I'm watchng numerous posts askng "Why is t UK govt stoppng refugee Ukrainians at t border in France whn they are married to UK nationals?" I think @BeardRichard on 'Private Schools & The Ruin of England' offers insights. So here's a THREAD. I do think everybody shd read ths book.
2. In case those posts haven't come across your Timeline, here's one frm @KenboStewart, who has a 2 week infant son in t car with him. And a Ukrainian wife. He has referred to t UK govt as a "heartless bunch" with "zero compassion" for Ukrainian refugees.
3. Okay, so how did we end up with a "heartless govt"? That's what @BeardRichard is trying to help us understand in his book on boarding school. A boy who boarded himself, he tries to show us HOW emotions of care & empathy were *intentionally* squashed by that system.
4. @BeardRichard talks of the “emotional austerity” that starts “the moment your parents drive away” - the way you have to repress need & longing & pain. That pain is a price. It buys you something important: A future of status & power. So endure it. Nobody is coming to help.
5. And thn that stiff upper lip of repressed emotion enables you to “embody t idealised national character”. T child comes to believe that to “be British” is to BE “emotionlly distanced”. You hv been sent away to school to acquire that nationalised identity: An English Gentleman.
6. Look again at that passage. It actually quotes the same phrase as @KenboStewart : “the hardness of heart [of the educated]”. @BeardRichard is quoting Mahatma Gandhi there, talking of the colonial demands for which public school boys were for so long being ‘hardened’.
7. @BeardRichard talks about a boarding school as a ‘total institution’. That’s a closed-off setting, which inevitably “generates assumptions about identity”. He says British boarding schools led its children to have “delusions about who we were” or “who we ought to want to be”.
8. Ok, so governing politicians in t U.K. today were fed childhood ideas abt their British identity. That training was based in emotional disconnection, in repressing your own distress. “Several times a year, our attachment were broken. We lost everything, pets, toys, siblings.”
9. What happens when your childhood is soaked in unbuffered, unremitting grief & loss? When “you can cry but no one will help”? Well, easy. “Later in life, when we saw other people cry, we felt no need to go to their aid.” YOU BECOME HARD HEARTED.
10. “We were encouraged to disbelieve in what we were feeling and therefore gradually in any inner emotional core. Our brains were used to depersonalise our selves. This was not an optimal psychological outcome, not for England’s leaders, not for anyone.”
11. So when author @archer_rs talks about Ukrainians being turned back from Britain’s border & asks “What has Britain become?”, that’s, sadly, a very timely question. @BeardRichard wrote his book because he’s trying to help the public make sense of just that.
12. Here’s an interestng part of t uncomfortable answer that @BeardRichard offers us: “The Empire saved England from the worst excesses of boys with this particular English education. By the 1980s though, this outlet for t TRAINED HARDNESS OF OUR HEARTS was no longer available.”
13. So there you have a weaving together of lots of themes we have witnessed in the recent past: Brexit, refugees arriving by boat, Covid deaths, parties at Downing Street. England is itself now faced with the hard heartedness it used to be able to export.
14. So - If you hv been raised by an institution to believe that yr personal character is synonymous with “being British”, (in Beard’s terms, your “manifest destiny”) then of course you think t government’s money is YOUR money. It doesn’t belong to taxpayers. It belongs to YOU.
15. So am I arguing that childhood expernces of powerful politicns shd be a sort of public property? I guess I am. Its what @BeardRichard is sayng too. He’s trying to get us to see we ALL suffer if ppl who govern us hv been trained to be hard hearted - inc fathers at our borders.
16. Notably, there’s another illustration of my point also available right now on all our TV screens. Here’s the story of #Ukrainian President Zelensky’s family history. He is the descendant of a family traumatised by the Holocaust. Another childhood yielding impact right now…
17. When @DeborahMeaden of Dragons Den retweeted that last tweet about President Zelensky’s family history, she said simply “Now I understand”. I think @BeardRichard book does essentially the same thing: It helps us understand (who/what Britain is becoming. And why.).
18/end. I believe understandng t WHY of a thing reduces confusion &fear. That’s why I keep talking abt this stuff. Childhoods matter monumentally. Between inflicted UK poverty & inflicted Russian war, millions more childhoods are ths very week being reshaped.
Thanks for reading.
