March 8, 2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors! They will hear from County’s State lobbyists with some of the goals being to widen Freeway 99 from Kern to Sacramento, water storage,combat fires,support fracking,restore Prop 47 theft levels, Other items on the agenda include
Putting another Zoo Parcel tax on the Ballot (Measure Z);Add another County Public Information Officer to “ tell our story” to both the
community we serve and our own employees…”
Among the Consent Agenda items:18.1 Adjourn in Memory of Lillian Zamora
22. Ratification of Agreements with local hospitals for expanded care due to on-going
COVID-19 impacts Community Regional Medical Center and Clovis Community Medical Center), and Saint
Agnes Medical Center, previously executed by the County Administrative Officer, acting as the
Emergency Services Director, to provide up to $2,000,000 of State and Local Fiscal Recovery
Funds to each hospital for expanded care due to on-going impacts of COVID-19 ($6,000,000).
25. Resolutions Rejecting Claims for Damages The Board has delegated authority to the Department to accept claims for damages in amounts up to
$50,000 and reject claims up to $25,000. Claims exceeding that amount are referred to the Board after
evaluation by the Claims Review
Committee (CRC). The CRC considers various claim elements, which
include jurisdiction, allocation of fault, immunities, and compliance with the Government Tort Claims Act by
claimants. The CRC consists of Department staff, a Deputy County Counsel, and an Independent Legal
ONE EXAMPLE:Lucy Acosta - Claims $150,000.00 and alleges a County of Fresno employee was watering trees in a center
median and the hose on the truck struck the claimants vehicle, which was the proximate cause of the
claimant’s injuries. Claimant is represented by Attorney,
Salahuddin Temueri. This incident does not involve
the County of Fresno.
37. West Annex Jail - Change Order Process and Status. The construction budget for this project is $85,843,800 and includes a base construction cost of $81,756,000 and a 5% allowance for contingencies of $4,087,800. The total project budget of 101,767,800 which includes the
construction costs of $85,843,800 and $15,924,000 for Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E), Architectural Services, Construction Management and Inspections, and State fees. The project is funded with State SB 1022 (Adult Local Criminal Justice Facilities Construction
Financing Program) totaling $79,194,000 and the required County match of $22,573,800.
Supervisors meeting begins (I am not hearing any audio)
Meeting begins with invocation from a Sheriff Deputy. ( I missed her name and position). No changes to Agenda or Consent Agenda.
3.Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Laurie Little - County Library - 19 Years of Service Library's Sally Gomez with presentation who worked with Little at Kingsburg. Scott Berner is Little's supervisor. she knows her customers and persistent. Always pushed for Friday hours for
patrons. She helped with autistic students as well as Christmas Parties. Little:Loved working at the library and the patrons!Pacheco: Little and her family will be the first to have their photo without plexiglass in the way in two years!
4.Proclaim March 2022 as Red Cross Month and encourage all citizens of Fresno County to reach
out and support its humanitarian mission. Laurie Wilson and Lisa Berger with presentation. The volunteers are amazing with fires, veterans, going cross country to help others.
5.Recognition of Awards for the Big Fresno Fair Quintero:they have won the 5th Merrill Award which is the "Oscars" of Fairs! Stacy Rianda and laurie King are co-directors
2020 Fair was a drive thru event due to Covid. This year they returned in person but also safely.
(Video played as an example of PSA they used)Lauri King says signage was used to push safety. Attendance
was up to 590,000. We thank the county's Health Dept for making this happen! They present a proclamation to the County staff.October 5-16 is 2022 Fair!
Health Director thanks fair for calling early and getting it implemented. Brandau:We still had as much fun this year while being safe!
6. Receive presentation from Paul Yoder and Michael Corbett, State lobbyists, regarding legislative
Paul and Michael
Because of difficulty with Covid the State wanted to fast tracked Budget but not as many as big decisions yet but they have done some flood control in Central Valley.Paid sick leave for those with covid and help for businesses.Care Court as a way to help with homeless
with mental issues and substance addiction. We don't know the funding source today but Governor may say at State of the State tonight 5 pm . Also schools can determine mask requirements. Misinformation of covid by physicians could be sanctioned. Paul: Care Court that more info
will occur over the next two weeks. some opposition to placing someone in conservatorship. This will be controversial. Martha's law is the opposite so Governor will have to walk between the two. $450 M that includes Fresno, Kern and other for redevelopment funds.
