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May 29, 2022 667 tweets >60 min read Read on X
Martyred this day 67 yrs ago Image
The Hero of Batalik.
Fell in Kargil, leading from the front in days when info about enemy was still sketchy.
A real Tiger .. Image
Maj Sarvanan - Even after death, his body lay staking claim on land that was rightfully HIS, till it was recovered when own troops could finally reach where he did, 37 days later.
Naik Ganesh & Sepoy Pramod, who too lay in snow and rocks of Batalik with their platoon commander, Maj Sarvanan for so many days. Their Battalion had made it a mission to recover them, come what may.
Even though it took more than a month, yet they did it. ImageImage
Without knowing it beforehand, Maj 'Genghis' Sarvanan had taken on an enemy entrenched in well fortified bunkers. He very nearly reached his objective before he was martyred.
What fine men, these, that came into their own that summer.
Hats off indeed. Image
Seventh martyrdom anniversary of this Chhattisgarh Policeman. Felled by 'Gandhians With Guns' in Sukma Image
2Lt SS Poondir and the 19 men of 19 Kumaon who perished in an avalanche in #Siachen this day in 1984 Image
SSB boys, martyred in the line of duty 16 years ago Image
2Lt Rajiv Pandey, VrC (P) and his ten men, who were martyred in the first attempt to take the Qaid Post in Siachen, this day in 1987
It was using ropes fixed by them before they fell, that Bana Singh ultimately succeeded.
The op was aptly named 'Operation Rajiv' Image
Sepoy Emmanuel Tigga, First Battalion The Bihar Regiment
This Vir Bihari, in the prime of his youth, sacrificed himself for the sake of his Comrades and his leader during an encounter with terrorists during Op Rakshak in Punjab, this day in 1992 Image
Cannot help but going thru this obit over and over again.
What a crazy day that would have been - a young Veer Bihari lad in a mad charge, taking down FOUR Khalistani terrorists and ensuring dispatch of two more before he fell ..
Reminds me of a few lines I've tweeted many times before -

Life, to be sure,
Is nothing much to lose,
But young men think it is,
And we were young ..

God bless young Emmanuel and the thousands like him who've sacrificed themselves for us ..
Such simple words, perfectly sum up the madness of an encounter that wouldn't have lasted more than a few minutes, yet whoever wrote these, captures it in a way that is indescribable.
Yes, young Emmanuel died so that his colleagues.. his brothers.. could live and fight; and WIN.
Earned a Mentioned in Despatches in the process.
He rests here, all of 26 yrs (age mentioned incorrectly in the obit above).
God bless this young warrior's soul. Image
Sub Harphool Singh Kulhari, 17 JAT
Fell in Op Vijay on 30 May 1999, at the head of a valiant, victorious charge ImageImage
Eighth martyrdom anniversary of this martyr, who fell for the Motherland in Narayanpur, Chhattisgarh Image
Col RR Gaur, CO 9 SikhLI.
This Tiger fell leading from the front during the dirtiest days of J&K Ops in 1995 Image
Along with their Tiger, four more Singhs of Ninth Battalion The Sikh Light Infantry too made the supreme sacrifice this day 27 years ago. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 30 May Image
Veer Biharis, who fell enroute to Tololing Top right behind their leader, Maj Sarvanan, this day in 1999 Image
Maj Rajesh Adhikari, Maha Vir Chakra (Posthumous) - Hero of Tololing - fell on 30 May 1999, leading his troops from the front, advancing relentlessly through a blaze of enemy fire. Image
Adhikari was leading the central arm of three 10-man teams trying to capture a position at more than 15,000 feet. He led his team with great tact and skill and ensured that they came as close to their objective as they could, despite the well entrenched enemy.
Remember, info about the enemy was still sketchy at that stage. Pakis were there in much greater numbers and with much greater preparation than what was assumed.
Yet, young officers like Rajesh Adhikari & their equally ferocious men climbed up uncomplainingly.
Not just that, they also achieved successes beyond anyone's wildest expectations.
Major Adhikari was mortally wounded enroute to his objective, yet he refused to be evacuated and continued to lead his men against withering enemy fire.
YET, despite his grievous injuries, he still led the physical assault on yet another bunker and dispatched the Paakis manning it.
Finally, he fell, lifeless, but even in death he had ensured a foothold just 20 metres short of the objective.
It was a foothold that would facilitate the ultimate capture of his objective and finally, the Tololing Massif itself by his brothers of 18 Grenadiers.
Btw, he wasn't even originally from 18 Grenadiers - he had been commissioned into the Mechanised Infantry. Image
That summer he was on an attachment with the infantry battalion, 18 Grenadiers. Yet he gave it his all, and vice versa too - his men too gave their all under his leadership.
Such were the folks that ensured victory that summer at such insane altitudes.
A valiant Kumaoni by birth, he fell just 11 days short of his first wedding anniversary, with an unread letter from his wife in his pocket, which he had said that he planned to read later, in peace, after the operation.
Sadly, he never got the chance. That night three teams of 10 men began their assault. Adhikari led the central team, three metres ahead of his men.
Hit on the chest, he grimly drove forward. The bunker fell, but Adhikari lay dead 20m short of his objective.
His mortal remains were finally recovered about a week later & sent back to his family in Nainital.

A screenshot of his MVC citation, sourced from Wikipedia. He died a true warrior's death. Image
Nk Birender Singh and L/Nk Rajender Kumar Yadav, Sena Medal.
Also martyred with Maj Rajesh Adhikari this day in 1999 Image
Deputy Commandant Joy Lal, HC Khajan Singh, HC Shamsher Singh & CT Kailash Chand, 4 ITBP.
These Himveers fell in J&K this day in 1999. ImageImageImageImage
Refer a few tweets above, the boys of 1 Bihar were, in all probability, martyred at Jubar, not Tololing
Hav Tsewang Rigzin, VrC (Posth), Ladakh Scouts (Indus Wing).
This native of Kargil sacrificed himself at ChorbatLa in an insane engagement at an insane altitude, this day in 1999 during the Kargil War Image
Group Captain Manmohan Bir Singh Talwar, Maha Vir Chakra.
This veteran of the 1971 War passed away this day three years ago.
God Bless his soul Image
Guardsman. Died fighting for the Nation this day 13 years ago Image
These Khalsas of Gobind fell fighting in the same valley that their forefathers had captured some generations ago Image
The two officers & 17 DSC/DFS boys martyred fighting the blaze in Pulgaon Ammo Depot this day six years ago.
As good as forgotten.
The bureaucracy KNEW things weren't fine, yet they slept on it.
NO such ba$tard will be tried for murder.
Names and faces of the two officers who led from the front, fighting the deadly blaze in order to ensure safety of the rest of the deadly ammunition stored next to it.
Saved an entire town, but gave up their lives in the process.
Four DSC and 13 Defence Fire Safety personnel too died fighting the deadly blaze. Names seem to be lost forever
A young child was forced to bid a premature farewell to his father, and an old father was forced to bid a premature farewell to his son ..
Martyrs of BSF - 31 May Image
In memory of Vir Biharis of the Tenth & the Eleventh Battalions, The Bihar Regiment, on their Raising Day.
A really long and distinguished list indeed ..
God bless them all Image
Martyrs of 17 JAT - yet another Paltan that covered itself with glory in the Kargil War. Just try and count the number of names of their fallen over all those years if you can .. Image
Martyrs of 212 Rocket Regiment (Kargil), remembered on the occasion of the 39th Raising Day of the Unit.
Fell in Op Rakshak & Op Vijay respectively. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 01 Jun ImageImageImageImage
Martyrs of BSF - 01 Jun Image
Lt Col Rajeev Parmar, 21 Maratha Light Infantry.
Died this day in 1995 during the process of conversion of his battalion to the famed 21 Para (Special Forces) Image
CT/GD Niraj Chetry.
This SSB trooper fell this day three years ago in the service of the Motherland
Martyrs of CRPF - 02 June Image
Even as war raged in Kargil, good folks in Valley still carried on fighting the 'other' war against enemies of the Nation .. Image
Chhattisgarh Policemen.
Fell this day in different years to the same enemy Image
This day in 1999, Lt Col R Vishwanathan, 18 Grenadiers, wrote a letter to his wife. Image
It was crisp and to the point: 'I am proceeding to an unknown destination. It could be dangerous.' Image
He didn't get to post it.
However, Mrs Jalaja did receive the letter four days later, along with his bullet ridden body.
That night Vishwanathan had been on a leader's mission. Three of his men lay dead enroute to Tololing Top.
He HAD to retrieve them.
It was the least he could do.
Leading from the front, he crawled up towards the well entrenched enemy.
The enemy wasn't a fool either. He had catered for every possibility in order to safeguard his positions.
ALL, except one - sheer guts of the Indian Armymen hell-bent upon throwing him back to the hell hole he called home.
Vishwanathan too did his bit in gaining vital ground, building upon what his comrades had achieved a few days earlier.
He captured three enemy bunkers before bullet injuries on the thigh and groin stopped him.
First aid didn't work and Lt Col Ramakrishnan Vishwanathan breathed his last while being evacuated to Dras. This brave son of Mother India died in a part of country that couldn't possibly have been much farther from his native Kerala.
He was the highest ranking officer that fell in the Kargil War.
Photo: Lt Col Vishwanathan on his final journey homewards, atop shoulders of his brothers in arms, who too had put themselves in the line of fire right behind their valiant leader. Image
A grateful Nation bestowed the Vir Chakra upon him.
Photo: Mrs Jalaja Vishwanathan receives her husband's Vir Chakra from the President of India Image
God bless the soul of this fallen warrior ..
Capt PV Vikram, Sena Medal
This Gunner fell along with two of his buddies, supporting his infantrymen during the #KargilWar
A really heart-touching obituary, this. Image
Memories of Capt PV Vikram. Worth a watch
Martyrs of BSF - 02 Jun Image
Refer a few tweets above.
Lt Col R Vishwanathan, VrC(P) wasn't the only 'Grinder' of the 18th Battalion who fell on the night of 2/3 June 1999.
5 more of his men fell with him that night.
2 more VrC and 3 Sena Medals were earned that night.
God Bless their souls Image
Refer above tweet. Here is the story of Lance Hav Ram Kumar, Vir Chakra (Posth), 18 Grenadiers.
Fell during an assault on Tololing on night 02/03 June 1999, at a piece of INDIAN land 15,000 feet above sea level.
As part of the assault group, Ram Kumar.. Image
.. was at the head of the attack. When they encountered a machine gun bunker, Ram Kumar volunteered to clear it and started crawling towards it. The three Packies manning the bunker brought down heavy fire on Ram Kumar.
Undaunted, he kept ..
.. closing in with his increasingly panicking prey who threw everything they had, on him.
Finally, the inevitable happened. As he came close, two bullets found their mark, injuring him in shoulder and waist.
Unmindful of his injuries, this Param Vir crawled his way closer to the enemy and lobbed a grenade inside the bunker, killing one Paaki instantaneously. The other two, however, managed to rush out.
What followed was an insane hand to hand combat in which a blood soaked Ram Kumar dispatched these two back to their maker for daring to set foot on HIS Motherland, as also paving the way for his brothers to eventually recapture Tololing.
Task successfully accomplished, Lance Havaldar Ram Kumar left for his heavenly abode soon.
A grateful Nation bestowed the Vir Chakra upon its brave son, for his supreme sacrifice.
God Bless his soul Image
Martyred on 03 Jun 2007, fighting to maintain the sanctity of the Nation's borders Image
Martyrs of BSF - 03 Jun Image
Nk Dipak Maity and Gunner Manivannan G, martyred in the terror attack on their convoy in Qazigund this day five years ago. ImageImage
2Lt PM Raman, Ashok Chakra (P), Third Battalion The Sikh Light Infantry
Fell fighting for the motherland, this day 66 years ago, in a nondescript place about as far away from his place of birth as could be. Image
His story
Just try and imagine the sight - A young Thambi warrior leading Khalsas in a fight to the finish against Naga insurgents ..

Major Mehta Singh, Kirti Chakra(P), 3 SikhLI, who also fell with his ward, 2Lt Raman this day 66 years ago, when he chose to charge headlong into the 550+ Naga rebels and physically linked up with 2Lt Raman, breaking the ambush. Image
Sep Gurtej Singh, Shaurya Chakra (Posth), 16 RR (Sikh Regiment)
This brave Khalsa of Gobind fell in Poonch this day in 2003, dispatching two terrorists in a most audacious encounter Image
Seven years since the ambush in Manipur claimed 16 men of 6 Dogra.
