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Mar 24 152 tweets 52 min read
March 24,2022 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include Flag raising protocols; Councilmember Bredefled’s request to revoke Councilmembers’ credit cards and audit;WORSHOPS on Airport Concessions as well as West Fresno’s CAN (California Ave Neighborhood)Planning effort
88 Unit Transit Oriented Development which is Among the Consent Agenda items:1-I Actions pertaining to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) (Council District 1): 1. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the City of Fresno to accept a grant in the amount of
$1,843,572 from the SJVAPCD for the development of 88 multifamily residential units and commercial/ retail space at 1501 N. Blackstone Avenue TOD project (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 2. ***RESOLUTION - adopting the Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2022-
appropriating $1,843,572 in grant funds from the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPD) Public Benefit Grants Program (Program) for development of 88 multifamily residential units and commercial/retail space at 1501 N. Blackstone Avenue Transit Oriented Dev
1-K Approve a Fifth Amendment to the Agreement entered between the City of Fresno and the Central California Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in the amount not to exceed $ 2,898,498 for a six-month term beginning January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022.
1-L Actions pertaining to flags and ceremonial lighting at City facilities: 1. ***RESOLUTION - Providing for honorary flag raising and lighting at City facilities (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 2. ***RESOLUTION - Approving list of Honorary Flag Raising and/or Light Events for 2022
1-M Actions pertaining to an agreement with Fresno Unified School District. 1. Approve a one-year agreement between the City of Fresno (City) and Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) to conduct Sports Play Active Recreation for Kids (SPARK) After School Programming at up to
twenty-nine school sites from August 2022 through June 2023. 2. Authorize the Director of Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services (PARCS) to execute the agreement on behalf of the City with FUSD in the amount of $443,484 administered by FUSD, with a City
contribution of $50,210. This item is time sensitive as the agreement will need to go before the FUSD Board for consideration in April 2022.
1-O Actions pertaining to the sale of a 7,405 square foot City owned parcel of undeveloped land located on the northwest corner of First Street and Nevada Avenue,
1-Q Actions pertaining to amending Job Order Contracting Agreements: 1.Adopt findings of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 (d) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2.Approve amendment to Job Order Contracting (JOC) agreements between City
of Fresno and Durham Construction Co., Inc., Puma Construction Co., Inc., and Strategic Mechanical, Inc., adding $700,000 for the current year to the 3 year agreement with each for a maximum contract value of $4,400,000, for both Dunham Construction Inc., and Puma Construction
and a maximum contract value of $3,700.00 for Strategic Mechanical, Inc., to complete such projects as the Water Tower Painting and Fencing, DPU Admin Building (Old Fresno Bee) HVAC repairs, California/Tupman Park Playground Installation and Granny's Park Security Lighting
1-S Approve an agreement with Provost & Pritchard Consulting Group, a California Corporation, of Clovis, CA in the amount of $66,000 plus a contingency of $9,000 for the design and preparation of construction documents for the Historic Water Tower Site ADA Upgrades Project
1-V Amending Section 12-4.1603 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to fee waiver program for certain residential infill projects (Subject to Mayor's Veto).
1-W Actions pertaining to construction of affordable housing at 1840 Broadway Street and 1940 Broadway Street (Council District 3): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 and Section 15302/Class 2 of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) Guidelines. 2. ***RESOLUTION - Supporting the Housing Authority of the City of Fresno's construction of affordable housing at 1840 Broadway Street and 1940 Broadway Street and expressing the City's intent to contribute to the Projects in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000
upon full financing for the Project (Subject to Mayor's Veto).
1-X District 4 Appropriation

Thanks to @fresnoland for supporting my Live Tweeting! #Fresno Watch the Council meeting beginning at 9 am (and thereafter) on @CMACTV
Agenda and how to participate this morning:
9:06 meeting begins. All councilmembers present. Very Rev. Samuel Colley-Toothaker of St. James.
1-U,1-X , 3-B (covid);4-C Credit Card all four have been removed. City Clerk announces Spanish Translation available in chambers this morning. 1-L removed and 1-K pulled for consent by Arias. Karbassi wonders if Armenia flag will still be raised if flag raising is removed.
