Now, this repo is for an official Google product called TensorFlow, which does wonders in the field of Machine Learning, making it accessible to developers across various platforms, such as desktop, mobile, IoT, and JavaScript.
Jeffrey Hu’s GitHub repo is a fairly straightforward one. His repo has more than 100 Python programming challenges that cater to new developers, intermediate developers, as well as veteran professionals.
Similar to learn-python3, learn-python repository also serves as a handy collection of Python resources for beginners and intermediate learners. The repository uses a collection of Python scripts to cover individual topics in Python
This GitHub repo contains resources for learning and teaching beginner to intermediate-level Python 3. The contents of this repo are very well structured and in Jupyter Notebooks.
First released in March 2018 by João Ventura, full-speed-python is essentially a book that covers the fundamentals of Python along with more advanced topics with a significant emphasis on practical learning.
Coding-problems contains an updated collection of solutions to numerous coding and algorithmic problems that new programmers face while learning data structures and algorithms.
1. ls - view contents of directory (list) 2. pwd - path of the current directory 3. cd - change directoryn 4. mkdir - make new directory 5. mv - move files / rename files 6. cp - copy files 7. rm - remove files
8. touch - create blank new file 9. rmdir - delete directory 10. cat - list content of file to terminal 11. clear - clear terminal window 12. echo - move data into a file 13. less - Read text file one screen at a time 14. man - show manual of Linux commands
1. We Are Legion – The Story Of The Hacktivists 2. The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story Of Aaron Swartz - 3. Hackers Wanted - 4. Secret History Of Hacking -