They were avenged shortly thereafter, by a team led by a Manipuri officer Image
A total of 18 men were lost that day.
Here are their names and faces .. fathers, brothers, sons, friends, husbands ..
Martyred in Punjab this day 32 years ago .. still remembered. Image
Fell in Chhattisgarh, murdered by Red terrorists, 15 years ago. Image
Sep Shivshankar Prasad Gupta, fell this day in the Kargil War
CISF boys, martyred in the line of duty 19 years ago
The Khalsas of 1 Sikh that fell this day in 1948 in the battle for Mir Kalsi Ridge ahead of Tithwal.
30 against 200.
Yet they prevailed.
Here's the story of that day. Gave me goosebumps just typing it.
Must Read.
Maj Deepak Padda, 85 Armoured Regiment / 14 Grenadiers.
Fell this day 17 years ago ..
SSB Trooper.
Fell this day two years ago Image
Boys of 62nd Bn CRPF, martyred in the war against Red terror this day 15 years ago Image
Nk Bachittar Singh, Vir Chakra (Posthumous).
Martyred this day, during opening stages of the 1965 war.
Here's his story .. Image
He attained a glorious martyrdom in a most audacious attack on Kala Pahar (West of Kargil) by 1 Guards.
Paakis put up fierce resistance at those insane altitudes, but still came up short in front of the Indian infantryman - gunner combo.
Three and a half hours was all it took the Indian Army to evict them in an engagement which soon degenerated into a hand to hand fight.
It was here that Bachittar Singh proved his mettle.
This Khalsa of Gobind was right there in the front, doing his bit in ..
.. evicting the Paakis that had dared set foot on his Motherland, making the supreme sacrifice in the process. But before he fell, he had made enough of an impact on the battlefield to earn his Vir Chakra. Image
The six other men of 1 Guards who too fell early in the morning along with Bachittar Singh while recapturing Kala Pahar, this day 57 years ago.
Air Commodore Sanjai Chauhan, martyred when his Jaguar crashed this day four years ago in Kutch, Mundra (Gujarat). Image
Major Surinder Singh, Vir Chakra (Marnoparant), 16th Battalion The Rajputana Rifles.
Martyred this day in 1989, while leading from the front during Operation Pawan, a sadly forgotten war that took thousands of sons of Mother India. Image
Havildar Mathiazhagan P, The Madras Regiment.
Martyred in the line of duty along the LoC in Subderbani Sector this day two years ago. Image
Sep Arun Singh, 62 RR/ 19 DOGRA
Fell in Shopian this day last year, at 24 years of age Image
2Lt Ramesh Rawat. This young lad from Pauri, Garhwal was martyred in Sri Lanka this day 33 years ago, far away from his home. Image
Brothers in arms consigned him to the eternal flame on the battlefield itself; only his ashes making it back home ..
Om Shanti .. Image
Died fighting separatists in Sukma in 2008
One of many that have fallen in the war over the years Image
CT/GD Balbir Singh, 33 Bn BSF.
Martyred this day 32 years ago, fighting terror in Punjab Image
Martyrs of Eleventh Battalion The Rajputana Rifles.
Fine men that fell in line of duty over the years.
One Ashok Chakra, One Kirti Chakra, FOUR Vir Chakras and three Shaurya Chakras.
One hell of a fighting outfit, this! Image
The above names include Capt Haneefuddin, Vir Chakra (Posthumous), who fell this day in 1999.
The battlefield where he fell is today called Sub Sector Haneef, in his honour.
Here's his story ..
Capt Haneefuddin, 11 RajRif
Chose to hold on to HIS land and fight to the end in Turtuk at an altitude of 18000 feet above sea level, where let alone fighting, even breathing is a major exercise. Image
However, this day in 1999, Capt Haneef and his Rajputs did exactly this.
Armed only with small arms, they held enemy hordes at bay till they ran out of ammunition, laying down their lives in the process.
24 year old Haneef from Delhi was a young man full of life. A singer / musician par excellence, he'd just started a band in his Paltan.
A dashing young man, he was crowned 'Mr Shivaji' while doing his graduation at Shivaji College, Delhi.
Commissioned into the army on 7 June 1997, this day in 1999 he'd completed exactly 2 yrs of service when he volunteered to lead a special mission patrol to occupy a post at 18,500 feet in Turtuk in order to get a commanding view of enemy dispositions & his ..
.. movements across the LoC.
Enroute, he and his boys came under effective fire while advancing in sub zero temperature along a razor sharp ridge.
Haneef bore the brunt of the fire but in spite of grave injuries, took position & returned fire, in order to ..
.. extricate his pinned down patrol.
Hit repeatedly by small arms and arty fire, he kept the enemy engaged, enabling his men to reach a safer location.
In doing so, he made the supreme sacrifice, earning a Vir Chakra.
His glorious martyrdom left an indelible mark on the battlefield which was renamed Sub Sector Haneef in his memory by the Indian Army.
Three tweets from #ThoseThatWait series.
Good parenting is indeed a great contributing factor that goes into the making of heroes
Video: Final homecoming of Captain Haneefuddin Mohammad, Vir Chakra (Marnoparant)
Also to fall that day with their young leader, Capt Haneefuddin Mohammad, were Naib Subedar Mangej Singh, Vir Chakra (Posth) and Rifleman Parvesh.
These men of 11 RajRif KNEW it was a suicidal mission that they had volunteered for. Image
The orders were dangerously simple - take a day patrol, DRAW FIRE and then observe the enemy, from closer distance and find out their dispositions in order to prepare for eventual capture of Point 5720.
Yes, they were to make themselves as LIVE BAIT to find ..
.. how the enemy was deployed.
Accompanied by Naib Subedar Mangej Singh and a few soldiers of the Ghatak Platoon, Haneef's patrol skirted the Karchan Glacier and reached approximately 200m close to the enemy, when they were caught in heavy automatic fire.
Though the patrol was able to fulfill its task, identify eight enemy bunkers and obtain details of deployment of automatic weapons, without which later attacks wouldn't have been successful, the brave, young and gallant Haneefuddin, Nb Sub Mangej Singh and ..
.. Rifleman Parvesh were fatally wounded.
They had reached so close to the enemy that an initial attempt on 6th June to recover their bodies failed.
In fact it was only on night 17-18 July that the bodies of Capt Haneefuddin and Rifleman Parvesh could be ..
.. retrieved by their comrades while crawling under enemy fire, while that of Nb Sub Mangej could only be extricated after the capture of Point 5590 on 04 August 1999.
God Bless their souls ..
Jai Hind
This 'Grinder' of Utkrisht Unnees fell in the faraway battlefields of Sri Lanka, this day 33 years ago. Image
This one from 11 RajRif was martyred during the darkest days of the Kashmir insurgency, 30 years ago, earning a Sena Medal (Gallantry), in the process Image
Hav Manzoor Ahmed Beigh, Territorial Army.
This unarmed soldier was murdered by terrorists when on leave to celebrate Eid with his family at his home in Sadoora (Anantnag) this day three years ago. Image
Capt Suman Dasgupta, Vir Chakra (Posth), 15 ASSAM.
Martyred fighting the enemy on Siachen this day in 1998. Extracted enough enemy blood before giving up his own life. Image
CISF trooper.
Fell this day 24 years ago Image
Maj Rushikesh Vallabh Bhai Ramani, Sena Medal (Posth), 23 Punjab
It took 12 bullets to stop him on the night of 06/07 June 2009 in Kupwara.
Here's his story .. Image
Deployed on the Line of Control ahead of Kupwara, Rushikesh, when intel came of a possible infiltration attempt through his area, Rushikesh planned an operation to thwart the same.
Towards midnight of 06-07 Jun 2009, Major RV Ramani noticed a group of ..
.. five terrorists trying to stealthily infiltrate past the 'Gulab' post near the LoC.
Thanks to the intel and good planning, Rushikesh & his men were able to establish contact with the terrorists about an hour past midnight.
An intense firefight soon ensued. Image
The terrorists tried their best to flee from the trap that Rushikesh and his boys of the Longewala fame 23 Punjab had laid, but it was a lost cause.
Yet, the night was dark, the forests in the area thick and a heavy downpour to add to the challenges. Image
Difficult as the operation was, thanks to the adverse conditions, Rushikesh didn't let them break contact, even at the cost of getting separated from the rest of his team in the midst of the intense engagement. Image
Resultantly, Rushikesh & his buddy, just the two of them, found themselves face to face with the five terrorists from Pakistan.
Yet, the odds were still better than what their predecessors of 23 Punjab had faced in Longewala 38 yrs ago. Image
Undaunted, Rushikesh and his buddy opened fire.
The terrorists too did the same, and soon there were an insane number of bullets flying in both directions.
The inevitable soon happened - Rushikesh got hit in his chest and abdomen. Image
Where a lesser mortal might have given up, Rushikesh seemed to be further spurred by this and continued to engage the terrorists along with his buddy.
Despite grievous injuries, he himself took down three of the terrorists. Image
All this would have happened in a matter of seconds.
However, despite his injuries, he ensured that even the remaining two terrorists were kept engaged and not permitted to escape while the rest of his men arrived, guided by the sounds of the gunfire. Image
Men of 23 Punjab soon dispatched the balance terrorists.
But at tremendous cost of their young company commander.
Rushikesh was four months & a day short of his 26th birthday.
He had taken 12 bullets to his chest & abdomen, NEVER showing his back to the enemy Image
Mortal remains of this young son of Mother India soon found their way back to his hometown, Ahmedabad for his final journey.
He was welcomed by a huge sea of humanity grieving his loss. Image
He was soon seen off by brothers in arms, with full military honours. Image
Amongst those that came by to pay their respects when his mortal remains were brought back home, was the then Chief Minister of Gujarat, @narendramodi Image
Chief Minister @narendramodi at the funeral of Gujarat's son, Maj Rushikesh Ramani, SM (P)
A documentary on Major Rushikesh Vallabh Bhai Ramani, Sena Medal (Marnoparant).
Can a parent ever let go of his / her child?
Do read this letter.
I insist.
God bless his soul .. Image
A veteran soldier, would've put in atleast 25 years of service. Fell facing the enemy. Image
These two Khalsas of Gobind fell in the Kashmir Valley 27 yrs ago - will NEVER be forgotten. Image
Yet another CRPF trooper - lost in Punjab this day 32 years ago. Image
This CRPF boy fell fighting 'Gandhians With Guns' this day four years ago.
#LestWeForget Image
Maj David Manlun, Kirti Chakra (P)
This young man from Manipur, himself the son of a veteran soldier, laid down his life for the Nation this day four years ago, as most of us slept.
Wonder how many remember him on his fifth martyrdom anniversary.. ImageImage
Martyrs of BSF - 07 Jun Image
A rarity - seeing the obit of a soldier martyred in Op Bluestar.
Published in 2015, not published thereafter.
Come to think of it, with so much tamasha each anniversary, the most forgotten folks are the .. Image
.. soldiers, from ALL parts of the Nation, who fell in the Harmandir Saheb over those fateful days, flushing out the scum that had desecrated the Holy place and wanted to break apart the nation.
If nothing else, the army too is a ..
.. victim of Op #BlueStar, unable at times to even acknowledge/mourn its dead openly.
Heck, even ADGPI, generally very regular with obits of gallantry awardees, is unable to publish any remembrance for martyrs of Op Bluestar.
Cannot really blame them either.
Hats off to the braves who went to their deaths, heroically & steadfastly, without any fuss; hamstrung by self imposed rules of engagement.
They were from Punjab, Madras, Tibetan Diaspora, Garhwal Hills, Plains of Central India - EVERY part of the Nation.
Paratrooper Kamaljeet Singh, 23rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment.
Fell in Shopian, J&K, fighting enemies of the Nation this day three years ago Image
LNk Ghulam Mohammad Khan, Vir Chakra (Posth), 12 JAKLI.
Fell in a truly audacious act of courage and valour in Kargil War
LNk Vidyanand Singh, Sena Medal (Posth), 1 Bihar
Immortals of the 100th Regular Course, Indian Military Academy, remembered by fellow batchmates on the 25th anniversary of their commissioning.
