The LAA is derived from the left wall of the primary atrium (embryo). Its diff from the true LA and its suited to function as a decompression chamber during left ventricular systole and during other periods when left atrial pressure is high
3/ the appendage is like your fingerprint. No two are the same.
4/ even with its physiologic functions the LAA seems to propose more risk then benefit especially in the setting of atrial fibrillation.
About 15% of ischemic strokes arise as a result of atrial fibrillation #LAAO#Afib#CVA#stroke
Credit- Jaqueline Shaw, UBC
5/ OACs work well but still carry a 2-5% major bleeding risk/yr. So many factors contribute to ⬆️ bleeding risk and unfortunately many of those same factors share territory with afib. Many patients are left with either no anticoagulation or risk of repeat bleeding events.
6/ enter left atrial appendage occlusion- specifically The #Watchman
This device was designed to prevent stroke in afib patients that cannot tolerate anticoagulation (long term) #LAAO#Afib
7/Protect AF- After 3.8 yrs of f/u pts w/ nonvalvular AF ⬆️ risk for stroke, perc LAA closure met criteria for noninferiority and superiority, compared w/ warfarin, for preventing outcome of CVA, systemic embolism, and CV death, as well as superiority for CV+ all-cause mortality.
8/ the first device was novel but had many issues. It was hard to implant, and now we are finding has issues with late leaks and possible device thrombus #Watchman#LAAO
9/ the real winner- WATCHMAN FLX. As someone that has implanted both, this device has been the definition of a game changer. It’s easy to implant and the way it conforms the the appendage is must better than it’s previous ridged predecessor the 2.5 #LAAO@EPeeps_Bot
10/ PINNACLE FLX, SEAL FLX, and SURPASS have very promising data. We are still awaiting CHAMPION AF data but all signs point to the Watchman FLX as being a revolutionary change to the LAA closure space. #LAAO
11/ implantation truthfully is all about the #transseptal. A posterior and mid/Inf transseptal is preferred to access the anteriorally located appendage.
12/I’ve started using the #VersiCross and man it’s an amazing way to cross. The sheath is well transitioned to get into the skin and then the moldable sheath engages the septal followed by exposure of the wire. RF ON! then push the wire forward and form a PIG tail in the LA
13/ next pick your right sheath (depends on anatomy)
12F ID and 75cm working length
➰Single curve
➿Double curve (used most often)
〰️Anterior curve
Use echo to choose. If LAA close to ventricle use single, if LAA curves towards atrium use anterior. Double- everything else
18/ Counter-clock to release. The FLX allows you to recapture and reposition as many times as you want pull everything back into the IVC. Figure 8 stitch to close. Home the same day! #LAAO#Cardiotwitter
19/ 💊 OAC for 45 days
🔍followed by TEE or CT to confirm no device thrombus or leak
➡️then DAPT for 6 months after.
🙏🏾Hopefully coming data will let us drop the OAC 45 day post period
21/ watchman is another device in the structural interventionalists tool box!
We couldn’t do it without our amazing structural imagers and coordinators! The device is safe and can change a persons life! Excited to see the field continue to evolve. #Watchman#LAAO#McLarenHeart
1/ What features PRIOR to intervention are suggestive of adverse prognosis in acute PE?
Which marker do you suggest is the highest risk of poor outcome DURING intervention?
#Cardiotwitter #VTE #pe
2/ This is the list. I would suggest that a very large RV/LV ratio (>2) and presence of severe PH (PASP>60) yields significant risk during intervention
I know @AntoniousAttall has touched on this, but I would warn most operators extreme caution in this patient subset.
We don’t have a true list to assess during intervention!
I would argue we need to look at more markers prior to intervention to indicate treatment in the expanding role of intervention.
Markers such as RA/RV ratio, more echo criteria (60/60 rule), pulmonary artery obstruction index (PAOI), and The Hounsfield Unit Values of Acute and Chronic Pulmonary Emboli have been suggested
3/ Historically #EPeeps has taken the driver seat in this space (rightfully so) due to experience with the LA/transeptal. HOWEVER the new gen #IC/structuralist have become a vital part of the team.
2/ Middle age patient with hx of CAD and PCI to LAD presents with significant SOB and elevated Hs-Trop. No chest pain. No ECG changes. Echo with inferior hypokinesis.
Here’s the diagnostic with a JR4.
Notice the filling defect in the RCA. This is thrombus. How do we know?
I recently saw a controversial tweet arguing against tx of chronic clot and restricting tx SOLEY to the CFV/iliac. While I agree (for the most part)- data is limited. At the end of the day we care about the pt, and not every pt is the same! Case➡️