#mermay2022 #bkdk

Alpha Mer Izuku falls pregnant with the prince of his kingdom’s child, Enigma Mer Prince Bakugou Katsuki. But before he could tell the prince, he received threats to stay away from the prince or else.

He ignored the warnings and soon Katsuki became ill from

Now afraid for the safety of not only the prince, but his own child, Izuku escaped to the only place he could think of.

The surface.

Where not only the prince couldn’t come after him, but also the one sending the threats.

He took a potion and became human to live on
the surface.

It’s been 4 years since then and he has a little girl named Sachiko, who has long, spiky green hair, freckles, and red eyes.

He keeps her far from the ocean in case any mermaid or merman spotted them on shore.

Then one day, Sachiko’s daycare is taking a small
field trip to the beach and learn about seashells. Izuku is about to protest, but Sachiko gives him the puppy dog eyes.

“Daddy! I wants to go to pwetty beach! Please please please!!” she wails, those eyes just making him feel guilty.

Izuku sighs, rubbing his forehead.
“Alright, but I want you to stick close to me, alright?”

“Yay!!!” Sachiko scampers off to her room to prepare for the field trip.

Izuku watches her, a smile on his face. It’s been 4 years and so far, nothing has happened.

So maybe this field trip won’t be so bad after all.




Izuku should have brought aspirin.

Kids scream and/or complain at their parents that the beach is “Too sandy!!” “Too hot!!” “A crab bit my toe!!”

Sachiko is at his side, clutching his hand as she stares silently in judgement at her peers.
Sachiko glances up at him. “Daddy… my peers awe annoying art they?”

Izuku nearly chokes on his own saliva, some parents nearby glaring him. He bends down to her level. “That’s not a nice thing to say, Sachiko.”

“But it’s true toe!”
Izuku sighs in exasperation. While he likes that she’s honest, sometimes she can be /too/ honest. A lot like someone he knew…

His gaze snaps towards the waters of the ocean, inhaling the salty air he dearly misses.

“Alright students and parents!” calls the head teacher. “We
will be collecting shells in these little pails.” She holds up tiny plastic buckets for the kids to use. “You all have one hour to collect as many as you can carry. Also, be careful with some shells because they can contain a living creature inside it. Now pass the pails

She looks at Izuku, who is conveniently the only male alpha in the group. She bats her eyelashes at him, clearly trying to flirt with him. Again.

He nervously chuckles, clearly uncomfortable with the attention. “Okay, I can do that.”
He quickly takes the pails away from the teacher, but still feels her eyes on the back of his skull. And it seems like he’s not the only one that notices.

After passing all the pails around, he gives the red one to Sachiko who glares at the teacher in question.
“I no like her looking at ya…,” she mutters, clutching her daddy’s hand.

Izuku can only sigh. “Let’s ignore her for now and enjoy the beach, okay?”

“Otay…” But she doesn’t take her eyes off the teacher, silently sending her a message reading ‘You’re not good enough for him.’
She sticks her nose up at the teacher and walks off with her daddy down the beach. Sachiko immediately starts going for seashells she finds pretty.

But other kids seem to follow her and her daddy. She even sees someone trying to take a shell out of her pail!

She snatches the shell the other kid took out of his hand, causing him to whine loudly. Sachiko keeps her pail and shell close to her chest. “This mine! No take!”

“No! It mine!” screams the boy, going for her pail. Izuku intervenes, stepping in between his daughter and the boy.
“I saw the whole thing, mister,” Izuku says sternly. “You took that shell out /my/ daughter’s pail. Now apologize for stealing or I’ll tell your mother.”

The kid’s face absolutely turns red, like he’s never heard the word “no” or been denied something. Izuku rolls his eyes.
Izuku picks up Sachiko, who looks down at the red faced boy and blows a raspberry. The boy gasps.

“I-I’m telling my mommy!!”

He runs off down the beach towards a woman that’s too preoccupied with her phone. Izuku recognizes her as Okumura Karin.

A total bitch.
Izuku decides to make a hasty retreat rather than deal with that woman. He’s honestly surprised that she even came on the field trip to begin with.

Maybe she expecting a cabana boy with margaritas waiting for her.

He and Sachiko make it past some large rocks and out of sight.
Thankfully, no one else is here as he sets Sachiko down. Her eyes sparkle. “Pretty shells…!”

