The entire ideology of the #IndianArmy (#indianairforce and #IndianNavy) is based on three words, 'Naam-Namak-Nishaan'.
'Naam' of the regiment;
'Namak' of the country; &
'Nishaan' of Bharat.
This invokes the sense of esprit de corps, loyalty and cohesion between the troops.
A similar scheme is following by the US, get in the army and they pay for your college. The result? Defeats in almost every major armed conflict after WW2.
From #RussiaUkraineWar to the US #War in Afghanistan, history has proven that conscripts and contractors perform miserably.
Why do you think that the US is too focused on air superiority? Is it just because of the changing nature of warfare? Partially you may say yes, but is it entirely true?
They know that in a land war, their troops will not be decisive, therefore they stress on paramount air power.
Let me highlight you some of the shortcomings of the system.
1. Discipline - This system will be absolutely detrimental to the discipline of the army.
Do something wrong (e.g. miss duties, be drunk on duty, sleep while on night watch etc.), and what happens? Suspension? You are anyways leaving after 4 years. On the other hand, regulars devote their entire lives upholding the honour of their regiment and family name in the army.
There many are soldiers in the army, whose family is in the profession of soldiering for over 200 years! (Yes the figure is correct, for one e.g. listen to this ) The army, apart from being a professional organization, is a family. It is not a part-time job
2. Easier to Infiltrate - This is obvious, the Agniveer system will make the army more porous than it already is.
With more and more people knowing the inside working of the army, more is the risk of our army getting infiltrated by hostile elements.
Take examples from the various police departments, Mumbai police in particular, are they not rotten from inside? The same will happen to the army.
The spirit of nationalism we see in armymen, is a result of years of fighting, hand in hand with their comrades, not in 4 years.
3. Operational efficiency - The biggest blow will be to the operational efficiency of the army. Can you imagine, as an instructor to; teach a large number of new recruits to, handle and maintain a rifle, fight in urban/terrain environment etc, all for it to go to vain in 4 years.
Again can you imagine, as a field officer to; manage troops that will have no fear of losing their job, manage deserters/men who would disobey orders. Or all in all trust them.
The Indian Army tradition is that CO's orders are words etched on stone.
During Kargil, our men charged straight onto bunkers, shouting their war cry, at the instant call of their CO. (Again this part is also correct, listen to Col. Lalit Rai).
Will a person, who will be gone in 4 years, risk his life to do such tasks? Why will they fight when they have no compulsion to do so after a period of time? Why will they strive to uphold their regimental honour, which they will be a part of only for 4 years?
The above questions remain unanswered from the MoD.
The skill of fighting comes from experience, the process of learning is continuous. Morale comes from comradery, courage and devotion to duty.
There are other points as well which will take more threads and will make this one excessively long. So I am omitting them. Logistics, training, pay, promotion etc are some of them.
A common point of criticism I might get is, people in the MoD know this/know better.
To this I would say, maybe they might know better, but that doesn't make me wrong, I am not the only one to dissent. The entire army fraternity has expressed their dissatisfaction.
To the best of my knowledge, @kakar_harsha is one of the major and strongest dissidents of the tour of duty system. If you think I am a nobody, he was a Maj. Gen. in the army. Will he not be careful while expressing his opinion?
To those who have doubts, I have been writing on Military and Geopolitical/International affairs for years. My old ID was permanently suspended as I wrote on political affairs too, but I am starting from scratch again and not writing anyting related to politics (Retweets only).
Anyways please feel free to disdain in the comments.
My take on why the US is not militarily intervening in Ukraine and why in the long term it will be of immense benefit to Bharat. (1/16)
Firstly, there is the obvious reason that Ukraine is not a member of NATO, therefore, US has no obligation to protect Ukraine from Russia. But is this the complete truth? No. (2/16)
We all know that Ukraine, has been trying to get into NATO from quite some time. It had applied for Membership Action Plan way back in 2008, I wonder if it really takes 14 years for a country to keep trying and still not get into NATO. (3/16)