@BitcoinSapiens@Excellion I am x: en.bitcoin.it/wiki/x
I wrote and demonstrated timechain to Professor Takaoka at @UCCSSE in 2000. I am rumoured to be Satoshi, and my key(s), and bitcoin were taken very early in the game. I want my bitcoin back, and better conduct from all involved. #rwrvru End slavery
SRA is a real thing with catastrophic consequences. Venture capitalists are murderers and thieves for the slavery and depopulation agenda. Don't tell me #SRA is not part of this. We fight it every single day. We're more than entrepreneurs and victorious in Christ #GodWins#rwrvru
Most people have a romantic (and wrong) idea of what SRA is. Besides the obvious exploitation of children, which is usually covered up with memory blocking substances or the unfortunate death or accidents, adults are victims to induced illnesses and poisoned pets (sound familiar)
gotquestions.org/pharmakeia-in-… #Phamakeia is more prevalent and advanced today than it was thousands of years ago. We, as Christians (or choosing to be) exist to save and to heal, and to love. Don't pretend poisoners don't exist, as many go to YOUR church. Take a break from the crowd...
Yeah so cloud acountancy was a no brainer for me, told Tim Norton who consulted with Rod Drury (who I knew from Jade/Aoraki corporation when I was working on an ecommerce and CMS platform called ISM for ex legion Gary Chastain and Merlin, an email stationary wizard) crown owes me
They make a big deal out of Xero in todays Nelson Mail tech special. It is a problem that our tech sector wealth is so concentrated. AfterMail dates back to Merlin. Venture capitalists are murderers and thieves. Silicon Valley here requires truth/PROTECTION from them @NelsonMail
Not a peep about x/Satoshi and Nakamoto coming from @UCCSSE. Venture capitalists are murderers and thieves. Look what Ilya 'Dutch' Lichtenstein and Heather Morgan really did and WHEN. Ycombinator and Forbes should be ashamed. Epstein et al involved later. I'm talking 2000-2011...
Re: Vitalik Buterin's trip to India
Scopalamine or devils breath is one example often used during interrogation and results in temporary compliance and memory loss, in higher doses unconsciousness or even death. Often used in South American, where it is ia Columbian pandemic #ETH
Something that should be considered whenever a concussion is suspected or being used to discredit an individuals experience or a theft is discovered and a complete recollection of events may not be immediately apparent #BTC
Living in a digital generation we are ALL still susceptable to bad actors using technologies that have been around for thousands of years particular where secrets, trademarks or contracts and keys are concerned. Modern digital economies are not just vulnerable to 'hacks' #Satoshi