Many fell by the way, many others carry on still, bearing an irreplaceable loss and cherished memories .. Image
Lance Naik Suresh Vishnu Sonwane, 27 RR / 16 MARATHA LI.
Fell in the accursed 'Jannat' this day in 1999, in an ever continuing war, even as the more 'glamourous' Kargil War raged on .. Image
Hav Patil Dashrath Popat, 26 MARATHA LI.
Fell in Sunderbani this day last year.
First Martyrdom anniversary today.
Do say a short prayer for him if you find the time .. Image
07 June
Sep Sukhwinder Singh
Martyred this day three years ago in a stand-off attack while standing guard at the Nation's borders in the Keren Sector Image
Martyrs of Chhattisgarh Police - 08 June Image
CRPF trooper from Karnataka. Breathed his last in far away Punjab this day 34 years ago, fighting enemies of the Nation Image
Yet another martyr of Manoj Pandey's 1/11 Gorkha Rifles in Kargil - The Paltan would lose some more as it covered itself with glory.
Linchon, from Darjeeling, was hit by a splinter in chest during arty shelling. Breathed his last during evacuation by heli Image
More Gorkha brothers of 1/11 GR. These three breathed their last while keeping alive a spirit of adventure, during a mountaineering expedition to Mount Trishul in 2010
(Year erroneously mentioned as 2009) Image
'Mt Trishul: 3 Army mountaineers die after successful climb'
The fell, but only AFTER successfully conquering the difficult peak.
God bless their souls
And here's yet another Gorkha Bhai from 1/11 GR. This one was martyred during CI Ops, this day 16 years ago Image
The four boys who lost their lives this day six years ago when their vehicle fell into a gorge in Jatwal, near Samba (J&K).
Names seem lost for good
CISF boys martyred this day over the years Image
07 June
Constable Samir Bhat, JKP, yet another statistic in this dirty war. Abducted in third week of May 2017. Mortal remains recovered from a drain in Handwara on 07 June 2017.
Yesterday was his fifth martyrdom anniversary.
Need a closure. NOW ImageImage
Today marks the 17th anniversary of the day this one made the supreme sacrifice in the service of the Nation. Image
Amongst those that came to bid farewell to this son of the soil, was the then Chief Minister of Gujarat, @narendramodi Image
Hony Capt Thomas Philipose, Maha Vir Chakra, 16 MADRAS (Retd).
A decorated war veteran. Passed away this day four years ago
Brothers in Arms .. ALWAYS Image
These air warriors & others who were amongst the 13 personnel martyred in an An-32 crash in Arunachal, this day 13 years ago.
#LestWeForget Image
Same day. Two different incidents. SEVEN Chhattisgarh Policemen martyred.
A bloody day indeed. Image
Capt Saurabh Kalia with his parents - 1998
Mutilated and murdered by Paakis, alongwith .. Image
.. Sepoys Arjun Ram, Bhanwar Lal, Bhika Ram, Moola Ram & Naresh Singh of 4 Jat
#NeverForget Image
A shame that to this day, one doesn't know the exact dates of their deaths. All that their loved ones have is the day their mortal remains were handed over by a cocky enemy - 09 June 1999.
To this day NO ONE has called it a war crime. Image
Eyes gouged out, multiple other wounds, nails pulled out, cigarette burns all over body, the body itself so emaciated that it could hardly be recognizable as that of someone who was so young and so fit ..
The post mortem report too brings it out only partially Image
6 NLI was the Pak Army unit deployed in the area where Kalia & his men went missing.
In a strange twist of fate, on 7 Apr 2012 they lost 129 men in an avalanche in Gyari, near Siachen.
Karma had come calling on those bastards, unworthy of being called soldiers
The bastards in Khaki tortured their bodies.
But they couldnt dim the glory of their martyrdom. They will remain immortal.
Today is the 306th martyrdom anniversary of this legendary Khalsa warrior - Banda Singh Bahadur, who too was put to death by his captors much the same way that their successors, the Paakis did to Saurabh Kalia & his men almost to the date, 283 years later. Image
In March 1715, Banda Singh Bahadur was in the village of Gurdas Nangal, Gurdaspur, Punjab, when the Mughal army laid siege to the Khalsa forces.
The Sikhs fought and defended the small fort for eight months.
On 07 December 1715, Banda Singh Bahadur was captured from the Gurdas Nangal fort and put in an iron cage.
The remaining Sikhs were captured and chained.
The captives were brought to Delhi in a procession with the 780 Sikh ..
.. prisoners, 2,000 Sikh heads hung on spears, and 700 cartloads of heads of slaughtered Sikhs to terrorize the population.
They were put in the Delhi fort and pressurized to give up their faith and become Muslims.
On firm refusal all of them were ordered to be executed.
Everyday 100 Sikhs were brought out of the fort, given a last chance to convert and live, and then murdered in public when each and every one of them refused.
This continued for approximately seven days.
Finally, after many months of confinement, on 09 June 1716, Banda Singh's little son was dismembered, limb by limb, in front of him.
Yet he refused to convert.
Thus, his eyes were gouged out, his limbs severed, his skin removed, and then he was finally killed Image
Thus ended the time on this earth, of one of the greatest Sikh Generals. The first one to establish a Khalsa kingdom in Punjab. Here is the story of the Battle of Sirhind that enabled it.
Do read it.
I insist.
He and his Khalsas died happily for the sake of their Dharam.
It was due to their blood that Khalsas saw the lasting glory that came their way just a few years later.
Adding on to Banda's obit ..
Last moments of Banda Singh Bahadur, in path of his Guru's Will.
A lasting Sikh empire was but a few years away.
Thank God such men walked our lands Image
"All observers, Indian and European, unite in remarking on the wonderful patience and resolution with which these men met their fate. Their attachment and devotion to their leader were wonderful to behold. Image
They had no fear of death, and they called the executioner 'Mukta', or the Deliverer."

- William Irvine, Later Mughals, Vol II
Thus ended the story of Banda Bahadur, the man chosen by Guru Gobind Singh to carry on the fight against tyranny - Victorious even in defeat. Image
Rabindranath Tagore's Tribute to Banda Singh Bahadar
Sheer Magic in prose
A MUST read!
Capt Amol Kalia, Vir Chakra (Posthumous) and his 13 men - Each and every one of whom made the supreme sacrifice at the 16000+ feet icy heights of Batalik during the Kargil war on night 09 - 10 June in 1999. Image
These mountain warfare specialists had to put all their mountaineering skills to test in order to close in with the well entrenched enemy, despite all attempts by him to prevent them from doing so.
A bloody, seven hour long battle soon ensued, during which Capt Amol and his men succeeded in capturing the position.
The desperate enemy soon counter attacked.
Amol personally took charge of the machine gun when both men manning it were KIA and kept up a furious rain of hot metal on the Pakis.
When the guns finally fell silent, ALL Indian soldiers and 25+ Pakis lay dead.
The difference, though, was that the Indians lay victorious on atop the feature while Pakistanis lay littered on the lower reaches, killed by the megalomania of their Chief who thought he could just walk in & stay on in Kargil.
Too bad that idiot had not counted on the furious reaction by Param Virs such as Amol Kalia and his boys & many more such young men that summer.
Thank God they lived amongst us, till just about 23 years ago ..
Om Shanti .. Image
Martyred 50 years ago.
Still remembered Image
Maj Vikas Yadav, Sena Medal (Posth), fell this day 26 years ago in the accursed 'Jannat' Image
Captain Ashish Deva, 8 Jak LI.
Fell this day in 2002 Image
Rifleman Ishtiyaq, 12 JAKLI.
Fell this day in the Kargil War
Martyrs of CRPF - 10 Jun ImageImageImageImage
CISF boy. Martyred this day 24 years ago Image
This 'Grinder' of the Third Battalion fell guarding the Nation's borders in J&K at the dawn of this millennium
#LestWeForget Image
Bir Gorkhali, martyred this day 20 years ago.
Still remembered Image
Lt Abhay Pareek, 69 Field Regiment
This young lad, at the very beginning of a promising career, also fell the same day as his Gorkha brother above, during Op Parakram. Image
LNk Mohammad Jawed, 4 Grenadiers.
Fell in the line of duty this day three years ago, fighting Pakistani terrorists in Poonch, J&K Image
Nk Gurcharan Singh, 14 Punjab.
Martyred in a ceasefire violation by Pakistan this day two years ago while manning the Line of Control in Rajauri Image
This young lad must be growing up fast. Might even have started playschool by now .. All without his father to watch him over.
This is the price he will keep paying for the rest of his life .. the price of OUR freedom
Master Chief Petty Officer Dingko Singh, Gold Medallist Boxer at 1998 Asian Games in Bangkok.
Passed away this day two years ago, losing the battle with liver cancer. ImageImageImage
Nk Ram Singh Bora, 10 PARA (SF)
Fell this day during the Kargil War
Nk Vijaypal Singh Yadav, Sena Medal (Posth), 10 PARA (SF)
Also fell with Nk Ram Singh Bora above, this day in the Kargil War
Hav Kartar Singh, 12 JAKLI
Fell this day during the Kargil War
Bir Gorkhali brother.
Fell in the earliest stages of the 1971 Campaign in Erstwhile East Pakistan Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 11 Jun Image
Subedar Bahadur Singh, Vir Chakra (Posth), 12 JAKLI
A veteran of atleast 25 years of service, fell leading an attack at 17,400 feet in Kargil in 1999. Image
Subedar Guman Singh, Shaurya Chakra (Posth), Rajputana Rifles / 43 RR.
Fell this day 17 years ago in Akhnoor, J&K. Earned a Shaurya Chakra in the process Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 12 Jun Image
Fell fighting Red Terrorists this day 12 years ago.. Image
Balwan Jat, fell fighting scum from across in the accursed Valley, 21 yrs ago.
(Yes, a Reddy can be a Balwan Jat too, only in the Indian Army!) Image
These five CRPF troopers were martyred in Anantnag this day three years ago Image
SgCt Ghulam Rasool and SgCt Ghulam Hassan.
These to JKP boys were martyred this day four years ago in a terror attack at the Court Complex in Pulwama. ImageImage
Sub Yamuna Prasad Paneru, 6 KUMAON.
Lost during a patrol in Gurez Sector this day in 2020. He was an accomplished mountaineer ImageImageImage
10 Jun
Rfn Lokendra Singh, RAJRIF / RR
Lost two days ago due to a lightning strike while manning the Motherland's current borders in Gulmarg Image
Rifleman Abdul Hamid Chara, Shaurya Chakra (P), 162 INF BN TA (H&H) JAK LI/ 18 RR.
15th Martyrdom Anniversary today
Hav Bijay Singh, 4 Jat.
Lost this day in 1999, fighting the enemy during Operation Vijay
On 08 June 1999, Maj Vivek Gupta of Second Battalion The Rajputana Rifles wrote a letter to his father, Lt Col BRS Gupta (Retd), from the battlefield in Dras. Image
He wrote, 'You should be proud of me. I am contributing something for the Nation in this uniform I have worn.
Being a company commander at this time is the greatest experience one can have.'
He finished the letter saying, 'Don't worry dad, I will be back soon,'
Maj Vivek Gupta more than kept his word. By the time his father received this letter, on 17 June 1999, Vivek was already home.
Lt Col BRS Gupta had just conducted the last rites of his son who was martyred on the icy heights of Tololing this day in 1999, leading his men in a daredevil charge right from the front.
But before doing that, he'd captured two difficult posts that day, until his torso was cut open by a fusillade of automatic fire.
Death was swift, and lonely. The Major and his men that fell with him lay there for two more days before it was possible to ..
He was awarded the Maha Vir Chakra posthumously, for getting the Indian Army its first major victory of the campaign - Tololing Peak - even if at cost of his own life. Image
One Maha Vir Chakra, 3 Vir Chakrass and 1 Sena Medal were earned by 2 RajRif on night 12/13 Jun 1999 at the battlefield of Tololing. Many more were martyred, unrecognised by the Nation, but not their Paltan
God bless them Image
Here is perhaps the last photograph of some of them alive.
Seen here, amongst others are Sub Bhanwar Lal, CHM Yashvir Singh and Hav Sultan Singh - invoking the blessings of the almighty ahead of what would come to be known as the epic battle of Tololing. Image
Also visible partly in this photograph is Capt Vijyant. He too would fall in a blaze of glory soon thereafter.
