If the #emailgeeks had to declare a buzzword for the entire fraternity in 2021, it would be AMP emails. Naturally, the State of Emails 2022 would be incomplete without a discussion on this topic.
So, we quizzed our respondents about AMP in our survey, and here's what we learned
1) Only 24.8% of the surveyors sent AMP emails in 2021 while 75.2% of people didn't explore this functionality at all.
2) 47% of email marketers are still not aware of the potential of AMP emails close followed by those who do not have the coding expertise. (Memo: Mailmodo lets you create and send AMP emails without any coding)
A great email design and strategy cannot compensate for a poor email copy. So, it was imperative that we covered email copywriting as a part of the State of Emails 2022 report, and here's what we learned from what the respondents shared with us
(1) 53.6% of the surveyors sent personalized subject lines in more than 50% of their emails implying that personalization is the key to conversion in today’s times.
(2) 33.3% of the surveyors said that most of the emails they sent were meant to be informative, followed closely by empathetic mails.
So, it is only natural for us to include questions about open rates, list hygiene, and segmentation practices in the State of Email 2022 survey. Here's a thread about what we found out -
(1) The average open rate recorded by the surveyors is greater than 20%.
(2) 47.6% of the surveyors have used Send Time Optimization for over 50% of their email campaigns. This is one of the most popular uses of AI/ML in email marketing.
Getting your emails to land in the primary inbox and compelling readers to open them is just the beginning. The real challenge is keeping readers hooked with an engaging email design.
Be it dark mode, accessibility, or GIFs, every design element can make or break your campaign.
While interacting with experts as a part of our State of Emails 2022 report, we quizzed them about the email designs they plan to continue using in 2022 and what elements they have said goodbye to in the last year. Here's a thread about our findings below
(1/7) 66.7% of the surveyors use drag-and-drop editors for creating their email template to leverage #emailautomation and quick scalability.
Email deliverability has kept many marketers awake at night. As part of our State of Email 2022 survey, we interacted with many email marketers and asked them what made deliverability difficult to manage. Here’s a thread about our findings.
(1/7) Nearly 16% of the surveyors do not warm up their domains before sending emails. And that's unfortunate because a proper domain warm-up is essential to getting all of your emails delivered, as without warm up your emails might end up in spam.
(2/7) 52.6% of the surveyors increased their daily send by 1.5X in the warm-up phase which is a known and tested method to scale the domain successfully.