She immediately starts going for shells that are surprisingly still intact. Squealing, she’s finding better shells here than where the others are.

Then she sees more shells near the
water and runs over to the water, her little hands shifting through the sand. The water helps wash away the sand from pretty shells when she notices something in the sand.

She digs it out and sees it’s a shell necklace with a reddish pink shell. Image
“Pretty….!” She takes the necklace to go show her daddy. “Daddy! Looks what I found!!”

Her daddy looks down and she sees him visibly pale at the sight of the necklace. Sachiko has never seen her daddy like this before.

“Sachiko, put the necklace back where you found it.”
“Why?” asks Sachiko, clutching the shell close to her. “It mine now! I found it! Mine!”

Her daddy is sighing, his hands shaking slightly. She decides to give him her puppy dog eyes, knowing he can’t resist them. Sachiko sees him struggle until he finally gives in.
“Alright… You can keep it, but,” he gets down to her level and uses his shirt to dry the shell, “keep it away from water, do you understand?”

Sachiko is puzzled, tilting her head slightly. “Why?”

“It’s make the shell necklace smelly. You don’t want the pretty necklace to smell
do you?”

Sachiko immediately shakes her head. “No! No smelly!”

Her daddy smiles. “Good girl. Let go back and rejoin the group, okay?”

Sachiko nods as he scoops her up in his arms. She looks out towards the ocean and swears she sees something peeking out of the water at them.
She blinks and the thing is gone. Izuku takes her back towards the group of preschoolers. Thankfully, Karin didn’t seem that interested in what her son was complaining about earlier.

She is still too preoccupied with her phone and Izuku is starting to feel bad for the kid.
His mother obviously ignores him a lot by just this interaction alone.

Then some omegas start giggling, looking in a particular direction. Izuku turns and sees a red haired man coming on to the beach with a surfboard. He’s large and smells of Alpha Prime.
“Hello Kirishima-san~!” an omega calls out to the red head, who looks up and smiles, having surprisingly sharp teeth. Why does he look so familiar….?

“Who is that?” Izuku asks one of the mom’s, who doesn’t take her eyes off the surfer before replying.

“He’s a surf instructor.
He had been here for at least 5 years or so teaching kids and adults surfing lessons.” She sighs dreamily. “If only my husband kept his figure after he quit sports…”

Izuku now also feels sorry for this woman’s husband who is now ogling another man.
The red head, Kirishima, makes his way over to the group. Some omegas push up their chests, discreetly showing more cleavage. Izuku rolls his eyes, but Kirishima didn’t seem to notice.

In fact, he ignores the omegas all together and heads for Izuku instead.
“Hi!” Kirishima says excitedly. “Names Kirishima! I’ve never seen you here before. Are you a parent or a volunteer for these little rascals?”

“He my daddy!” Sachiko pipes up, Kirishima glancing down at her. “He the bestest!”

Kirishima grins wider, getting down to her level.
“Is he now?” Kirishima grins up at Izuku, his smile like sunshine that the alpha may need sunglasses. For some reason, the alpha feels his cheeks heat up under the prime’s gaze.

Kirishima stands up and offers his hand to Izuku. “Maybe we can see each other more often? Maybe over
coffee sometime?”

Izuku feels his face grow even hotter. Is he… trying to ask him out on a date?

The alpha can feel the omegas glaring at him. Especially by Karin, who he knows is glaring behind those expensive ass shades.
Izuku feels something churn in his gut, then a smile of his own graces his face as he shakes Kirishima’s hand. “Yeah, I would like that very much. Thank you for the offer.”

The feeling of smugness spreads throughout his body as he sees Karin fuming. Kirishima doesn’t seem to
notice her menacing glare directed at them. Kirishima scratches the back of his head.

“I don’t have any paper on me, just a pen.” His red eyes glance at Izuku’s arm. “Could it be possible to write your name on your arm?”

Izuku does have paper, but the thought of this prime’s
handwriting on his skin makes his alpha go a bit crazy.

“Y-Yeah, sure, go on ahead.”


Kirishima pulls out what appears to be a water proof pen and begins writing on Izuku’s arm. Sachiko watches the display, then looks at surfboard.

