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May 5th 2023
So, another day, another piece of draft legislation on crypto. This one is from NY Attorney General Letitia James and represents an effort to create a regulatory framework for crypto in NY state.

Let’s dive into what the bill actually does. Thread.…
First, New York already has a registration regime of sorts for digital assets, the BitLicense introduced in 2015. It’s been a mixed bag: it’s been very hard/time-consuming to get approved, so many companies have simply opted to not do business in NY. 2…
How the new legislation interacts with the BitLicense regime isn’t clear - the legislation doesn’t appear to mention it. Presumably this bill won’t pass without some discussion of how this either complements or replaces the BitLicense though. 3
Read 60 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
Abseits bröckelnder Banken arbeiten die #BRICS Staaten in aller Ruhe daran, dem US Dollar die Krone zu stehlen

Und welche Rolle wird #Bitcoin einnehmen?

Ein🧵👇 1/21

Doch langsam, was sind die #BRICS Staaten eigentlich?

• Brasilien
• Russland
• Indien
• China
• Südafrika

Zusammen stellen sie 42% der Weltbevölkerung und $ 24,4 Billionen
an GDP (Gross Domestic Product = BIP)

Obwohl 42% der Erdbevölkerung in den #BRICS Staaten leben, haben die Länder kombiniert weniger als 15% der Stimmrechte beim IWF, jener IWF der Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer systematisch ausbeutet und sich in der Öffentlichkeit als Wohltäter sonnt.

Klingt das fair?
Read 24 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
Peter Thiel is trending because he intentionally started a bank run. He should be trending because he’s a psychopath conspiring with the most dangerous people in the world to destroy global liberal democracy. #PFT
Father Arne Panula became close to Stanford undergrad Peter Thiel in the 1980s and they remained close until Panula’s death.

Panula became head of Opus Dei and then ran Catholic Information Center which was Opus Dei’s K St. lobby shop.
One of Peter Thiel’s best friends is Erik Prince, who is a Knight of Malta. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta or SMOM is an extreme christofascist arm of the Catholic Church still fighting the Crusades.

The Knights have, at minimum, inspired numerous mass murders.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
Vendiendo sats
#BTC #Satoshi #LNP2Pbot
Ligthning Network p2plightning
140-180 USD Por
3.500 - 4.500 BS VES 🇻🇪
Recibo pago:
✅Pago móvil
Tiene 11 operaciones exitosas
5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (11)
Toma orden👇…
Quien no entienda como funciona lo explico en este Hilo 🧵

¿Sabías que los pagos en línea pueden ser rápidos como un rayo?, sin importar donde estés y aun manteniendo seguridad en tus cambios?, Esto se debe a que #lnp2pBot con el Lightning Network nos lo hizo más sencillo usar
El lightning es como un tren de alta velocidad. Los pagos se envían por los vagones a todas partes a una velocidad increíble.
Solo necesitas tener una wallet que reciba Bitcoin LN como @LightningTipB0t de telegram y usar el bot @lnp2pBot y lo ves en
Read 23 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
The @DusaLabs project is a decentralized, community-driven #DEX within the @MassaLabs ecosystem. The main goal of the #Dusa project is to provide a decentralized, secure and transparent platform for the exchange of digital assets (cryptocurrencies).
@DusaLabs is built on @MassaLabs blockchain - a fully decentralized, open-source chain that utilizes a unique consensus mechanism called #DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake). This allows for fast and efficient transactions with high-level security and 1k #Satoshi coefficient.
Main feature of the @DusaLabs decentralized exchange #DEX is processing swaps without interaction with centralized services (like @awscloud or @Cloudflare). It's the first #DEX with such feature. @Uniswap, @PancakeSwap and others use classic services without decentralization.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
It's been almost a month since our last episode of The More Than Seven Seals of #TheCryptocalypse listed way more than 7 really bad omens for the cryptocurrency "industry."

Well things have gotten a lot worse since then. #TheOracleOfTulips has more to reveal.

The contents of The Book of Fraudits were revealed by the prophet #Mazars in the form of number-free "attestations" about the financial state of #CryptoCom, #Binance, and #KuCoin.

