#bkdk #dark #hurtcomfort #omegaverse

TW: Referenced Noncon.

Bakugo Katsuki was born with a gift. A superpower. No one else knew about this except his parents who told him to keep it a secret. But he wasn’t gonna let it go to waste. So he became a superhero of course!
By day he was Bakugo Enterprises heir and Yuuei City’s hottest Alpha Bachelor, Bakugo Katsuki, and by night he was the explosive masked Vigilante Great Explosion Murder God DynaMight. It was a thankless job but he fucking loved it.
He didn’t have to abide by laws and codes like the useless police. He could do his own thing and deal his own Justice. Katsuki WAS the law around Yuuei. The double life of course was hard and lonely. But he couldn’t very well bring an omega into the comic book that was his life.
He had ONE friend who knew about his superpower when he was younger. He was his closest friend and neighbor, Midoriya Izuku. Izuku was sweet, trustworthy and he would never tell a soul. However his mother was a reporter. So when Katsuki accidentally let it slip to his parents-
that Izuku knew his secret? They whisked him away to a special doctor they knew. This doctor also had a power. An evil power that Katsuki would never forgive. He erased all of Izuku’s memories of Katsuki. After that, the Bakugo’s moved away from the countryside into the city.
Katsuki never really let people in after losing Izuku as a friend. It hurt. They bonded over their love of comics and it was actually Izuku’s suggestion that Katsuki become a superhero.

“You can do all kinds of things! And I’ll be your man in the chair! Or your sidekick!”
Izuku had babbled to him as he wrote furious notes in his journals. Journals his parents had made sure were all burned.

“Hah. My sidekick? You’ll be more like my damsel in distress I’m always rescuing.” Katsuki had gloated.

“Nuh uh!” Izuku argued. “I’ll fight my own bad guys!”
“You just presented omega, Deku!” Katsuki stuck his tongue out. “Your scent will distract the bad guys like shark bait and then I’ll come in like BOOM!”

“Fine! Then DynaMight and Shark Bait! That will be our name!” Izuku beamed.

“Deal.” Katsuki grinned wildly.
Now he was just DynaMight. Fighting crime all by himself. His parents hated what he did but at the end of the day, they had no say. It was his gift or curse or power. He could use it however the fuck he wanted. And right now, that was blowing up this damn car jacker.
Katsuki stood on top of a light post and waited as the sleek black convertible steered the corner then he pounced into the passenger side making the driver scream.

“AAAAH! Not DynaMight!” He shreiked.

“Ya know what they say about playing stupid games?” Katsuki questioned.
He plopped in and got comfy in the passenger seat, buckling his seatbelt as the driver kept speeding from police.

“Y-you win stupid prizes?” The driver shivered.

“Bingo! Turn left.” Katsuki pointed to an alleyway.

“Fuck you! I’m not-”
Katsuki then detonated a small explosion in his hand making the carjacker scream.

“OKAY! OKAY!” He immediately swerved left.

“Listen asshat. You decide to Jack a car in MY fucking city. At the time when I work and are SURPRISED I’m here to stop ya?!”
“W-well I…”

“TURN RIGHT.” Katsuki pointed to a street with no police.

“Why are you helping me get away?!” The driver questioned.

“I’m not! I just like to work alone Damnit! Now answer me, how fucking stupid are you?!” Katsuki smacked his head.

“That’s what I fucking thought. Now park the car over there!” Katsuki pointed to a bar.

“W-why here, sir?” The driver questioned.

“Cause I want a fucking drink. Now out of the car!” Katsuki barked as he parked the vehicle.

“Uh…okay.” The driver opened the door and ran for it.
“Fucking idiot…” Katsuki sighed before using an explosion to tackle him to the ground and pin his arms behind his back.

“Let me go! Please! I’m sorry!” The driver cried.

“At least don’t be such a wuss damnit!” Katsuki tied him him up before plopping him in the vehicle.
He pinned a note on the wiggling thief that said:
'You're welcome'

Then he waltzed in the bar, ordered his favorite drink and waited.

"Don't you ever get tired of this?" Ochaco, his favorite bartender questioned as she passed him a glass of whiskey.
"Not really." Katsuki rolled his eyes as they heard the police sirens approach the bar.

"Seriously, I know the cutest omega who doesn't mind the whole crime fighting thing. You should take a night off and come meet him." She cheesed.

"How about you, huh?" Katsuki interrogated.
"I do this every night and guess who's here to greet me every night with another glass? When's the last time YOU took a night off?"

"Money doesn't grow on trees, Dynamight. This is my way of saving the world." She giggled before pouring him a shot of vodka.
Suddenly, Katsuki's designated phone for dealing with the police rang.

"That's the fucking chief. Probably trying to rail me for interfering again. Here." He slammed a wad of cash in front of the spunky omega.

"Drinks are on me, you have to get thanks somewhere."
She nodded her head.

"It's not for the drinks. It's for you. Now take a damn day off." Katsuki ordered before storming out of the bar. "Whaddya want cheif?" He answered the phone.