God bless them all ..

वीर भोग्य वसुंधरा !
Here's the story of Subedar Bhanwar Lal - a befitting successor to the Rajput warriors of yore. Fell facing the enemy, leading from the front.
While their RajRif brothers fought at Tololing, 'Grinders' of the 18th Battalion were in the middle of scripting yet another saga of insane bravery and sacrifice at the now famous Tiger Hill.
God Bless those that fell on the Path of Glory that night .. Image
21st martyrdom anniversary today Image
This 'Grinder' of the Third Battalion was martyred on the LoC this day 10 years ago Image
Refer a few tweets above.
Today is this young lad's father's 23rd martyrdom anniversary.
Victim of an unfortunate road accident Image
Asst Cmdt Jitender Singh, SI Rajneesh, ASI Ram Niwas & Ct Hansraj who laid down their lives in an unprovoked firing by Pakistan at Sambha this day four years ago. ImageImageImageImage
Captain Manjinder Singh Bhinder, 61 Cavalry.
He was off-duty this day in 1997, gone to watch the movie 'Border' when a fire engulfed the Uphar Theatre.
Willingly sacrificed himself, saving atleast 150 lives in the process. His wife and kid too died that day. ImageImageImageImage
Nk Bhagwant Singh, 22 Sikh. Fell in the service of the Nation, this day 22 years ago Image
Lt Gen C N Somanna. This veteran passed away this day two years ago. ImageImageImageImage
Sep Lungambui Abonmei, 10 ASSAM.
Yet another Rakshak, martyred guarding the Motherland's frontiers in Poonch this day two years ago Image
Men of 5/1 Gorkha Rifles, lost this day in 2003 Image
Rifleman Manzoor Ahmad, 11 RR / 16 JAKLI
Fell in Kishtwar this day in 2004 Image
38 years since this one fell.
Still remembered Image
Fell in Manipur 56 years ago.
This might be news to folks who think only J&K has been a problem so far Image
Rifleman Aurangzeb Khan, SC(P),44 RR
This 23yr old was kidnapped and murdered by Pak sponsored terrorists while at home to celebrate Eid, this day 4 yrs ago.
That defiant gaze of his even at the verge of death stays etched in memory forever.
God bless his soul ImageImage
Yet more boys of 18 Grenadiers that fell enroute to glory at Tiger Hill during the Kargil War.
What we see here are only the fatalities.
Those that go unremembered / unsung are the non fatal casualties, sometimes with life-changing injuries.
God bless them all.. Image
CRPF boy, martyred fighting 'Gandhians With Guns' in Singhbhum this day 12 years ago. Image
Rifleman Manvendra Singh, 14 Rashtriya Rifles.
This young lad from Rudraprayag District, Uttarakhand fell this day in 2018, towards the end of a six day long operation in Bandipora in which his unit relentlessly pursued and dispatched two Pakistani terrorists Image
IC 3472 Lt Col Jagannath Raoji Chitnis, Ashok Chakra (P), Commanding Officer 1/3 Gorkha Rifles.
Fell in the Naga Hills this day 66yrs ago.
Ambushed by Naga insurgents, led a counter attack & dispatched a bunch with his bullets as well as bayonet before falling. Image
Lt Gen RM Vohra, PVSM, MVC, (Retd), 4 HORSE.
Second death anniversary today
14 Jun
The two boys of 6 RajRif that were KIA this day in 1948, in an epic campaign to define the borders of the newly liberated Motherland.
13 Jun
Passed away this day last year. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 15 Jun Image
This Garhwali 'Bhulla' fell in the accursed 'Jannat' this day 25 years ago, keeping alive a tradition of valour that his lands have been long known for. Image
Even as war waged on in Kargil that summer, the other war in the Valley never let up either.
Not many realize this Image
Maj AS Jasrotia, Sena Medal (Posth), one amongst the many Indian Army officers who fell in Kargil in that summer of 1999. Image
Leading from the front just like all others like him.
That India recaptured the seemingly impregnable heights of Kargil ..
.. was, no doubt, ONLY possible because of hundreds of young men like Jasrotia who epitomized the romantic 'Follow Me' style of military leadership, and the thousands of equally young men who were happy to follow such leaders, even unto inevitable death.
That a Manoj Pandey took four enemy bunkers before falling was no doubt due to his bravery, but an equally crucial role was played by his valiant buddy, Rifleman Arun Kumar Rai who gave his leader the all important ..
.. covering fire, thus enabling him to close in with the enemy at the bone chilling altitude of 16,000 feet. In doing so, Arun too breathed his last not very far from Manoj.
It was such officers and their fiercely loyal brothers that seized the day in those jagged hills that summer.
And thank God for that.
May God bless their souls.
Om Shanti ..
Signalman Ajay Singh, Sena Medal (Posthumous), 56th Battalion The Rashtriya Rifles.
Sixth martyrdom anniversary of this signaller today. Fell in the accursed 'Jannat' in 2016 Image
J&K Police Constable Sajjad Ahmed, martyred in Hyderpora on 15 Jun 17.
Today is his fifth martyrdom anniversary. Image
Air Marshal Gian Dev Sharma, PVSM, AVSM (Retd)
Second death anniversary of this veteran today
Galwan ke Balwan .. #Respect Image
This one is in remembrance of all those who've died unsung, unrecognized and worst of all .. unmourned ..

The Dead Soldiers' Silence,
Sings our National Anthem.
Remember those who served,
All gave Some,
Some gave ALL .. Image
Lance Havaldar Prem Bahadur Reshmi Magar, Kirti Chakra (Posth)
This Indian soldier from Sauni village in Falpa, Nepal was martyred in Tangdhar, this day six years ago. Image
This veteran of nearly 19 years in uniform put all that experience to good use when his moment of reckoning came, this day four years ago as the patrol led by him engaged a group of Pakistani 'visitors' trying to sneak into the Motherland.
Leading from the front, he ensured that the Paakis had nowhere to hide.
In the intense firefight that ensued, he himself took a number of bullet hits.
But this brave son of Mother India ensured that the job was executed clinically and ruthlessly.
When the guns finally stopped booming, bodies of four Paakis lay littered on Indian lands.
However, in the process, Prem Bahadur too was martyred.
Throughout on the forefront, he had ensured that none of his comrades got even a scratch in the brutal engagement
He had earned a Kirti Chakra at the cost of his own life.
God Bless his soul ..
His mates too chose to express their gratitude in a way only soldiers could do.
Sharing some such posts in his remembrance
'Kayar Hunu Bhanda Marnu Ramro', says the caption.
Translated, it means 'It is better to die than be a coward'.
Prem Bahadur did exactly that when his time of reckoning came.
The above quote fits in perfectly with Sam Manekshaw's description of a Gorkha - 'If a man says he's not afraid of death, he's either lying or he is a Gorkha'.
May Maa Durga give 'mukti' to the soul of this departed Bir Gorkha brother
Naik Bakhtawar Singh, 8th Battalion The Sikh Light Infantry.
Martyred in a ceasefire violation in Naushera this day five years ago ImageImageImage
SHO Feroze Ahmed Dar, JKP
Martyred in Anantnag this day five years ago Image
Constables Sharik Ahmad, Tanveer Ahmad, Sheraz Ahmad, Asif Ahmad and Sabzar Ahmed of JKP who were also martyred along with SHO Feroze Ahmed Dar this day in 2017
Dantewada, 16 Jun 2007
These Maoist bastards have a LOT of Indian blood on their hands, and by association, their urban naxal friends too Image
Six years since these three BSF boys were martyred in the accursed 'Jannat'
Insp Arshad Khan, JKP.
Yet another son who gave up his life for the sake of the Motherland ..
Third martyrdom anniversary today.
God bless his soul ImageImage
LNk Ranbir Singh, Sena Medal (Posth), 13 JAKRIF
Rifleman Bikash Gurung, 2/1 Gorkha Rifles.
This 21 year old lad from Siliguri fell guarding the Motherland's borders in Rajauri, J&K this day four years ago Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 17 June Image
Maj Inderjeet Singh Babbar, Kirti Chakra (Posth), 14 Field Regiment
This Khalsa of Gobind, hailing from Ludhiana fell leading a spectacular daylight operation in faraway Darrang district in Assam, this day 19 years ago. Image
This day 19 years ago, he was launched based on specific intelligence about presence of ULFA militants.
He sited his troops well, blocking all escape routes of the militants.
At about 11:00 am this day in 2003, after establishing the blocks, he closed in with the village to carry out a search.
At about 11:30 am, his party came under heavy fire from a house.
Far from being daunted, Babbar swiftly rushed into the house, firing back at the militants, thereby ensuring that the fire was brought upon himself and not his men, in keeping with the Chetwode Motto that every Indian Army Officer lives, and at times, dies by. Image
In the ensuing encounter, the officer sustained grievous injuries in his abdomen and shot dead one ULFA militant.
Meanwhile another militant from an adjacent house opened fire indiscriminately at Major Inderjeet Singh Babbar and his buddy.
Undaunted and in complete disregard to his personal safety, Babbar continued to engage the militants & killed the second militant too.
In spite of his critical injuries and profuse bleeding, Major Babbar, in the highest traditions of the Indian Army, refused to be evacuated and continued to systematically destroy the militant hideout.
A third militant who tried to flee while firing on own troops was also injured by Major IS Babbar and later shot dead by one of his well sited parties.
The dead militants were identified as self styled Lt Ajit Saikia Alias Kausher Ali and Bhairab Deka.
Maj IS Babbar had lived up to his name, going down with a roar and a spectacular operation.
He was posthumously awarded the Kirti Chakra by a grateful Nation.
Rifleman Maita Bahadur Rai, 1/11 Gorkha Rifles (BATALIK).
Martyred in Mizo Hills this day in 1969 Image
Maj Sukhwinder JS Randhawa, Kirti Chakra (Posthumous), 167 Medium Regiment / 2 Rashtriya Rifles).
25 years today since this one made the supreme sacrifice ..
Major Ketan Sharma, 19 RR / 57 Engineer Regiment.
Yet another young man, martyred in the prime of his youth, fighting for the Motherland this day three years ago in Anantnag. ImageImageImage
Havildar Fateh Singh Negi and Sepoy Hungnga Konyak, Assam Rifles.
Martyred in the line of duty this day three years ago in Nagaland - a part of the country not many of their fellow countrymen would be able to point out on a map.
Maj Rohit Sharma, SC(P) and Maj Pradeep Tathawade, KC(P)

Two men
Same Regiment
Same Battalion
Same Date
Different Years
Same Valley
THEIR Valley
Here are the faces behind the names above.
Major Rohit Sharma, Shaurya Chakra (Posth) and Maj Pradeep Tathawade, Kirti Chakra (Posth). True leaders, both of them .. took a bullet leading from the front. ImageImage
Maj Gen Lachhman Singh Lehl, PVSM, VrC.
Second death anniversary today.
Earned a Vir Chakra during the epic battle of Jhangar in the First Kashmir War and later on, commanded 20 Division in the 1971 War ImageImage
Col US Assi, 2 Dogra
Second death anniversary today Image
Refer a few tweets above. This is from when Major Ketan was brought home one last time
Rifleman Anil Kumar Jaswal, Thirteenth Battalion The Jammu and Kashmir Rifles.
This young lad was martyred in Anantnag this day in 2019. Today is his third martyrdom anniversary.
Remember him, anyone? Image
Martyred in Sukma, this day in 2008 Image
Rani Lakshmibai, 164th martyrdom anniversary today. Image
Rifleman Bir Bahadur Limbu, 1/11 Gorkha Rifles (Batalik)
Martyred in Radhikapur in 1971 during preliminary stages of the war Image
CRPF trooper.
Martyred this day six years ago Image
Brigadier Jaspal Makol, VSM (Retd), 3/9 GR.
Passed away this day three years ago
The Flying Sikh ..
First death anniversary today
May God bless his soul Image
Sep Kuldeep Singh, 17 JAT.
Fell this day during the Kargil War
Air Cmde Narinder Chatrath(3959), VrC
This veteran Air Warrior decided to call it a day today. May he attain Mukti ..
Om Shanti ..
