In Berlin main station 15000 dear Ukrainian people arrive very day, about 1000 are housed DAILY by Berlin council, the other families ans friends move on to other cities in Germany and beyond.
I love Germany 🇩🇪. It’s where my family originated from.
But 1/
2/ so so much more needs to be done.
Housing and giving a home abroad when people are fleeing is one thing.
And the country where I am also a citizen of,the UK 🇬🇧,is currently NOT doing enough to help those who are in that desperate situation. My other people (Germans) 2/
3/ caused the biggest World War and suffering across the globe (along with colonization which Germans, British, Spanish, Portuguese etc caused , so I am mindful of what I am saying and not saying here:
But my PARENTS also fled the Russians in 1945 from the East to the West … 3/
4/ and while I have felt this guilt about what suffering and deaths my Parents generation caused to the world and also to the Eastern European Countries,which was horrendous, I am also aware that every day is a new day to do things DIFFERENTLY, and every generation is there 5/
6/ to do things differently.
Giving refuge to the Ukrainian sisters and brothers and friends here in the West is one thing (in my view Ukraine is part of the West as well by the way 🇺🇦😍😍👍🏼) but I want to stress we need to do MORE to HELP our friends IN UKRAINE, on the ground
7/ and in the air. It is not too late , so here’s my appeal:
DELIVER MORE air defense batteries,more iron dome type technology into Ukraine , give our Ukrainian brothers and sisters the arms and tools they need. And those of other countries who have gone in their to help and
8/ fight . Money,weapons , expertise , through everything we can at this, help fight Ukraine. Not because „the war will not end there and Putin will go further“, no ,because we #LoveUkraine ,we don’t want this amazing lovely stunning historic fantastic homely country in shatters
9/ ,we want to stop Putin here and there and rebuilt Ukraine, we want to see democracy maintained , we don’t want Putins torture chambers across Ukraine,we don’t want the K GB arresting random pregnant Mums or loving Dads as it happened in Eastern Ukraine in Russian occupied
10/ territory since the assault on Crimea . Some dear Mums or single People had been held there for two years. This has happened (see documentary on German TV) already in the past 8 years. Imagine what Putin does once he has Ukraine. No, we don’t want that for this fantastic
11/ people of Ukraine,my brothers and sisters .
I spent my childhood (first 20 years) going in and out of Eastern Germany with my parents hiding Western supplies under our kids car seats for our friends in the East (I lived in the West, in Euskirchen near Cologne).
I remember as
12 / a Child how our car is being searched at the border by Eastern German troops and their Russian intelligence officers (Putin was a German speaking KGB officer in East Germany at that time and he already brought terror and suffering then!) . My family supported East German
13/ Church Pastors who were terrorized by the „Stasi“ ,the East German Secret service which was of course directed and supported by the Russian KGB - including Putin- as well.
So,yes , ALL this what’s happening to and in Ukraine at the hands of Putin is NOT new, we have seen it
14/ all over the years.
It brings back the fear and terror - but unified and United we stand against this pure evil now.
We see this , It’s all in the open, it has never been clearer , what Putin DOES and what he WANTS with force. He wants geopolitical Europe. He’s age 70 now
15/ Putin wants to see his geopolitical Victory in Europe in his LIFETIME. We see all this . He chat fool anyone any more.
And the price - Putin doesn’t care about the price and cost of human suffering and that Ukraine is an independent democratic country, he couldn’t care less
16/ That’s why he lets 18 year old Russian soldiers shoot pregnant Ukrainian Mums in Maternity Hospitals , that’s why 25 year old Russian soldiers who were thinking they’re in a training exercise are now bombing babies and elderly loving Ukrainian Grandparents who are/ were
17/ “loved to bits” by their grandchildren and children. That’s why Putin now let’s his Russian soldiers - who KNOW what they’re doing - rape Ukrainian Mums and single women, let’s them loot dear family homes ,he lets them shoot with tanks at civilian cars ,family cars of those
18 / who are trying to flee this barbaric inhumane unprovoked brutal assault which is a war crime of highest nature.
