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Feb 17 92 tweets 29 min read
February 17th, 2022 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items include the Abatement Bill that most homeless advocates are opposed to; Increase the Engineering Salaries to be more competitive;American Rescue Plan dollars for PD and 911 Call Center; And one for the road:A
WORKSHOP on Pavement!Among the Consent Agenda items include:1-B BILL No. 2 (Re-intro'd 2/10/2022) (For Adoption) - Amending Administrative Abatement, FMC section 10-616, to clarify limits on access to restricted areas where abatements are taking place (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
1-D Award a two-year Requirements Contract with provisions for three one-year extensions to Herwaldt Automotive Group, Inc. of Fresno, California, for a maximum of 75 marked patrol BMW motorcycles over a 5-year term in the total amount of $2,109,211.84, plus annual CPI
adjustments, for the Police Department. The FY22 purchase will be 15 motorcycles in the amount of $421,844.37
1-G RESOLUTION - Adopting the 567th Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No.80-420 to update reduced transit fare pricing.
1-J RESOLUTION - 51st Amendment to the Annual Appropriations Resolution (AAR)No. 2021-178 appropriating $6,141,400 under the General Fund that will fund salary increases and overtime for Bargaining Units 04 (FPOA Non-Management) and 09 (FPOA Management), 05 (IAFF Non-Management)
and 10 (IAFF Management) from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
1-K RESOLUTION - 52nd Amendment to the Annual Appropriations Resolution (AAR) No. 2021-178 appropriating $2,000,000 under the General Fund for the 911 Call Center from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes)
1-L RESOLUTION - Adopt Fourteenth Amendment to FY 2022 Salary Resolution No. 2021-176, amending Exhibit 13-1, Unit 13, Exempt Supervisory & Professional (CFPEA) to modify the salary ranges for Professional Engineer, Supervising Professional Engineer, Chief Surveyor, and Architect
1-O Actions pertaining to the CaliforniansForAll Youth Workforce Development Grant program: 1. Approve the 2021 CaliforniansForAll Youth Workforce Development Grant 2. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 53rd amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2021-178 appro-
-priating $232,500 for the One Fresno Youth Workforce Development Grant (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 3. ***RESOLUTION - 6th Amendment to the Position Authorization Resolution (PAR) No. 2021-179 adding three (3) positions to the Personnel Services Dept.
1-P Actions pertaining to the 2020 Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grant: 1. Approve a Sub-Grantee award to Saint Rest Baptist Church of up to $191,000 for the remediating of an existing building on the Saint Rest Campus
1-Q RESOLUTION - Supporting Housing Authority of the City's submission of a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit application for the construction of affordable housing at 1240 N. Crystal and expressing the City's intent to contribute to the Project in an amount not to exceed $3.5M
1-R RESOLUTION - Supporting the Housing Authority of the City of Fresno's submission of a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit application for the construction of affordable housing at 7521 N. Chestnut and expressing the City's intent to contribute to the Project in an amount not to
exceed $3,000,000 upon full award of tax credit funding for the Project.
1-S Approve a Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement with BNSF Railway Company to perform engineered design plan review and diagnostic evaluation, in the amount of $199,561.20, for the Blackstone Avenue and McKinley Avenue BNSF Grade Separation Project
1-X RESOLUTION - Authorizing the Submission of a Grant Application to the Fresno Council of Governments for the 2022 Measure C Transit Oriented Infrastructure for In-Fill Development Grant Program in the amount of $450,000 for the Blackstone Avenue Smart Mobility Project; and
Authorizing the Execution of Grant Application and Grant Agreement Documents by the Public Works Director or Designee
1-Z RESOLUTION - Initiating a Text Amendment to Chapter 15, Article 27, Section 15-2761 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to the sale of Tobacco.
1-AA RESOLUTION - Directing the administration to present the processes to change Kings Canyon/Ventura Blvd to "Cesar Chavez Boulevard" and directing the formation of an resident, business owner and stakeholder committee to engage the public and receive input, recommendations
1-BB &&RESOLUTION - Directing staff to perform the necessary meet and confer with labor unions related to declaring Cesar Chavez Day a holiday in the City of Fresno (March 31)
1-CC RESOLUTION - To Pursue the Formation of a Veterans Memorial District in the City of Fresno
Watch beginning at 9 AM @CMACTV
@fresnoland Twitter is rate limiting so I hope I can tweet the rest of the meeting live. 😞
Meeting has begun with all Councilmembers present 9:05 am. Invocation is delayed as Rev. who was supposed to failed to show. Fresno Unified's Superintendent Bob Nelson steps up to substitute.Some minor changes to the Agenda from City Clerk.1-M and 1-O pulled by Arias. 1-Z by
@GarryBredefeld . He also wants to register a NO vote on 1-BB.
