The reason all famous analysts got it wrong, are getting it wrong and will keep getting wrong is because they keep seeing Russians as .... Europeans.
The only European parts of Russian Federation (no such thing as Russia) are Moscow downtown and St. Petersburg downtown.
Out those two spots people don't see themselves as European, they don't want to be European and actually hate Europeanism.
Russians are not Europeans or Asians, they are just Russians, in their point of view.
The entire theology of the Russian Church of the 19th-20th century is anti-West, due to the fact that Christians in the Ottoman empire ceased doing theology for 400 years.
We can even define the Russian Identity (which does not exist) in via Negativa mode, Russians are neither europeans not Asians.
Anti-West theology has been the basis of the Russian Empire/Federation for the last 100+ years.
Because Russians controlled the orthodox theology in the 19th-20th century, anti-West theology was adopted by the new satanic ethno-churches, the satanic church of Greek, Bulgarian, Serb, Romanian church etc, during the disintegration of Ottomans.
When the Albanian born Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagora made peace with the Pope in 1963, those satanic churches hated him, and hate him to this day.
Up until 10 years ago, anti-West theology was standard theology in the entire ethno-orthodox world.
Things have changed only because current Patriarch Bartholomew went against Russian Church head-on, seeking unification with Rome, all these during last 10 years.
Now, a pro-West theology is appearing in the orthodox world, trying to shed its satanic ethno past.
So, all these commentaries about Nato this, or Russia that, including Russians as Europeans, are entirely wrong and they will keep not understanding Kirill and Putin for as long as anti-West theology is not treated as fundemantal part of cause of war.
We have confirmation from a well known russologist about Patriarch Kirill being one of the founders of Ruskii Mir Theology in 1993, posted on the website of an organization which Kirill himself controls.
The idea which only I insisted about, that Putin would attack on Religious Reasons, to seize Kyiv, the Jerusalem of the Rus (in their mindset), has now made the main stream media.
#krisonomics was the absolute first one to tell you that Putin was suffering mentally and spiritually that it was him who lost the Holy Kyivan Rus, the Jerusalem of the Rus, to the Americans.
#krisonomics told you from 2014 that supply chains were breaking down and globalization was dying while working as Sales Engineer in Toronto, seeing how quality of parts and their delivery time was dropping.
As a Supply Chains Engineer, as you know, I always keep in mind supply chains.
War is one thing.
Ceasefire is another thing.
After war is another thing.
We are seeing Ukraine infrastructure being destroyed.
We are seeing Ukraine supply chains being destroyed.
Whoever wins the first stage leading up to a ceasefire, will have to face the fact that people need jobs and need food.
Even Putin still has a restraining order on bombing civilians and hasn't bombed power generation yet, as he sees himself as Liberator, not Invader, who would have to manage people during the ceasefire or after war.
#krisonomics teaches that there is no such thing as PUTINISM. Putin is doing exactly what most Russians want him to do, seize control of The Jerusalem Of Russians, Holy Kievan Rus, in their mindset.
Since Joe Biden (as representative of Washington DC consensus) is defending Kyiv successfully thus far, Putin, in case of immediate failure to seize Kyiv and a ceasefire, would resort to Tactical Nukes and Asymmetric War, in the next few weeks or months.
Putin's strategy is that the West, due to breakdown of supply chains, will eventually give up.
Putin and Patriarch Kirill think that Christian Jihad is a stronger theology than Western Liberalism.