Putin wants this now, this advance , these murders ,this ,in his view,revenge for the fall of the iron curtain, he wants the Soviet Union, the “UDSSR” how we said
19 / in Germany) back ,and he wants it back in his life time.
That’s why he wants this now.
Thats also why he won’t stop unless we stop him.
He’s laughing at the Wests diplomatic efforts! He’s laughed in the days before the assault on Ukraine and he’s still laughing now
20/ We need to stop him laughing.
He wants to be the „Zar“, the Herold of the re-invented Cold War Soviet Union, he wants to be forever remembered . Yes, Putin is like Hitler, out of control. The West and it’s Allies along with the brave Ukrainians have to STOP him now! Because
21/ his aim is revenge , his aim is the geopolitical Europe. He has everything else in life,remember , he has wealth,family ,power, now he wants to make himself eternal by warfare and murders in Europe.
He must be stopped.
Therefore, please , #StandWithUkraine ,remain
23 / what’s happening in front of our eyes,in our life-Time,here,now. Not yesterday in History books ,not tomorrow ans we won’t see it - it is here. The brutal assault on the #Ukraine️ is NOW.
Wake up,West, and help your sisters and brothers ,fellow humans in Ukraine with
24/ all you have.
Let’s do it.
And to @strategywoman ,Yaroslava, I say: please keep posting, you are the face of Ukraine for us.
You are brave, keep going and keep safe!!
And thank you for all you wrote in your WarTimeDiaries so far.
“I am deeply saddened by the tragic death of Valeriia (Lera) Maksetska, a member of our Chemonics family. She was killed in a village west of Kyiv while trying to get medication for her sick mother. The car she was in was gunned down by a Russian tank. 1/2
2/2 “Lera and Yaroslav, her driver, were killed, and her mother, Irina, was injured and later died from her wounds.
Like all our staff in Ukraine, Lera was deeply committed to her work and the goal of strengthening Ukraine’s democracy.”
3/ “As a procurement manager on one of our Ukraine programs, she had spent years honing a keen ability to figure out how to get the goods +services her Ukrainian brothers+sisters needed to promote tolerance+unity in the face of increasing Russian aggression.”
For my fellow Londoners: Euston Station in London has just been closed due to someone having been hit by a train on the Victoria Line which goes through Euston as well.
As a consequence there’s no Victoria Line either.
(Announcement in the Northern Line tube carriage just now)
1/Watching the EU making statements in unity about Putins war murders makes you realize the UK is standing on the side lines.Ministers barely making random visits to the Polish border for photo shoots for British tabloid papers
What was the reason for leaving a block of 500 Mio?
2/ … What was the reason to leave the EU, the block of 500 Mio people and 27 countries again? Oh yes, #ToryBrexitDisaster was about limiting Immigration into our country because we Brits need those houses and Jobs and Money that the evil people (like me, I’m on both sides) from
3/ “abroad” are taking from “the natives” in the UK 🤦🏻… . Everyone here has ancestors who came to Britain. That’s the funny side of that one.
The not funny part is finding out more every day how the Tories bowed to the Russian money,took it and hence became complicit in weaken
It really is unbelievable that the whole world is watching our fellow humans die on the streets+in the houses of Ukraine and the Tories have absolutely no intention to sanction Russian Banks before Putins friends have moved their money.
The irony is, if I may add this detail, that many NHS Nurses like me are regulars at Food Banks. And have been for a while.
So here we have Tory MP’s taking a brutal War Lords’ money by the tens of thousands and STILL accept that he’s murdering a COUNTRY while NHS staff despair.
We NHS Nurses despair financially. +those who cannot work-for millions justifiable reasons(+they shouldn’t have to justify themselves all the time because everyone is such a valuable part of society just for the fact that they exist)get taken away the last £20 of Universal Credit