Putin's war on Ukraine will either be the catalyst that revives the spirit & credibility of NATO or the end of the global order. As the Korean War shaped NATO after its birth under Harry Truman's vision of containing Communism, this is democracy vs authoritarianism. 1/13
Retreating from Putin to hide behind a piece of paper is too familiar to Ukrainians . The 1994 Budapest Memorandum promised Ukraine's territorial integrity in exchange for its nuclear arsenal. USA & UK rushed to deny it was a guarantee when Putin invaded in 2014. 2/13
As with NATO today, lack of contractual obligation does not equal prohibition nor a lack of moral and strategic necessity. It's about political will and the choices of leaders. The refusal to defend Ukraine in 2014 led directly to Putin's escalation now. 3/13
Yet they are eager to repeat the mistake, ignoring that every act of appeasement makes Putin's inevitable escalation more dangerous. This overconfidence affects not only Putin, but the generals who give orders and press even the biggest button. 4/13
Instead of knowing that escalation will seal their own fate, they begin to believe there will be no retaliation because there hasn't been in the past. This is what I have warned against for so long. Impunity breeds carelessness, overconfidence, and catastrophe. 5/13
As Truman and the other architects of the Cold War understood, credibility in deterrence means not having to use force. If your enemy believes you will not use force, you will be pressed until you do or until you are destroyed. There is no middle ground. 6/13
Russia is not the only nation with a nuclear deterrent. If Putin & his generals are certain they will be annihilated if they use nuclear weapons, they will not. If they doubt the West will retaliate, the odds of Russian use in UKR & E Europe is higher. 7/13
How will their calculations be influenced by allowing Ukraine to be destroyed or by defending it? Putin may be a madman, but his generals are not delusional. They know NATO could obliterate the Russian military. Its refusal to do so in Ukraine sends a message. 8/13
Why are US/NATO ships not moving to the Baltic Sea? Why are significant forces not being sent to the UKR border? If you hadn't noticed, Putin doesn't need to be "provoked" to escalate or attack innocents. Weakness provokes. Strength prevents. 9/13
Cities are being destroyed. Thousands killed, millions displaced. Waiting in the hope of making an agreement with the mass murderer in the Kremlin is repulsive. There is no real victory if Russia stays in Ukraine or if Putin stays in power, only next time. 10/13
Ukraine is a sovereign nation, or is it only Putin who doesn't believe that? Any forces coming to Ukraine's aid will be there at the invitation of its legitimate leader. Conceding all of Ukraine to an invader without a fight is absurd. 11/13
Declare safe zones and corridors for refugees and supplies. Invent whatever legal framework you want, knowing that Putin doesn't care about such things at all. If Putin is given free reign to obliterate Ukraine, what world are we fighting for? 12/13
NATO nations, led by the United States, are being challenged to stand up for the values of human life & liberty while Ukraine bleeds. Those are Putin's real targets and destroying Ukraine is a means to that end. He must not succeed. Glory to Ukraine. 13/13
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Were the RAND "experts" who wrote this in Foreign Policy on Jan 21 advising the White House? Are they still doing it? "The Ukrainian military... poses little deterrent threat to Russia; provision of U.S. weapons can do nothing to change that."
Is this sort of analysis the reason the US declined to arm the hell out of Ukraine to deter Putin's invasion and prepare for it, despite their own intel saying it was definitely going to happen? Instead, they waited until tanks were rolling & still lagged behind Europe.
It jibes with how the WH seemed to be looking forward a rapid UKR defeat, moving directly to its comfort zone of negotiating with a new Putin puppet ruler in Ukraine as he consolidated control & liquidated opposition as in E Ukraine.
After the USSR fell, there was no accounting for the Soviet horrors committed, no lustration or truth commissions. Do not prepare only for The Hague war crime trials of Putin's officials after this war, but for every Russian to know these stories.
Despite being utterly defeated in the Cold War & the myth of Russian humiliation popularized by Putin & his propagandists, Russia was invited to join the civilized world, aided and with its pride as a once-great power indulged. It was a huge mistake, the original sin.
Instead of deprogramming generations of Russians and ripping out the security service structure root and branch, it was allowed to lurk in the shadows until Putin & his backers seized their chance. It cannot happen again.
More mixed signals from the Biden admin. Are they trying to confuse Putin or are they confused themselves? Blinken says sanctions not permanent. Russia still active in Iran deal. Then Biden calls Putin a war criminal. Action needed, not words.
My questions: What about Crimea & Donbas? What if Putin signs the papers but doesn't really leave, as in Georgia? What about reparations to Ukraine? Why make deals with a war criminal you know you cannot trust?
Is the US is declining to send its best weapons to Ukraine immediately in order to avoid the total destruction of Putin's forces in Ukraine, which would jeopardize the White House's higher priority of the Iran deal? If not, what is the reason?
This is it. All the things America still says it stands for–independence, democracy, self-determination–Ukraine is fighting to survive to defend them against a dictator who wants to destroy them everywhere.
The UN has become a platform for dictators. The EU & NATO stand by. As Zelensky says, a coalition of democracies is needed, as John McCain and I proposed many years ago. Putin's war on Ukraine is the start of a new global order, but it must not be the one he wants.
Ukraine is the hot war on the front line of this war on values Zelensky talks about. But it is happening all over the world. The free world forgot how to fight, how to care, thought it didn't need to anymore. It was wrong and it must remember.
An example of short-term thinking in the free world, focusing only on what happens NOW instead of planning for next year & the next generation. Had a policy of "dictatorship replacement" started 8 years ago, think of how different things would be now. Stop panicking and plan.
Instead of institutional consistency and strategy, the US & EU look only at the next poll. Any solution that won't pay immediate dividends on social media or by the next election is discarded. Germany discarding its nuclear plants for Russian gas, etc.
This frequently fails despite the massive power advantage the West has because dictatorships can move quickly. Putin doesn't care about a Congress or public opinion. Democracies must debate, process, pass laws.
Say you will not listen to me because I have always hated Putin, but if you will not listen to Zelenskyy, it's your own conscience you are silencing. This is a great test for us all, not only Ukraine, and right now we are failing it.
The problem is not Russian forces creating conditions for the West that prevent them from intervening to save Ukraine. It's Western leaders looking for excuses not to stand up to Putin, as they have since 2008.
Western leaders today are weathervanes, not compasses. They follow will of the people, who are affluent & complacent, with no taste for sacrifice or risk. This is only sustainable in an environment with no predators. E.g. the brief moment after the Cold War ended.