How to use Top Down Approach for Stock Selection ?
Concept : Relative Strength
Weak Vs Strong Sectoral Analysis
Weak Vs Strong Stock Analysis
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Step 1 : Choose the Strongest Sector
Use The concept of Relative Strength to identify Strong Sector .
Example Comparing Auto Vs Nifty
Here we can See the 65 RS line is Positive and Increasing meaning A outperformance of AUTO index 2/n
Look For Strongest Sectors
The RS line Should be Preferred Sloping up
Use 65 RS for Short Term and 130 for Midterm Holding 4/n
What do Weak Sectors Look Like ?
Nifty : Pharma Fmcg It
This Sector Should be completely AVOIDED for trading as the whole sector is underperforming 5/n
Now As we have Selected The Strongest Sectors
Lets select the Strongest Stock in that particular Sector Using Stock Vs Sector Analysis
Outperformers : Canara Bank , SBIN
RS settings 6/n
Underperformers are stock that dont even give benchmark returns
PNB bank , Karnataka bank 7/n
Similary in AUTO sector Some Stoccks will be weak and some will be strong .
Bet on the winning hose and not on loosing horse by identifying outperformers .
Example :
Hero Vs Maruti
Which Stock to Select ? 8/n
Trading Strategy and Its Rules
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What is Heikin Ashi? 1. Heikin-Ashi, also called Heiken-Ashi, is translated as an "average bar" in Japanese. 2. The Heikin Ashi strategy is a useful tool used in identifying market trends and
predicting the future prices of assets.
3. The Heikin Ashi can be used alone or in conjunction with candlestick charts. 4. These charts can be very useful as they make it easier to read candlestick charts
and analyze market trends , without noise 3/n
About Darvas :
In the late 1950s, Nicolas Darvas was one half of the highest paid dance team in show business.
Darvas turned a $36,000 investment into more than $2.25 million in a three-year period.
It was on a two-year tour of the world that he initially developed his ‘Darvas Box’ method of screening stocks – a method of picking stocks based on the stock’s price and volume .
1. Avoid Stocks Below 200 ema 2. Sell Stocks in Stage 4 Down Trend 3. Dont Trade Stocks that are moving in Circuits 4. Avoid News based Trading
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A Study Shows that 90% of the winning Stocks stay above 200 ema before a big Advancing Phase
1. Simply Not Holding or Buying Stocks below 200 ema Saves a lot of time and Money. 2. You can looses opportunity Cost if you buy stocks below 200 ema. 3. TimeFrame: Daily 200 ema
B. Sell Stocks in Stage 4 Down Trend
1. Stocks Exhibiting this are in complete Bear Grip 2. The 30 week ema acts as reference for stage analysis 3. These Stocks can be short sold on pullback to 30wema 4. Happens after Topping Phase 5. TimeFrame : Weekly , 30 Week Ema
What is Breakout ?
A breakout is a stock price moving outside a defined support or resistance level with increased volume.
Always trade breakouts in uptrend for high win ratios
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What to Look before entering a breakout ?
Look for Volume Spikes on Up days and Down Volume on down days.
Simply Volume Should Dry during Pullbacks
This is a sign of Accumulation by Bigger Sharks.
As they buy in huge quantities they have to buy in parts to avoid price spikes 2/n
They dont only buy on Uptrend but continue holding during pullbacks for bigger gains .
Important thing is pullbacks should always have less volumes . 3/n