Arias:counsel says that can still be kept. @GarryBredefeld wants to put Credit Card item back on. Karbassi seconds. @D7Esparza There is another item regarding audit will have credit card discussion then. Bredefeld:Council have 13 credit cards among them on staff. It needs to be
discussed. Vote to keep item on Agenda. FAILS 2-5 Bredefeld thanks Esparza for co-sponsoring Audit item with him. 3-B Covid :is there a reason not to lift Covid?Esparza:eviction has not been lifted yet and a new variant has made it to Valley. Arias:staff needs more clarity on
evictions and back log of utilities owed to City. What does that mean for renters / landlords. Maxwell:Dyer administration is working hard on Housing Plan and I would like to see that before we evict 1000 tenants. Bredefeld:Why are we only entity keeping this? Governor has lifted
it. Maxwell:I am not the Governor. Bredefeld:thank you for that. Soria:can we cease debate at this point.@gawhitefresno We thought of a workshop first about Covid item. This is for Covid Emergency and Eviction moratorium is in place due to Covid.We also have a housing problem.
Administration supports removing Covid Emergency. Soria:there is imbedded items in Covid Emergency order and if we remove it there may be unintended consequences. White:It would be helpful to go ahead with the workshop and that will help let us know what consequences will be. Can
we have Workshop next meeting? Karbassi:I don't think there are the votes to remove this. Legitimate questions have been raised. @LuisCha70215912 I agree with Soria's questions. We want to be thoughtful before lifting this. We need to have resources when we remove this as many
may become evicted. 1-G, 1-I, 1-W removed for discussion by Bredefeld. Balance of Agenda approved.
Proclamation for "Cesar Chavez Day (March 31)" sponsored by Soria.Relative of Chavez is here to receive the proclamation. We are one of the largest cities with out a Boulevard named after Chavez. @LuisCha70215912 I am not related but the work has begun to honor his work in our
community including apartments being built on Blackstone by Cesar Chavez Foundation. @D7Esparza I am a proud grandson of farmworkers and a union member. @Maxwell4Fresno We live in this type of community due to Cesar Chavez hard work to lift the working class people.
@MayorJerryDyer The work Cesar Chavez did in helping farmworkers and he was a voice for the voiceless. @MiguelArias_D3 My parents were farmworkers as was I. Chavez fought for restroom breaks , the correct tools. We lost a mobile food vendor earlier. Chavez Foundation responded by
helping that family to get housing. Not just farmworkers have benefited. My family thanks your family.Soria:I listened to La Campesina every morning so we could know what was happening locally in our language. Grandson of Chavez thanks for proclamation. My grandfather would only
accept awards on behalf of farmworkers. Fresno was a location for Chavez and others to plot out the plans for Farm Labor movement.
Proclamation for “International Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31) sponsored by Soria. Soria:Trans-Emotion provides supportive help to those in Fresno and the Valley.Casey Auger was murdered in 2015. Fresno needs to be receptive of all.Trans Emotion puts on speaker events
to educate the community. Provide Safe Places and resources. Trans Emotion rep says hold an annual event April 2 to spread education, visibility and speakers.We have a somber day of remembrance in the Fall for those that have passed away. Savior Lutheran helps us too.
Proclamation "American Red Cross Day" sponsored by City Manager and Mayor. @MayorJerryDyer Red Cross works quietly in the background during a crisis.You can judge the strength of a city by how the community comes together during a crisis.Red Cross has
both great volunteers and those donors who provide resources. Volunteers head to other parts of country to help OR come here to help says Executive Director Laura Wilson.
Councilmember Comments:@Esmeralda_Soria Repainting resident addresses near Fresno High as a way to beautify our community. Also Black Maternal Health Week will occur. 15% of infant deaths in Fresno are black babies/mothers.Terry Cox please come forward asks Soria. A surprise for
her Chief of Staff over 7 and half years. She has been a tremendous advocate for families and small businesses.She has been at countless community meetings and after hours could be found working at City Hall. Arias:Our council staff does so much work for the community. You are
going to the administration side regarding housing project. Maxwell:Cox always have the answers when know one else does. @D7Esparza projects are in good hands. Cox:I have had the best boss for the past 7 years. She always wants to help the community just like I do.
Karbassi:report on mailbox theft. Sometimes takes USPS months to replace them and customers especially Seniors have to drive to get their mail. also if you see speed racing please report it. Arias:Chinatown has looked as clean as it ever has. Thank you! 13,000 soccer fans and the
new lighting and sound quality at Chukchansi Park. Water pressure fell due to the crowd but otherwise Chukchansi staff was amazing. People were dancing in the parking lot after the game. People from throughout the state for this event. Please come to opening day of Grizzlies too!