"DynaMight...I've got a case..it's a doozy man. I..don't trust my men with this."
Police Cheif Kirishima Eijiro whispered.

"If it's car chase, I already gotcha covered." Katsuki informed him, annoyed.

"No, it's...you know the Todoroki family? The ones who run the Endeavor Corporation?"

If Kirishima knew he was speaking to Bakugo Katsuki,
this would be a very stupid question. The Bakugo Fashion enterprises and the Endeavor corporation were close business partners.

Katsuki didn't make friends, but if he had to claim he had one, it would be Todoroki Shoto. The youngest of CEO Todoroki Enji.

"What happened?"
He questioned, trying to sound as partial as possible.

"The eldest, Todoroki Toya was killed in his art studio just now. Shot 4 times." Kirishima informed him solemnly.

"Shit.." Katsuki whispered. "Do ya know who did it?!"
"No...I need you to come check out the scene. We need all the help we can get on this." The chief whispered.

"I'm already on my way." Katsuki stormed outside.
Todoroki Toya...or as they knew him the art world "Dabi". He was the Black Sheep of the Todoroki family.
He was involved in all kinds of petty crime as a teenager. And Katsuki himself caught him and helped arrest him several times when he was in his early twenties. He was a rebel without a cause. Barred from his family's business. Going nowhere in life.
But lately, he turned his life completely around. He discovered something he was really fucking good at. His art shows were the talk of the town. A piece by him to take home cost thousands. Shoto used to be so worried about him but now.. he was proud to call him his brother.
"Touya-Nii's getting married." Shoto informed Katsuki the last time they spoke about him.

"No way, HE landed himself an omega before us?!" Katsuki had laughed. He had to keep up appearances that that was something he actually wanted.

"I know." Shoto smiled softly.
"It took me by surprise. And meeting him...it took me even more by surprise. He's a really sweet guy. Definitely not someone I'd expect for Touya."

"Ya think he's paying him?" Katsuki snickered.

"No! It's weird. He ACTUALLY seems happy dating my brother. Really happy."
"Well cheers to that guy for having to put up with him the rest of his damn life." Katsuki raised his glass.

"Yeah." Shoto smirked. "Cheers."

Katsuki arrived to the scene and tried not to collapse at the sight of the body. Did Shoto know?
"What's he doing here?" A disgruntled officer mumbled.

"I don't know, but he's here. Dynamight. Come with me." Kirishima kept up appearances.

Katsuki followed him as he walked him through the crime scene. Touya was found in the center of what looked like a setup for a-
photoshoot. There was lighting equipment all around a green screen. His camera was found not far from him with the lens broken.

"There was no memory card." Kirishima explained. "So whoever did this, definitely took it."
Neighbors heard gunshots and called the police which arrived 15 minutes later. There was bloody footprint found.

"No one saw who ran in and out of the place?" Katsuki questioned.

"That's the thing...there was someone here the whole time...who survived. But he's not speaking."
Kirishima led him outside to the ambulance on the curb. Sitting on the edge of the truck with two nurses checking his vitals was a tiny omega wrapped in a blanket.

"Looks like Touya's fiance was here to watch him work. Poor guy saw everything. We found him shaking with his-"
"clothes torn in the corner. As soon as he calms down, we hope we can get him to tell us what happened but right now, we're just trying to prevent him from drop."

A nurse moved to get something from her bag and that's when Katsuki finally got a good look at him and froze.
He would know that bed of green curls, freckled skin and striking green eyes anywhere. It was him. His childhood friend who forgot him.

Midoriya Izuku.

"Deku?!" Katsuki covered his mouth.

"You know him?" Eijiro questioned.

"No I..." Katsuki tried to compose himself.
“I just sneezed…” He feigned a sniffle.

“Oh. I bet you do all the time. People are always talking about you.” Eijiro laughed.

“What did you need MY help with?” Katsuki questioned.

“We don’t know why Touya was killed. But there was no forced entry. Nothing was stolen-”
“Ya think he did this?!” Katsuki gawked in disbelief.

“I think whoever did this…it was personal. And they had to be close to him. Touya was a notoriously private person. The ONLY person even allowed in his studio was Izuku.”

“It’s not him.” Katsuki snapped.
“Yeah…” Eijiro looked at the omega who was barely retaining consciousness as the nurses fussed over him. “But either way, I need you to watch out for him for me.”

“What?” Katsuki questioned.

“If he didn’t do it, we suspect whoever did might come back for him.”
“What makes you suspect that?!” Katsuki wondered.

“We think he was sexually assaulted.” Eijiro blurted out. “His clothes were torn, he has hand marks on his wrists and the nurses need to do a full inspection at the hospital but it’s obvious he’s been-”

“Stop.” Katsuki ordered
“I get it.” He shuddered.