“I wants to learn!”
“You want to learn how to surf, little lady?” Kirishima asks, Sachiko bouncing on her feet. Izuku has never seen her warm up this much to someone before.

She has her… sire’s aversion to being nice to people or, as she puts it, give him strange looks she doesn’t like.
But she’s warming up to Kirishima almost immediately. Her own red eyes are sparkling as she looks at the surfboard.

“Yeah! Yu Wed Rye-Rio-“

“Red Riot?” Kirishima cocks a brow, amusement on his face. Sachiko nods her head and now it dawns on Izuku while this alpha prince felt
[*prime, not prince 😅]


Kirishima is the famous Red Riot! Considered a surfing legend and won so many competition!

How did Izuku just realize now that he’s in front of a pro and not just a simple surf instructor?!
Kirishima finishes writing his name and number on Izuku’s arm, him smiling at Izuku in a way that makes alpha start something it hasn’t done since he left the ocean 4 years ago.

The alpha /purrs/ inside him.

It startles Izuku a bit. It hasn’t reacted like this since… since he
was with Katsuki…

“I’ll see you sometime, Freckles! Maybe I can give you some surfing lessons too?”

Kirishima then /winks/ at him before going off with his surfboard out towards the ocean. Izuku’s cheeks are absolutely red by this point, his alpha inside not helping.
/Mate…./ His alpha whispers and whines, Izuku immediately telling it to shush.

Kirishima isn’t his mate… He just met the man!

Izuku left his real mate 4 years ago underneath the waves… But Izuku glances at the necklace Sachiko is holding.

He thought he would never see that
necklace again.

He gave it up 4 years ago to a sea witch to have her make a potion that permanently made him human.

But, somehow, it made its way back to him. Could the sea witch have given it back? No, she liked it too much to give it back.

Especially since it was a betrothal
necklace Katsuki made himself.

/“This is a reminder that you are mine and I am yours.”/

The feeling of everyone staring at him snaps him out of those memories. The teacher clears her throat.

“W-We will be heading further down towards the tide pools. Follow me!”





Katsuki wasn’t a patient merman.

He sat on his throne, his mother beside him squawking away like usual.

“You need a Queen, Katsuki!” She shrieked. “The Kingdom in the Pacific has a lovely omega that would be perfect for you and have future heirs with!”
He groaned out. “Would you quit your marriage proposal shit already, Old Hag!!”

Mitsuki glared at him. “Are you /still/ thinking about him? He left without a trace 4 years ago!” She threw up her hands in exasperation. “He /left/, Katsuki! Give up already!”
Katsuki loudly banged his fist on the throne, the rock below the throne cracking from the pressure. Nearby attendants squeaked in fear and swam away.

Mitsuki held her ground even when Katsuki got out of his throne, him a whole head taller than her. He glared down at her.
“You seem to have forgotten who is King now and it certainly isn’t /you/.” He grabbed the Royal triton, it glowing red with his energy of rage. “Now, if you don’t want to end up as a stain on the ground, leave my presence now, former King.”

Mitsuki balled up her fists. “You will
regret this, Katsuki… We /need/ a proper Queen that can bear young. Keep that in mind.”

She swam off in a huff, Katsuki watching her go.

He would have to keep an eye on her from now on. He set his triton back down and sat back on his throne when some guards come in.
In between them in handcuffs was a sea witch with light blond hair tied into buns, sharp teeth, and the lower half of an octopus. Katsuki raised a brow.

“And why have you brought this sea witch before me?”

“Because she was wearing something/very/ interesting, your majesty.”
The guard held up something and the sea witch shrieked out, “Mine! Was payment and now mine!!”

She tried to claw the guard, but the handcuffs encased her entire hands.

In the guards hand was a seashell necklace… That he gave Izuku 4 years ago as a betrothal necklace.
He still wore the necklace he found in Izuku’s cave that was most likely his betrothal necklace to Katsuki. He glared down at the sea witch, his hands gripping the throne hard.

“Where did you get this necklace and what /payment/ are you speaking of?”

(Katsuki’s necklace) Image
The sea witch kept her mouth shut, Katsuki rising from his throne and stalked towards her. He harshly grabbed her by her jaw, making her cry out.

“I asked you questions. Where did you get this necklace and what payment are you speaking of?”

