2/13 Please meet Ava, one of my closest friends and an incredibly talented artist.
3/13 Ava and her husband Paul, who have three lovely daughters, were among the rocks who got me through the very difficult times related to my doxxing and other personal issues. It is no exaggeration to say that they helped save my life.
4/13 Ava has been a friend for years and has a wicked sense of humour. For example, here is a quick sketch of Donald Trump as a cheese doodle she made for me while supervising one of the school dances. I have it proudly displayed on my wall at home.
5/13 But she also creates art that, in my humble opinion, would look right at home next to any Art Nouveau artist.
6/13 Now, despite being incredibly talented and kind and probably the best people I know, Ava and her family have struggled. Financial and health issues have caused far too much pain to people who just can't seem to get a break.
7/13 So if you remember a week or so back I had mused about creating a Go Fund Me? Well, I had Ava and her family in mind. However unbeknownst to me Ava finally decided to create a Patreon account which I think is even better.
8/13 It took a hell of a lot of courage for Ava to do this as she and her family are very hard working but, as I noted, just can't get a break.
And circumstances that I won't get into have become urgent.
9/13 But by creating a Patreon, Ava has the chance to earn an income doing something that she is amazing at so I plan on doing everything I can to make it a success.
10/13 Perhaps my dream is a bit unrealistic, but I imagine 1000 people contributing $5 a month. If that were to happen it would fundamentally change this family's circumstances.
While perhaps that might not happen, I know that any bit will help
11/13 I know there is a lot of need out there, but this family is very dear to me personally. They are GOOD people. They are kind. They need a bit of help.
12/13 So I'm asking you, if you are financially able to do so, please consider becoming a monthly contributor.
For those who are not financially able to do so, I would ask that you consider sharing this campaign.
13/13 If I have amassed any social capital as a result of the work I've been doing over the past several years and especially the past month, I can't think of any better way to spend it.
3. Pat King is also still in jail having been denied bail, but he seems to think that he has found the magic formula to get himself out... he just needs his supporters to pony up $100,000.
2. Probably the biggest #OttawaOccupy event today is Pat King's bail hearing. I'll get to that shortly, but my most important news of the day is that I'm starting to kick as at Wordle.
Wordle 251 5/6
3. The fine folks at @antihateca are live tweeting the hearing. Big news there is the Crown brought forth new evidence that may affect the decision to grant bail and are asking t reopen the hearing.
2. Because the world has gone mad and most attention is being paid to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there probably won't be may updates in this thread. In fact as a lot of right-wing extremists have turned their attention to supporting Putin I'll probably soon focus on that.
3. However, in the meantime, we see a fascinating response to the end of the Emergency Act.
The supporters of the #OttawaOccupation appear to believe that they won?
2. Sort of taking a bit of a break. Things look slowish right now (though I haven't actually done a deep dig) so I figured that this would be an appropriate time.
3. That said, I missed this when it first came out.
2. While I haven't been focusing on the QAnon self-proclaimed Queen, Romana Didulo and her entourage continue to hold court in Ottawa in their world that continues to be divorced from reality.
3. But even she seems to recognize that it is time to go home.