Unknown #Hepatitis in #children: From my point of view as a clinical virologist, there are many aspects that speak against #Adenovirus, with important implications for treatment. Why? Viral loads in the cases reported to be low. Normally viruses causing hepatitis are massively
found in the blood. Hepatitis virus A, B, E, when causing fulminant clinical hepatitis: very high viral loads (C rarely causes this). Same for other viruses with hepatic tropism (eg Yellow fever). Viral hepatitis with pronounced clinical picture but low viral loads doesn’t exist
Now in the children with hepatitis no Adenovirus was detected in the liver biopsies, and viral load in blood was low. In some cases, Adenovirus DNA only in whole blood but not plasma. Again: a virus that is replicating in liver should be found everywhere: plasma, serum, biopsy
Strikingly, no full genome of an Adenovirus could be sequenced from any of the cases. In the rare cases of systemic Adenovirus infections that I remember (very few in > 10 years diagnostic virology at university hospitals, all in severely immunocompromised), huge viral loads,
so high that sequencing would be easily possible, also virus isolation in cell culture. The fragments detected in the affected children with hepatitis revealed in most (not all) Adv positive cases 41F. This is a long known gastrointestinal Adv that never caused hepatitis before
In absence of a full genome indicating anything unusual, hard to believe 41F would suddenly completely change tropism PLUS suddenly cause severe disease in immunocompetent children, which was never observed before - and all of this, on a global scale. Not all cases Adv + at all.
With no common pathogen across cases & increasing signals for a post-viral (immune-mediated) pathogenesis (whichever pathogen is the cause), important decisions for treatment: antiviral (only effective if there is virus replicating) vs immunosuppressive treated (eg cortison)
Rapid data sharing of successful treatment for post viral disease extremely important. Urgently needed what works, remember children are very sick, liver transplantation is only possible in highly specialised centres & several deaths are already reported in US.
Also data on adenovirus circulation from other parts of the world would be interesting. Many European regions experience high levels of Adv circulation. Typing is of interest as well as detection in whole blood in healthy children. Possible it’s just a coincidence finding
Since there were many comments on #SARSCoV2#COVID19 as potential trigger: I think this is a likely hypothesis but more data needed. Serology data should come soon, I would assume such children will have close follow up for transaminases & serological assays are widely available
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Auch es keine pandemische Situation mehr ist: es gibt Dinge, die Infektionen reduzieren: zuhause bleiben bei Erkrankung (am besten telefonische Krankmeldung), Maske in beengten Innenräumen, Impfung für Risikogruppen & def. in medizinischen Einrichtungen, Luftqualität⬆️
In meinen Augen kontraproduktiv: Ständig sagen, das sei a) gut so b) Erkrankte nur wehleidig & garnicht krank (dagegen sprechen alle Surveillance-Date), c) es von Massnahmen vor >3-4 Jahren kommt (wir haben seitdem erhöhte Zirkulation vieler Viren) d) gut für die Wirtschaft
Die Infektions-/Immunitätskonten für respiratorische Infekte sollten längst ein dicken Plus anzeigen nach Jahren „Investition“ = wir haben seit Jahren überdurchschnittliches Niveau am resp Infektionen, sogar a-saisonal,bestätigt, für Covid-19, auch Grippe, RSV, sogar Bakterien
This is a really cool paper that shows reduction of RNA viral load in #SARSCoV2 vaccinated individuals when infected across different vaccines in the early acute disease phase. We investigates the same question a while ago ... academic.oup.com/jid/advance-ar…
...in this paper, but in addition we have also assessed infectious viral particles by growing the virus. In both study designs, vaccination had an impact on viral load with lower viral RNA/infectious viral load after vaccination. nature.com/articles/s4159…
And: It was also observed in an epidemiological study that vaccination seems to reduce infectiousness! nature.com/articles/s4146…
Wir werden in Zukunft in der #Schweiz keine Überwachung mehr für hospitalisierte Patienten mit #SARSCoV2 oder #Influenza haben. Schwer nachzuvollziehende Entscheidung des @BAG_OFSP_UFSP, insb. in Hinblick auf zukünftige Epidemien wie #Vogelgrippe #H5N1 bag.admin.ch/bag/de/home/da…
Dies ist insbesondere traurig, da die Schweiz seit 2018 ein exzellentes Netzwerk aus Spitälern aufgebaut hat, die in Echtzeit Daten von hospitalisierten Patienten mit Grippe gesammelt hat - ein System, um das uns viele Länder in der Pandemie mehr als beneidet haben!
In der Pandemie konnte das wertvolle Instrument, was in Genf für Grippe kreiert wurde, schnell auf #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 erweitert werden, und hat viele wichtige Daten für die öffentliche Gesundheit gesammelt, sowie für die Überwachung von SARS-CoV-2-Varianten durch Sequenzierung
Es gibt zwei Ausbrüche, die global gerade ganz große Sorge hervorrufen sollte: #Vogelgrippe/#Influenza #H5N1 in Rindern, USA und #Mpox (#Affenpocken)-Ausbruch, DRC. Beides enormes Potential für die nächste Pandemie. Keins von beiden wäre auf globaler Ebene gut zu bewältigen.
Beide Viruszirkulationen, der eine (noch) im Tier, der andere gerade im Mensch angekommen, könnten mit sehr intensiver (nationaler & globaler) Anstrengung vielleicht noch ausgelöscht werden. Dies passiert aber nichtmal ansatzweise. H5N1 ist ja "nur" im Tier, Mpox scheint weit weg
M.E. das Problem bei der Einschätzung hier: Risiko wird so lange als gering für die allg. Bevölkerung gewertet werden, bis es zu spät ist. Es gibt kein mittleres Risiko. Wenn es breit & effektiv im Mensch ist, ist es zu spät für eine Eindämmung. Primäre Prävention: Nichts gelernt
Increasing reports of #H5N1 on farms & other mammals is more than worrying. Yes we need to prepare, but most importantly we prevention: where’s the global push & pressure on the US to contain this while it’s still in animals (hopefully, as there’s also not enough human testing)
This virus will not burn out, it is thriving, it’s well suited to infect many species, thus it will spread further and become less a less controllable and at some point there will be a virus that is more adapted to humans. The window of opportunity is closing very quickly!
Containing contagious animals diseases is nothing new and there are decades of knowledge how it can be done. Test every farm, cull or at least isolate infected cows properly (I doubt isolation is possible though) & put infected farms under heightened surveillance & isolation.
A good read on the current situation with Bird flu in US cows: is the milk supply safe #H5N1 nature.com/articles/d4158…
Three thoughts: "In fact, in some equipment set-ups, workers spray down milking machines with high-pressure hoses to clean them, which would aerosolize any infected milk, says Wasik." This sounds like an incredible bad idea in the current situation & a risk for the workers
"It’s possible that pasteurization would be less effective at killing relatively high viral concentrations in milk ... keeping milk from infected cows out of the commercial supply is extremely important." But exactly the latter is apparently not working it seems