Proclamation for "Summer Gaston Day" in the City of Fresno sponsored by @LuisCha70215912 Chavez used to work for Fresno Unified. Summer Gaston worked initially in SE Fresno(Easterby) and then to SW Fresno.We will come back stronger with teachers like her. She is a 3rd generation
teacher. She is now a Principal. "I am honored and humbled. We want to build good citizens, good character, trustworthy. I want my students to think back and say I was a good role model" Superintendent Nelson, Trustee Valerie Davis and Gail Gaston here as well.
Proclamation for "Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month" sponsored by @D7Esparza . Marjoree Mason Center representatives present. Domestic Violence is not only at adult levels."Fresno has highest level of domestic violence in California. We want to promote healthy teen relation-
-ships" says Center's Chair. Leticia says Know More program is important. Christopher Pedrosian of Sunnyside High says they teach the various relationships.Staphanie Koda of Bullard High says they wore Orange on Feb. 8 to promote awareness.City Manager Georeanne White
says kid to kid conservations are more valuable than adult to kid conservations. Valerie Davis says Marjoree Mason sets a good example for what is an appropriate relationships. Nelson:we are thankful to not perpetuate the cycle of violence.
Councilmember Reports:Soria says Bitwise hosted our Young Councilmembers Program @BitwiseInd Also neighbors near Fruit /Dakota will have trees trimmed soon.Tower District's Mardi Gras is February 27th at 1 pm Please patronize the local businesses.Quigley Park event March 1st
@MiguelArias_D3 Thanks Park Department and Public Works Mozier to help citizens imagine what their parks can be in their area.Also tree trimming schedule is out.Poverello House has opened up showers/laundry for unhoused. Also this month mobile showers/restrooms roll out too.
@Maxwell4Fresno February 22nd School resource trailer will be in Scandinavian Middle School 1:30 -4:30. Also Mid-Town trail had ground breaking @mmwpro63 that will run from Manchester Transit Center to Clovis Trail. It will be one of the first things travelers to airport will see
New lighting, benches etc will turn canal banks to a place that can be used. @D7Esparza Radio Park was a tour for Secretary Crowfoot. Also the Mid-Valley trail ground breaking. Also tomorrow presentation will be Train grade on Blackstone/McKinley . City Attorney says Whitney will
now be Council contact for Code Enforcement. City Manager Georgeanne White says West Fresno Plan tray memo is out. Camp Fresno information is being gathered as well as a tour of Camp next month for councilmembers. I have excused staff from being in chambers until their items are
called after Public Comment portion so they can continue to work in their offices. @MiguelArias_D3 On 1-AA I would like Cesar Chavez Blvd to extend all the way to California Ave. I will speak to @LuisCha70215912 to consider that.
Public Comments on Consent Agenda items only at this time. Gabriel Lozano:Support of Cesar Chavez Holiday and Blvd re-naming.Equality for all. Parents from Arkansas/Texas migrant fieldworkers but raised a great family.We made a difference in the community. Farmworkers should be
honored and proud.My daughter is now graduating from University of Tennessee in architecture. This is what this area brings. Eddie V:I support change street change to Cesar Chavez Blvd.He taught service to others, dignity for all.Si se Puede! I
Zoom:Robert McCloskey:Naming the street after Chavez is long overdue. What funding from ARPA is being replaced to pay for 1-J PD salary increases ? Also warm centers are still needed. @LisaYFlores1 on Zoom:After school my family handed out UWA fliers on their boycott. At 8 years
of age I could debate any adult on that matter. Today Cesar would be honored to hear if his name was the Blvd but he would be shocked about the anti-Dez Abatement matter on Consent Agenda 1-B. He would want us to live up to his values.
Fernando:Ezparza let me down again. Bible will change your life. You walked away from me. You put me on the bottom of the list even though I was here first. We need to do an audit on the missing money.
@LovesMercy Brandi:Abatement item is misleading as it always abatement team begins while people are still present. People need to be treated better.