“What do you need for a trauma-informed school?” That was the title of my talk today, t very first live since lockdown!!, w/ 35 staff at @MillofMainsPS in Dundee. Here’s a THREAD on t range of trauma-attentive things they are ALREADY doing to support their childrn.
2. First, what does a GROUP of gathered staff look like?? THIS!! In their brand new, never-before-used Community Hall! #Honoured We came up with ideas for all sorts of community events, to ripple out the insights of today to parents & others, didnt we @geordiepeaches ? 😀
3. New teacher: “I’ve been using cards I made up to let the kids choose how to regulate. They only took me a few minutes to make. They’ve saved me hours of time. It’s like a way for them to tell me what they need even in midst of big emotions.”
Me: “Do you have them handy?”
Should schools hv a Belonging Policy? or Relationship Policy? or a Behaviour Policy? That was t debate on my timeline ystrdy. I thought maybe a THREAD on ATTACHMENT STYLES wd help in navigatng this territory. A 'sense of belonging' sounds cozy, but t biology isn't straightforwrd.
2. John Bowlby's Attachment Theory has been w/ us since t 1930s, but it is still not well understd in professionl systems or t public. That's because it is counter-cultural, complex & has (like all good theories) been critiqued. I'm glad #ACEs has renewed attn to it.
3. Attachmnt is NOT about children. It is about human beings. It is part of our biology - like lungs & hearts. We are BIOLOGICALLY WIRED to NEED CONNECTION in order to thrive emotionlly. At extremes, without enough connection, human babies die. bettercarenetwork.org/news-updates/n…
A surprising number of ppl hv said they've found my recent threads on emotions & Boarding School Survivors to be helpful. So I will just keep thm going, continuing to draw on @axrenton book.
How does knowng more abt this help us make sense of current Westminster chaos? A THREAD.
2. It was a friend who convinced me to keep talking abt this. She texted me this msg: “Yes, most people are baffled by what they see played out at Westminster.”
What we are watchng is a dangerous culture of unleashed emotional trauma. That means HARM is done to others: citizens.
3. Yes, I know there is entitlement going on. Masses of it. But what I think what gets missed is that t sense of entitlmnt is grounded in relational trauma. If most of us don't know much abt elite boardng school culture, how can we see t origins of trauma? @axrenton helps us SEE.
A THREAD on Emotional Containment.
I've just spotted ths post on @jebrittan2 FB page for Boarding School Survivors. I've realised most ppl may not recognise the CONTAINMENT happening in this moment. Mum Diana is helping her child cope with his anxiety by singing together.
2. CONTAINMENT is a physiological process. Whn another person helps you w/ yr worries, it has a biological impact. You feel safer. It isn't as scary. Your body doesn't slip so quickly into overwhelm. After overwhelm comes dissociation. It's too uncomfortable to 'stay' in yr body.
3. The concept of Containment was introduced by psychologists Bion & Winnicott. It is really valuable in understanding what children (people!) need when they are struggling. The responsiveness of another person helps make big feelings more 'tolerable'. c-f-g.co.uk/blog/10-the-co…
Does understanding attachment trauma help to make sense of the governmental chaos & cruelty we are/have been witnessing? I've been reading @axrenton 2017 book 'Stiff Upper Lip' & I thought I'd share some of his insights. THREAD. theguardian.com/books/2017/apr…
2. The boarding school system has been such a part of British culture that it has been challengng & uncomfortable to see it as damaging, abusive, traumatisng. That difficulty exists for those raised in it (they survived it) & for those outside it (they often can't conceive it).
3. But there are more & more voices speaking on this theme. I want to help ensure t wider public is aware of their insights. They intersect w/ t knowledge of trauma, ACEs & childhood distress that is becoming widely understood. These links are rarely picked up in the media, tho.
A THREAD on t emotional impact of Early Boarding Schools. They've been such an institutn w/in British culture that its been hard to contmplate t emotional damage they might leave. But what if that's possible - and t damage ripples to others? How do we TALK abt it? Some videos...
2. Here's @nickduffell incredibly powerful & uncomfortable 1994 documentary 'The Making of Them', which followed young boys heading off to boarding school. Look out for the repressed emotional distress.
3. Here's the incredibly powerful & uncomfortable 2019 animation from @tony2gammidge 'Norton Grim and Me'. He explores the feelings of being sent off to school age 7. I feature Tony's work in my book #TigersAndTeddies. tonygammidge.com/my-films