“If I order a protection until we get the killer, the police are easy to find. We’re in the papers. People find out where we live. And I’ve had people slip through the cracks before but you…NOBODY knows who you really are.”
“And believe me, I’ve tried to find out. What you can do…you can protect him in a way none of us can. And hopefully you can get him to talk. I know it’s a lot to put on your plate but-”

“I’ll do it.” Katsuki said bluntly.

“Huh? Really?!” Eijiro gawked. “I expected a fight.”
Katsuki didn’t know HOW he would hide the fiance of murdered acclaimed artist Touya Todoroki in his house that very obviously had his written name all over it without exposing his double life to the world. But he would find a way Damnit.
“Call me when he’s ready to check out of the hospital.” Katsuki instructed.

“Yeah. Alright.” Eijiro smiled. “You’re a real hero for this one.”

“Yeah yeah. You better start paying me like one.” Katsuki scoffed.

“You know I can’t do that.”

“Sure ya can. Call me.”
While Katsuki waited anxiously for that call, he did a deep dive on EVERYTHING he could find on Izuku. He never looked him up after they moved. It was all too painful. Knowing he was happier without him would be too miserable of a feeling. And knowing he was worse off…
He wouldn’t have been able to bare it. Now here was doing a deep dive of the life of Midoriya Izuku.

It wasn’t hard to find information because he found his own claim to fame as a popular web comic artist. Katsuki was floored when he found the comic.
It was called ‘Deku Saves the Day’. Deku… Did he remember the nickname he gave him as a child?! That had to be impossible right?!

Izuku himself was the target of several fan pages. People loved and adored the omega and Izuku’s Gram page over a million followers.
And then there was the DabiDoriya fans… People LOVED the couple. Izuku’s page was filled with moments of them together. Izuku did look genuinely happy. They looked totally mismatched with Touya’s tattoos and piercings and Izuku’s dorky glasses.
He last posted about them earlier that morning. It was a picture of Izuku showing off his engagement ring. The caption said: ‘He said I have another gift for you tonight. What could possibly top this? 💜'

Katsuki stared at the post and shuddered. What the hell happened?!
Katsuki found out through more research that Izuku still lived in the countryside with his mom all the way until last year when he had moved to the city to be closer to Touya. He lived in his own apartment. Alone. Izuku kept a blog where he explained a lot of things about-
-his comic mostly. But sometimes he would explain things about his life.

Katsuki stumbled upon one post that caught his attention.

‘I’m old fashioned!
Call me a bit of a romantic, but I keep getting questions about why I don’t move in with Touya. Or why I live alone!’
‘I just think some things should be saved for when we’re married and mated! (灬´ᴗ`灬)

Keep the excitement going. Haha. Touya doesn’t mind and is such a patient alpha. It will make our wedding night more fun. I think!
(。U⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ U。)

Too much information, I know!’
‘But you asked? Haha. Anyway look forward to the next chapter where Deku…’

Katsuki sighed and kept scrolling till he got to a different post.

‘Is Touya DynaMight?

I wish…

DynaMight is so… *:・゚✧(ꈍᴗꈍ)✧・゚:*

But sadly, not Touya! Don’t tell him about this post!’
“Damnit Deku…” Katsuki sighed. “You’re still such a damn nerd…”

His police phone finally went off.

“Chief.” Katsuki said urgently.

“DynaMight. He’s being discharged.” Kirishima informed him.

“Is he saying anything yet?” Katsuki questioned.

“No. I’ll leave it up to you.”
“Got it.” Katsuki got in his most inconspicuous car. And drove to the hospital.

When he got to the room, he walked in slowly and Izuku looked up at him and gasped.

“Hey.” Katsuki said as he slowly approached him.

“You’re…” Izuku spoke and Katsuki tried not to-
cry at hearing his voice for the first time in 10 years, 6 months, 2 weeks and a day.

“I’m Great Explosion Murder God DynaMight. Can I sit here?” Katsuki pointed to the spot next to him on the bed.

“Mm…Mmhmm.” Izuku nodded.

Katsuki sat slowly as the omega just stared at him.
“I’m not here to ask you what happened. You can tell me that when you’re ready.” Katsuki said gently. “I’m here to take you home with me because whoever did this to him…to you. They’re presumably still out there.”

“Mmm…” Izuku whimpered uncomfortably.
“Hey.” Katsuki said gently. “It’s gonna be okay.”

“No…” Izuku’s voice cracked. “It’s not.” He began to hyperventilate.

“De- Izuku…” Katsuki grabbed his hands. “I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you.”

“You’re…a real life superhero right?” The omega questioned.

“Do heroes save everyone?” He asked as he brought his knees to his chest.

“I save who I wanna save.” Katsuki answered honestly.

“So why save me? Why are you here? I…I’m broken. I’m not worth it. There’s so many other people who deserve your protection…” Izuku cried.
“You say you’re gonna take me home but I can’t have you living in your own home with a mask on..I..”

“I’ll tell you who I am.” Katsuki blurted out. “When we get to my place, I’ll tell you who I am.”

“Huh? Why?” Izuku’s eyes widened.
“I’m a big fan of your comics.” Katsuki lied.