School Board Trustee Valerie Davis We are in favor of Chavez Holiday bit not in favor of Kings Canyon/Ventura as they are landmarks. I would suggest 2500 Stanislaus which is the adult school location.
Loraine on Zoom:Criminalizing the "Surely Clause" allows those in power to discriminating those they don't like. The abatement law are just sweeps which are outlawed. After we all spoke last week the only think changed by Council was strengthening "Surely Clause" This is is just
an Anti-Dez law. Zoom:Lenicia Nagel:ARPA is to help those effected by Covid.Survey did say homeless, streets, gutters are top but these are also items are typically from General Funds.We need to make sure people are able to recover as we may not get these funds again. Zoom:Alex-
andra Alvarado of @FaithInFresno speaks on Abatement item. Council took out one word only after 1 and half hour public testimony last week.Abatement team does not give homeless enough time to remove their items.At the same time you are honoring Chavez is the same
time you are going to pass this abatement item. Next:in favor of Chavez honor. I come from a family of farmworkers.We need to now honor the essential workers. We can bridge the tale of two cities.
next:Cindy Pandino:1-B takes away my religious freedom. PD and not HART team were there to sweep homeless. What is "reasonable time" mean in Bill? A garbage and front loader drove on canal bank just inches from a man and his puppy. My group brings prayer to this group.
Carla Martinez:@LCJandA speaking on 1-J and 1-K ARPA funds for PD was not what people want. They want parks etc People were not given much time to respond to survey. Only 5% of the 800 who responded were from District 5 and 7.
Estela Ortega on Zoom:(in Spanish):how you invest the funds. We don't know in advance. Community needs are plenty. We need to know how Council will invest those funds. We have been advocating for parks, trails and affordable housing.
Zoom Guillermina Leon:(in spanish) ARPA funds should be given to District 3 and 7. We have asked for a park in District 3 for years. We need benches etc. This plan should include the community and most don't know of these funds. We have groups that could have participated.
Ed Howard:I think abatement item is immoral to stop advocates from doing what we do. Jose Leon Barazza:CEO of SEFCEDA says we express support of Chavez Blvd. Fair honors Ag and Chavez naming will help honor the farmworkers who put food on our tables.Mitigation of name change
for the small businesses effected. ACLU rep:Vote against 1-B as this is anti-advocate. On surface level renaming Chavez sounds good but homeless sweeps are occurring on that very street. Then we have McKinley and Polk streets that exist.
Zoom:Advocates need to be there during entire abatement. Also 1-J Council should invest in system of care and not in systems of surveillance. A survey that was called Public Engagement is not appropriate.
Zoom: Dez Martinez says Council is going to pass 1-B anyway. You ask us to come down here and you may actually listen but you are not hearing us. Is this for city's safety? Not for advocates safety.This is getting exhausting. People voted for you. I am disappointed.
Lilia Becerril:(in Spanish) Support Chavez Blvd. Evictions still continue. We have lots of graffiti in the streets.Invest ARPA funds in Districts 3,5,7.Thanks to @BalderramaPaco for meeting with us.
Next:Cruz says in support of Chavez Blvd and name a block in front of Bredefeld's house but we need to honor him in actions. We need to address the symptoms of our communities. ARPA funds and don't use Survey Monkey as survey as it is flawed. If you are not going to help don't
in the way. Grace Solis: Long history of working with farmworkers. Chavez gave us hope of getting out of Del Rey.I met with Senator George Zevnovich who hired me. I later worked with United Farmworkers Associating. The center of California's Ag and we don't have a street named
after me. It was the correct thing to do in doing the Union. Next:Juan Arambula: In support of Chavez Blvd. We moved to Deleno just as grape strike began. It encouraged me to go to law school. I was on school board when we named Adult School after Chavez.
Venacio Gamona:I am from SE Fresno:His life was one of support. He led by example. Fresno played crucial role in Chavez and Farmworkers. It was location for initial convention. High quality housing for families. We struggled and risked our lives.
Ginny Barnes:Disappointed to hear Council is for abatement item. Zoom:Graciela of @LCJandA 1-B unfairly targets homeless advocates who work to help those less unfortunate. These advocates are invaluable while homelessness problem is exploding. This is not the One Fresno Mayor
wants. Zoom:Lethal Garcia:I can't help homeless if I can't always advocate if a certain Police Officer doesn't like me that day. My son will look to Cesar as a hero as well as myself. The 7-0 on Abatement from this council was terrible. And the portable showers took for ever.