Capt Deepak Guleria, Sena Medal (Posth), 3 RR / ASC
Fell to a second IED this day in 1999 while rescuing soldiers and civilians injured in the first IED blast triggered by terrorists on the Srinagar - Kargil Highway. Image
Chhattisgarh policemen, murdered by 'Gandhians With Guns' in Bijapur, this day 13 yrs ago. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 19 June Image
Capt K Subramaniam, Kirti Chakra (Posth), fell fighting scum from across, this day 22 years ago.
Still remembered.
Still missed.
Here's his story .. Image
Capt R Subramaniam, 1 Para (Special Forces) was just about two months short of his 24th Birthday this day in 2000 when work took him to the notorious Haphruda Forest at the head of a column on hunt for the bad guys.
True to its reputation, Haphruda didn't disappoint these warriors and soon they came under fire from a group of 10-15 foreign terrorists.
Quickly analyzing the situation, Capt Subramaniam moved his troops to an advantageous position over difficult and ..
.. adverse terrain, extricating them out of the ambush as also engaging the terrorists themselves.
The ensuing firefight continued through the night. Young Subramaniam kept up the pressure on the terrorists.
At dawn, three terrorists managed to bring down heavy, effective fire on own troops from a commanding position.
Realizing the tremendous danger to life of his men, Capt Subramaniam CHARGED at the terrorists, firing back at them.
Must've been quite a sight .. a young Tamilian guy in Kashmir, taking on Paaki / Afghan / wherever there were from, terrorists!
One wonders who was the 'terrorized' party that moment, this young son of Mother India, or the so called 'terrorists' ..
In the process, he took hits in his neck and shoulders. Yet, these injuries didn't stop his valiant charge and he dispatched all three terrorists.
His buddies arranged his evacuation to a hospital where he subsequently breathed his last.
This young Tamilian son of Mother India couldn't have chosen a piece of land much farther from his native place to complete his journey in his current life.
When ops ended, bodies of nine Pakistan trained terrorists lay littered in Haphruda.
For his excellent leadership and indomitable courage, Capt Subramanian was awarded the Kirti Chakra posthumously. Image
CRPF trooper.
Martyred this day six years ago Image
Sepoy Randhir Kumar, Third Battalion The Bihar Regiment.
Martyred manning the Motherland's borders at the Bana Post in Siachen this day five years ago. Image
Flying Officer Amit Singh.
23 years today since this MiG 21 pilot was martyred in Barmer Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 20 Jun Image
Happy Battle Honour Day, Capt Vikram 'Sher Shah' Batra, and the other immortals of 13 JakRif! Image
CISF boys, martyred this day 19 years ago in the line of duty Image
Young boys of Chhattisgarh Police, martyred in prime of their youth by 'Gandhians with Guns' Image
These two CRPF troopers - martyred 58 yrs ago, protecting God knows what part of the Nation. Image
Balwan Jats of Fourth Battalion The Jat Regiment, who fell this day one decade apart, in Op Vijay and Op Pawan respectively.
All four Singhs! Image
CISF Trooper, martyred in the service of the Nation this day 27 years ago Image
Khalsa of Gobind, martyred in the accursed 'Jannat' 22 years ago. Image
Maj Sunil Badsara, Sena Medal (Posth), 46 Armoured Regiment / 4 Para (Special Forces).
Fell in Kupwara this day in 2012 Image
20/21 June
'Grinders' who fell 18 yrs ago. Image
Martyrs of BSF - 21 June Image
Gdr Surinder Singh Chouhan, 16 Grendadiers
Fell this day during the Kargil War
Hav Dipak Karki, Sena Medal (P), 3/5 Gorkha Rifles.
Bir Gorkhali brother.
Martyred this day two years ago, guarding the borders of the Motherland in Naushera Sector of the Line of Control. ImageImage
Martyrs of CRPF - 22 Jun Image
Four Men.
Same Regiment.
Different Battalions.
Same Date.
Different Years.
Same Valley.
THEIR Valley. Image
Capt Dhanwant Sharma, Sena Medal (Posth), 299 Medium Regiment.
Fell fighting scum from across, this day 28 yrs ago
#LestWeForget Image
RC-554 Capt Ajit Singh, Vir Chakra, Sena Medal (Posthumous), 299 Medium Regiment.
Also fell the same day as Capt Dhanwant Sharma above.
Here's his story .. Image
He'd risen from the ranks to become an officer from a Jawan.
Already a Vir Chakra awardee (Google Baba unable to point me to that particular act of his), the moment of even greater glory for Capt Ajit Singh, s/o Mukhtiar Singh, resident of ..
.. Village Kaulpur, Tehsil Dasuya, Distt Hoshiarpur, Punjab, would come this day in 1994.
He was tasked to lead a Quick Reaction Team in civil vehicles to apprehend approximately 12 militants of Hizbul Mujahideen camping in Village Khanan, Doda.
As the leading vehicle stopped 800m short of the village to cordon it from two sides, militants opened fire with automatic weapons from the hills in front and to the right. The initial burst severely injured him in the right arm.
Undaunted by the injury, this Khalsa of Gobind jumped from the vehicle and returned fire on the militants. He then organised men from the second vehicle & gave covering fire to an assaulting team under another ..
..officer (It was Capt Dhanwant Sharma (refer a few tweets above))
Simultaneously, exhibiting conspicuous bravery, totally unmindful of injury & personal safety, Capt Ajit CHARGED towards the scum, firing his weapon on the run, killing Gulam Mohammed, a Pakistan trained militant.
During the encounter, this Khalsa warrior was injured for a second time, this time in the abdomen.
He was immediately evacuated to 92 Base Hospital, Srinagar, where he later succumbed to his injuries.
Thus ended the story of an exceptional warrior from the land of braves, who went down guns blazing.
Om Shanti.. Image
25th martyrdom anniversary of this one.
Fell serving the Nation in the mother of all battlefields. Image
This 'Bhulla' fell this day 42 years ago, fighting remnants of an insurgency in lands far far away from home Image
Naik Sandip Jadhav, R/o Aurangabad
Sepoy Savan Mane, R/o Kolhapur
Vir Marathas, martyred in KG Sector Poonch during Ceasefire Violation by Paaki Fauj this day five years ago ImageImage
Martyred 22 yrs ago. Would have been happily retired today had he chosen personal safety over his duty towards his Nation.
Btw, his successors from his regiment were instrumental in visiting carnage on the PLA in Galwan.
One hell of a fighting outfit, this! Image
SPO Ashiq Hussain, JKP.
Laid down his life during an encounter with terrorists in Anantnag this day four years ago. Image
Col Neeraj Sood
'Follow Me' is the ethos by which such Tigers live, and die by.
God bless them all ..
Martyrs of BSF - 22 Jun Image
This Khalsa of Gobind earned immortality and with it, a Shaurya Chakra, this day 25 years ago.
Name mentioned along with three others, a few tweets above in this thread Image
19 Jun
Veteran. Passed away this day last year Image
21 Jun
CRPF troopers.
Fell in the service of the Motherland yesterday
22 June
SI Pervaiz Ahmed Dar, JPK.
Shot from behind by Pakistan sponsored terrorists when returning after offering Namaz at Kanipora, Nowgam, this day last year.
The attack was caught on CCTV, though I don't feel like sharing it here. ImageImage
CISF Trooper. Died in the process of keeping a vital installation of national importance, safe Image
Armymen go back to safety of their barracks after ops, but these soldiers in Khaki don't have that luxury .. yet they soldier on ..
Let that sink in ..
And do spare a moment to remember this one on his fifth martyrdom anniversary, if you can Image
DSP Mohd Ayub Pandit.
Lynched to death outside Jamia Masjid Srinagar on 23 June 2017, just because his name has 'Pandit' in it. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 23 Jun Image
HC Sunil Kale, 182nd Battalion the CRPF.
Yet another CRPF trooper .. martyred this day two years ago in Pulwama, in the service of the Nation. Image
29 years since these two BSF troopers fell in the accursed 'Jannat' Image
Nk R Kamraj, 244 Heavy Mortar Regiment.
Fell during the Kargil War this day in 1999
Gunner Yugember Dixit, 286 Medium Regiment.
Also fell this day during the Kargil War
Chhattisgarh policemen, martyred fighting red terror this day in 2010 and 2011 respectively Image
The epitome of what a gunner strives to be - NEVER leave your gun, come what may.
God bless him Image
The ultimate Indian soldier - Nb Sub Chunni Lal, Ashok Chakra (Posth), Vir Chakra, Sena Medal (Gallantry) Image
Three years into his career, he found himself enroute to the Qaid Post of Pak Army in Siachen. He played his part in a seemingly impossible victory at 21,153 feet above sea level, that earned Bana Singh his Param Vir Chakra; he himself earning a Sena Medal ..
.. for gallantry. An excellent soldier, he rose up the ranks steadily.
In 1999 in Poonch, he once again proved that the soldier in him still had a lot of fight left, despite 16 years of service.
On 24 August 2000, he successfully thwarted enemy's attack to capture one of our own forward posts. On the night 23rd/24th August, enemy started shelling and firing heavily at own post.
Despite heavy shelling, Havildar Chunni Lal displayed undaunted bravery..
.. by moving from bunker to bunker in his section and motivating his troops who brought down effective medium machine gun fire on the enemy's attacking column.
Subsequently, he led his men by personal example to fight a close quarter battle in open trenches..
.. with the Paakis who had managed to breach the post's perimeter.
In this melee, observing that two enemy soldiers have jumped inside own communication trench, he picked up a light machine gun and rushed at them disregarding own safety and shot them dead.
Taken by surprise at the ferocity of troops led by Havildar Chunni Lal, the Brown Panted Paaki faujis did what they do best - they ran away, leaving behind their dead and several weapons.
12 Pakistani armymen were dispatched to their maker that night.
Havildar Chunni Lal was awarded a well earned Vir Chakra.
But he was not done yet. He seemed to have a penchant for danger.
His crowning glory would come this day in 2007.
Newly promoted Nb Sub Chunni Lal was in charge of a post in Kupwara.
It was at an altitude of 14,000 feet where visibility on that cloudy night was just five metres and temperature was minus 5 degrees.
Around 3:30am at night, he detected some movement across the fence on the Line of Control and decided to check it.
He deployed his soldiers tactically at the LoC. And sure enough, an exchange of fire soon followed, which continued for almost an hour.
Nb Sub Chunni Lal and his soldiers surrounded the whole area and searched for their 'visitors' till dawn.
Finally as Nb Sub Chunni Lal & his team were approaching to search a sketchy bushy patch, they were suddenly fired upon.
Regardless, he and his men continued to close on to the area where their attackers were hiding and killed two of them on the spot.
In the gunfire, however, two of Chunni Lal's soldiers were seriously wounded and lay close to where the Packie infiltrators hid.
With complete disregard to his personal safety, Chunni Lal crawled towards the wounded men & pulled them to safety, thus saving their lives.
Anticipating more hidden attackers, he continued to search the area.
His well honed soldierly instincts proved right and he saw a third attacker trying to escape.
Nb Sub Chunni Lal charged at him with his weapon and killed him.
Unfortunately, return fire from the Packie split opened Nb Sub Chunni Lal's abdomen & he began to lose a lot of blood.
But the job was still incomplete. He took cover behind a rock, continued to fire and did not allow the remaining Paakis to break the cordon.
Under his leadership the two remaining Packies were also killed.
However, by now Nb Sub Chunni Lal had lost a large volume of blood & died by the time a helicopter could airlift him to a Hospital.
The gallant soldier was awarded a well earned Ashok Chakra for his supreme sacrifice by a grateful nation. The award was received by his wife, Mrs Chinta Devi from the President of India on 26 Jan 2008.
This soldier from Bhaderwah, J&K still stands guard on lands he grew up in.
A rare breed indeed.
Even in death, he gave his unit the title 'Bravest of the Brave' due to his Ashok Chakra adding to Bana Singh's Param Vir Chakra.
Thank God he lived amongst us Image
The eight unarmed armymen that fell in Hyderpora, Kashmir when proceeding on leave, during an ambush by HM terrorists on 24 June 2013.
CRPF Sub-inspector Sahab Shukla, martyred at Pantha Chowk, Srinagar on 24 June 2017
#LestWeForget ImageImage
Martyrs of BSF - 24 June Image
Grenadier Sanjay Singh Chouhan, 16 Grenadiers
Fell this day during the Kargil War
Hav Shiv Kumar.
This 'Grinder' of the 22nd Battalion too made the supreme sacrifice the same day as his brother from the 16th Battalion as mentioned in the tweet above
23 Jun
A young lad, who fell guarding the Nation's Himalayan borders.