@GarryBredefeld We distributed to media the credit card charges of all 7 Council members. Please read it. Political cover for credit card was done by 3 councilmembers yesterday. Council have $700,000 in their budget. They can hire however many staff they want and spend on credit
cards for fancy meals and unknown charges.The 5 Supervisors have no credit cards and any expenditures made has to be approved by counsel. They get a small stipend. If you go through Council expenses you will see gifts and campaign materials.@gawhitefresno We are looking at CPA
to audit possibly in two phases to check all of those who use credit cards City Wide. If cost for CPA is over $50,000 than we will need a RFP but hard to do during tax season. Bredefeld:when you are spending money for staff to eat, AOC pilgrimage, one mask vendor, Operation
Gobble , glossy magazines handed out by staff. $2300 party in your honor.Christmas tote bags.The audit is necessary. Only 2 employees per district is needed. Supervisors don't have a political slush fund. We have highlighted it today so it will come to an end.
@LuisCha70215912 Tree trimming has occurred.Crosswalk at elementary school John Walsh (Sp). Rebuild Fresno component of street paving is happening. Tot lot at Hamilton,shade, benches. Arias and I toured a tiny tot for homeless. We have a plan going forward now. I was surprised at
how many women were homeless. They are scared about being assaulted if they are out in the open.5000+ are homeless in Fresno. United Health clinic in Calwa is opening and free transportation for those within 3 miles clinic. Veterans Memorial District will have help for homeless
veterans as well as upgrade of VFW buildings. @Maxwell4Fresno Street pavings, governor is bring dollars for zero fare for buses but a more important to talk about :the tone of this Council. 500,000 people are represented. All of us laugh before and after these meetings but the
public only sees the worst of the worse and think we despise each other.Maybe some of us do. Not what I feel. We need to get it back together up here and help the community. Sometimes lines get crossed with 3 incidents the past 10 days. I went on a date and I get a dirty look
from someone across the store. She says Bredefled says Maxwell is a gang member, a socialist pig, racists remarks to my girlfriend. Maxwell plays a phone call with threatening remarks about making your head roll.
Do they know Bredefeld spends money on an ice shave truck? Buys
flowers? Spends money on lights for camera work? I don't want Garry to change his views but he needs to change his tone as lines are being crossed (I could hear Garry saying something in the background but I couldn't hear what) We need to do good for the community but some
on council want to make a name for themselves with grandstanding. karbssi is a small businessman, stopping racing, connecting West Fresno with Veterans BLvd. Arias has toughest most diverse council district. Chavez is a voice of reason. , Kings Canyon Blvd, Fancher Creek, bring-
ing houses to SE Fresno. Mayor does good thing. This body does great things up here.Staff are professional and try to make this community a better place. Soria was reason I ran for Council. We need to do better. @D7Esparza Thank you , Maxwell for saying all that. (Bredefeld wants
to comment but Esparza moves on with his comments). Rose Clark luncheon honoring her for her hard work with Neighborhood Watch. I helped that group with District 7 funding to that important group. Proclamation for @DrGoldsmith777 becoming Chancellor. She is an accessible person.
Bredefeld wants to speak. I want to address somethings said about him. Counsel says there is no rule saying a councilmember has to speak. Esparza:I am making rule now. Counsel:Bredefeld can make a motion to allow him to speak. Bredefeld:That is not what you said in my office,
Counsel. Bredefeld:Motions, Karbassi seconds as a first amendment right. Soria:He has made personal attacks on all of us. He consistently attacks us. He did the same to Lee Brand, Caprioglio. Surprised he hasn't attacked Dyer yet. Karbassi:If we had given him a 30 second rebuttal
we would be done. Motion fails 3-4. @MayorJerryDyer Went to Major Vang interchange naming. Met with Mexican Counsel. Went to Fowler Mayor Cardenas funeral. Expansion of airport. We do good work in Fresno everyday but don't always hear it up here today. Beautifying neighborhoods.
Our communication team every Monday sends out the good things our community and staff do. Unity and it is hard to unify this city under One Fresno when we are not unified up here. Housing work has been incredible with Deputy Mayor.I think the Council will be impressed with what
we present next month. We are in a housing crisis.We serve the people of Fresno. I pray for unity in this Community. @gawhitefresno Update on Animal Control. ARPA prioritization projects.@gregorybarfield Covid testing for all non-vaccinated employees.
