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Mar 12th 2022
In Berlin main station 15000 dear Ukrainian people arrive very day, about 1000 are housed DAILY by Berlin council, the other families ans friends move on to other cities in Germany and beyond.
I love Germany 🇩🇪. It’s where my family originated from.
But 1/
2/ so so much more needs to be done.
Housing and giving a home abroad when people are fleeing is one thing.
And the country where I am also a citizen of,the UK 🇬🇧,is currently NOT doing enough to help those who are in that desperate situation. My other people (Germans) 2/
3/ caused the biggest World War and suffering across the globe (along with colonization which Germans, British, Spanish, Portuguese etc caused , so I am mindful of what I am saying and not saying here:
But my PARENTS also fled the Russians in 1945 from the East to the West … 3/
Read 24 tweets
Mar 5th 2022
1/Watching the EU making statements in unity about Putins war murders makes you realize the UK is standing on the side lines.Ministers barely making random visits to the Polish border for photo shoots for British tabloid papers

What was the reason for leaving a block of 500 Mio?
2/ … What was the reason to leave the EU, the block of 500 Mio people and 27 countries again? Oh yes, #ToryBrexitDisaster was about limiting Immigration into our country because we Brits need those houses and Jobs and Money that the evil people (like me, I’m on both sides) from
3/ “abroad” are taking from “the natives” in the UK 🤦🏻… . Everyone here has ancestors who came to Britain. That’s the funny side of that one.
The not funny part is finding out more every day how the Tories bowed to the Russian money,took it and hence became complicit in weaken
Read 13 tweets

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