In fact, about ⅔ of cereals in the EU are used as animal feed. Human consumption accounts for the remaining ⅓ and biofuels take up 3%.
Meanwhile, 20% of EU food (about 88 million tonnes per year) is lost or wasted.
It’s clear that reduced production and uncertainty about exports from Ukraine and Russia carry significant risks for both food availability and affordability in Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. Tackling this is a question of logistics and finance, not supply.
Stopping the transition to sustainable food systems in line with the #FarmToFork and #biodiversity strategies is not the solution, even though some may try to use Russia’s war on Ukraine as a pretext to do so.
With a 2°C temp⬆️wheat yields in parts of Europe could decline 10-50%. We are rapidly losing pollinators: 50% of EU land in need of pollination faces a deficit. Extreme droughts bring billions in damages, and soil erosion already costs €50 bn per year.
While our immediate outlook is reassuring, we @EU_Commission remain vigilant: synthetic fertilizers’ high price can have an impact in 2023. This is another reason to optimize use and shift to precision farming and other sustainable practices. #CAP national plans must support this
In sum, EU food supply is currently not at risk. Scaring Europeans into believing that food might run out is incredibly cynical. There’s no need to add to people’s already high anxiety with false problems that serve to protect an unsustainable status quo
Vandaag een jaar geleden leidde de terreur van Hamas tot de moord op 1200 mensen, verkrachtingen en de ontvoering van 251 mensen. Een terugkeer naar de donkerste dagen uit onze geschiedenis. 1/5
We herdenken en eren alle slachtoffers en staan ook speciaal stil bij het lot van de gijzelaars die nog altijd worden vastgehouden. Onze gedachten gaan uit naar hun families, die met immense onzekerheid en wanhoop leven. 2/5
In de vele maanden die volgden is de regering Netanyahu veel verder gegaan dan het bestrijden van terrorisme. 3/5
Als we het goede in elkaar aanspreken, is er geen uitdaging zo groot of we kunnen deze aan. Daarin slagen we alleen als we weer vertrouwen voelen, in onszelf en in elkaar. Maar vooral het vertrouwen dat morgen weer beter kan zijn dan vandaag.
De drie moties die we indienen.🧵1/4
Als het kabinet wetten maakt, dan moet dat via een normaal wetgevingsproces. Niet door het noodrecht te misbruiken en het parlement buiten spel te zetten. 2/4
Dakdekkers, buschauffeurs, politiemensen, het treinpersoneel en al die andere hardstwerkende Nederlanders hebben het recht om gezond de eindstreep te halen en van hun pensioen te kunnen genieten.
Zij verdienen een fatsoenlijke regeling voor vroegpensioen. 3/4
"1.5 degrees is about avoiding a future for our children and grandchildren that is unliveable. I want my one-year old grandson to live a peaceful, prosperous life, like I want it for everybody's children and grandchildren."
"This is personal. This is not about politics. I don't live in Palau. I don't live on Barbados. I don't live on the Marshall Islands. But there it's even far more personal because you're standing with your feet in the water. This is what we need to address today."
"We need to make sure major emitters reduce their emissions so that we keep 1.5 alive. That needs to be at the heart of our conclusions today. We need to be able to say when we meet again in Egypt next year, we've done it, we're on track for 1.5."
We are not where we need to be – not even close. We’re moving in the right direction, but the world is still too far away from our 1.5 degree goal. This week at #COP26 we need to take decisions that put us on track to reaching our goal. Within a year, because time is running out.
This is about addressing the effects of the crisis we are already experiencing, just as much as it is about making sure it does not get worse. Financing adaptation is critical. We all repeated that mantra endlessly. But the rhetoric is sadley not followed by action.
The @EU_Commission will contribute €100 million to the Adaptation Fund. Because those who desperately need resources for adaptation, also need to have predictability and clarity about its delivery.