That is called "Local Government Stability Fund" Patterson has a bill on Williamson Act. Chairs Valley Priorities will be given a chance to meet with Governor. Magsig:California relies heavily by capital gains/tax income but that can change quickly with Stock market and oil
prices erratically with Russia/Ukraine. Paul: Governor wants to fill the rainy day funds as much as he can Constitutionally. Michael:two weeks ago I would have said the approtiations to match with Ganns Limit by giving rebates to schools and tax payers. They could however give
it in a more targeted way. Brandau:LA County is supposed to create 250,000 new homes by October. What is the outcome? Paul:nobody can see how the can comply by then. But a lot of money for it. Habitat Humanity and Builder's Association are on the same side with this by helping
homeowners purchase it. Brandau: we have a similar problem and would want similar help from Governor. We are opposed to Arambula's Redistricting Commission and want you to mention that as much as possible. I am also against minors as young as 12 getting covid without parents'
permission. I am also against divesting in oil in favor of climate change as it will hurt oil prices. Prop 47 support to lower the amount that warrants a felony. We are in favor. Quintero:Has Self-Help been asked about creating more homes? Also we need more Senior Housing.
The Baby Boomers are hitting that age to be in smaller homes etc. Paul: 3 countries reps came to state event. Everything is on the table as far as housing. Magsig:It is becoming harder and harder to build and market will determine what is built.labor shortage currently.
It is not rocket science to do this. We need to plan for water and infrastructure. Paul:Republican Caucus that put in bills to make a one time investment in water storage above and below.
7.Adopt recommended changes to the Fresno County State Legislative Platform; authorize the
Chairman to execute letters of support, or opposition, in accordance with the platform; and
authorize the County Administrative Office to work with the County’s State Legislative Delegation
Sacramento lobbyists, and/or other necessary parties to support, or oppose, legislation in
accordance with the platform
Brandau:support of oil industry and Arambula's Redistricting Commission in this? CAO Nerland:yes. Mendes:Water stabilization and Water Resources will regulate us to death as they have rejected all of our plans. They will put everyone on probation and then come in. They want us to
us to be at 2040 level already. Nerland:Broad window so I think it is covered in this redline. Mendes:Some lawyers say State is not even following the law. Magsig:State wants to control landuse. Mendes:they are taking Soviet style control. Magsig:Weiner's bill on gas. It is used
for clothing, solar, fertilizer etc and they will all be gone if Weiner wants to go that far. A barrel of oil gives 45% to gas and rest for clothing etc. Can we put a letter to Weiner saying our views. Approved 5-0
8. Resolution Resolution to Place Proposed Extension of Measure Z Sales Tax on the June 2022
Ballot Zoo authority Board:We ask to keep Measure Z on Ballot. The foresight of the Supervisors and citizens to build this facility. We want to extend the sunset clause from 10 years to
15 years. This board is made up with appointees from this Supervisor Board and we voted unanimously. Brandua:The taxpayers got their money's worth with this tax. Mendes:2004 it was a zoo to now a world class zoo. The fact a no-tax supervisor like Brandau is in support says some-
-thing! APPROVED 5-0. 9. Approve Amendment to the Salary Resolution adding one Administrative Analyst position
Approval of the recommended action will allow the County Administrative Office Org 0120 to add one
position at an estimated Net County Cost of $42,219 for the .
remainder of the fiscal year. This position will
add capacity to the County’s Public Information unit allowing for a more dedicated, proactive communication
strategy through the addition of one position that will report to Public Information Officer.As one of the
largest Counties in
California and one of the largest organizations in the San Joaquin Valley, it is important that the County
develop a more proactive approach to communications and work specifically to “ tell our story” to both the
community we serve and our own employees.
CAO Nerland says we don't have as many Communication officers as other counties. Staff Sonia:we have a lot of stories to tell.Mendes:we had nothing initially and we moved up to something better and now this will be better! Quintero:Hopefully in Spanish. Sonia:we want Punjabi and
Hmong as well. Brandau:It has gotten better with Sonia in place. (She shares a video) covering Public Works, Sheriff,Behavioral Health, Ag, Weights and Measures,etc
Nerland:this was an introduction and highlighted just a few departments. We want to do the same with all. APPROVED 5-0
10. Receive verbal presentation and provide direction regarding the status of zoning ordinance and
building code enforcement and necessary resources. Nerland:at last meeting Supervisors asked about Code Enforcement. Bernard with presentation.illegal trucking operations, no
building permits. County processes Code Enforcement by "complaint basis only. " It can be sent to County Counsel if need be.