4-B RESOLUTION - Directing an outside forensic audit of Council District operating fund expenditures (Subject to Mayor's Veto). Finance Community met yesterday that fleshed out quite a bit of work. We have never weaponized or politicized audits in the past. 79 city employees
have credit cards. Council starting having credit cards too five years ago under Lee Brand. Expenditures can still be made. I will make a Motion to approve this. Show what credit cards expenditures over past 10 years ago.At the end of the audit was it worth it?
Under typical situation we wouldn't have this audit as Controller reports on these type of expenditures but since the questions have come up we will need to audit to restore public confidence. We can't be mad at a Department and demand a weaponized audit. This audit will be paid
for by @GarryBredefeld 's District 6 as he wants this. Maxwell seconds motion. Financial Director Lima is on Zoom for this item. @GarryBredefeld There is no weaponization of this audit. Improper use of funds occurred on lunch, fliers etc, I won't be silent. I have highlighted
corruption , Brown Act violations. If you don't want to be a Gang of Four change. Maxwell had an Oscar worthy performance up here. I have been called racist here in the chambers and nobody defended me. I get nasty phone calls but I don't come up here and cry about it or play the
victim. Glad we agreed to have an audit but my constituents will be punished by making me pay for audit? We don't know the cost of this. You want to go back 10 years to audit. Esparza: you have said to spend $250,000 on an audit.Bredefeld:I can pay for some of it but you want to
punish me for it. Esparza:what is your operating budget? A:I will have to ask my chief of staff. It is public record. Esparza:We are doing the audit as a necessary expenditure to restore public confidence. Bredefeld:If you make me pay for it than I will. @kmkarbassi Fun times.
With inflation, homelessness but we have to spend time on this. I look forward to this audit. I will pay for part of audit from District 2 funds. I know why Garry gets frustrated as things that have happened. CARE dollars on masks. Two of my colleagues spent money from just one
mask vendors who no longer exists. Why was this done? I got masks a different route that was the correct way. These two councilmembers refused to work with DA. I don't want to be held hostage by these two. It is now part of Federal Justice. Bad things were said about our DA on
her personal business. Unfortunately this has snowballed to the hostile workplace up here. Why was only one vendor used? Why was it kept from rest of Council? One of these two leaked Closed Session information about a Phishing scam to distract the public about the mask vendors.
A bid process has to occur if spending is over $149,000. Bredefeld:this item is mine. You joined me. Arias:I apologize to public who are here for Mobile Parks item that is on Closed Session. That is more important than who paid for Uber Eats. Elections are job interviews. Voters
determine that. Not KMJ talking heads or those who make nasty phone calls. Kevin Hall gets to see my expenditure. This is all public. We fund community events such as MLK or Black Lives art work.Someone has to fund it, provide water. Hmong New Years too.We don't spend money on
elections. I call Bredefeld "Chicken Little" as he is always scared of big government. But he oversaw the largest expansion of government as we increased police officers and fire fighters. Like Devin Nunes Bredefeld he won't have a town hall. Supervisors spent $250,000 ARPA fund
on Garlic Festivals. Supervisors get raises every year and get paid judges' wages. Two DA's charged with voter fraud. I didn't hear any complaints about that. Some called us who got elected up here were called Mexican Mafia and now I hear it coming from rank and file, and PD
higher ups calling us a gang. That won't stay. I paid for lunches with Bredefeld and other councilmembers. This feels less about discovering corruption but from a chicken little who has mooched on others.sorry we spent time on lunches and not helping those who may be evicted at a
trailer park. @LuisCha70215912 I don't like to get caught up on these patty cake items especially when we have 5000 homeless or youth being shot/stabbed in the streets. An eye for an eye makes everyone blind and i think that is what is happening up here. WE all have different
districts and have to spend differently. We arrived here during the pandemic as few places take checks but they do take credit cards. We need to get pandemic info and materials out quickly and credit cards help and it just a tool.Administrative Orders have to change. I want to
have my office voluntarily pay for part of this audit going forward. Karbassi:I don't just want one person paying for it. Soria:a lot has been said. Valid questions have been raised. We need to work with administration and see if changes need to be done. We do have to sit here
