1/ Map Update #UkraineMap #Russian, launched an offensive to storm different small cities in the #Soledar and #Bakhmut direction, ru enemy have captured 2 little cities with zero strategical signification as they are beyond a natural river protection.
note that the red stripes
2/ zone is the area of "demarcation" (separation/neutral zone) from 2017 Minsk treaty.
so the cities of #Svitlodarsk & #Mironivskyi are under Ru control. (south)
then up north in the #Soledar direction Ru have pushed up to #Bilohorivka and seems to have under control the city of
3/ #Vasylivka but they did not reached #Yarovlivka.
also they are supposed to be now on the T13-02 (no confimation yet)
from the report this morning (yet to be confirmed though, as usual)
4/ Also they would be now in the "outskirts" of Zolote.. which was only Ru claims. no confirmation whatsoever and could be one of another "attack" that goes nowhere...
also for ref the last map of the area :
so a lot of "fuzz" totay.. but nothing extraordinary in a 5 days ops
5/ I'll uptade tonight if there is any confirmation by Gen staff reports or other real reports.
also all the fuzz this morning to say they have reached #Toshkivka ... yeah! the one they were supposed to have "secured" a week ago...
1/ Recap/
Les frappes aériennes (et artillerie) russes se sont intensifiées au cours des dernières 48 heures dans de nombreuses régions sur point spécifiques et une utilisation désormais presque totale de munitions non guidées (qui restent "précises" lorsque bien utilisés tt de
2/ tout de même.)
Cette forte augmentation est lié :- d'une part à une demande du gvt Russe afin de mettre "le paquet" pour de prendre définitivement la zone de Bakhmut à Sloviansk par exemple - d'autre part à l'amélioration des conditions météorologiques.
3/ Dans certaines zones on a vu des impacts de missiles de croisière russes (rapporté hier) vers Sumy ou Kharkiv mais jusque ds le sud et le sud-est Kryvyi Rih a également été ciblé pendant la nuit avec au moins trois missiles, tout comme Zaporijia.
Remember all the pro Putin trolls telling you they have "plenty" 10k of the best tanks, just 3 months ago...
Well with all the destroyed/damaged materials they have to bring in 60 years (hello gd Pa! who's gonna drive?) old metal can to go on (no gain since Kyiv retreat)
2/ from yesterday official reports from Gen Staff
Apparently no more than 200/250 modernized (From M version and going on) version ot T-62 would be available as for now. (to be confirmed though) fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-62
but does not smells good for "AllMighty Russian Power)
3/ you also need to take into account the time to "service" (remise en "état" condition opérationnel) pour tout le matériel qui était juste "entreposé" et parfois "àla russe". Pour remettre en etat de fonctionnement un T-72 il faut une équipe complète de 8 personnes pendant..
1/ IMPORTANT! je vais juste faire un rapide point mais tres tres important sur les pertes Ukrainiennes aujourd'hui (Mini thread on #Ukraine -losses on the field - quite a major revealing here)
Je suis en effet "tombé" sur un article ce matin daté d'hier : pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/…
2/ some people might say "yes we knew" (of course we knew.. but had no real "clue" about real numbers) when we count the tally of Russian losses & in relation wih the Russian equipment that is destroyed/abandoned & reports from UA officials we have "doubts" and surely we can
3/ certainly substract 15% to the claimed amount of total Ru loss inflicted by Ukrainians.
but we knew little about UA losses until now.
Last time we had official accounts about it.. #Zlelensky said that were more than 3k KIA and about 10k injured troops. 2 months ago.
1/ Thread to talk about #Popasna area.
End of the day Gen staff confirmed ; "In the #Bakmut direction, with the support of artillery, Russian tried to improve the tactical position of their units. fought in the settlements of #Toshkivka, #Komyshuvakha, #Trypillya & #Vasylivka.
2/ reminder of the settlements (small cities) .
so I'm doing this thread to put in perspectives all the talks we can here about this area right now and what Russians are "trying" to achieve there...
3/ As we all well know by know is that they are basically trying to progress in the direction of #Bilohorivka as main goal & #Bakmut / #Soledar.
The idea seems simple and quite "feasable" classic pincer movement..
well as i said weeks ago. i don't think so.
let me "explain"...
1/ Map Update #UkraineMap#Russian, launched an offensive to storm different small cities in the " #Severodonetsk direction, russian enemy fired on the positions of the Defense Forces along the entire line of contact with mortars and artillery, concentrating efforts in the... /
2/ direction of the settlements of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. #Russian enemy conducted offensive and assault operations in the areas of Oskolonivka, Purdivka, Shchedryshcheve and Smolyaninove. The offensive was repulsed, russian enemy suffered losses and was forced to .../
3/ retreat to the old positions." Gen Staff Morning report 22 Mai 2022
Note. #Russians seems to have focused their main battle as for now on the #Popasna area but r "stuck" here simply because of the #Borova small river on one side and the #Yerik river and swamps/forest .../
1/ Update News from Gen Staff - end of the day
"The Russians planned to overthrow the personnel warehouse and heavy armored equipment with a pontoon ferry across the river Siversky Donets near #Serebryanka. But forcing the Russians of the river..." #UkraineMap so clear Ru plan..
2/ has emmerged from the last 48 hours. They will push hard to succeed.
2nd part : Today the Russian fascist invaders conducted offensive operations against #Lypove & #Vasylivka in Luhansk region but were unsuccessful.
distances are short but many cities to conquer #UkraineMap
3/ Russians are "forced" by their gvt to take that axis (well not ready to have any success over the Siversky Donets) to at least claim a victory (you can see the limit of the Oblast.
also they would then put in a "chaudron" the remaining UA forces.
but the more they push on this