Urban areas of County has Neighborhood Beautification Overlay Districts @Coldrain76 as well as mountain areas. 2419 code violations currently. 42 % are in metropolitan areas
Code Enforcement has 6 full time positions. Magsig:plan checks are part of the 2? Berdard:City of Fresno has 75 Code Enforcement Officers as a comparison.
$1.6 Million spent picking up trash since 2020. Magsig:42 % are in urban areas like Sunnyside and Tarpey Village.What can be done to accelerate clean ups of those who don't comply? Pacheco:I have changed my mind after this presentation. We need at least two more code enforcement
officers but we need to go quicker too. Counsel Cedarborg if this was in front of your house you would want it to go faster. Also $100 fine is too low. We need to be at $1000. City of Fresno does this clean up better and faster than County. We have refrigerated trucks 24/7 and
keeps their neighbors awake from the noise. Mendes:Captain Obvious we need to do something about this. We will need to work with other departments. Do you want to give this back to you Bernard or a task force to help? A:we need task force and work with other departments.
We applied for Cal Trans Green Grant but we were not awarded. Nerland:Working group has already started but we will need Supervisors help as policies are needed. Cedarborg:language is needed from Supervisors but we are doing well operational side.Brandau:My rural colleagues have
issues but Quintero and I have similar problems. It is a societal breakdown leading to this. Policy changes needed. We need an urban and rural representative on this committee. Over at the City we found Code Enforcement worked faster when it was moved under City Attorney. Can we
do that here too? Cedarborg:Trash fines are being modified. But just having ordinance doesn't mean we catch anyone. Quintero:if we had at least one Code Enforcement officer for each district.Once supervisors approved a new hire the hiring should begin. Some departments say they
are waiting for CAO approval still. There are trash piles that have been there for ten years. Tires being dumped at vacant lot when he was at the City. If ordinance is on the books we need to enforce it. Brandau:there was an era when code enforcement officer was assigned to each
City Council district. This allowed clean up to happen quicker as we could call directly. Quintero:Our code enforcement officers include planners. They should be doing planning! Don't pull them off the desk. Mendes:If most of your district is rural where 9 unchartered areas it
would be hard to have just one code enforcement officer for each district. A more urban area has a smaller area to cover. Brandau:We will need to work that out in our committee. Cedarborg:we have primarily one attorney working on it but other attorney can step in if needed. DA
has stepped up in going after illegal trucking firms. Staff:this is a very large county. Different response to urban v rural violations. Bernard:code enforcement classification is needed.Pacheco:this will be on next month's agenda to hear the progress. Magsig:129 were cleared in
but we have 2000 open cases. We need more bodies. We get lots of calls to our Supervisor staff and then we send it to the correct department. We need something digital like City's FresGo app. I am open to having staff working with Code Enforcement. I have the largest district but
half of it is unlivable due to mountains etc. Public Comments:Peggy Lee : I have a neighbor that we have complained since 2016. Property owner lives in El Paso but person who lives there is now in prison. Area is left trashed. Me and my neighbors have filled out all the paperwork
but nothing happened. Housing is being built. We don't know who is living there but at least 12 people. Sheriff can tow the 75 abandoned vehicles there but has not. Does this prisoner have more clout than us? magsig:staff is prepared to state what they have done thus far?
Staff:multiple citations issued. Most of the items noted by the public are law enforcement. Vehicles in front are operable.It doesn't seem to be 75 vehicles in the back. There is a non-permitted stable there. A boat and RV visible. Possibly narcotics. No limit to how
many can live inside. Peggy Lee:there are that many vehicles. Someone is building every night. No fines have been issued. I am insulted what was said just now. This person has a towing business as well as mechanic business. Next:Debbie: I want to thank supervisors for discussing
this and realizing we need more bite in the fines. Sunnyside Property Owners are proud of where we live and go out and pick up trash. @Coldrain76
Supervisor Comments:City of Fresno had Ukraine flagraising event . City and County had an opportunity to share event Also my son is turning 16! Quintero:Raquel Guerra passed away after being with County for 7 years. Brandua:Retiring judge has caused a concern with if Governor or
by election now. I would like citizens to make that determination. Mendes:farmer Tom in Caruthers passed away. Worked as an engineering before going on boards. The federal government has really screwed up as fuel prices have gone up again.