“No way. You are?!” Izuku blushed before hiding his face. “I’m so sorry if Deku is too similar to you. You’re just the only real life example I have and it’s a very good example and..and..I can’t draw him anymore.”
He said quietly as tears dripped down his face. “How can I write a story about a hero when I…when I’m nothing more thank shark bait?”

“Hey.” Katsuki said solemnly. “It hasn’t even been a day. You have a lot to process. Give yourself a break.”
Katsuki picked him up bridal style walked toward the window. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Through the window?!” Izuku gasped.

“Hold on tight Izuku. We’re making a hero’s escape.”

“Be carefuuuuul!” Izuku screamed as Katsuki blew explosions behind him with the hand that wasn’t-
-holding him. Katsuki hopped over till they got to his car which was parked in a hidden spot and then he buckled him in.

“That was…” Izuku blinked.

“Cool, right?” Katsuki smirked.


“Huh?” Katsuki looked at Izuku as he was in some sort of trance.
Izuku looked into Katsuki’s red eyes and felt himself go limp.

“I’m tired.” He leaned the seat back.

“Rest then.” Katsuki instructed. “You’re gonna need it until we catch this bastard. You’re safe with me. So go to sleep.”

“Yeah…” Izuku mumbled. “Safe…with you…”
“And…I’m sorry about Touya.” Katsuki said making Izuku freeze.

“Mm…don’t be.” His voice cracked.

“Huh?” Katsuki questioned but Izuku was fast asleep.
Izuku woke up in unfamiliar surroundings. He was wearing pajamas that definitely did not belong to him in the biggest bedroom he had ever seen in his life. He was covered in comforting soft items like silk blankets and plush pillows. He sat up as he tried to recollect anything.
Then it all came rushing back to him and panic set in. He groaned in agony before the tears started flowing again. He held himself and rocked back and forth as he sobbed. It was painful. Everything hurt.

“You’re awake.” A gruff voice startled him from the love seat in the room.
Katsuki stood up, still in full costume before sitting beside him on the bed.

“DynaMight…San?” Izuku questioned as he wiped his own tears.

“Sorry for scaring you. I was worried you were gonna drop. You were out for 24 hours.” Katsuki explained.

“I was?” Izuku sniffled.
“Yeah. I had one of my servants bathe you and clean you up. Don’t worry. She’s a beta and very trustworthy. I figured…you would wanna wake with a clean slate.” Katsuki informed him.

“My clothes?” Izuku questioned. “Where are they?”

“There.” Katsuki pointed to a basket.
“But we can dispose of them if you want…I brought some over from your place. Some clean ones you had tossed around your dresser. They are hanging in the closet.”

“Did-” Izuku gulped. “Did you find who did this? To Touya?”

“Not yet.” Katsuki whispered. “Do you know who did?”
Izuku looked down at his lap as he bit his lip. “You said you weren’t gonna ask me..”

“I didn’t ask ya what happened. I simply asked if you knew. I’ll find out, ya know. With or without your help. You’re here in case the murderer come back for you. It sure would help if you-”
“could tell me who that was so I know who to watch out for. But my job is the same regardless. Keep you safe.” Katsuki explained.

“I…” Izuku sniffled. “I’m afraid.”

Katsuki had already decided if Deku was the killer, he’d cover for him.
But it just wasn’t in Izuku’s nature to hurt anybody. There was more to this story.

“Don’t be. Cause I am here.” Katsuki said dramatically. Izuku froze as he stared at him.

“You like All Might?” He perked up.

“Hell yeah. Read every comic. Have a whole library of ‘em.”
“Wow. Can I see?” Izuku questioned as he fiddled with his fingers.

“The servants haven’t gone home yet. So…I can take you. But you’re gonna have meet the real me.” Katsuki informed him.

“Wow. Even your servants don’t know you’re DynaMight?” Izuku wondered.
“Listen, Izuku. I don’t trust anyone. I don’t have an old butler watching out for me, or a nerd in a chair or an omega dutifully waiting for me to take off the mask when I get home. No one knows who I am.” The alpha emphasized.

“Then…why do you trust me?” Deku blinked.
“Because I’m asking you to trust me with your life. It’s only fair I give you the same respect. Here.” Katsuki leaned his forward revealing his tassels which keep his mask on. “Go ahead. Take it off.”

Izuku blushed as he slowly reached for the knot, undoing it steadily.
Izuku took it off and Katsuki leaned up revealing his full face. Was this really fucking stupid of him? Yes. But Izuku kept his secret before. He would do it again. He was sure of it.

“Bakugo…Katsuki?” Izuku blinked in recognition.

“Yo.” Katsuki waved.