Note that the #KuCoin attestation has never been seen by mortal eyes.
#Mazars LLP, one of the two quasi-legitimate accounting firms still auditing cryptocurrency exchanges not named @Coinbase or @Kraken, announced they would no longer audit crypto firms not named Coinbase or Kraken.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
1/6 Did you know that the first block of the #Bitcoin #blockchain, known as the Genesis Block, was mined on January 3rd, 2009 by the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto?🤔

Find out more about The Genesis Block in @esatoshiclub's thread 👇
2/6 The Genesis Block is unique in a number of ways. For one, the 50 #BTC reward for mining the block was sent to an address that it can never be recovered from.

Since its creation, many people have sent $BTC to the account, pushing its total balance to 68.56 #BTC, worth $1.1M
3/6 #Satoshi also included a message within the block, which was a headline from a British newspaper, The Times. The headline read: "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks."
Read 6 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
A continuación os dejaré capturas de los 575 post de Satoshi antes de desaparecer. Me parece un documento increíble, el caldo primigenio de las #cripto y he querido dejar una copia traducida para que todo el mundo de habla hispana pueda consultar Dentro hilo #Satoshi $BTC #BTC👇
1/ Image
2/ Image
Read 76 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
[1/7] I was curious why no one had raised this question sooner. 🧐

The reason for this high figure is that additional #XRP were generated out of thin air.

The reasons are as follows: 🧵👇
[2/7] ❗️ What you're seeing is a "drop".

1 #XRP is represented as 1,000,000 drops in #XRPL terms or technical contexts such as the #rippled #APIs response we received from the reporting server.
[3/7] Think about "drops" in the same manner that you think of #SATs.

It is, in reality, the smallest technical unit utilized for exact measurements.

⚠️ As an example:
1 #Satoshi (#SATs) = 0.00000001 #Bitcoin
1 #Drop (#drop of XRP) = 0.000001 #XRP
Read 8 tweets
Nov 24th 2022
▶️Le FBI chercherait à l'identifier, pendant que la légende #Satoshi, 20° fortune mondiale, continue à faire couler beaucoup d’encre.

Toute hypothèse reste possible...

- Thread que Musk, Biden, Macron, BFM & Goldman Sachs aimeraient pouvoir interdire

Censuré une 1° fois, RT♻️
- Et si un lobby technologique & industriel, la CIA ou le WEF se cachait derrière cette légende ?

Comment ? Pourquoi ?

▶️Revenons aux origines de l’émergence de la cryptographie :

#Bitcoin est né dans les méandres de la crise financière de 2008... Image
Alors que l’économie, le système financier & bancaire mondial étaient au bord du gouffre.

Afin d’éviter l'implosion financière imminente, les gouvernements ont opté pour des politiques de Quantitative Easing, misent en place principalement par l’activité des banques commerciales ImageImage
Read 32 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
Why the FTX drama is not the end of crypto, but rather a beginning. 🧵

(1/21) For those who don't know me, I guess I should start by just saying I've been in this space for a while. I was here before #MtGox imploded. I met Vitalik before #Eth was a thing. I remember exactly..
(2/21) exactly where I was when #Bitcoin hit $100 & $1000. I remember when the engine driving Bitcoin was a philosophical and ideological one, when the space was a bizarre hybrid of gold bugs, libertarians, anarchists, hackers & OG #cryptography evangelists.
(3/21) I've been here for a while & the recent/ongoing drama involving FTX & #SBF is probably the worst I've seen to date.

Lately we've all heard the same question. "Do you think the FTX debacle is the end of #crypto?". I understand the question, but as somebody who knows...
Read 21 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
Hatırlayanlar vardır, Mart 2019’da şöyle bir anket yapmıştım.

O dönem için harika bir katılım olmuştu ve çoğunluk doğru cevabı vermişti.
Yaygın kanaatin aksine blockchain’i Satoshi icat etmemişti, hatta Bitcoin’in Whitepaper’ında “blockchain” terimi bile geçmez.
Read 22 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
▶️Le FBI et la CIA chercheraient à découvrir son identité, pendant que la légende #SatoshiNakamato, 20° fortune mondiale, continue à faire couler beaucoup d’encre

Toute hypothèse est possible à ce sujet

Étudions donc le phénomène avec un esprit cryptique.

