Ukrayna Silahlı Kuvvetleri Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı resmi sosyal medya hesabından #BayraktarTB2 için yazılan şarkıyı "Ukraynalı çocuklar, Gürcüler, Suriyeliler, Çeçenler ve Kırım Tatarları için ceza Bayraktar" sözleriyle paylaştı.
#Ukrainian Ground Forces shared a song written for #BayraktarTB2 on its official social media account with a note of "Punishment of #Bayraktar in the name of #Ukrainian children, Georgians, Syrians, Chechens, and Crimean Tatars."
#Украинские сухопутные войска опубликовали песню, написанную для #BayraktarTB2, в своем официальном аккаунте в социальных сетях с заметкой "Байрактар мстит за украинских детей, грузин, сирийцев, чеченцев и крымских татар".
# Українські сухопутні війська опублікували пісню, написану для #BayraktarTB2, в своєму офіційному акаунті в соціальних мережах з заміткою "Байрактар мстить за українських дітей, грузин, сирійців, чеченців і кримських татар".
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#Fransa'nın #Türkiye alerjisi okullardaki ders kitaplarına sıçradı.
Lise son sınıfta okutulacak tarih kitaplarında Türkiye ve Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan hakkında skandal ifadeler yer alıyor.
Erdoğan'ın Türkiye'yi kademeli olarak otoriter bir rejime götürdüğü ileri sürülüyor.
The anti-Turkish sentiment in #France spread to school curriculums.
The book assigned to senior high school students contain scandal remarks about Turkey and its President, Mr. Erdogan.
According to the book, Erdogan is gradually transforming Turkey into an authoritarian state.
L’aversion de la #France contre la #Turquie arrivent dans les livres scolaires.
Des expressions scandaleuses et des prises de position clair sur la Turquie et le président Erdogan sont constaté dans les livres d’histoires de terminale général dans tout les lycées en France.
78 years ago, a child was born in a port city of the Mediterranean Sea, Sirte, located in the south of Libyan capital, Tripoli. (1/15)
This child member of the Qadhadhfa Bedouin tribe was going to be the ironfisted ruler of his country for 42 years and change the course of his country's history. After being lynched by his people in 2011, Gaddafi left behind a nation divided in every manner. (2/15)
"Field Marshal" Haftar? Is he a real Field Marshal?
The commander of the militias in eastern Libya was promoted to the Field Marshal rank by the president of the Tripoli parliament, Aguila Saleh. Yet, is that an appropriate promotion? (1/10)
After Haftar’s coup attempt in 2014, Haftar was issued as the chief of staff by the president of the Tripoli parliament in March 2015. (2/10)
On the other hand, the Skhirat agreement signed in Tunisia with the UN determined the Government of National Accord as the legitimate political body of Libya. (3/10)