This is the fastest way to think of these concepts. An #SEO Specialist can just focus on the most important tasks and that's it.
NLG is the most popular now due to text generation services.
The most common language to test different NLP tasks is #Python. The SEO community clearly prefers it due to its simplicity and relatively ease of use.
It's a great replacement for Excel but gives its best at scripting and NLP.
These distinctions are not practically relevant when you write code. They are important to understand the theory and the difference between tasks.
If you want to just practice you can jump to code!
The most common tasks that are useful for SEO involve:
While some other tasks like Sentiment Analysis are great and cool, they are less useful than what I mentioned before for optimization.
Ok sentiment may play a vital role when writing some pieces of content but it's not crucial in general.
There are new and advanced NLP tools right now and some of them combine Knowledge Graphs.
If you are working on big projects I recommend you to use prebuilt tools and not even bother to reinvent the wheel.
On the contrary, smaller projects or even prototypes can be solved with custom solutions. This will help you in understanding what I usually mean that sometimes you have to get by.
Python is the most valuable companion in most (but not all) cases.
Modern NLP is focused on the so-called transformers, models with a specific type of architecture. I will cover them in detail in another thread as this would be too complex for the moment.
While an SEO Specialist is not interested in going too deep into technical details, it is highly beneficial to have general culture on such topics.
This is to improve communication with technical people and to have a more complete understanding of patents.
I will cover more details in the next threads. I am studying everyday to improve my knowledge on the topic and especially on the most important concepts.
For Pythonistas, the NLP libs I recommend are:
- transformers
- BERTopic
- spaCy
- nltk
- openai
The ones I use the most for the moment.
I admit that most sources are super confusing and sometimes contradicting each other.
An SEO Specialist doesn't need to understand the details, a high level overview is more than enough.
Learn it once and try to focus on practical applications instead.
Moving on to practical applications for industries, the goal is to create systems that reduce manual work and get you better insights.
Modern SEO analysis has better tools now and can deliver significantly improved outputs.
Even an open-source "tool" like Python can be good.
You don't need to go big at the start. Test the libraries I suggested above and see what works for you.
You can enchance your SEO analyses by including new details, such as entities or n-grams.
While they're cool, they need to be justified and communicated properly.
NLP technologies will be even more predominant in the future and for good reasons.
This umbrella term could include NLG and NLU as well, as explained before.
That's why studying some Linguistics is always a good idea.
One of the most underrated content on the web. This is pure gold and so are the other articles that often mention NLP.
Using #Python for content optimization in #SEO? You must be crazy, man.
And yet, there are some cool applications I will show you in this thread 🧵
Named entity recognition (NER). Extract named entities from a text to see what your competitors or Wikipedia are using for a given topic.
This is not about keywords but the co-occurrence of specific terms.
You can do that via Google NLP API or spaCy. The first can give you a measure of the importance of the entities, called salience. The higher, the most relevant for that text.
The second one has different perks and can be trained, meaning that you can make domain-specific models.
[Case study]: How I got a publisher website past 400K sessions per month with Semantic #SEO and careful planning.
This is my longest thread so far and I will try to document all the steps I followed and the main takeaways. 🧵
The niche is pop culture (actually two subsets) and the market is Italy. Zero budget as it is a test project and I am just helping a friend of mine.
Everyone is writing and the most important skill, in this case, is knowing the industry.
The first thing I did was to do a technical audit back then to spot serious issues. Since I know the niche I can tell that it's not so important unless it's dragging you down.
The technical situation of the website wasn't that bad.
Some of the best things to do to step up your #SEO game imho.
This is a list of considerations that are not often discussed. We tend to focus more on hard skills rather than spending some time to understanding ourselves.
This is a thread based on my personal experience 🧵
Read more about patents and understand what happens behind the scenes.
This is necessary to understand why certain phenomena happen and how search engines could evolve in the next future.