He was two months and eight days short of his 23rd birth anniversary.
Om Shanti .. Image
These three entered their names in the long list of martyrs of Chhattisgarh Police this day in 2008 Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 25 Jun
Missing in this list are the eight CRPF boys martyred this day six years ago Image
These five air warriors were the crew of the Mi 17 that went down during Kedarnath rescue ops, 2013.
Remember them, anyone? ImageImage
ITBP / NDRF boys, who too fell in the above Mi17 crash while enroute to do their duty in Kedarnath Dham Image
Martyrs of BSF - 25 June Image
Chhattisgarh Policemen, martyred fighting red terror this day in 2011 and 2012 respectively. Image
CT/GD Usman Ali, 26th Battalion CRPF.
Fell in the accursed 'Jannat' this day 32 yrs ago. Image
BSF troopers, murdered by 'Gandhians with Guns' this day 11 years ago in Kanker, Chhattisgarh Image
15 years since this one moved on .. Image
Sep Soran Singh Kuntal, 4 Jat
Martyred in the #KargilWar this day in 1999
#LestWeForget Image
Sqn Ldr Parvez Rustom Jamasji, Vir Chakra (Retd). This daredevil veteran pilot from the 1971 War passed away in Mumbai on 26 June 2020 at the age of 77. ImageImageImageImage
Constable Shyamal Kumar Dey, 90th Battalion The CRPF. Martyred in Bijbehara, Anantnag, Kashmir, this day two years ago. Image
Nk Sachin Vikram More and LNk Saleem Khan.
Two boys lost within a span of 48 hours, this day two years ago.
Rfn Kunwar Pal Singh Shekhawat, 2 RajRif
Fell in the Kargil War this day in 1999, also his birthday
Chhattisgarh Policemen.
Martyred fighting Maoist terror in Bijapur this day in 2002 and 2014 respectively Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 27 June Image
Sam Bahadur. Left for his heavenly abode this day in 2008.
Truly a Titan amongs us pygmies .. Image
'If you have to die, do so around Delhi or Mumbai'
A heartfelt commentary on the treatment to Field Marshall #Manekshaw after death.
One amongst the thousands eaten up by the accursed 'Jannat'. Fell 15 years ago, fighting scum from across. Image
Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Breathed his last, this day 173 years ago Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 28 June Image
Wonder what the story of this 'Bhulla' might have been .. Image
43rd martyrdom anniversary of this one Image
Maj Padmapani Acharya, Maha Vir Chakra (Maranoparant), Second Battalion The Rajputana Rifles.
He'd been leading his boys in battle after battle in Tololing, day after day, for a few weeks. Image
This day in 1999, he was tasked to take possession of an enemy position at the Tololing Top as it was a dominant position overlooking the National Highway. The success of the battalion hinged on the early capture of this position. Image
As expected, there were a large number of causalities during this attack but this didn't stop Maj Acharya and his brave Rajputs. Instead, it hardened their resolve.
Unmindful of his own safety, Maj Acharya led the reserve platoon through raining bombardment.
This Orissa born Rajput determinedly led his flock of Rajput warriors.
Men kept falling, yet the remainder grimly moved on, right behind their warrior leader, and charged at the terrified Pakis at top.
Acharya himself took out the first bunker with grenades.
But being at the forefront, he was soon severely injured and unable to move. Yet he ordered his men to leave him behind and carry on with the task.
War cries of 'Raja Ramchandra Ki Jai' pierced the cold mountain air & struck terror in the hearts of the enemy.
Acharya himself kept on firing at the enemy from where he lay, till he breathed his last.
It was a glorious victory, earned by the blood of dozens of Paramvirs of 2 Rajputana Rifles.
Hereafter, the Indian Army would see one victory after another in the war.
Acharya left behind a wife in the sixth month of her pregnancy.
His daughter never saw her father in flesh and blood.
But she carries a beautiful name indeed .. the perfect tribute to a Param Vir father
In his last letter to his father, Wing Cdr Jagannath (Retd), Maj Acharya had written:
'..combat is an honour of a lifetime and I would not think of anything less. What better way to serve the Nation'
He quotes the mother of all battles - The Mahabharat - from his own battlefield.
Even in the middle of war, his handwriting is firm and neat, indicating a clear and determined mind.
A grateful Nation bestowed upon him, the Maha Vir Chakra on 15 Aug 1999. His father, himself a veteran of the Indian Air Force would soon receive it from the Supreme Commander.
Thank God he lived amongst us.
Glad that he lives on still, forever immortal ..
Captain Neikezhakuo Kenguruse, 'Neibu' to his family and 'Nimbu Saab' to his boys of 2 Raj Rif. Image
This 25yr old from Nagaland had all of 6 months of commissioned service behind him when he found himself in the thick of battle in the icy heights of 'Black Rock' in Dras.
His moment of glory came on night 28-29 June 1999 when without thinking of his own safety, he volunteered to undertake a daring commando mission which involved attacking an enemy machine gun position atop a sheer cliff.
As he led his men up the cliff, his boots failed to get much grip due to the slippery surface. Undeterred, he took off his shoes and resumed climbing BAREFOOT at 16000 feet!
To add to the sheer audacity of the effort, this young Naga warrior also decided to carry with him a heavy rocket launcher as he climbed up!
In a superhuman feat, he scaled the cliff, surprised the hell out of the enemy, used the rocket launcher to devastating effect and rushed the enemy position with his boys.
Must have been a unique sight indeed - a young Naga lad at the helm of Rajputs in attack!
During the fight, however, he got hit, and fell down the same cliff, mortally wounded because for a while he was the ONLY Indian soldier facing the entire lot of Paakis on the cliff till such time his comrades climbed up behind him.
His enraged Rajputs ensured not one Paaki on that post saw the dawn of the next day.
Victory came to the men of 2nd Battalion The Rajputana Rifles soon thereafter, but at a huge loss - that of their beloved 'Nimbu Saab'.
He might have had a premonition of impending fate, though.
In his last letter home, he'd written to his father, "I may not be able to return home to be a part of our family again.
He was awarded the Maha Vir Chakra for his gallantry.
Photo: Citation of his award, from wiki
Just try and read it. Even the drab, official version is enough to give you goosebumps.
One can only imagine the sheer madness of that night of glory Image
This young man from Pheza Village in Nagaland had become immortal at a battlefield far far away from home, shedding blood with and for his brothers and Motherland. Image
The 11 boys of 2/3 Gorkha Rifles martyred this day in 1948, enroute to glory on Pir Kanthi in the First Kashmir War.
Here's their story from my chronology of The First Kashmir War.
Do Read.
I insist 🙏
One in centre had fallen a few weeks ago
The other two & the photographer too would fall by this morning in 1999, all of them on the night of 28-29 June
I've already tweeted their stories, less that of Capt Vijyant.
Here's his thread ..
Capt Vijyant Thapar, Vir Chakra (Posthumous)
Probably the hardest thing for a father - to publish the obituary of his son Image
Before his final assault Capt Vijayant(Robin) left this letter, to be handed over to his family in case he failed to return.
It was his last letter.
He KNEW he wasn't coming back.
Yet he went on ..
captainvijyantthapar.com/lastletter.html ImageImageImage
.. to sure shot death, at the head of his band of the 'dirty dozen', 'coz that's what he was expected to do.
And he did exactly that - leading from the front, sacrificing himself before any of his 'boys', some probably a decade older than him.
Website in memory of Capt Vijyant Thapar, by his family
A goldmine of memories. Worth a click
An old warrior made sure he kept his fallen son's word.
God Bless him
That night of 28-29 June 1999, 2 RajRif lost three officers and 10 men, finally making the impossible, possible, and finishing their assigned task once and for all.
'Follow Me' style of military leadership cannot find a better example than this.
Om Shanti .. Image
33rd martyrdom anniversary of these two Bir Gorkhali brothers who fell in a long forgotten war far far away from the hills they called home.
STILL remembered Image
Capt Sumit Roy, Vir Chakra (Posth), 17 Garhwal Rifles.
No obituaries. No movies. Nothing.
Yet another unsung martyr. Image
Here's his story :-
On night 28-29 Jun 1999, at 2330Hr, he as the 2IC of Delta Company, 17 Garhwal Rifles set out towards Pt 4700 in Dras Sector.
He was tasked to capture an enemy observation post.
He set out with a section of troops that night, following a covered approach, and reached just below the observation post. He kept observing enemy movement on the objective till 0200Hr.
Then in a daredevil move and with total disregard to his personal safety, he climbed up the cliff with his 'Bhullas' right behind & reached the observation post, totally surprising the enemy.
A fierce hand to hand fight ensued wherein this Karate Black Belt himself killed the two enemy sentries. There was total panic in enemy ranks and the Brown Panted Pakistani Faujis soon did their favourite war maneuver - they fled after abandoning their post.
Capt Sumit Roy, a young Karate Champion, had a glorious victory at his feet.
However, he was destined to be martyred soon thereafter, and fell to Pakistani Arty fire four days later on 03 Jul 1999.
He was a mere 21yrs old when he was martyred, yet another young life extinguished just because a delusional General thought he could just occupy the Kargil heights without any worry from the India Army.
Oh, and yes, you read it right - TWENTY ONE YEARS OLD.
Yet, this youngster from 'Killer' Squadron, 93rd Course NDA, had more than lived upto his Sqn motto: Kill 'em Kut 'em but Kneel Not
God bless this young Param Veer .. Image
12 years since these CRPF boys were martyred, not very long after the Chintalnar massacre.
I doubt anyone remembers them .. Image
This CRPF boy went down, guns blazing, this day in 1992, when Kashmir hung own to the Indian Union with a very slender thread indeed. It is thanks to such folks who selflessly spilled their blood that the Valley continues to fly the Tricolour to this day. Image
These CRPF boys fell in Punjab in 1988, 1989 and 1992 respectively - yet another Pakistan sponsored insurgency in the Union of India.
CRPF continues to be the world's largest paramilitary force, as also the most heavily committed one.
Hats off to these folks .. ImageImageImage
Cdr BN Kavina, VrC, CO of INS Nipat during the raid on Karachi Harbour in 1971. Passed away this day five years ago, aged 80.
Om Shanti ... Image
Lt Gen Subroto Mitra (Retd), former GOC Delhi Area. Passed away in Kolkata five years ago.
He was from the Madras Regiment Image
Nk Kashmir Singh Patwal, Vir Chakra (Posth), 18 Garhwal Rifles
Vir Bihari .. remembered by his comrades on an occasion of joy.
Happy Raising Day, 63RR! Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 30 June Image
This 22yr old was martyred in Uri this day in 2007; a place that most wont be able to find on a map Image
Capt Garcha, 323 AD Regiment.
Fell fighting Pak sponsored terror in Pulwama in the accursed 'Jannat', this day 22 yrs ago Image
Khalsas of Gobind. Fell in a forgotten war in a far away land 34 yrs ago
Still remembered. Image
Capt Jintu Gogoi, 17 Garhwal Rifles, Vir Chakra (Posthumous)
Fell this day in Jubar during Op Vijay Image
On night of 29/30 Jun 1999, Capt Jintu was tasked to evict enemy occupying the ridgeline at Kala Pathhar in general area Jubar Hill Complex in Batalik sub-sector. With utter disregard to personal safety, he led his troops in the dead of the night.
Desperate Paakis threw all they had, at him, but this young Assamese lad and his maddened 'Bhullas' were unstoppable, and reached the ridgeline by the time the sun came up.
However, they soon found themselves surrounded by the enemy intent on recapturing his just lost positions.
A fierce hand to hand combat soon ensued. No quarters were asked for by any side, and none were given.
That bloody dawn saw men from both sides fall.
Young Jintu showed excellent military leadership and maneuvered his platoon out of harm's way, himself accounting for two Pakistani soldiers in the process.
However, being at the forefront throughout ensured that he sustained serious injuries in the process.
It was only after seeing his Bhullas safe that this handsome young Ahom warrior from the lands of Lachit Barphukan chose to breathe his last.
A grateful Nation bestowed upon its brave son, the Vir Chakra for his Supreme sacrifice Image
Gatekeepers of the Nation .. martyred fighting terror in the hinterland Image
Rfn Biju Sorupwar, martyred in an IED blast at Ukhrul, Manipur this day five years ago. Image
Lt Col Anand Subhramaniam, Shaurya Chakra, CO designate of 4 SIKH LI.