Zoom:Galvia Juarez (in Spanish):Community of homeless community don't have accessible homes where some have medical or mental issues. Take care of all the fieldworkers. People need help. Like Chavez put your heart in your hand and help our community.
Deiglis Delgado:ARPA funds people want parks but also safety in those parks. More affordable housing as well as mental health. Domanique:Dez Martinez has been my advocate. My items have been thrown away multiple times. Council's 7-0 is terrible. You don't care. Only our advocates
care. Lisa Torrecillas:I am homeless due to a domestic violence and I pray everyday for the Council everyday.We need help out here.Hopefully Council does what they say. Money needs to be spent where it will do most good for community.
Council Approves balance of Agenda (including 1-B). Arias thanks for all of those who led to the naming of Chavez Blvd.
1-M Actions pertaining to the FY22 Position Authorization Resolution No. 2021-179: 1: ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the 5th Amendment to Position Authorization Resolution (PAR) No. 2021-179, adding one hundred seven (107) full-time and two (2) permanent part-time positions Citywide.
Arias:why is there funding for more community officers?White:civilians will fill these jobs that would allow sworn officers to return to the streets.TJ Miller:Community Outreach Specialists is the class for now.Soria:Bike unit still returning to Tower in March?
White:Yes Approved 7-0
1-O Actions pertaining to the CaliforniansForAll Youth Workforce Development Grant program: 1. Approve the 2021 CaliforniansForAll Youth Workforce Development Grant 2. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 53rd amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2021-178
appropriating $232,500 for the One Fresno Youth Workforce Development Grant @MiguelArias_D3 Can we not name everything after One Fresno? Deputy Mayor Gundy:We hope that isn't off putting. We know if we invest in Youth that will be good. Big City mayors including @MayorJerryDyer
for this grant from State. The positions will lead to career pathways. We met with each Department to find which positions could lead to gainful careers.List is not final yet. Arias:personelle department seems to overwhelmed currently. Can this be placed under PARCS as most of
these positions are under that department. White:we are adding positions to Personal Dept just for this. We would have to transfer back into PARCS to cover it. Arias:Personal Dept has not been the friendliest when we have tried to hire at risk youth. I am not sure we have removed
those barriers in Personal Dept. Even when we hired College graduates it still took several months to get them through Personal Dept. White:Parks will be part of hiring too and coordinated with Personal. Arias:Will there be background checks, finger printing etc when hiring 100
at risk workers ? I don't think Personal Dept has the experience with that. Gundy:Mayoral Dept is committed to this program. The spirit of this program is to get these barriers removed such as child care. It does need to be housed in Personal Dept. Miller:a background check is
needed but we can remove that if need be.Arias:CBO's could be hiring agency and then placed into our City.There are plenty of youth that can and need work. This grant is focused soly on these at risk. Not sure if Personal Dept is set up for it.I will be watching closely to this.
Gundy:this grant doesn't allow us to hire outside the City. We all hold this to a high standard. White:I think this is the correct way to run this program but we are open to changing if those barriers are removed. Maxwell:I think this will be a game changer. But we need to change
this at youth level before they turn to a life of crime. On my part we need to invest in green jobs to get my support. Placing these youth under a CBO is not a bad thing. Some youth want to wear a suit but others want to get their hands dirty too. Gundy:CBO non profits can be
used but not private. @LuisCha70215912 Chavez:plugging in city departments to create a pipeline? A:yes. @gregorybarfield and myself were part of California Conservation Corp so he is a wealth of knowledge. Gundy:$7.4 M is what we were awarded. LA got $54 M. We were told our pro-
-posal was the best State had seen. Have to be spent by June 2024. @Esmeralda_Soria :I have been in supportive of youth hiring for years. Will this money augmenting what we had already put aside? A:this will be completely new money.Soria:if youth went to our website there is
nothing for Youth jobs there. It is a missed opportunity.Youth Hub is needed. A:Mayor shares your desire for a landing page for Youth.We need to do a better job of marketing it though. White:Lots of work is needed on our website.Gundy:We will begin tomorrow supplementing Personal
Dept. We hope to have a Youth cohort this Summer. @BalderramaPaco Explorers Program with cadet and Junior Cadets at High School beginning at Edison High. It hopes it will be a pipeline to our PD. Soria:Explorer Program doesn't pay so those disadvantaged have to work instead.