“C-Can’t tell, magic binding contract
states that I can n-not reveal what the customer paid for- Ugh!!!” Katsuki gripped her harder, his eyes dark. Then he smirked.

“I guess we will have to ransack your little cave and find this contract, shall we?” He let her jaw go. “And rip it apart to make you tell me what you
know. Guards! Take her to dungeon!”

“Yes your majesty!!”

“You will not touch my things!!” the witch shrieked, squirming in their hold. Katsuki turned to look at her.

“I won’t touch your /precious/ things… If you make the contract bill and tell me what you know.”
The sea witch visibly gulped, but then she started to chant a spell and then a bright light came before them… After it faded, a golden scroll appears and unfolds itself.

At the bottom was Izuku’s signature.
Katsuki snatched the paper and began reading it…. Only to find the letters changing every few seconds and making him unable to read the paper.

“Witch! What does this say?!”

“It’s a magical binding contract… only I and the customer can read it.”

“Then fucking read it!”
He shoved the paper into her face, her glaring up at him as she sighed and took a deep breath. Then she began reciting the contract.

//“As of our deal, I, Toga Himiko, shall grant the customer a potion that shall permanently cast the sea from their lungs. To breathe the air and
no longer bound by the waves. To feel the warmth of the sun and walk along the sandy shores forever more…”//

Everyone fell silent, the water tense now as the implication of what the potion was for settled in their minds.

Katsuki spoke. “So… He’s fucking /human/ now?!”
Toga nodded her head. Katsuki wrenched at his hair, unable to process what he had been told.

Contact between the surface and their kingdom was strictly forbidden. Especially for Izuku after, when they were kids, accidentally got caught in a fisherman’s net. Katsuki was in a
panic that day when he saw Izuku getting caught in that net. He was about to charge the boat back then when Izuku was suddenly back in the water.

The net had appeared to have been cut. Izuku wouldn’t really tell him what he saw that day or how he got away.
But ever since that day, Izuku had a strange… obsession in the surface world. Katsuki would catch him rummaging through old human ships for stuff.

Katsuki was not happy back then…

And he was /furious/ right now.
He glared at the sea witch. “Did he give a Gods damn reason /why/ he needed that potion?” he growled out, teeth clenching as he did so.

The witch sighed. “No… He just asked for the potion in exchange for the necklace…”

“You’re not lying to me again, are you?”
The sea witch had the audacity to shrug. “I don’t ask what personal problems plague my clients. I just ask for payment for my potions.” She eyeballed necklace. Katsuki glared at her harder.

“You ain’t getting this back, sea witch.”
He motioned for his guards to take her away, but before they did, Toga had one last thing to say. “I do remember something… His scent seemed rather odd…”

“Odd how, witch?”

“Well, maybe a payment would suffice-“

“Guards, escort her out. She ain’t getting shit from here.”
Katsuki watched them escort her out, the doors slamming shut behind them. He clenched his teeth.

He honestly shouldn’t believe the words of a Sea Witch. They are conniving and trap people into contracts they didn’t mean to sign. But the contract she pulled out was legit and her
remarking about Izuku’s scent.

But now he knows Izuku was no longer in the ocean or any body of water.

Katsuki swam out of the throne room and towards the treasury. All of his family’s heirlooms are locked inside and there’s one item in particular that may help him.
It was considered a useless item since it’s didn’t work. His father told him once that he found it when he was Katsuki’s age in a sunken human ship and his father was able to read some of the human language on the box.

/“It said on the inscription that it’s a scrying mirror.”/
His father was always strange, being one of the few merman he knew that could read one of the human languages.

That’s what got his mother to like him because he could translate important stuff to her. Like anything that could be a potential threat to their world.
Katsuki unlocked the door and swam inside, gazing around for the box. He found it eventually, hidden underneath a pile of armor and ancient weaponry.

He took the box and inspected it.
It was a small chest, simple in design wise (for a human made one). But on the bottom was an inscription in a language Katsuki couldn’t decipher.

If his father was still alive, he could probably read it to Katsuki.

(The chest) Image
“How the Hell does this thing work?” Katsuki grumbled, setting the chest down. “Is there a fucking command for it to work? Nah, my mom would have figured that out by now.”