listening to dog whistles from one of our least effective councilmembers.His political theater is causing a deeper wedge. In my 7 years I have worked with colleagues of all types. Hard to attract quality employees with this type of theater. If he wanted to truly know transparency
he would audit all including the mayor. He has been emboldened by his behavior. He is sitting on $100,000 in his budget but doesn't want to spend to fix dilapidated roads in district 6 or the dangerous Woodward park intersection. I have hosted 60 community meetings. Yes I spent
$900 for turkeys for my constituents could have a meal. I bought cookies for Pride Flag Raising. Was it due to cookies or due to LGBTQ?Would he have mentioned eye lashes if it was a male colleagues. His political college Mike Karbassi spent $15,000 for turkeys. Bredefled spent
$2000 for a video with covid disinformation in it. $8000 in meals were spent by District 2 (Karbassi) via Door dash.Why didn't Bredefeld say this was egregious? Aerosol spray is acceptable for pandemic. If he really cared he would have wanted to audit all credit cards. We need to
uphold transparency. Going back 10 years seems excessive and costly. @kmkarbassi I am looking forward to this audit. Bredefeld asked me about the Doordash items and so he didn't need to bring it out here. The doordash occurred when I was exposed to Covid by a City Employee. I was
told to go to a certain hotel and quarantine and order food in. Loyalty to Garry? I am a moderate Democrat and I serve my district. I have been marginalized. A staff member of Garry (I assume the one who was charged with Domestic Violence) should not be brought up as the victim
is here. @D7Esparza If Audit goes over $500,000 with any balance from Karbassi up to $250,000. Karbassi:It will be less sidewalks etc. I want to only pay for audit of Council. Arias:let's vote. Esparza:expenditure of all credit cards for last 10 years, Council analysis for last
5 years. Also to determine if this audit was worth it.City Attorney Sloan:need 5 votes to pass. Bredefeld: I agree with Soria that past 5 years is ok. Councils change and seems like a punitive like this may come back to you later.Arias:transactions and reimburse-
-ments were also mentioned by Bredefeld and not just credit card. I am open to past 10 years. If RFP is too much maybe we can pull back then. Esparza:I want to see how credit cards v time before credit cards.Bredefeld:mayor offered pay for $50,000. Is that still open?White:yes
Esparza:hopefully this comes back in April or May. We are looking for a menu with this RFP and then we can select from what we need. Not considered punitive. Zoom:@LisaYFlores1 Offended by this whole conversation about the audit. Why was a road cleaned for DA Smittcamp's daughter
for a photo op?That is a larger grievance than turkeys for poor people. Why doesn't Garry complain or investigate that? @JanineNkosi We spent 3 hours speaking on this motion. My heart is breaking for those there in person and on Zoom from mobile park residents who are stealing
having their homes stolen from corporate landlord. Dez Martinez:How are we going to let unhoused members speak here when they have to hold on to their belongings for that long APPROVED 7-0 4-B passes. 12:18 pm
Unscheduled Community until 12:45 and then break for lunch. First:Leslie:opposed to selling our mobile home park to landlord that has increased rents by 50% at their other properties. Next:Barbra Smith:I want to be able to manage the mobile home ourselves. We couldn't do worse
than currently. No laundry , no security. Next: Patricia Haughn At this moment the landlord is tearing down our fences that keep our dogs in. They will offer us pennies on the dollar for our mobile homes. I don't make enough to move anywhere else.Say NO to Harmony. Giovanni Rivas
is next:We want to unify and run these homes better. Patsy Ratliff:I am there for the low rent but if Harmony buys it they will displace everyone. Let us buy our own park. @_mcthompson Attorney at Rural Legal I have been helping tenants to know their rights. The Mayor came out
and promised to help. We want the time to buy this ourselves. This has been done at 200 other places.Money comes in about 90 days. Professionals will run it. Please let us explore this. Sloan:does court need put it in conservatorship? Up to judge? Thompson:Council's
comments on the slumlord will be influential with Judge. Next:No rules before at this park. But if given a chance we can make those changes. Victoria Santium of Rural Legal Assistance:Residents are very stressed out. Other Harmony owned places have raised the rents 50%. Gonzales:
(in Spanish) Have others have stated maybe the new owner will leave it in better condition but most of us will be left homeless like Seniors and children.