13.Public Presentations: Bob Whalen says he filed to run for judgeship and was unopposed. Registrar James Kus said Governor wants to appoint that position. I couldn't run for another race as filing period was over. He gives legal items that why he should be allowed. If a governor
was a bad actor he could wait until he saw who filed for a seat and then requested for an appointment instead. Mr Kus has the final decision.
CLOSED SESSION 17.1 Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Government Code, Section 54957(a); UMC Campus
located at the corner of South Cedar Avenue and East Kings Canyon Road, Fresno, CA; County
Negotiator: Paul Nerland or designee. Negotiating Parties: City of Fresno,
Under negotiations:
Instructions to County's negotiator may concern sale, lease and escrow terms and conditions
including price.
March 22 - 9:30 AM
April 5, - 9:30 AM
3-B Actions related to Senate Bill 1383 - California's Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy: 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15308/Class 8 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2. ***BILL - (For introduction)
Amending Chapter 6, Article 2 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to waste collection and disposal (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 3. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing submission to CalRecycle a Notification of Intent to Comply with the mandates of Senate Bill 1383 to achieve the organic
February 17th, 2022 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include the Abatement Bill that most homeless advocates are opposed to; Increase the Engineering Salaries to be more competitive;American Rescue Plan dollars for PD and 911 Call Center; And one for the road:A
WORKSHOP on Pavement!Among the Consent Agenda items include:1-B BILL No. 2 (Re-intro'd 2/10/2022) (For Adoption) - Amending Administrative Abatement, FMC section 10-616, to clarify limits on access to restricted areas where abatements are taking place (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
1-D Award a two-year Requirements Contract with provisions for three one-year extensions to Herwaldt Automotive Group, Inc. of Fresno, California, for a maximum of 75 marked patrol BMW motorcycles over a 5-year term in the total amount of $2,109,211.84, plus annual CPI
Fresno City Council Meeting February 10,2022!Among the items:Speed Bumps (humps);WORKSHOPs on ARPA expenditures, Mid-Year Budget review,Organic Waste Reduction (SB 1383). Among the Consent Agenda:1-C BILL No. 2 (Intro'd 1/27/2022)(For Adoption)- Amending Administrative Abatement,
FMC section 10-616, to clarify limits on access to restricted areas where abatements are taking place.
1-F RESOLUTION - Supporting FCTC Family, LP's submission of a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit application for the construction of affordable housing at 200 N. Salma and expressing the City's intent to contribute to the Project in an amount not to exceed $6,180,000 upon full award
February 1, 2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the ites include:ARPA funds;presentation from Supervisors Federal lobbyists;Supervisors federal platform ; Aid for Afghan Refugees;
Among the Contest Agenda 14. Adjourn in Memory of Mark Melkonian of Sanger, a farmer who was very knowledgeable in the
raisin business, well respected by his peers in the industry, and the Sanger Chamber of
Commerce 2017 Farmer of the Year
15. Adjourn in Memory of Dr. Rev. Harry Young Miller
January 27,2022 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items are two Closed Session items regarding Tower Theater and Sequoia Brewing;WORKSHOPS On Homeless Assistance Response Team (HART); Sustainability Division Energy Efficiency ;and Transform Fresno and TCC ; Other items
include Speed Bump adoption;On Consent Calendar: Apply for State Grant Opportunity for the 49 Acres Park Parcel on Peach and California Avenues; Directing staff to return with options to reduce plan check fees to incentivize multifamily housing;Leasing the City-Owned Historic
Water Tower by Frida Cafe;:Formation of a Veterans Memorial District in the City of Fresno;Amending Unlawful Dumping;Annual Action Plan and HOME-American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP)
January 18, 2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! New Chair Pacheco promised this year to focus on the County’s Foster System and County Employees. Sure enough two items today Social Services presentation on Foster System and Consent item will give one time payments
of $1500 “Pandemic Pay”to all employees. Among the Consent Calendar:14 Proclaim January 23-29, 2022 as "Fresno County School Choice Week"