Izuku said loudly and excitedly, startling him. “There are many theories about DynaMight’s true identity but I knew it had to be you. I argued with several people and presented my theories but they all told me I was crazy. You were too public. An asshole who doesn’t care about-”
“others. But I knew that just had to be facade. One, your hair is similar but then again Touya’s was too but Bakugo Katsuki is notorious for never staying past 9. They say it’s because of your rigorous sleep schedule but DynaMight ALWAYS works after 9! Everyone told me I was-”
“crazy! They downvoted my thoroughly researched theory to oblivion that I spent hours on! But wow! It’s you! It’s really you! Amazing! Thank you for trusting me with your secret, I-”

“Deku…” Katsuki plopped his hand on his head as he again tried not to get emotional.
He was still the same. The same as the 12 year old who looked at him like he was the sun itself instead of running away and calling him a freak when he learned about his power. The same nerd Katsuki missed more than anything.

“Oh…Deku’s my character, I’m Izuku…”
“Right. Izuku. We gonna see these comics or not?” Katsuki blushed as he began to unzip his costume revealing the track suit he had under it.

“Y-yes Dyna…um..Bakugo-San!” Izuku nodded. “I’d love to!”

“Just call me Katsuki.”


Katsuki couldn’t tell him to-
call him his old childhood nickname because that would be weird in all kinds of ways. But he longed to hear it from his voice.

“This way.” Katsuki offered his arm.

“Okay!” Izuku stood up and took it. “Katsuki-San…”


“This might be weird. But…have we met before?”
Katsuki froze. “No. Never.”

“Oh…it’s weird. My omega…it recognizes your scent.” Izuku informed him. “It’s…comforting.”

“Maybe you knew someone with a similar scent. Either way. It’s a good thing. You need comfort right now, right?” Katsuki deflected.
Izuku tightened his grip around Katsuki’s arm. “Yeah…I guess I do.”

News of Touya’s death spread like wildfire. Everyone in the city was talking about it. Todoroki Enji was devastated. He released a public statement asking everyone to give his family time to grieve.
Katsuki had delayed calling Shoto. And now here he was at the memorial service that was closed to family and close friends only. That didn’t stop the vulture reporters who hounded anyone making their way inside the Todoroki manor. Izuku had to go in a separate car.
Katsuki had one of his servants that he trusted and the public didn’t associate with him, accompany him.

Kirishima was there of course along with police making sure the reporters didn’t intrude on the ceremony. Katsuki watched from afar as various people approached Izuku.
Everyone paid their respects to him, being he was the one who knew Touya best. The one loved one he left behind.

“Hey.” Katsuki approached Shoto who was standing in the corner of room. “You okay?”

“It’s still surreal.” Shoto said. “I feel like I shouldn’t be here.”
“He was turning his life around, right?” Katsuki questioned. “And now…this.”

“Look at him.” Shoto nudged his head to the front of the room where people were bowing and talking to Izuku. “He shouldn’t be here either. He’s trying to keep himself together but…it’s too soon.”
“It would be weird if he wasn’t though, right?” Katsuki asked.

“Yeah. I guess.” Shoto sighed. The ceremony began and ended. Shoto never stood with the rest of his family. He stayed in the back with Katsuki. After everything was over. Katsuki watched Shoto approach Izuku who was-
staring at the portrait of Touya surrounded by candles. He placed a gentle hand on the omegas shoulder who looked startled to see him. Then he whispered something in his ear. Izuku’s vehemently shook his head before staring back at the portrait.
The two then had a hushed conversation before Izuku backed away and ran to Kaminari, Katsuki’s servant. Kaminari nodded and guided him outside to the car.

What the hell was that about?

Shoto stayed staring at the portrait before putting out the candles.
By the time Katsuki arrived home, Izuku was asleep.

It had been a week since the murder and the cops were no closer to finding him. Katsuki of course did his own investigating. For one, the bloody footprint. It was too big to be Touya’s or Izuku’s. There was someone else there.
Presumably the killer. Kirishima had asked for the police to interrogate Izuku as he was becoming a suspect but Katsuki refused to let them speak to him.

“Come on man, throw me a bone.” Kirishima begged.

“You asked me to watch him. I’m doing this my way.” Katsuki told him.
Eijiro was just waiting for the results from the hospital to put Izuku as prime suspect number one.

Katsuki sighed as he plopped down at his desk. He wished Deku would just tell him what happened…but he understood that was a difficult thing to discuss. He needed time.

Katsuki’s head housekeeper Yaoyourozu knocked on his door.

“Sup Ponytail?” Katsuki wondered.

“I was doing Midoriya-Sam’s laundry and I found this.” She handed him an object and Katsuki grabbed it.
“The fuck is this?” He asked before he realized exactly what it. “Shit!” Katsuki sat up.

“Is there a problem?” Yaoyourozu questioned.

“No…you’re dismissed.” Katsuki waved her away.

It was the missing memory card from Touya’s camera.
Katsuki stared at the memory card in his shaking hand. When Yaoyourozu shut the door, he immediately opened his laptop and stuck it in. He was worried what he would find. He opened the file reader and saw one folder labeled:

‘Beautiful and Broken’
He was about to click it when he heard a scream.


Katsuki ran straight to Izuku’s room where he was thrashing around in his bed screaming and crying in the midst of a nightmare.

