" ... who are particularly susceptible to heavy metal and mineral accumulation, needs to be further investigated."
Pub. 7 June 2022 - Kind of trumps the McClaren paper. Obvious harm should not be swept under the rug. Why do it? -|- "The association between drinking water and plasma #fluoride levels is significantly greater in adolescents with lower #renal function." sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
Has the lesson of past misdeeds been forgotten? The cover up is ALWAYS WORSE than the original Sin being covered up...
A comrade points out this line in the McLaren thing. Smacks of Tuskegee or worse, letting the poor kids endure the disease process while the boffins watch. If they knew how to #prevent tooth decay, that is the point they should have. <harrumph>
The results upon which they base mass #fluorine intoxication? -|- "Findings for permanent teeth were less consistent, which likely reflects that 7-year-olds have not had the time to accumulate enough permanent dentition caries experience for differences to have become apparent."
Good for #FluorideFriday! #EndFluoridation, it doesn't prevent tooth decay if you control for personal oral hygiene and/or diet; we would bet that even Dr Limeback's "one tooth, maybe" postulation would disappear & go the other way if such controls were taken.
The biggest fallacy of adding bioavailable #fluorine to our potable water supply, to prevent tooth decay?
Bi-lingual bad flossing. These jokers just can't find anyone who knows how to hold dental floss. Much less use it. Stock photo's are just not cutting it. Almost as bad as using teeth models to teach brushing. Does no one ever stop and think?
Follow the link, and: -|- "Did you know that you can interrupt and even reverse this process to avoid a cavity?"
Wasn't that the paper that showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that kids in Edmonton suffer #fluorosis 3X more than kids in Calgary? Why, yes, yes it is! Seems to be some credibility fluffing going on.
That was the paper ginned up for the #Calgary vote. If one reads it, it doesn't support #fluoridation. #FluorideFriday! -|- "For smooth surface caries in the permanent dentition (DMFS-SS), there were no statistically significant differences between Calgary and Edmonton samples."
DYK? Enamel #fluorosis is the first, most obvious sign of long term, chronic #fluorine intoxication? -|- "Table 1 also shows that the crude prevalence of dental fluorosis (% TSIF ≥ 1) was statistically significantly lower in Calgary (fluoridation cessation) ..."
You don't say. -|- "Exactly who is opposing the question is a bit murky, but most of the opposition appears to have come from the insurance industry." commonwealthmagazine.org/health-care/sj…
Heartening to know that today there are gobs & scads of young #Dentist's who want to learn more about who precisely WAS "C.C. Bass, M.D", and what did he have to say about #PreventiveDentistry?
For the last few decades or so, just about any young #Dentist, when they first learn the real story of who "C. C. Bass, M.D." is, and what he actually did, are puzzled.
A couple of channels results from their #DentalSkool teaching, and thus their thinking.