Looks like an ammunition stockpile just got struck in Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine. Shockwave from the blast can be seen.
None watermarked version.
Assumption here is that this was some form of Thermobaric Projectile/bomb used, of course this can’t exactly be verified by the footage alone, but the footage is suggestive.
FWIW it was the cars, the cars, there is a curfew so why so many cars? Because it wasn’t tonight as being widely reported. Apologies for the wording in the first tweet, glad I caught that one.
FWIW as I’m getting comment questions, I’m yet to see any footage/photos/media of the reportedly downed IL-76’s over night last night. Footage of an AN-26 which was downed the other day is circulating claiming to be related but they are separate events.
I’m in the process of putting the big Red doubt on these reports now. Unless something credible imagery wise shows up.
It’s important to still give time as we’ve seen today for example, some footage of the downed Ukrainian AN-24 from the first day only appeared on social media today, not everything is instant, hence why “in the process” not concluded.
Videos have begun to circulating social media this evening of Russian Topol-M ICBM’s on the move, reportedly in Moscow.
Make of it what you will, everyone will have their own opinion on this one.
It is unclear if this image is the same one or not, sharing for transparency.
I did the usual cross referencing of frames of videos and the pictures across Google lens, Google image search, Yandex and Tineye, I couldn’t see anything in reverse. It’s in Russias interest for these to suddenly appear on social media, be it from tonight or not, but I can’t…
Photos reportedly of the Moldova MILLENNIAL SPIRIT, cause of the damage currently unknown with additional photo of her last known location. Ukrainian SAR (Search and Rescue) is in the area.
.@TankerTrackers are or the opinion it is not the Millennial Spirit but the Namura Queen which is a Panama Flagged vessel, this will completely contradict any of the possible information that was released by the Ukrainian Defense forces above.