Katsuki switched on the lights immediately and stayed by the door.

“IZUKU! HEY! IZUKU!” He raised his voice hoping to wake the omega who finally jolted up.

He sat up, and caught his breath holding himself, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

“Izuku, can I come closer?”
Izuku stared at the alpha before wiping the tears off his face and nodding. Katsuki slowly shut the door behind him and approached the omega before sitting on the bed beside him.

“I’m sorry…I-” The omega sniffled. “Nightmare. I had a nightmare.” He whimpered.
“I can hold you…if that will help.” Katsuki offered as he gently rubbed the omegas back.

Izuku stared at him before nodding slowly and crawling into his lap. Katsuki held him tightly and Izuku inhaled his scent, grounding himself.

“You screamed a name.”
Katsuki said steadily. “Kacchan. Is that someone you trust? Someone you want to call to talk to or anything?”

“I did?” Izuku laughed, beside himself as he settled into Katsuki’s chest. “He’s what you would call an imaginary friend I guess. That I had when I was little.”
“An imaginary friend, huh?” Katsuki raised his brow as he rubbed Izuku’s hair gently.

“Yeah. I don’t really remember what he looked like…but I was kind of a scaredy-cat when I was younger and Kacchan was brave. I guess he was like what I wanted to be. Brave and strong and cool”
“I…dreamt of that night. I guess I just wish he was there to be brave when I was weak and scared.” Izuku cried. “I…don’t know…” He sat up and looked into Katsuki’s eyes. “I don’t know why I’m trusting you. I don’t know if it’s your scent or this vague feeling that I know you,”
“but at Touya’s funeral…I was so scared. I tried to keep a brave face but every alpha terrified me. I felt like… everyone was just waiting to hurt me.”

“Is that why Todoroki Shoto scared you? I saw you guys talk.” Katsuki pried. “You left after.”

“Shoto doesn’t scare me.”
Izuku said quickly. “I was just surprised he was there.”


“Katsuki-San. Did you know Touya?” The omega deflected.

“I mean yeah I knew him. But not the new Touya. Not the one everyone is mourning. The great artist or whatever.” Katsuki waved his hand dramatically.
“Hmm…” Izuku laid his head in Katsuki’s lap. “So you knew the real him then. Or who knows if that even was the real Touya? I had to hear so many people today tell me sorry…tell me how much he loved me. Tell me they knew I was taking it the hardest. But…” He began to cry.
“I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t really know who that person even was.”

“Is he the one who hurt you, Izuku?” Katsuki questioned.


Suddenly Katsuki’s police phone rang. He gritted his teeth.

“You can take it of you want.” Izuku sat up.
“I’ll be right back.” Katsuki stood up, rubbing his head. “And Izuku…”


“You ARE brave.” Katsuki said as he opened the door and picked up the phone in a hurry before shutting it behind him. “What the hell do you want cheif?!”

“You’re still protecting Izuku, right?”
“Of course I am and I’m not dragging him to the damn police station the day of the damn funeral!” Katsuki growled.

“Good…because we got the DNA results back from the hospital. It was a 0 percent match to Todoroki Touya.” Eijiro informed him.
“Huh?” Katsuki looked back at the bedroom in shock.

“That means whoever assaulted that omega is still out there..and he probably was the one that killed Touya too…” Eijiro sighed.

“That also means..it’s none of other Todoroki’s.” Katsuki said steadily.

Just when Katsuki thought he knew what happened…

“Well chief, you better find who did this fast.” Katsuki said angrily. “Because if I find him first, I’ll be delivering his burnt corpse to your station, understand?”


Katsuki hung up the phone before inhaling.
He stormed back into his office and opened the laptop before clicking on the file.

Displayed were hundreds of pictures of Izuku. Beautiful pictures of the omega laughing, smiling, blushing. Pictures of him before and after a kiss. Pictures of him looking at the sunset,
watching TV, drawing his comic. Touya was a fantastic photographer. Every picture of Izuku was breath taking. There were photos of him riding a bike with his hair in the wind. Photos of him looking angry, sad, frustrated, glad pictures of him pouting. There were videos.
“Open it baby!” Touya’s voice could be heard as Izuku sat in his pajamas in front of a Christmas tree.

“Be patient.” Izuku giggled as he slowly undid the wrapping.

“Come on! Just rip it open!”

“You wrapped this with care so I’m UNWRAPPING it with care.”
The camera zoomed in on his hands before tracing up his arms and zooming into his eyes. They widened in recognition.

“This is-”

“God, you’re so beautiful.”

“Touya! Is this really?!”

He zoomed out revealing the omega holding a the very first issue All Might comic.
“How’d you get this?! These cost a fortune!” Izuku babbled and Touya focused the camera on his excited face.

“I sold that last paining for a fortune baby.” Touya cooed.