He looked at the item, crossing his arms. “Knowing her, she probably called it every name in the book. I
wouldn’t open up for her either. She probably didn’t even get to say “Majestic sir mirror” before chucking-“

The chest’s lid opened, startling Katsuki a bit before shards inside came together to form a floating mirror. Katsuki blinked.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me…”
Katsuki rubbed his temple. “That’s all it fucking took… A very pretentious mirror you are.”

He looked at the mirror. It was made out of shards of mirror that, when the box opened, joined together to form a floating mirror.

Now that it was finally opened, how was Katsuki
supposed to use it?

His father mentioned it was a sort of scrying mirror. It was a bit similar to their water mirrors, but they could only look through oceans and natural freshwater areas.

So… Katsuki whispered out, “Find Izuku, my mate.”
At first, nothing happened and Katsuki thought the mirror was truly not working until it dawned on him.

“For the love of Poseidon,” he cursed, glaring at the mirror. “Find Izuku, my mate, /Majestic Sir Mirror/.”

The mirror obliged, beginning to swirl with magic.
Katsuki watched when an image appeared in the mirror. His hand instinctively reached forward, gently caressing the image.

“Izuku…,” Katsuki murmured, seeing the image of Izuku… One thing is for sure, Izuku is most definitely a human now.
Even as a human, Izuku was still beautiful. He appeared to be near a coastline of sorts, the ocean behind him. He wasn’t alone though. He was with other humans on said beach with screaming kids and Katsuki scowled.

He recognized the looks most were giving /his/ mate.
One human bitch kept batting her eyes at Izuku, her discreetly showing more of her chest towards /his/ alpha! Katsuki wanted to rip this human bitch’s throat out.

The others included that kept staring at Izuku like he was blood in the water and them hungry sharks.
/‘He’s mine, you human bitch!!’/ ran rampant in Katsuki’s mind as he surveyed where Izuku was.

He instantly recognized the beach where his mate was. The beach was around an hour or so away from the kingdom. It would take Katsuki, in possession of the trident, no time in reaching

He would personally bring back his mate and make him explain why he ran away like he did. Why he only left a small note that said “I’m sorry”?

And why he broke Katsuki’s heart the day he went searching for him after the poisoning incident…
Katsuki gripped the necklace he made for Izuku when he made his decision.

It was forbidden to go to the surface, but for Izuku, Katsuki is willingly breaking that rule.

Making sure no one was around, especially his mother, Katsuki slowly made his escape.
He took an old route he and Izuku used to take as kids before his mother declared the no surface law. Izuku, like Katsuki’s father, was fascinated with human things and Katsuki indulged it.

Until that day Izuku was caught in the fisherman’s net.

Katsuki went ballistic, his
secondary gender awakening that the guards that discreetly followed them had to hold him back.

He remembered thrashing in their arms, screeching up a storm. He clawed at their bodies until Izuku was back in the ocean.

Katsuki didn’t let Izuku out of his sight after that.
Katsuki shook his head of the memory, following the route and using a bit of ocean magic in the trident to make himself go faster.

Then he broke the surface of the water and looked at the coastline.

There, he saw something green come around a cluster of rocks.
Katsuki watched, anticipation in his gut at finally seeing his mate again. He looked more breathtaking in the flesh… But it appeared that Izuku wasn’t alone.

His mate was holding a small child with green hair much like Izuku’s. Katsuki couldn’t see her face, but something
churned violently in his gut.

Did… Izuku get with someone and have a child?

The thought of someone touching Izuku or Izuku touching someone else made the water around Katsuki boil in his anger and jealousy.

But the boiling stops when the child turns to face the ocean.
The child’s eyes…

Those were /his/ eyes staring out into the ocean. A pretty smile like Izuku’s graced her face as she toddled about, grabbing seashells and placing them in a bucket.

Izuku was behind her, standing far from the water and out of Katsuki’s reach.
Katsuki had domain over the water, but his magic would shrivel in power towards land. So Izuku had to be in the water for Katsuki to get him.

But he saw the girl wandering towards the water and an idea formed in his mind.
He carefully took the necklace he made for Izuku and got the current of waves to gently carry it towards the shore.

The closer it had gotten, the weaker his magic got. But, thank the Gods, it reached where the little girl was on shore.

Katsuki waited for her to see it.
And she did.

Her red eyes sparkled as her little hands reached into the area where the necklace was. She pulled it up and her smile grew bigger as she scampered out of the water.