He was down with high fever & infection in blood. Heli evacuated to Jorhat & put on ventilator but sadly, he couldn't be recovered.
Third death anniversary today. ImageImageImageImage
Himveers, martyred in the war on the very fabric of our civilization
23 June
Passed away last week Image
The men of 107 TA Battalion that have been lost in the landslide in Manipur earlier today. I guess the final figure will only be known in a day or two.
Om Shanti ..
Martyrs of CRPF - 01 Jul Image
Nk Damodar Dass.
Martyred fighting for the Nation, not very far from where he might have hailed. Image
Martyrs of BSF - 01 July Image
ACM Laxman 'Baba' Katre.
Passed away while in harness, this day in 1985 Image
Capt Clifford Keishing Nongrum, 12 JAKLI.
Born in Meghalaya.
Found his destiny in far away Batalik at the near vertical face of a feature named Point 4812.
Here's his story .. Image
His moment of immortality came this day in 1999, when his platoon was assigned the task of capturing Point 4812.
With Paakis firmly entrenched, there was only one possible way up - the sheer vertical South Eastern wall of the objective.
It was sheer madness at first glance to even contemplate climbing up the feature in peace time, let alone with a crazy enemy sitting on top.
But Clifford and his boys of 12 JAK LI did exactly that, with a singular aim - VIJAY
What a certain Mr Roshan did in the movie 'Lakshya' with the best visual effects money can buy, wouldn't even come close to what these men actually did that night in real life, without any camera / computer tricks to help them.
First they completed a near suicidal climb under the very nose of a crazy and jittery enemy.
Then they CHARGED into the enemy through a hail of bullets, right behind their young leader from the tranquil hills of faraway Meghalaya.
Clifford himself took out the first Packie bunker with grenades, and he and his boys were soon involved in a desperate hand to hand fight for this jagged piece of Indian land.
Clifford himself accounted for six Paakis, even snatching a Universal Machine Gun ..
.. from the enemy and turning it on them.
Though severely wounded, he refused to be evacuated so that he does not reduce the numbers available for the fight, by diverting them to take him to safety.
Instead he kept on fighting till the time he could.
Soon thereafter he succumbed to his injuries, right there on his final battlefield.
This 24 year son of an SBI employee, had done what under normal circumstances, might have been considered impossible.
But circumstances that summer were far from 'normal'.
It was yet another small step in Indian Army's steady march towards the Line of Control, paved by the blood of yet more young men whom delusional Brown Panted Pakistani Generals had failed to take into account as they fantasized about glory in Kargil & Siachen
Young Clifford, a keen footballer and an excellent boxer, had put his stamina and skills to brilliant use on a hill so obscure that it didn't even have a name, just called by its map depiction - Pt 4812.
Yet it was important enough to him to merit a suicidal climb and a mad charge.
And these were men who did it with a smile.
God Bless Capt Clifford his men that defied all odds to evict the enemy from THEIR land that summer.
24yr old Capt Keishing Clifford Nongrum was awarded the Maha Vir Chakra for his supreme sacrifice. Image
Nearly two decades later, his brothers in arms came together to fulfill a promise he had made, but could not keep ..
Maj SMK Ghori, 172 Field Regt / 30 RR.
Martyred in J&K this day in 2001. Image
Second martyrdom anniversary of this one today
Refer a few tweets above. This one too fell with Capt Clifford this day in 1999, enroute to victory.
Gunners of 315 Field Regiment (Kargil), who fell in the Kargil War
#LestWeForget Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 02 Jul Image
Admiral Jayant Ganpat Nadkarni, CNS from 01 Dec 1987 to 30 Nov 1990.
Passed away this day four years ago. Image
Gp Capt PK Arora, IAF.
Died of a cardiac arrest this three years ago while in harness. Image
Martyrs of BSF - 02 Jul Image
CT Jay Kumar Mandavi, Chhattisgarh Police.
Martyred fighting Red terror this day in 2012 in Dantewada Image
Lance Naik Md Abdul Kudus.
Martyred this day 33 years ago.
Wonder what his story might have been .. Image
CT/GD Darshan Singh, 49 Bn BSF
Martyred this day in '92, during the darkest days of the insurgency Image
'twas a mighty bloody affair indeed. Even took with it the Brigade Commander himself - Brig Md Usman.
Thank God for these men Image
Brig Mohd Usman, Naushera ka Sher.
Martyred in the thick of battle this day 74 yrs ago Image
He was commanding the Indian Army Brigade in Jhangar, riding on a high of brilliant victories recently in this war in a sector that had only seen one setback after another thus far.
The victory at Naushera had already earned him the name, Naushera Ka Sher. Image
However, a badly stung enemy was about to launch a final, desperate effort to wrest the lost territory from Brig Usman.
Early in July 1948, tempo of enemy activities around Jhangar had increased.
Recce reports indicated that he'd brought up artillery guns to pound Jhangar.
At about 1840Hr on 03 Jul 1948, the bombardment started, with four shells landing in the North-West of the camp. Next moment eight more shells landed right into the gun area.
Brig Usman, who was sitting under a rock near his HQ,called his chief gunner & ordered him to engage Pt.3150 with guns immediately.
The chief gunner was surprised when asked to engage a point in the West when enemy guns were firing from South & South-West.
Brig Usman repeated his orders.
Only then the chief gunner realised that Pt 3150 was the obvious place where enemy could place an observation post & have a direct view of the Camp as well as those places where shells were falling.
Usman's eight guns engaged the target & enemy shelling stopped.
Usman took advantage of this lull to move from the rocks to a bunker.
As he was entering the bunker, a 25 pounder shell landed near him, killing him & wounding another officer & two other ranks.
Thus fell Brigadier Mohammad Usman, 'Naushera Ka Sher', in a blaze of glory, less than two weeks shy of his 36th birthday.
To this day he remains India's highest ranking officer to be martyred in active ops in a war. He was given a State Funeral in Delhi.
Prime Miniser Nehru, along with his entire cabinet, witnessed his burial at the Jamia Milia Islamia. ImageImage
Ironically, his last signal message received by the Army HQ in response to a query about his well being by his family contained a characteristically cheerful reply - 'Fit and flourishing, still in the world of the living.'
Sadly, this message would be received a few hours AFTER he was martyred.
A great leader of men indeed. Image
Here's the story of the #JhangarDay tweeted in Jul 2020, a fierce engagement on which hinged the very future of the First Kashmir War 74 years ago.
Thank God for Brig Mohd Usman and his bunch of tough men that ensured it was WE who prevailed.
Capt Manoj Kumar Pandey, Param Vir Chakra (Posthumous), captor of Khalubar, breathed his last this day in 1999 on the treacherous slopes of 'Bunker Complex', paving the path to further glory for his comrades with his blood in the process. Image
His last words, his last order to his men in fact, sum up the kind of man he was. "Na Chhornu" (Don't Spare Them), he commanded his equally brave Gorkha brothers.
And boy, did they follow up their fallen commander's last orders to the 'T'!
No prisoners were taken by those maddened hill people that night.
Each & every Packie facing them in Khalubar that night was dispatched to his maker. Thus ended the 24 years and 8 day long journey of this immortal soul in this world.
However, he wasn't the only one to fall that night. Young Capt Manoj fell not very far from the body of Rifleman Arun Kumar, who too made the supreme sacrifice, providing the all important covering fire to his commander.
Also martyred in the same action were Hav Janak Bahadur Rai, Hav Bhim Bahadur Dewan, VrC(P), Hav Ganga Ram Rai, L/Nk Tika Dhoj Lawati, and Rifleman Kalu Ram Rai. Image
One officer and six other ranks of 1/11 GR were martyred that night enroute to the Path of Glory of their beloved Paltan, accounting for exactly half the fatalities suffered by battalion during the war.
The battalion celebrates its Battle Honour (Batalik) Day today in their memory.
The Paltan earned One PVC & three VrCs on the night of 2-3 Jul 99 at Khalubar, 2 of them Posthumous.
It continues to be amongst the best fighting outfits of Indian Army even today
Here's a short series of tweets on the story of the man that Capt Manoj Kumar Pandey, PVC (P), was, tweeted some weeks back. May have a look.
And there was this short thread on how his boys were still so insanely loyal to him and his memories.
I insist 🙏
Capt Sumit Roy, VrC (P), 18 Garhwal Rifles
23rd martyrdom anniversary today.
His story tweeted in this thread quoted here. (Unit incorrectly mentioned as 17 Garhwal Rifles instead of 18)
Martyrs of BSF - 03 Jul Image
Maj Samir ul Islam, Shaurya Chakra (Posth)
Martyred in Cachar, Assam this day 21 years ago Image
Head Constable Kuldeep Kumar Urawan, Shaurya Chakra (Posth), 118 Bn The CRPF.
Attained martyrdom while valiantly fighting in an operation in Zakoora, Kashmir, this day two years ago Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 04 July Image
Martyrs of 18 Grenadiers, Tiger Hill Paltan, remembered on joyous occasion of the Paltan's Battle Honour Day.
They delivered a fantastic victory, made more memorable since the Packie PM was on a self-invited visit to Washington to meet the POTUS that very day! Image
Balwan Jat .. martyred in Mashkoh during the Kargil War, paving with his blood, the way to future victories and glories for his Paltan Image
Capt Amit Verma, 9 Mahar.
Fell in Turtuk during the Kargil War on this day in 1999. Image
Maj Kanwar Gulzar Singh, 32 RR / 5/9GR.
It took 18 bullets to stop this Khalsa of Gobind as he and his mates put out the lives of a bunch of Pak sponsored terrorists in Kupwara, this day in 1999, when they were trying to take advantage of the Kargil War Image
Wg Cdr Mandeep Singh Dhillon, Flt Lt Pramod Kr Singh & Sergeant Rajendra Yashwant Gujjar, 115 HU
Martyrs of CRPF - 05 July Image
L/Nk Naresh Kumar, 6 Dogra
Martyred in Naushera, this day in 2003 Image
Hav Madan Lal, Vir Chakra (Posth), 18 Grenadiers
Gave up his life while fighting at Tiger Hill this day in 1999 during the Kargil War. Image
Capt Umed Singh Mahra, Ashok Chakra (Posthumous), 19 RajRif.
Martyred in Nagaland, this day in 1971.
Here's his story .. Image
On 05 Jul 1971, he moved out with a column of 60 men, to raid a hostiles' camp.
They reached their objective after a gruelling 12 hour march over difficult mountainous terrain. As they approached the target, he divided his men into different parties ..
.. and attacked the camp from two different directions.
When Capt Mahra was just 30m short of the camp, the insurgents opened accurate fire.
Retaliating immediately, he charged at the camp, firing his weapon.
He shot dead the insurgents in front of him but sustained serious injuries.
Despite profuse bleeding, he continued to encourage his men to charge at the camp.
Inspired by the courageous action of their leader, the men executed a gallant charge.
Caught by surprise and bold action by the Rajput Warriors, the Naga insurgents fled, leaving behind their dead, arms and ammo.
Capt Mahra endured the long and arduous journey back after overseeing the successful raid, before he succumbed to his injuries.
He was awarded a Posthumous Ashok Chakra for his supreme sacrifice.
God bless his soul Image
I still remember the footage that Tiger Hill got in that war.
What didn't air into our living rooms that summer was the sheer number of men that 18 Grenadiers lost enroute to the glorious victory.
These ones fell on just this one day .. Image
Constable Javaid Ahmad Dar, JKP.
Kidnapped by Pakistan sponsored terrorists from his home in Shopian and murdered in cold blood, this day four years ago. ImageImageImage
Marytrs of CRPF - 06 Jul Image
L/NK Tika Dhoj Lawati, 1/11 Gorkha Rifles
Martyred as the unit wrapped up remaining Packies in Khalubar Image
One amongst the hundreds of fine young men that fell much before their time in Kargil.
This one was a mere 19 years old .. Image
Martyred this day 32 years ago in Taran Taran, one of the hardest hit areas during the Punjab insurgency Image
This one fell in the accursed 'Jannat' this day 29 years ago Image
Martyrs of BSF - 07 Jul Image
06-07 Jul
Boys of Second Battalion The Naga Regiment, martyred during Op Vijay at the icy heights of Twin Bumps.
Far too great a price, but an equally glorious victory indeed.