“Put the camera down and kiss me!” Izuku ran and grabbed the camera before the video cut off.
Katsuki kept scrolling to the end trying to ignore the ugly feeling of jealousy in his stomach as he passed through several affectionate photos of them holding hands, kissing, cuddling, and of course the engagement photos. Izuku looked so freaking happy…
And then things took a darker turn. There were photos of the omega sleeping in his apartment. Photos taken through a window of him changing. Photos of him taken through a vent of him in the bath. The next series of pictures were obviously taken without the omegas knowledge.
There was one that made Katsuki sick.

Izuku was fast asleep in his nest and there was a hand wrapped around his throat.

Katsuki was afraid to keep scrolling. But he did. He eventually saw the date for the next and last series of photos. The day Touya died.
It started with the photo of the back of a guy. He was too tall to be Touya or Izuku. He had a hood over his head and his long white hair was peaking out. He was standing in the center of Touya’s art studio. The next photo was a picture of the front door.
Then Izuku coming in the front door. Katsuki took a deep breath before clicking on the next picture. The man in the hood attacking Izuku. The next series of shots were just of Izuku’s scared face. Then of Izuku looking straight into the camera.
Followed by a series of photos of his expressions.

Then the photos changed angles peaking over the man’s shoulder on top of the omega on the floor.

Katsuki wanted to throw up as he realized what he was looking at.
Touya staged and photographed Izuku’s assault. The next photo was of the man’s hand pinning the omega’s wrists above his head.

And then then the last thing was a video that zoomed in on Izuku’s eyes as he cried.

“Help me…please…please…” The omega whimpered.
“I’m sorry baby…but you’re just so pretty when you’re broken…” Touya’s voice said affectionately. “So damn pretty….” And then there gunshots. Four of them before the camera dropped on the ground and cut off.

Katsuki slammed the laptop shut as he tried to compose himself.
Katsuki couldn’t believe it. Touya never fucking changed. He was insane. Absolutely insane. Izuku was nothing more than his damn art project. Katsuki tried to erase from his mind what he saw when he realized something. He opened the laptop again and scrolled back.
The hand pinning Izuku’s wrists up. It had a distinct tattoo of the sun. Katsuki recognized it. It was the damn carjacker!

“DAMNIT!” He screamed before throwing his laptop against the wall. He called Kirishima immediately.

“Cheif! That car jacker from the other night!”
“Huh? What about him?” The police cheif questioned.

“What happened to him?! Where is he?!”

“He was just a dumb kid taking a joy ride with no priors. We had our hands full with the Touya thing so we let him go since ya seemed to spoil him real bad.” Eijiro informed him.
“Fucking hell! Send me everything you know about him! Now!” Katsuki ended the phone call before he heard a timid knock on his door.

“Katsuki-San? Is everything alright?” Izuku’s questioned softly.

Katsuki opened the door and pulled him into his arms.


“It’s Izu-”

“No! Listen to me.” Katsuki pulled him in the office and shut the door. “I’m asking you to trust me and be honest with me but…fuck…I haven’t done the same. I expect you to tell me what happened when I can’t even tell you the truth.”
“What are you talking about?” Izuku questioned. “Honest about what?”

“This is gonna sound crazy but..you’re right. We have met before. We met a long time ago when we were younger.” Katsuki began to cry.

“Don’t cry Katsuki-San…” Izuku gently wiped his tears with his thumbs.
“I’m sorry if I forgot. I got into an accident when I was 12 and it made me lose part of my memory. So if we met..and I don’t remember I’m sorry.”

“You didn’t get into an accident Izuku.” Katsuki whispered as he rested his head on his shoulder. “My parents MADE you forget.”
He grabbed Izuku’s hand and guided him out the door through the hallway into his bedroom. Katsuki grabbed a dusty old scrap book he had in a box under his bed and presented it to the omega.

“My powers. My parents didn’t want anyone finding out but you were smart as shit.”
“And I was reckless and tried to get away with using them while we were playing without you noticing. When I finally showed you what I could do..you thought it was the coolest thing and you kept my secret and I was so fucking relieved.” Katsuki explained.
“There was finally someone I could talk to about me. The real me. All of me. I was so lonely and then…I had someone. DynaMight was your idea. But I wanted you to come with my family on a trip so I stupidly told my mom you knew about my power in order to convince her and-”
“they took you to a doctor and erased me. Erased every trace of your memory of me.”

Izuku took in all of what Katsuki said before opening the scrap book and sitting on the couch in the room, going through photo after photo of the two of them as kids.

Izuku said breathlessly. “You’re…Kacchan. And you’re real.”

“Yes.” Katsuki sat next to him and traced his hand over his. “That’s what you called me. And I’m sorry.”