Bredefeld needs this hankie so he can cry. He is crying as his president lost. He is proof of a real racist. I will pray for you. If it turns out Garry is shown to be wasting money in this audit he should pay for all of it.
Esparza:thanks for all of those who came out to speak from Mobile park. Eric Payne:Workshop on Housing Authority/CAN and the new director. It has taken many hours of the community to help and get the HUD bill.
@LisaYFlores1 Innovative of Community to do a Co-Op agreement with the mobile home! They will be the new homeless otherwise as they won't be able to afford a new place. They need to be lifted up! @JanineNkosi Sorry to Maxwell and what is happening to his family. Those for Mobile
Homes is also fighting for all renters. Harmony has a history of driving families out and increase their profits. Somerset Apartments is an example of similar. Mayor promised to help Trails End Mobile Park.Here to Stay Report has rent stabilization in it. What is
happening at this park should not happen to anyone. Dez Martinez:Turning Point rep said they wouldn't kick anyone out unless they were violent but this has happening including one woman who was kicked out in the middle of the night.All she wanted was a chance. She has gotten a
job, and reunified with her child. But hard to shower when she was kicked out. Karla Martinez:Want to stand with those of Trail End park tenants. Last chance for some to afford a house. Time for you to back you words with action.Rent Stabilization,implement ways to
get employment in short and long term ways.
Adjourn for Lunch. 12:50 pm. Council will be back at 2 pm.
Meeting begins at 2:05.@LovesMercy by Zoom Community has come up with solutions for housing. Annual Plan comment period has just started and won't end until June. Alexandra Alvarado: powerfully united community speaking up outside the City Hall that means they are not being heard
Not One Fresno. @LisaYFlores1 Thanks for those councilmembers who vote for public health safety. I tried to get information on HART team but I have been put off so far with Denial Denial Denial but I am not going away.What is H Spees and Dyer hiding? Approved Remaining agenda
1-G Reject all bids for a Professional Services Contract for On-Call Title VI and Environmental Justice Consulting Services (Bid File #10089) We are looking at Biden's 40% where 40% needs to be invested in disadvantaged areas. Bredefeld:Climate Change?A:looking at zero admission
Each vehicle will be $1 M each. Bredefeld:Has FAX been racist? @gregorybarfield of course not but it is required as part of mandate. Bredefeld:I understand and Motion to approve. Maxwell:I do see the value in this investment. Those zip codes and majority of those riding FAX are
under poverty level. I know you rejected this bid but it will also come back in parts. APPROVED
1-I Actions pertaining to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) (Council District 1): 1. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing the City of Fresno to accept a grant in the amount of $1,843,572 from the SJVAPCD for the development of 88 multifamily residential units
and commercial/ retail space at 1501 N. Blackstone Avenue TOD project (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 2. ***RESOLUTION - adopting the Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2022-appropirating $1,843,572 in grant funds from the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution
Control District (SJVAPD) Public Benefit Grants Program (Program) for the development of 88 multifamily residential units and commercial/retail space at 1501 N. Blackstone Avenue Transit Oriented Development (TOD) project Bredefeld:seems like $39 M spent on this "affordable"
units at $500,000 per . I can't vote for this. Soria:This is not additional money and Council already approved this money in the past. Most affordable housing are these costs. I do think more can be done to make affordable housing better but for now this is where the dollars come
from. We are seeing more housing on Blackstone and this will increase economic development. I will Motion. Bredefeld:I didn't approve this in the past. It is all about using taxpayer dollars wisely. We could buy entire homes for this cost. APPROVED 6-1
1-K Approve a Fifth Amendment to the Agreement entered between the City of Fresno and the Central California Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in the amount not to exceed $ 2,898,498 for six-month term beginning January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022. Arias:this seems
3-4 times we have extended their contract. This is a non-profit and labor costs have gone up. But when other entities want money we go through politicking and abuse of funds. We are absorbing all their costs and setting up a precedent. I want to treat other vendors with the same
grace as we do here.We just had a huge fight over audit but SPCA explicitly ask not to be audit but we always cover their costs. Those who deal with homeless can be audited. Can we develop plans so we can audit like the others? I will abstain. Soria:Can we get a presentation on
this soon? Esparza:This is one of the worse contracts in Fresno. White:Council approved in budget but we found out that contract actually expired in December. We were advised by City Attorney to bring this contract until June when new Animal Shelter opens.We don't have anyone
else to take over yet so we are a bit stuck. Soria:Stuff happens. We paid even though the contract had expired. It looks bad. White:Beginning and end dates were confusing. Built in controls will be in new Tyler Technologies and a payment would not have gone out. Our old system
is 20 years old. Arias:There is no corruption when taking care of cats and dogs. Soria:it doesn't feel good and public needs to know we are doing good. Bredefeld:SPCA won't part of new shelter?White:We have a shortage of spay and neuter vendors in Fresno as well as vets. We may
need to use SPCA for neutering. Price will be the same for all vendors and hopefully we can someday have our own vets do the free neutering. Being a Vet in California is hard and shortage.APPROVED 6-1 with Arias voting NO.
