to the political decisions being made. Regardless of what the public expects, wants or needs, these leaders have taken the right to decide your level of risk to enhance the economic stability of their region.
Not sure how others feel about it, but as an individual who has increased risks from Covid, I’m quite offended that my life is not considered worthy of government protection. Nor are the lives of any other high risk humans, including young children, seniors & health compromised.
Apparently our lives don’t count because we don’t actually contribute much to the economy. Which has now become the measure of worth of every human being governed by these policies.
Do you have cancer? Too bad. Good luck avoiding Covid. If you die from Covid, so be it.
Diabetes Type 1 or Kidney disease? Again, good luck. Babies and toddlers have no protections and plenty of needs. So they’re deemed expendable. Children and adults with health issues, also good luck. Your lives have been deemed unnecessary & a hindrance to economic recovery.
There have been civilizations that have chosen similar policies in the past.
Babies born with defects have been abandoned to die. Some are perfectly healthy, they’re just female, or have dwarfism, the wrong skin colour, born outside of marriage.
Various cultures have approached disability, health complication or undesired physical characteristics with indifference, contempt and attempted to eliminate those individuals from the gene pool.
It happens among animals in the wild all the time.
Runts if the litter are frequently ignored and left to starve. Birds throw less desirable chicks from the nest. New mothers in the wild have been known to eat their newborn young during droughts and difficult environmental conditions. Why waste the calories?
Does this all seem heartless and cruel? That’s because it is. It’s callous disregard for human life.
Wild animals make decisions to ensure survival. Tend to the runt of the litter at the expense of the remaining offspring? Or let the runt die to ensure the others survive.
Abandon an inconvenient and impossible to feed brood or starve trying to provide for them? When the required resources for protection of the weak put everyone else at higher risk of death or suffering, the weak become dispensable. Abandoned or killed to preserve resources.
I’m not a farmer. But I was raised by some. The generational divide in attitude about the sanctity of life (any life) was blatant. I couldn’t kill a chicken or a cow to eat. But both my grandparents did.
Our attitudes about the worth of life and the effort to care for those not completely perfect was very different. We lived in the city. But my grandmother’s sister lived on a farm, in a log house in North East Alberta. We visited often. One day, their dog came home whimpering.
He had found a porcupine and came home with a muzzle full of quills.
My uncle got the shot gun and shot him almost immediately. I was stunned. But my grandparents explained that the dog was in pain and it was better to put the dog down than to try to remove the quills.
The strong survive. Those who are born with or develop weaknesses are expendable when too many resources are required to preserve or protect life.
My cousins and I loved that dog. But it was deemed too wasteful of resources and time to save the dog.
I couldn’t understand it.
Nor do I want to. Because I have the resources to protect those I love to the best of my ability.
When resources are available, and we still choose to permit the weak (more vulnerable) to die or suffer, that’s eugenics.
We are making a value statement about worth.
It’s unconscionable that some Canadian premiers have deferred to corporate wealth to preserve resources and maximize profits.
What I find most disturbing is the apathy and resignation of the public to accept that decision because of their own personal suffering for 2 years.
Is it frustrating to wear masks, keep our distance and stay home instead of socialize?
Yes it is.
But it’s repulsive to learn that my life isn’t worthy of the same consideration many in the public have given themselves.
We are what we do.
We’ve been prodded by the far right to adopt indifference and to focus only on our own individual needs and desires.
We cheered healthcare professionals like heroes 2 years ago.
Now we’re ready to leave babies and toddlers to possibly die because they can’t be vaccinated.
We’re ready to let grandma die because it’s not deserving of our limited resources and we tire of being lonely.
We permit our government to select the disabled and health compromised for elimination and extermination because we want our lives back.
We have the resources.
We lack the will to make the effort to protect all.
That’s what indoctrination with libertarian ideology has done to our society. That’s what the truck convoy was demanding. Our indifference and callousness to permit the abandonment of the most vulnerable.
Kenney was quite clear in explaining that if all kids get sick, then the ones who survive can save us from Covid. Eventually.
Except that’s incorrect. Herd immunity is incapable of being achieved with a virus that mutates so quickly.
Conservatives are not after herd immunity. They’re informing you that the vulnerable are a burden and even the strong are expendable.
The wealth of the wealthy is the priority. Not human life.
It’s inspiring that Ukrainians are defending their nation and democracy.
I’m disheartened that most Canadians can’t even protect their own lives, never mind the most vulnerable.
It sickens me knowing so many have just decided to accept hedonistic egoism as their ethical values.
Only those who value their own pleasure over the lives of all others can accept eugenics policies being installed.
My god, what has Canadian society become? Selfish, nihilistic, indifferent, apathetic, disengaged, hedonists willing to let babies, the imperfect and the aged die so they can sip lattes and down beers at their favourite watering holes.
Harper was correct. I don’t recognize Canada anymore.
We are this close to becoming the United States’ Chechnya. Brutal, subservient, callous sycophants to the American oligarchs. Just like Chechnya is to Russia, Putin and his oligarchs.
Get a grip Canada.
Libertarianism is a cancer on our society. When your ideology ignores the needs of ANY human citizen to fulfill your needs and desires, you’ve devolved into inhumanity.
An Alberta provincial justice minister who has been confirmed by the judiciary to have interfered with law enforcement is moved to the immigration file, not fired for corruption.
People like Putin start with interfering with law enforcement. They end up approving thermobaric bombs killing innocent civilians in their demand for absolute power.
Yes. There is a lot of space between Madu and Putin. But that’s where it starts. When corruption is ignored and permitted. When the corrupt act with impunity, they become bolder and crave more power.
The public MUST demand the removal of Madu from the legislature.
It’s about the Russian attack on Ukraine. It looks at a recent article written by Alexandr Dugan who tries to justify the attack and provide rationale for Russia’s claim to Ukraine.
Dugan reveals Putin believes Russia the older, smarter, more experienced brother to Ukraine.
However, this is an inversion of real history. Kyiv is much older than the Russian empire.
Kyiv is the Jerusalem of Eastern Europe. A past Ukrainian king adopted Christianity and annexed the Slavic nations and then established Orthodox Christianity as the official faith.
Wow! Bold support for anti democratic sentiment by indicating Russian FF products will continue to be purchased because of government disapproving Energy East pipeline.
There are an abundance of Ukrainian Canadians in Saskatchewan.
And a lot of deluded and brainwashed evangelical Dominionist Christians and Q’Anon. Thus, a very overlapped Venn diagram.
Moe is intentionally using disinformation to feed into the hatred & vilification of PMJT.
Can Canadians recognize the rot in the conservative political base?
Canadian government is part of the global community fighting on behalf of Ukraine and its independence. But Moe thinks it’s a good idea to promote hatred of PMJT for responding to majority opinion and climate.
I’ve long suspected the wealthy global oligarchs & plutocrats influence on policy prevented any interventions that would stem Putin’s expansionism. Because it would impact their profits.
The same attitude and beliefs that Putin has about Ukrainian lives is being used by Canadian conservatives and GOP republicans to install inhuman Covid policies based on endemicity.
Covid is the 9th deadliest disease in human history.
Wealthy donors (foreign and domestic) paid for religious extremists and radicalized conspiracy theorists to disrupt our nation while disguised militia planned to murder law enforcement officers attempting to dismantle the blockades.
Meanwhile, a bunch of deluded morons disrupted our capital city and tortured downtown Ottawa residents and threatened a coup if their demands weren’t met.
We are in danger, Canada.