This is another indication that the US would block any peace deal to end the Russia-Ukraine war and that they treat Ukraine and Ukrainians just as tools to fight Russia.
"Various hawks care little about the potentially disastrous consequences of an escalation of armed hostilities for Ukraine and ordinary Ukrainians. They regard Ukraine only as a tool for geopolitical goals—in particular, the containment of Russia..."…
Wow! As I predicted, Trump envoy Steve Witkoff says that Spring 2022 Istanbul agreement, which was "very close to signing," can be "guidepost" of peace deal to end war in Ukraine. Istanbul peace deal included no NATO accession/neutrality & disarmament of Ukraine. Annexation of Donbas & Kherson & Zaporizhzia regions by Russia are also likely to be part of new peace deal. So many lives of Ukrainians could have been saved if US & UK did not block this peace deal in Spring 2022 & Zelensky signed it.
Nuland basically admitted that Ukraine-Russia peace deal, which was close to being finalized in spring 2022, “fell apart” because US, UK & other Western governments “advised” Zelensky government not to sign it.
Ex Israeli prime minister said that US and other Western leaders blocked Ukraine & Russia peace deal which he negotiated on Zelensky request in March 2022 because they wanted to continue to strike Putin. He said that there was good chance of such deal.
Community note is fake.
As I predicted, Trump states that he wants elections in Ukraine & suggests that Zelensky would lose elections because he has 4% approval. My research suggests that Zelensky has very low electoral support. His 16% electoral support in 2024 poll was inflated & is lower now. I said in my interview that Trump can remove Zelensky by using expiration of his term as president of Ukraine & forcing presidential elections if Zelensky refuses peace deal.
16% electoral support for Zelensky in 2024 poll was inflated & is lower now.… "Just 16 per cent would vote to re-elect him for a second term, according to an opinion poll of 1,200 Ukrainians by the Social Monitoring Centre in Kyiv. About 60 per cent would prefer Zelensky not to even stand for re-election." And polls significantly overestimate his popularity in Ukraine because of exclusion of pro-Russian Crimea & Donbas & fear to express views contrary to undemocratic Zelensky regime.
"Trump can also remove Zelensky by using expiration of his term as president of Ukraine & forcing presidential elections."
US & EU grants funded Ukrainian prosecutors, Maidan lawyers, journalists, & New York architecture firm researchers, who misrepresented Maidan massacre & covered up mass murderers. I funded 11 years of my research from my own money. My house & all other property were seized in Ukraine in retaliation for my studies of this massacre.
Ongoing crowdfunding, my own money & small university grants have funded open access fees to pay publishers to make my book & articles concerning this crucial massacre free. I forwent royalties for my "Maidan Massacre in Ukraine. The Mass Killing that Changed the World" book to make it open access.
And all this has been accompanied by rhetoric of US, EU, & Ukraine officials about supporting Ukraine, Ukrainian voices, democracy, freedom, rule of law, justice, human rights, independent media, and Ukrainian scholars.
My open access book "Maidan Massacre in Ukraine. The Mass Killing that Changed the World." This book & its individual chapters already have over 255,000 views & downloads just on Springer Nature website in 5 months since publication. ……
My open access peer-reviewed journal article: The Maidan Massacre Trial and Investigation Revelations: Implications for the Ukraine-Russia War and Relations.
This article has nearly 99,000 full-text views & downloads just on publisher website.…
"Several major Ukrainian media outlets have appealed to their readers for financial support due to the suspension of American grant programs by the new President Donald Trump.
In particular, Hromadske and BihusInfo directly report this. "Some of the projects that we implement thanks to grants are temporarily stopped. That is why we especially need the support of each and every one of you," writes Hromadske.
"The agency (USAID) covered a significant part of our activities. Therefore, now the role of donations from viewers is changing from an alternative source to one of the key ones. What will happen in 90 days, we do not know, but we know one thing: now is the time to find out whether our work is really needed by Ukrainian society," the editorial board of BihusInfo noted.
"Ukrainska pravda" and "Detector Media" also asked for donations, but did not directly name the suspension of USAID projects as the reason for this."…
Major Ukrainian media outlets financed by the US and other Western governments, such as Ukrainska pravda & Detektor media, propagated the war to the last Ukrainian, glorified & whitewashed neo-Nazi-led Azov, the OUN, and the UPA, & smeared anyone who opposed this as Russian agents paid by Kremlin. Many Ukrainians were fooled by such propaganda which was in fact sponsored by the US and other Western governments.
In his @TuckerCarlson interview, @TheOliverStone says that evidence heavily points to neo-fascists who shot Maidan protesters from rooftops & that this massacre led to Western-backed overthrow of Ukrainian government. My scholarly studies show such overwhelming evidence of far-right involvement in false-flag Maidan massacre of protesters & police, including videos of Right Sector & Svoboda-linked Maidan snipers, confessions by 14 self-admitted Maidan snipers, testimonies of absolute majority of wounded Maidan activists & several hundred witnesses, forensic ballistic & medical examinations by government experts & even de facto admission in Maidan massacre trial verdict in Ukraine that many Maidan protesters were shot from Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina.…
The Maidan Massacre in Ukraine. The Mass Killing that Changed the World.…
"This open access book provides a comprehensive analysis of the Maidan massacre in Ukraine. The book draws on publicly available videos, photos and audio recordings of the massacre in English, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish and other languages, along with several hundred individual testimonies and revelations from the Ukrainian investigation and a trial and its verdict. By examining which parties were responsible for the massacre, the book analyses its implications for not only Russia’s war on Ukraine but also political developments across the globe."
The Maidan Massacre Trial and Investigation Revelations: Implications for the Ukraine-Russia War and Relations…
"The absolute majority of wounded Maidan protesters, nearly 100 prosecution and defense witnesses, synchronized videos, and medical and ballistic examinations by government experts pointed unequivocally to the fact that the Maidan protesters were massacred by snipers located in Maidan-controlled buildings."