Shooting one straight into your nose, or mouth, is possible (especially if you open wide) but hardly the most efficient way to deliver a viral payload.
Aerosol float and are efficiently inhaled.
If you want to stop your respiratory tract from becoming a pathogen (any pathogen) entry point…
I’m actually a generally well liked person normally (🤭). Prior to the pandemic and even during most of it my 360 feedback forms often stated my strong points at work are being very likeable, a team player, pleasant.
This is mainly because I listen carefully to others and negotiate to find solutions that are mutually beneficial. I usually deliver criticism with a great deal of care. I use a sense of humour to get through tough times. I notice when others are doing it tough.
I think some experts think they can gaslight parents and guardians into thinking they were somehow one of a very small number whose kid got COVID-19 at school.
Nothing could be further from the truth. We live in a community. Information is shared.
Plenty of parents are still buying the “mild” COVID-19 line, many still believe they are lucky to have gotten that over with, but nobody thinks COVID-19 isn’t spreading like wildfire. Nobody believes schools are a place COVID doesn’t spread.
People make up comforting stories to explain what is happening. They may explain away nagging symptoms, or tell themselves it was just a cold.
Most people aren’t actually entirely divorced from reality. (Close, but not quite.) They don’t actually think it can’t happen
I can’t believe there are still experts that think we are stupid enough to believe schools aren’t cesspits of disease at the moment.
The lived experience, the evidence of our own eyeballs, negated by a few clever tweets?
Can you submit your Twitter threads to court in your own defence?
It really reads like
“Your honour, SARS-CoV-2 is one of the most highly transmissible viruses we have ever come across such that almost all kids were infected within weeks… except in schools.”
I’m expecting the decimation of routine healthcare (and possibly COVID-19 induced immunosuppression) to cause loss of control of the TB pandemic at some point over the next 10 yrs.
So I am guessing CDC and WHO will downgrade TB from airborne disease too. Maybe I should archive the information now, before all past wisdom is lost.
By the way… when we lose control of the TB outbreak, we won’t know the true extent of it for quite some time… as healthy people can carry TB asymptomatically for decades…
but then again, whose going to have a healthy immune system consistently now?