God bless them all. Image
Tigers of 8 SIKH that fell enroute to glory in the summer of 1999, bagging the prized Tiger Hill - The Gallant 36 Indeed. Image
Bhullas of the 17 Battalion that sacrificed themselves on the Path of Glory that summer of '99. Image
These two from 17 Sikh were eaten up by the accursed 'Jannat' this day in 2001 Image
Yet another Khalsa of Gobind, this one from the Sixth Battalion ..
Fell this day in 1991 Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 07 July Image
Capt Vikram 'Sher Shah' Batra, Param Vir Chakra (Posth)
The Soldier who became a Legend Image
Thought about tweeting his story. But I don't think I could've have bettered this piece here.
Young Dogra 'Sipaiya'
Fell during the other war that didn't stop for the more 'glamorous' one in Kargil Image
Martyrs of 13 JakRif 'Bravest of the Brave', remembered on the joyous occasion of Battle Honour Day Image
Martyred in Dras, this day 18 yrs ago .. Image
Commandos Ajay Pathania, KC(P) and Roop Singh, KC(P).
ITBP Boys, martyred defending the nation's interests in faraway lands of Afghanistan, thanks to Pak sponsored terror at the Embassy of India there, this day in 2008 Image
Ref above tweet.
Brig Ravi Datta, Kirti Chakra (P) and Mr V Venkateswara Rao, IFS too were martyred in the same attack in Kabul as those ITBP boys. ImageImage
Capt Anuj Nayyar, MVC(P)
Martyred at the age of 24
Ensured he breathed his last only AFTER victory Image
A proud father's reaction when the person on the other end of the line went silent since he couldn't bear to break the news of Anuj's martyrdom to Professer Nayyar.
No wonder Capt Anuj grew up to become the kind of man that he was.
Rear Admiral SS Jamwal - 11th death anniversary today Image
Nk Rajwinder Singh
Fell in Pulwama this day in 2020
Second martyrdom anniversary today.
Remember him, anyone? Image
Lance Naik M Y Ramachandra, 8 MADRAS.
Fell in the Kargil War, this day in 1999 Image
Capt Arvind Vikram Singh, Shaurya Chakra (Posth), 2 Garhwal Rifles
Martyred this day in 1994, in the process of saving the life of one of his boys during an operation in the Kashmir Valley Image
Rifleman Digamber Singh, Sena Medal, 2 Garhwal Rifles.
Also martyred with Capt Arvind Vikram Singh this day in 1994
Far too many obits today ..
Refer a few tweets above.
Here's a remembrance for a young soldier in the Valley, by the seniormost one deployed there at that time, @TheSatishDua
Capt Sajjan Singh Malik, Kirti Chakra, 10 Para (Special Forces).
Churu ka Chhora, Josh Box, Devil May Care attitude.
18 years today since this one fell.
God Bless his soul Image
Chhattisgarh policeman, murdered by Maoist terrorists this day 12 years ago .. Image
CRPF boy, martyred this day 32 years ago. Image
Four men lost in a single day.
Knowing the reputation of Sikh Regiment, am sure they were avenged.. Image
32nd martyrdom anniversary.
Still missed. Image
Balwan Jats, martyred during Op Vijay this day 23 years ago Image
Bir Gorkhali, martyred in Manipur this day 29 years ago Image
Martyrs of BSF - 08 Jul Image
Bhai Mani Singh, chopped to death piece by piece by Mughal invaders for sake of his धर्म this day not very long ago .. Image
Nb Sub Sreejith M, Shaurya Chakra (Posth), Sena Medal and Sep Maruprolu Jaswanth Reddy, Shaurya Chakra (Posth), 17 Madras
Martyred this day last year at Sunderbani.
BOTH earned a posth Shaurya Chakra ImageImage
08 Jul
Nk Jasvir Singh, 6 JAKRIF
Martyred at the Line of Control in Kupwara Sector yesterday Image
Vir Biharis of First Battalion, The Bihar Regiment, who fell on the Path of Glory in Batalik during the #KargilWar Image
Martyred in Sukma, 15 yrs ago ... Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 09 July
Includes FIFTEEN men of the 55th Battalion lost in a single day in Chhattisgarh in 2007. Image
Lt Manpreet Singh, 6 Mahar (Centre guy in the photo) .. yet another youngster amongst the many lost in this three decade old war.
21st martyrdom anniversary today
cc @Aakashveer306 🙏 Image
Capt Suraj Sharma, 2 Para (Special Forces).
This 20 year old from Kurseong (Near Darjeeling) was martyred on the night of 08/09 July 2001 in Kupwara. Image
Paratrooper Dhiren Thapa, 2 Para (SF).
Also martyred along with Capt Suraj above.
(Not many details available regarding him. I'm assuming this to be the case since their mortal remains were flown in together to Bagdogra)
The 13 boys of 163 Infantry Brigade that were martyred during the withdrawal from across the Kishanganga River this day in 1948 during the First Kashmir War.
Here's their story 👇. Do read 🙏
The four sappers who too laid down their lives along with their infantry brothers above, while in the process demolishing the vital bridge across the Kishanganga River after a successful withdrawal to own side, this day 74 years ago.
Martyrs of BSF - 09 Jul Image
Lt Col Bhupesh Srivastava, Corps of Signals
Succumbed to cardiac arrest in Lucknow this day last year Image
Nb Sub Ravindra Singh Rathore, PARA (SF)
Fell in Surankote this day 21 years ago
Hav Sambur Gurung, 5/8 Gorkha Rifles.
Bir Gorkhali brother, fell guarding the borders of Mother India in Naushera, this day two years ago Image
Another young CRPF trooper, martyred in another mad insurgency 31 yrs ago.
God bless his likes Image
Khalsa of Gobind.
Fulfilled his obligation to his Motherland this day 21 yrs ago Image
2Lt Shailesh Kumar.
Vir Bihari of the Tenth Battalion.
Fell guarding the Holy City of Amritsar from those that wanted to defile it, this day 38 years ago. Earned a posthumous Shaurya Chakra in the process. Image
CT Mohd Hafiz, 102 Battalion The BSF.
Fell in Rajauri this day in 1998 Image
The seven men of 2/4 and 2/8 Gorkha Rifles that fell this day in 1948 in Leh during the First Kashmir War. Here's their story 👇
Third martyrdom anniversary today.
God bless his soul Image
These two from 26 Maratha LI fell in Poonch this day in 2004 Image
Last of the young men of Capt Manoj Pandey's 1/11 Gorkha Rifles to fall in Op Vijay Image
Seeing the above obit got me thinking.
The #KargilWar was more than a month and a half old. These men, and others like them who lived to tell their stories, must have been in atleast a couple of major attacks / skirmishes if not more, by now.
They would have been under devastating fire on a number of occasions, not just when in an assault, but also from enemy artillery.
They would have seen dead enemy soldiers from close quarters and realized they too were fellow humans mostly just following orders
They would have seen their comrades and leaders fall, mortally wounded.
They would have prepared their mortal remains for the journey back home.
Before seeing them off, they would have prayed to Durga Mata to give them their well earned moksh.
And then they would have gone right back into battle.
It was nearly two months since the patrol of Capt Saurabh Kalia went missing.
It was more than a month since the news of their mutilated bodies being returned by a cocky enemy would have reached them.
It was nearly two months since they themselves would have been engaged with the enemy in Khalubar and thereabouts.
It was nearly two months WITHOUT A SINGLE DAY OF REST.
It was nearly two months WITHOUT ANY WEEKEND.
It was nearly two months since they would have actually slept on a proper bed with a mattress.
It was nearly two months instead since they would have been sleeping behind the largest rock they could find so that a stray enemy shell doesn't account for them.
It was nearly two months since they would have had any sort of break, be it during day or during night
It was two months since they had been living in the very shadows of death
It was two months since they had been regularly cheating death, even as others fell
Not just content with cheating death, it was nearly two months since they were regularly mocking it in the face and daring it to claim them even as they went about ridding their Motherland of the unwanted infestation from across.
It was nearly two months since they had been willingly going to sure-shot deaths heroically and steadfastly, without any fuss.
Let me say it again - NEARLY TWO MONTHS.
Let that sink in a bit.
Yet they carried on, spurred by the prayers of an entire Nation.
This, when lesser mortals like us in other walks of life would have simply given up and quit.
Seeing this obit, it just makes me wonder what kind of men these would have been.
There didn't seem to be any fatigue of war anywhere in the Indian Army.
Day after day, night after night, they walked up those jagged slopes, sparring with the enemy - putting their very lives on the line.
Thank God for such men.
Thank God they were willing to give it their all.
Thank God they walked amongst us.
Om Shanti ..
10 Jul
Lt Gen Ravindra Thodge, PVSM, AVSM, Sena Medal, VSM (Retd)

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Jan 17

Sharing snippets from my trip to Prayagraj to witness the Maha Kumbh earlier this week.
Missus and I spent four days and five nights in the city, reaching there on the night of 11 Jan and returning back home on the night of 16 Jan, i.e. yesterday.
Here goes ..
First and foremost, MUST plan a trip to Prayagraj for the Maha Kumbh!
It is a once in 144 year event and we are blessed to be alive at this point in time to be able to witness it. For so many people, a Maha Kumbh won't ever be even a once in a lifetime event.
As we drove into the city, we could sense magic in the very air. The entire city was in an upbeat mood, despite waves after waves of humanity descending there.
Thankfully, we had booked our stay in the month of October itself and were comfortable that way, unlike many others.
Read 70 tweets
Dec 16, 2024

Sharing some thoughts on the recent moves by the Arakan Army on the Bangladesh-Myanmar Border.
Let's see how this one goes ..
Let me just begin with this bombastic video of Bangladesh Army veterans threatening to capture Kolkata within four days!
Very bombastic, I'd say .. especially when their own generation got the blunt end of the stick from Pakistanis in 1970-71 and couldn't do anything about that!
Unfortunately for these geriatric idiots, while they were turned towards Kolkata, right behind them came the Arakan Army which established control over Bangladesh-Myanmar border
As always, these erstwhile East Pakistanis got totally surprised from behind(PS: Puns Fully Intended!) Image
Read 43 tweets
Dec 8, 2024
Folks, sharing some thoughts on the current state of affairs in Bangladesh.
Let's see how this thread goes ..
First and foremost, let us call it for what it is currently - An attempt at re-establishing East Pakistan.
Yup, that's what it is. Pakistan attempting to return to its erstwhile colony via proxy.
Come to think of it, conditions in East Bengal today are quite similar to what they were in 1970-71.
1. Interim Govt in place
2. Politically elected Govt not allowed to function
3. Widespread and blatant atrocities against minorities and those that the current 'govt' doesn't like
Read 54 tweets
Nov 26, 2024
One man, unarmed, changed entire narrative of 26/11 by ensuring one Paaki gets caught alive.
Else it would be 'RSS ki Saazish'
#NeverForget Image
26/11 - NEVER Forget
#MumbaiTerroAttack Image
Carrying on from the tweets above, sharing some news / media from the dastardly #MumbaiTerrorAttack of 26 Nov 2008 perpetrated by Pakistan.
Read 22 tweets
Aug 30, 2024
Folks, sharing some thoughts on Big Tech that has become an integral part of our daily lives as individuals as well as collectively.
The trigger was the massive outage of Microsoft devices some weeks ago. Have been having some thoughts since then.
Let's see how it goes..
First and foremost, here is a link to the outage of Microsoft devices due to some issue with CrowdStrike, for those who might have forgotten it.
So many parts of our lives came to a halt, because someone somewhere screwed up!
It was a major news headline for atleast a couple of days.
And then, we moved on once things were back in order, dismissing this as a temporary hitch in our day-to-day existence.
Read 36 tweets
Aug 27, 2024
This tweet landed on my TL some time back.
More than the event itself, it was the mention of Bangladesh Army that got me thinking.
Sharing a chain of thoughts.
Still unstructured. Let's see how it goes ..
First thing I did was to go to the Wikipedia page of Bangladesh Army to confirm a hunch.
And true to my expectations, I saw the size of Bangladesh Army to be 160,000 troops! Image
To put things in context and why I found it amusing, I will just give a comparison with the British and the German Armies, sourced from Wikipedia itself.

British Army = Approx 79,000 Active Duty personnel
German Army = 63,000 personnel
Read 36 tweets

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