We often work in silos in this City. We need to find out how we are all communicating. @MiguelArias_D3 if we hired a 16 year old at the airport be able to get health benefit. A:No. Miller:If they were able to work full time and how they are placed in system than they would. If
injured on the job they would be protected under Workers Comp until them. APPROVED 6-0
1-Z &&RESOLUTION - Initiating a Text Amendment to Chapter 15, Article 27, Section 15-2761 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to the sale of Tobacco.Bredefeld wants to know more about it. Fresno Bee sung arias's praises. Arias:
GV Wire doesn't publish my OP-
Ed. Arias:Smoke
Shops have proliferated. We need to regulate buffer zones to schools. APPROVED 6-0
Council will come back at 1:30 for the Pavement Workshop, Unscheduled Communications, and Senate Bill 1383.

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Feb 17
Council is back at 1:37 from Lunch break
3-B Actions related to Senate Bill 1383 - California's Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy: 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15308/Class 8 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2. ***BILL - (For introduction)
Amending Chapter 6, Article 2 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to waste collection and disposal (Subject to Mayor's Veto) 3. ***RESOLUTION - Authorizing submission to CalRecycle a Notification of Intent to Comply with the mandates of Senate Bill 1383 to achieve the organic
Read 48 tweets
Feb 10
Fresno City Council Meeting February 10,2022!Among the items:Speed Bumps (humps);WORKSHOPs on ARPA expenditures, Mid-Year Budget review,Organic Waste Reduction (SB 1383). Among the Consent Agenda:1-C BILL No. 2 (Intro'd 1/27/2022)(For Adoption)- Amending Administrative Abatement,
FMC section 10-616, to clarify limits on access to restricted areas where abatements are taking place.
1-F RESOLUTION - Supporting FCTC Family, LP's submission of a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit application for the construction of affordable housing at 200 N. Salma and expressing the City's intent to contribute to the Project in an amount not to exceed $6,180,000 upon full award
Read 151 tweets
Feb 1
February 1, 2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the ites include:ARPA funds;presentation from Supervisors Federal lobbyists;Supervisors federal platform ; Aid for Afghan Refugees;
Among the Contest Agenda 14. Adjourn in Memory of Mark Melkonian of Sanger, a farmer who was very knowledgeable in the
raisin business, well respected by his peers in the industry, and the Sanger Chamber of
Commerce 2017 Farmer of the Year
15. Adjourn in Memory of Dr. Rev. Harry Young Miller
Read 65 tweets
Jan 27
January 27,2022 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items are two Closed Session items regarding Tower Theater and Sequoia Brewing;WORKSHOPS On Homeless Assistance Response Team (HART); Sustainability Division Energy Efficiency ;and Transform Fresno and TCC ; Other items
include Speed Bump adoption;On Consent Calendar: Apply for State Grant Opportunity for the 49 Acres Park Parcel on Peach and California Avenues; Directing staff to return with options to reduce plan check fees to incentivize multifamily housing;Leasing the City-Owned Historic
Water Tower by Frida Cafe;:Formation of a Veterans Memorial District in the City of Fresno;Amending Unlawful Dumping;Annual Action Plan and HOME-American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP)
Read 170 tweets
Jan 18
January 18, 2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! New Chair Pacheco promised this year to focus on the County’s Foster System and County Employees. Sure enough two items today Social Services presentation on Foster System and Consent item will give one time payments
of $1500 “Pandemic Pay”to all employees. Among the Consent Calendar:14 Proclaim January 23-29, 2022 as "Fresno County School Choice Week"
14.1 Adjourn in Memory of Russell Minick
Read 61 tweets
Jan 13
First Fresno City Council meeting of 2022! Election of Nelson Esparza as President; Homeless Advocates worried about two Consent Agenda items regarding limits on access (1-D) as well as fines on property owners for cleanup(1-FF);Several WORKSHOPS:Utility Rates;Homeless Services
Update on Transform Fresno projects and the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Grant.
Among the Consent Calendar items:1-C Actions pertaining to the expansion of the Litigation Unit in the City Attorney's Office: 1. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the 5th Amendment to the Position .
Authorization Resolution ("PAR") No. 2021-179, adding three full-time positions of Senior Paralegal, Paralegal, and Executive Assistant in the City Attorney's Office (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
Read 178 tweets

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