@Jokaver x @0xTwareg
@Jokaver @0xTwareg - Et si un lobby technologique & industriel, la CIA ou le WEF se cachait derrière cette légende ?

Comment ? Pourquoi ?

▶️ Revenons aux origines de l’émergence de la cryptographie :

#Bitcoin est né dans les méandres de la crise financière de 2008... Image
@Jokaver @0xTwareg Alors que l’économie, le système financier & bancaire mondial étaient au bord du gouffre.

Afin d’éviter l'implosion financière imminente, les gouvernements ont opté pour des politiques de Quantitative Easing, misent en place principalement par l’activité des banques commerciales ImageImage
Read 29 tweets
Oct 19th 2022
#Bitcoin ha resuelto el problema de los generales bizantinos, de hace 5000 años.

Pero ¿Qué cojones es eso? 🤔

Os lo explicamos en un hilo🧵⬇️

El problema de los generales bizantinos es un antiguo problema de teoría de juegos, en el que varios generales están sitiando Bizancio.

Han rodeado la ciudad, pero deben decidir colectivamente cuándo atacar.

Si todos los generales atacan al mismo tiempo, ganan, pero si atacan en momentos diferentes o si un general defectuoso decide no luchar, pierden. Image
Read 10 tweets
Sep 14th 2022

#StepN Townhall AMA 14/09/2022

* Backstory of @yawn_rong & @Jerry10240
- Satoshi
- Graphics
- GPS issues
- Marketing
- Hackathon
- Surgery & Hype
* Genesis sneaker design
* Hong Kong expansion
* #GMT earnings
* #EthereumMerge


* @yawn_rong & @Jerry10240 wanted to build a game around #Satoshi
* He died on Earth, shattered in pieces. People had to walk to collect shards/pieces of him.
* That’s why there’re gems in the game.
* But if you have a storyline, you need to stick to the storyline.

* All in all, they cut the whole thing but they kept the token name (Green Satoshi Token & Green Metaverse Token)
* @Jerry10240 & @yawn_rong cycled through some names (Drystack?, Stride etc)
* Focus on global warming
Read 16 tweets
Sep 13th 2022
Granath VS Wright Day 2 Master Thread.

PLEASE RETWEET. I'll be live tweeting as it happens today.

Starting promptly at 9AM. We don't seem to have audio translator just yet. So, missing the opening of opening remarks from Craig's team.
Fixed it.

Halvor Mansaus, notably without a notebook and speaking from openly, advocating for free speech and its power and importance in the general interest.
Read 123 tweets
Aug 28th 2022
I think theres a severe distrust issue amongst society probably from the growth of the internet and social media along side data violations beyond any users control

This doesnt mean the framework/ infrastructure is not trusted, its just in need of redesign

Enter #DID's $cheq
None of this is new or uncommon, or the entities and personnel within the #identity industry.

There is just no "#decentralised #crypto" celebrity status attached for #hypeeee

$Cheq @Tweetddale @NickyHickman11

In my humble opinion, there should be the similar chatter of the #satoshi paper of 2008, for the #approval and #recommendation from the @w3c on the first identifier since the #URL.

Welcome to the #DID.

The Decentralised Identifier.

Image courtesy of @evernym (@Avast)
Read 7 tweets
Aug 27th 2022

When #cryptocurrency projects distribute their native #tokens straight to their customers' wallets.

[#web3 glossary thread]

Important or insider knowledge, notably about the value of #digital assets such as #cryptocurrencies and #NFTs; a measure of an investment's return over and above that of the market or other benchmark.

[#web3 glossary thread]

Formerly used to describe any #cryptocurrency that wasn't #Bitcoin; however, #altcoin is now used to describe any new cryptocurrency with a low market valuation.

[#web3 glossary thread]
Read 102 tweets
Aug 21st 2022
1/ With so many 💎 's underwater, which one deserves a spot in your portfolio?