1-M &&Actions pertaining to an agreement with Fresno Unified School District. 1. Approve a one-year agreement between the City of Fresno (City) and Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) to conduct Sports Play Active Recreation for Kids (SPARK) After School Programming Soria:Will
we add Central Unified too? Staff:We are hoping to partner some way. Soria:I want to make sure West of 99 is not left behind.Staff:We ask if Central is at the table when FUSD is too. APPROVED 6-0 with Chavez recused.
1-W Actions pertaining to construction of affordable housing at 1840 Broadway Street and 1940 Broadway Street (Council District 3):1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1 and Section 15302/Class 2 of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) Guidelines. 2. ***RESOLUTION - Supporting the Housing Authority of the City of Fresno's construction of affordable housing at 1840 Broadway Street and 1940 Broadway Street and expressing the City's intent to contribute to the Projects in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000
Where does the $3 M come from? Arias:we hope it comes from ARPA funding APPROVED
3-A WORKSHOP - Airport Concessions RFP Update - Fresno Yosemite International Airport
We want to add more grab and go options. We also want to use Chef inspired menues, local food sources and wineries/breweries. We will phase in the options. Customers want grab and go but not necessarily cold food only. Upper level we were looking at a Mad Duck Brew Pub type. A
good taco, vegan options. Arias:I can't find local produce at airport. We have growth at airport from flights from Mexico. We need to have taco throwdown operators but the RFP insurance requirements will be so onerous that only Mad Duck type will get past the paperwork.
Staff:We have begun outreach to local businesses and possible partnerships with national chains.Chavez:Mad Duck is local and started off small. Staff:Come see our new garage at airport as it is beautiful. Here is slide from new Airport Director Henry Thompson.
Risk Management determines the insurance requirements and not us. @gregorybarfield Insurance provider is an African-American firm and they are meeting to see how bonding could be provided to smaller place like Javiers (@Coldrain76 favorite)
We hope to have local farmers to have produce available to purchase. soria:Mom and Pop can get overwhelmed from RFP process normally. We have been asking for council to be integrated at airport for awhile. In Arizona they have councilmembers give Welcome announcement at the air-
port. I speak Spanish and would like to do the welcome. Pet Relief area needed at airport. Staff:It is part of update expansion. Arias:RFP will get Chipotle etc but it is not representative of local cuisine. We need a food court. Staff:food court is in update. @gregorybarfield
airport transition audit was necessary as sometime it isn't looked at as part of City.
4-A WORKSHOP - West Fresno California Ave. Choice Neighborhood Initiative - presented by Fresno Housing CEO, Tyrone Roderick Williams.
Arias:We were one of few communities that received this grant. We need every type of housing to fix our affordable and housing shortage. CEO Williams:We are in planning phase with implementation later and was given $450,000 and we were able to leverage that for more. Residents
want parks, streetscape along corridors, Hyde Park, pedestrian enhancements spaces, Also mixed income and mixed use, homeownership, West Library.Minumum of 457 units. (228 replacement and 229 New market & workforce) but we really impact quality of life for those already living
there. Is it financially feasible? Also assumes it is Approved for the Airport Overlay Master Plan with Chandler Airport is there too. Fresno Housing to pursue $50 M in Choice Implementation Funding. Requires City to be a partner.Brownsfield funding for Hyde Park Cleanup and
that clean up is necessary to have any single family homeownership in that area. It will be all hands on deck. Soria:Upward mobility is critical. Broadband infrastructure is needed as we saw during the pandemic. Williams:expanding broadband is necessary infrastructure to both .
new and existing buildings. @gregorybarfield We need a champion for Hyde Park and we have found a grant to apply for. Arias:everyone needs to live in a neighborhood. Decisions in this building impact developments. We will get pushback from those who don't want high density homes.