She appeared to be excitedly showing Izuku the necklace, who paled looking at it.
Izuku talked to his- //their// daughter before trying to go for the necklace. But their little one seemed pretty adamant in keeping the necklace. Katsuki saw Izuku sigh, reminding him of his own father when Katsuki was being difficult as a kid.

She was his alright.

gazed at her, her appearing to be around 4 years old or so… Or what he could guess as she was a little human.

So that meant that… Izuku was /pregnant/ when he left and Katsuki /missed/ it.
Well, he won’t be missing anything anymore as an idea forms in his head. He doesn’t like it, but it will have to do.

Katsuki watches Izuku pick up their daughter, her gazing out towards the ocean. He swears that she sees him before he goes beneath the waves…






The moon is high in the sky right now. Perfect for a midnight ride.

A biker named Hasegawa Daiki is enjoying riding his motorcycle on the roads near the ocean. The moonlight pounces off the water, making it sparkle under the moon.

He comes to a stop to enjoy the view.
He goes to pull out a cigarette when he hears a strange splashing sound.

“Hmm?” he hums, cigarette unlit in his mouth. He pulls out his keys to turn on his mini flashlight. He points it to where he heard the noise.

He doesn’t see anything but some waves crashing against rocks.
He shrugs his shoulders, thinking he’s just hearing things. Then he hears another sound.

It sounds like wet footsteps, him hearing the water dripping down on the concrete. Daiki swivels his flashlight around.

“Who’s there?” he calls out into the dark.
There’s another sound, but he can’t seem to find the source. Daiki backs away slowly towards his motorcycle.

Until his back hits something that is definitely /not/ his motorcycle.

He turns and catches red eyes before something hits him on the back of the neck.

Daiki passes





[“This morning, local motorcyclist Hasegawa Daiki was found this morning, his belongings, including his clothing and motorcycle, were stolen-“]

Izuku turns down the tv a bit as he sips some tea, glancing at his guest.

“Glad you could come, Uraraka-chan.”
“No problem, Midoriya-kun,” says Uraraka, munching on a cookie. “Sorry I couldn’t come sooner. I’ve been so busy, especially since Mina is now 7 months pregnant with our twins.”

Izuku smiles. “Yeah. How is Mina doing?”

Uraraka grins, but nervously. “She can’t tie her shoes.”
Izuku grimaces. “Oh boy, I don’t miss those days.”

Uraraka chuckles. “Mina almost started to cry that she couldn’t wear her favorite lace i up p sandals anymore. Had to start wearing flip flops instead… But I calmed her down with her most recent cravings.”
“What’s her craving this time?” Izuku inquiries, munching on a cookie himself. Uraraka grimaces.

“Pickled squid… With chocolate ice cream.”

Izuku shakes his head. “I thought I had bad cravings.”

“Midoriya-kun, one of your cravings was jalapeño stuffed peaches…”
Izuku winces. “Please don’t remind me…”

Uraraka giggles, then her eyes turn a bit serious. “So… your necklace you bartered to a Sea Witch appeared out of nowhere on the beach field trip?”

The alpha nods. “Yes… I’m still in shock, even today…”

“Well, you did say it was a
betrothal necklace. I would be freaked out too if the ring the Iida family gave me appeared in front of me…”

Uraraka, like Izuku and several others hidden in plain sight, was a mermaid from one of the ocean kingdoms.

She was to marry the Iida’s alpha son Tenya, but she didn’t
love the alpha.

Uraraka was from a poor family and had to rely on the Iida’s for money by this marriage. She, as a beta, was to be expected to be the dutiful wife of the family and not cause any problems.

Even when her husband impregnates someone else.
The day before her wedding, she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t marry into such a family.

So she swam away as far from her kingdom as much as possible. Uraraka then found a sea witch and offered him the valuable ring for a potion to become human and live on the surface.
She hasn’t stepped foot in the ocean for 7 years…

And she was the one that found Izuku shivering on the side of a road, draped in a blanket he swiped from someone’s clothes line.

Izuku glances at Sachiko nestled on the couch, that necklace in her little hands as she sleeps.
He squeezes his teacup a bit. “Uraraka-chan…?”

“Hmm?” She is sipping her tea. He fiddles with the cup a bit.

