2/9 First victim tried to swap 2,360 $WETH worth about $3.8M and got squeezed by the attacker, who reaped $7K from the deal. #MEV 🤖️ made $6,963.70 with a ROI of 53.72% through a sandwich #arbitrage , using ( $USDC , $WETH , $DAI , $USDT , $WBTC ). eigenphi.io/ethereum/tx/0x…
3/9 The contract being used in the last tx is
a #MEV Master!
With 100% #sandwich#arbitrage, this #MEV BOT made $101,091.77 in 7 days, through 888 #arbitrage transactions on ethereum, earned a 21.08% ROI.
Favorite LP: UniswapV3 LP, $USDC / $WETH eigenphi.io/ethereum/contr…
4/9 2nd one's suffering is pretty much the same: #MEV 🤖️ made $6,327.40 with a ROI of 53.44% through a sandwich #arbitrage , using ( $WETH , $DAI , $USDC , $USDT ). eigenphi.io/ethereum/tx/0x…
5/9 Different story, different token for the 3rd 🥪 : #MEV 🤖️ made $3,474.19 with a ROI of 390.95% through a sandwich #arbitrage , using ( $RNDR , $WETH , $USDT ). eigenphi.io/ethereum/tx/0x…
6/9 4th involved about $1.5M. #MEV 🤖️ made $3,455.46 with a ROI of 220.09% through a sandwich #arbitrage , using ( $USDC , $WETH , $DAI , $USDT ). eigenphi.io/ethereum/tx/0x…
7/9 About the 5th, the attacker employed over $2.5M to make a 🥪: #MEV 🤖️ made $3,425.82 with a ROI of 53.28% through a sandwich #arbitrage , using ( $USDC , $WETH , $DAI ). eigenphi.io/ethereum/tx/0x…
2/9 First victim tried to swap 2,360 $WETH worth about $3.8M and got squeezed by the attacker, who reaped $7K from the deal. #MEV 🤖️ made $6,963.70 with a ROI of 53.72% through a sandwich #arbitrage , using ( $USDC , $WETH , $DAI , $USDT , $WBTC ). eigenphi.io/ethereum/tx/0x…
3/9 The contract being used in the last tx is
a #MEV Master!
With 100% #sandwich#arbitrage, this #MEV BOT made $101,091.77 in 7 days, through 888 #arbitrage transactions on ethereum, earned a 21.08% ROI.
Favorite LP: UniswapV3 LP, $USDC / $WETH eigenphi.io/ethereum/contr…
1/5 #DeFi#Arbitrage#MEV#BNBChain daily report from EigenPhi. EST period: 10/06~11/06 7 am. Completely different story on #BNBChain without horrifying numbers.
2/5 These 3 txs are the highlights of the day. 35 cents help this #MEV 🤖️ made $17,971.40 through a triangular #arbitrage , using ( $USDT , $WBNB , $TRX ) eigenphi.io/bsc/tx/0x363a4…
1/8 $420M was exposed to the searchers of #MEV. Huge increase. The profit reached 10-days high. $stETH ripple effect played a big part in it, without a doubt. #DeFi#Arbitrage#MEV#Ethereum#BSC daily report from EigenPhi. EST period: 10/06~11/06 7 am.notion.so/eigenphi/Arbit…
2/8 P/L distribution can help you find the most and least cost-effective arbitrages of the day.
3/8 Like this one #MEV 🤖️ 's cost was over $12K and made $1,131.74 with a ROI of 9.09% through a sandwich #arbitrage , using ( $$WIND , $WETH , $USDC ). It put over $3.5M to use. eigenphi.io/ethereum/tx/0x…