Der Technikkonzern Ericsson soll im Irak Schmiergelder für Aufträge gezahlt haben – und nicht nur dort. Interne Dokumente, die @ICIJorg zugespielt wurden, zeigen zudem: Damit könnten die Schweden auch die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat unterstützt haben…
Last Sunday, we @SZ@OCCRP published the #SuisseSecrets about the dubious customers & the lack of due diligence at Credit Suisse. The bank responded with a press statement - as it can be misleading, but is nevertheless picked up by many journalists, it is time for some context👇
The bank stated "The matters presented are predominantly historical, in some cases dating back as far as the 1940s". Fact is: more than two-thirds of the #SuisseSecret-accounts were opened since 2000 & several customers confirmed that their accounts are still open in 2022 (!)
The bank stated "90% of the reviewed accounts are today closed or were in the process of closure". But: the #SuisseSecrets do contain info on more than 18000 accounts and we only asked the bank for dozens of them. "90%" is therefore a veeeery small number.
It shows what we knew all along: #MossackFonseca was not one bad apple. The whole system is rotten.
So let’s talk about it. 1/5
But first: the #pandorapapers originate from 14 offshore providers, all around the world. There are some differences, but all in all it’s more or less the same: Their business is: selling secrecy for the superrich, the criminals & the crooks.
This is their biggest asset. 2/5
Politicians are the ones who promised to change that rotten system. We heard their promises now for years.
But the system is not only still in place - it is harboring an endless list of: politicians.
Die Bundesregierung hat nach den #ChinaCables Aufklärung gefordert. Mit ihren Bemühungen ist sie aber nicht wesentlich vorangekommen. Auf Anfrage erklärt das Auswärtige Amt @HeikoMaas: „Seit Ende letzten Jahres hat sich die Lage aus Sicht der Bundesregierung nicht verbessert.“