“Do you think… I made a mistake coming to the surface?”

Uraraka is silent, putting her cup back on the table. Then she lets out a deep sigh.
“Honestly? I think you should have told him in your note why you left…”

Izuku stares down at his tea, watching the tea leaves on the bottom. “I know… But I was scared… Someone was able to poison my Kacchan of all merman… And he’s immune to every poison known to us.”

• • •

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Jul 9, 2023
#bkdk Omegaverse AU

25 yo Izuku sadly dies from overworking himself and ends up reincarnated into a Otome game he used to play…. An Omegaverse one.

And he’s reincarnated as the side villain of the game. The omega protagonist’s twin brother, a beta who got jealous constantly
whenever the protagonist or anyone got too close to an alpha lead.

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In the game, Izuku’s character was eventually found trying to frame their twin for stealing exam answer sheets and promptly expelled by the student council and teachers from the most prestigious private school the game is set in.

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Mar 31, 2023
#bkdk Yakuza Katsuki x Homeless Izuku

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Katsuki curses while the skinny man apologizes profusely.

He ignores him, hoping his dragon and tiger tattoos would spook the man off as he gathers his stuff. Gladly they did, the green haired man hightails it away from the blond Yakuza member.
After this, Katsuki goes to buy himself cigarettes… Only for his card to decline.

“What the fuck…?!” Katsuki glances down at his card and notices that while it has the same All Might print, it’s not his name on it.

It belongs to a Midoriya Deku.

He grinds his teeth, thinking
Read 58 tweets
Jan 26, 2023
A rewrite of one of my old threads. #bkdk Omegaverse

O! Izuku wants a pup so badly, but is given devastating news. Possibly due to the constant usage of OFA, he has been rendered infertile.

Heartbroken about not being able to conceive his own pup, he leaves the hospital.
smells of lemons. He lathers it into her hair, being mindful to keep the suds out of her eyes.

She releases content purrs and chirps, the omega’s heart squeezing once again at this. He asks, “Do you have a name?”

The girl turns to look at him, her expression being that of in
thought. Then, miraculously, she says, “Ha-Hana, Hana-bi?”


She smiles again and nods.

“Oh, what a lovely name. It means firework,” he says and for a split second, a confused look crosses the girl’s face.

“Not small?”


“Hanabi… Mean not… small?”
Read 100 tweets
Jan 13, 2023
A sort of Cinderella #bkdk AU

Izuku is a kind stepfather to Eri and, after losing his husband/Eri’s father out at sea, raises her on his own with their dwindling fortune.

Today, he works several odd jobs just to keep the house he and Eri live in. Eri, wanting to find someone to
make her stepfather happy, decides to attend a ball. The ball is for the King’s Nephew, who is now the heir to the throne and needs a bride.

Eri arrives at the ball and one of the few ladies without an escort. She completely ignores all men’s advancements, including the King’s
Nephew. She is on a mission to find her stepfather a partner that needs to cherish and love him. Not just anyone will do.

But she doesn’t expect to gain the King himself’s attention when his nephew complains about her ignoring him…
Read 70 tweets
Jan 6, 2023

On April 1st or known as April Fool’s Day, Katsuki receives a letter from his FwB, Alpha Izuku. In the letter, Izuku states that he is pregnant with Katsuki’s child. And with the letter, an ultrasound photo…

Katsuki doesn’t believe it.
Tags: #omegaverse, #dynadeku, #BKDK, #togachako, #seroroki, #shinkami

CW/TW: mentions of mpreg, blackmail, lying/manipulation, restraining orders, supposed stillborn, revenge, violence, drugging, bad mom Inko

Rewrite of this old thread:
Katsuki still remembers that day he received that letter.

He was looking through his and his dorm mates’ mail when he saw familiar handwriting.

“Tch! /Now/ you decide to contact me,” mumbles Katsuki. “But why a letter, stupid Deku.”
Read 153 tweets
Nov 26, 2022
Since my birthday is next Thursday, I’m trying to decide which figure to buy myself. I just need help deciding which one (poll down below ⬇️)
And yes, there is a Black Friday sale going on Crunchyroll. I tried to find the figures on Amazon. Couldn’t find this Nobara one, but the Blake one cost around $50 more. So Crunchyroll it is!
Read 4 tweets

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