You can start to see it, the visible rear area Russian formations look more alert. They may not have air superiority, and AD units are becoming keenly aware that there may be enemy aircraft overhead.
The offensive to the east of Kyiv has made some significant progress, bypassing Sumy to move heavier units towards Kyiv. Granted they’re working with a long supply line but they seem to be rolling over a lot of stuff in their way.
It’s been a week since Russia kicked off direct hostilities against Ukraine, and here’s where we stand.
First, Russian forces have absolutely met stiffer resistance and failed to meet initial goals.
Kyiv and Kharkiv remain in Ukrainian hands.
The initial campaign of strikes failed to cause crippling damage to the warfighting abilities of the Ukrainians, especially the air defense network and Air Force
The RUAF has also been surprisingly absent from the fighting, some explanations have been put forward for that.
The Russian southern offensive was much more successful in the first few days, as it captured major objectives and secured bridgeheads over the Dnieper River.
Initial Russian offensives in the north, especially around Kyiv, were disastrous. VDV forces took heavy losses