We also need to allow buildings to go high up around airports. We can't have half of the City considered in flight path. Hyde Park needs to be called what it is :Hyde Landfill! We will eventually need to help people to purchase homes. @kmkarbassi CEO has it together.

5-BCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1) Sharon Richardson, et al. v. Trails End Mobile Home Park, City of Fresno, et al., Fresno Superior Court Case No. 22CECG00280
5-D CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION - Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(1) Terance Frazier, et al. v. City of Fresno, et al.; United States District Court Case No.: 1:20-CV-01069.




APRIL 21, 2022 - 9:00 A.M.
APRIL 28, 2022 - 9:00 A.M.
Council goes to Closed Session for remainder of meeting. 3:41 pm

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Mar 22
March 22, 2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! An unusually packed agenda for them. Among the items Mid-Year budget report;include Brandau/Mendes letter asking for more domestic oil drilling;ARPA funding for local Garlic Festival;micro-brewery Shaw/Academy;
General Plan progress report;Among the Consent Agenda:29. Adopt Resolution recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the Nisei Farmers League
30.Adjourn in Memory of David Cardenas, Mayor of the City of Fowler
Read 115 tweets
Mar 10
March 10,2022 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the agenda items Progress report of Code Enforcement and ASET; Marriott Hotel in downtown Fresno;Continued Closed Session item on negotiations with County on price of old Valley Medical aka University Hospital
Among the Consent Agenda Items:1-C Actions pertaining to entering into contracts for the demolition of dangerous structures with David Knott Inc;JSA Inspections and Centec Construction 1.Adopt a finding of a Statutory Exemption, per staff determination pursuant to Section 15269
(c) of the CEQA Guidelines as this contract is for specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. 2. RESOLUTION - Declaring an urgent necessity for the preservation of life, health, and property and authorizing the City Attorney or designee to enter into and
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Mar 8
March 8, 2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors! They will hear from County’s State lobbyists with some of the goals being to widen Freeway 99 from Kern to Sacramento, water storage,combat fires,support fracking,restore Prop 47 theft levels, Other items on the agenda include
Putting another Zoo Parcel tax on the Ballot (Measure Z);Add another County Public Information Officer to “ tell our story” to both the
community we serve and our own employees…”
Among the Consent Agenda items:18.1 Adjourn in Memory of Lillian Zamora
Read 80 tweets
Feb 17
Council is back at 1:37 from Lunch break
3-B Actions related to Senate Bill 1383 - California's Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy: 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15308/Class 8 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2. ***BILL - (For introduction)
Amending Chapter 6, Article 2 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to waste collection and disposal (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 3. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing submission to CalRecycle a Notification of Intent to Comply with the mandates of Senate Bill 1383 to achieve the organic
Read 48 tweets
Feb 17
February 17th, 2022 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include the Abatement Bill that most homeless advocates are opposed to; Increase the Engineering Salaries to be more competitive;American Rescue Plan dollars for PD and 911 Call Center; And one for the road:A
WORKSHOP on Pavement!Among the Consent Agenda items include:1-B BILL No. 2 (Re-intro'd 2/10/2022) (For Adoption) - Amending Administrative Abatement, FMC section 10-616, to clarify limits on access to restricted areas where abatements are taking place (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
1-D Award a two-year Requirements Contract with provisions for three one-year extensions to Herwaldt Automotive Group, Inc. of Fresno, California, for a maximum of 75 marked patrol BMW motorcycles over a 5-year term in the total amount of $2,109,211.84, plus annual CPI
Read 92 tweets
Feb 10
Fresno City Council Meeting February 10,2022!Among the items:Speed Bumps (humps);WORKSHOPs on ARPA expenditures, Mid-Year Budget review,Organic Waste Reduction (SB 1383). Among the Consent Agenda:1-C BILL No. 2 (Intro'd 1/27/2022)(For Adoption)- Amending Administrative Abatement,
FMC section 10-616, to clarify limits on access to restricted areas where abatements are taking place.
1-F RESOLUTION - Supporting FCTC Family, LP's submission of a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit application for the construction of affordable housing at 200 N. Salma and expressing the City's intent to contribute to the Project in an amount not to exceed $6,180,000 upon full award
Read 151 tweets

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