2. While I haven't been focusing on the QAnon self-proclaimed Queen, Romana Didulo and her entourage continue to hold court in Ottawa in their world that continues to be divorced from reality.
3. But even she seems to recognize that it is time to go home.
4. Chris Saccoccia (aka Chris Sky) continues to try to will things into existence.
6. Both Tamara Lich and Pat King remain in jail, however they were both featured on "Last Week Tonight" with John Oliver thus immortalizing their infamy internationally.
7. Alex Vriend appears to recount his encounter with the police which led to his being taken into custody with accompanying video.
10. #OttawaOccupation supporter and participant Jim Kerr posts videos of police action against the occupiers.
11. It is funny how many "back the blue" folks no longer "back the blue" when they realize the police aren't used to put down Indigenous, BLM, environmentalist, and anti-capitalist protests exclusively (even though the #OttawaOccupiers were still treated gently by comparison).
12. Get prepared?
That doesn't sound especially non-violent to me.
13. In Alberta, QAnon and Trump acolyte (and now apparently Diagolon supporter) Logan Murphy promotes the next protest which sort of has the feeling of the regular protests that take place. As it isn't on a weekend we'll see how it turns out for them.
21. Chris Saccoccia (aka Chris Sky) brags about how he was "right again" because someone on Rumble reposts a conspiracy theory that Chris himself shared having heard it from someone else.
22. He also posted a video about condemning the police who acted to arrest the #OttawaOccupiers as well as the police and military who didn't, and let's be honest about what he is suggesting, help engage in a coup against a democratically elected government.
23. Question.
Do you think Mr. Teeth is allergic to sleeves?
24. But mostly he is back to narcistic event planning.
25. I had a brain fart when I wrote earlier that the QAnon self-proclaimed Queen was returning to Victoria. She actually wrote she was going to the east coast. I'm guessing this is part of her royal tour of her domain.
Here is her proposed itinerary (subject to rv rental).
26. "New Foundland.
Don't assume this is a typo. She may have decided to rename the province.
27. She is also back to making pronouncements on world events such as pulling out Canadian troops from Ukraine despite Canada not actually having troops stationed in Ukranine.
28. Oh, and she formally recognizes Russia's right to annex territory in Ukraine.
How magnanimous of her!
30. Also, this to ensure her subjects that this is all her brain child.
31. "Nobody writes my Speeches or gives me notes."
Earlier today Jim Kerr drove by although he apparently thinks it is Saturday, February 20 which is wrong because it is Monday February 20 a Saturday was February 19.
35. It is Monday, February 21.
It is not Monday, February 20 as I wrote in tweet #33.
2. First a few things I caught before but didn't post.
First, Tyler Russell of the hate group Canada First believes because he was on a far-right video stream which attracts far-right listeners that they are "inevitable."
Folks, classic example of the echo chamber at work.
2. So I left off talking about Pat King's stream last night and though it was a bit later in the clip, Pat actually used they "I have a Jewish" lawyer argument to "prove" he isn't a racist.
2. I was sent this yesterday. It is a clip of another occupier that catches Pat King in a conversation.
Pat said he was sick but got better. He then adds that this is "survival of the fittest" which is an odious suggestion that those who die are not fit to live.
3. Now I don't want to focus a lot on Pat King, but he did post a "patrol" video last night.