“All this time…all this time I’ve felt like there was a chunk of my life missing.” Izuku said as a tear fell.
“I found a page of a notebook one day…” He sniffled. “Just one single page in my drawer. I had written on it…Deku and Kacchan’s and there was another handwriting I didn’t recognize that wrote ‘Our super heroic plans for the future’. I liked the name Deku for a hero and..”
“I made a whole character based off him. Because I wasn’t brave enough to be a real hero. But all this time…all this time..” Izuku looked into Katsuki’s eyes before gently caressing his face with his hands. “You were right here. The missing puzzle piece.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t stop them.” Katsuki pressed their foreheads together. “I had the power, not them. I should have fucking stopped them. Maybe I could have stayed in your life. Maybe you would have never met that asshole. Izuku…Deku…I don’t make friends…but you…”
“You’re so precious to me. And I’m gonna find who hurt you…and I’m gonna fucking kill them you hear?” Katsuki cried as Izuku threw his arms around him.

They stayed like that on the couch the rest of the night before they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Todoroki Natsuo stood in Touya’s studio as he watched his brother douse the place in gasoline.

“Are you sure about this Shoto?”

“Yes. Now come on.” He nudged for them to exit the door before flicking the lighter in his hand and throwing it behind him as they left.

• • •

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Jul 7
There was a question that posed to the fandom that had only one objectively correct answer. Yet a handful of people still believed in the incorrect answer. This is just a little refresher for those who need to re-read a bit. I’ve found the panels for you! Less work!: ImageImage
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Jul 2
#bkdk #omegaverse
Bakugo Katsuki was a great alpha and husband to his wonderful and caring omega, Izuku. However as a sire? Not so much. He loved his kids…from a distance. He left all the parenting to Deku because he was terrified he would fuck their kids up somehow.
But Izuku really wanted pups of their own after living out his dream of being a hero. Katsuki wasn’t done working but Izuku made it clear he wanted to retire and finally start a family. Katsuki didn’t want to lose him so this was their…compromise.
Katsuki would work, and anything Izuku needed, he would be there. But as far as actually raising the damn things? That was all Deku. He left all parenting decisions up to him. Katsuki even had his own loft above their home all to himself so he could get his peace and quiet.
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Jun 27
#bkdk #angst no actual cheating, no breakups, just a sad story with a happy ending.

“What?” Izuku questioned the woman in disbelief.

“I said I found a cure. I can save your life, Deku-San… I can do it! I can do it!”

“Thank you…but…I think I’m okay.”
Izuku said liflessly. He faked his smile as big as possible. “I’m ready to go, I think. See All Might.” He laughed while looking at the beautiful view outside the hospital room.

“But…I don’t understand. You’re so young.” His doctor said desperately. “I can cure you!”
Izuku watched the ocean waves crash outside. He was glad they picked a hospital by the beach. He laid down and closed his eyes. He was so tired. He only had a month left. A month left and all the pain he felt for the past 6 would go away.

At least Kacchan would be happy.
Read 94 tweets
Jun 26
Okay, I will bite.
#bkdk #cheating #agegap #dekuMasu?

“I told you so.”

Izuku could hear Ochaco now. She warned him. Shoto warned him. Iida won’t speak to him anymore. All because Izuku couldn’t help but fall for the kind older man who offered him a ride to University.
“He’s not married! He told me so!” Izuku insisted.

“Uh huh. And neither was my Father when he started dating that 20 something tattoo artist who calls himself ‘Hawks.’” Shoto rolled his eyes. “Now he’s moved in the basement and guess what? My parents are still married.”
“Is that what you want to be Deku-kun?” Ochaco questioned. “A basement home wrecker?“

“I-I’m not a Homewrecker! Massaru-San is too kind to do something like that. If you just got to know him, you would see! You would know! He would never hurt a fly! Much less cheat! Besides..”
Read 85 tweets
Jun 25
Need some laughs on the TL today and lil bit of drama so:

Katsuki didn’t MEAN to eavesdrop on Izuku’s conversation with Todoroki. He just forgot his water bottle in the locker room when they both stayed behind. 5 rows away from his locker. In a conveniently hidden spot.
“Why don’t you just tell him how you feel?” Shoto said making Katsuki freeze. Tell who how he feels? Was Deku having a disagreement with someone? Hah. Nerd never tells people when he’s upset with them.

“I..I don’t want it to ruin things between us.” Izuku said nervously.
“I don’t think it will. You should just go for it.” Shoto advised. Go for what?!

“L-like ask him out on a date?” Izuku stuttered.

Ask WHO on a date?! A date?! A date?! With Deku?!

“It couldn’t hurt.” The candy bastard reassured him.

“Umm…you really think he’ll say yes?”
Read 93 tweets
Jun 20
Late but thinking about #bkdk where Alpha Bakugo has been OBSESSED with a green haired little omega who’s account he randomly found on Instagram. He frequently stalks his page until he upgraded to outright stalking. Bakugo was a famous pro hero so he hoped no one would find out.
Izuku was a nobody. His page only had about 200 followers which was mainly just close friends and family. And he was quirkless. He lived a normal life. A completely normal boring life and Katsuki became one hundred percent enraptured in him. Fantasizing about being with him.
Anytime he had free time, he would check Izuku’s well documented Instagram story and go spy on what he was doing. He’d only look. He’d never go as far as speaking to the omega or making his presence known. He definitely had never touched Izuku ever in his life.
Read 30 tweets

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