After calling $LUNA at 1$ and riding it all the way ⬆️ to 90$, @CryptoWizardd's next big call is $MTRG

Why? Let's take a look 🧵 👇
2/ I went through every thread & docs to put together a much needed mega thread on @Meter_IO, so give a follow to these guys who helped made this possible 👇


Okay, ready for the alpha? Let's begin..
3/ Sitting at $50m MC w/ huge upside, it's one of the gems that'll thrive once the market stops lagging

Pls welcome: $MTRG ⮕ Future of Multi-Chain ⛓️

➡️Mcap: $43m
➡️ATH: $11,86
➡️Holders: 1,510
➡️Consensus: HotStuff-inspired #PoS 👀

Do u see it anon? I can go all night..
Read 30 tweets
Aug 17th 2022
There's a general consensus in the #Blockchain industry about the long-term viability of L2 scaling solutions...

#Bitcoin embraced lightning network

#Ethereum & #Tezos embraced rollups

And #Cardano focuses on Hydra

A thread on #Hydra & how it measures up to a zk-rollup: 🧵👇 Image
If you look at the broader #blockchain landscape

#Cardano is more similar to #Bitcoin

than to any other #blockchain out there

• Ledger models (UTxO & E-UTxO)
• L2 scaling approach (Lightning & Hydra)
• A similar approach to "Inclusive accountability"

#Cardano aspires to be a better #Bitcoin, offering smart contract capabilities

Without compromising on the basic principles #Satoshi believed in

So let's take a look at the scaling approach of #Cardano through Hydra
Read 28 tweets
Aug 12th 2022
[Thread] Patoshi Patern : comment un petit génie a grillé combien de #bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto a miné aux balbutiement du réseau ?
Quoi de plus intéressant que de creuser toujours un peu plus autour d’el famoso #Satoshi Nakamoto ? Ici, la problématique est la suivante : Est-ce que ce monsieur minait de la même manière que tout le monde au moment de la genèse de Bitcoin ?
Car si c’était le cas, une attaque 51 aurait pu très vite arriver. Aussi, le créateur aurait-il accepté de laisser son bébé naître sans protection ?
Read 24 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
[#Crypto Dystopie] En 2035, #Satoshi est envoyé dans le passé pour sauver l'#Europe.

3 janvier 2035, Jour J, 8h – Stéphane quitte son petit pavillon de Vinon-sur-Verdon à bord de sa vieille Model S @Tesla, réminiscence d’un empire américain jadis dominant.
Désormais, ce sont les #BRICS qui gouvernent le monde. Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine, Afrique du Sud.

8h10 – Stéphane s’arrête comme à son habitude sur le parking de la boulangerie La Fabrique afin d’y acheter son croissant du matin.

— Bonjour Stéphane ! Voici votre croissant.
Stéphane sort quelques francs de sa poche. Redevenu monnaie nationale de la #France après l’échec de l’euro et l’éclatement de l’#Europe.

En y réfléchissant bien, l’#euro était une utopie. Ou du moins, l’Europe n’est pas allé au bout de ses ambitions.…
Read 16 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
#bitcoin #btc #satoshi #nakamoto #blockchain
This btc wallet received a total of 135372282 BTC and is moving funds also now:
and received btc from this wallet:
that minted blocks on 2009-01-13.
Any idea? 💡
Read 7 tweets
Jun 21st 2022

Updated thread of ⚡️

A high-performance blockchain infrastructure that scales & connects the financial Internet

World's first hybrid consensus using $MTR the PoW stablecoin & PoS HotStuff consensus with $MTRG the governance token


In addition to being a high performant #Layer1 infrastructure Meter can scale other L1 mainnets as a sidechain solution

Meter uses the most advanced deterministic consensus protocol called #HotStuff

@Meta's Libra (formerly FB) is a variant of this consensus


There are multiple #Layer2 solutions currently on the market including Optimistic Rollup, zk Rollups, state channel & side chains

Optimistic Rollup is promising but it is definitely over hyped

Zk based techniques are incompatible with existing smart contracts

Read 26 tweets

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