Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Emailmarketing

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1. A/B testing can significantly improve your copywriting results. By testing different variations of your copy, you can determine what works best for your audience and optimize your content accordingly. #copywriting #ABtesting
2. A/B testing allows you to make data-driven decisions about your copy. Instead of relying on guesswork, you can use actual user data to determine which copy resonates with your audience and drives more conversions. #data #copywriting
Read 21 tweets
🚀Ready to take your agency to the next level? Look no further than these top tools. From social media to SEO, these are the must-haves for success in the digital age. #AgencyTools #DigitalMarketing
📊Analytics are key to understanding your audience and measuring your success. Check out @googleanalytics for detailed insights into your website's performance. #Analytics #SEO
👩‍💻Need help managing your social media? Look into @hootsuite for scheduling, monitoring, and reporting. Make sure your content is reaching the right people at the right time. #SocialMediaManagement #ContentMarketing
Read 11 tweets
Here are some ways you can use #emailmarketing to grow your business:

1. Build your email list: Start by building your email list, this can be done by creating a sign-up form on your website, or by collecting email addresses from event attendees or in-store customers.
2. Create valuable #content: Create valuable content that provides value to your audience. This could be in the form of industry news, tips, or special offers.
3. Segment your list: Segment your list into different groups based on demographics, interests, or behavior. This will allow you to tailor your messaging and offers to specific groups of people.
Read 9 tweets
Voici 10 façons pratiques dont #ChatGPT fera gagner des milliers d'heures à votre équipe marketing ou pourra vous aider dans vos business #ecommerce #shopify par exemple!
Pas besoin de RT, Follow gnagnagna tout est dans le #Thread 🧵⤵️
1/10 Script de chatbot (shopify, messenger, whatsapp etc...) #chatbot #IA
Exemple de Prompt :

"Ecrivez un script pour un chatbot qui peut aider les clients à trouver la bonne paire de chaussures".
2/10 Engagement sur les médias sociaux
Créez des commentaires 100 % personnalisés sur les médias sociaux. #socialmedia

Exemple de Prompt :
"Rédiger une réponse à ce tweet [tweet] qui montrera notre soutien".
Tu peux aussi faire ca avec une ext chrome check mes tweet ;)
Read 15 tweets
📢2022 was a HUGE year for AI with releases like DALL-E, stable diffusion, and ChatGPT.

🧵This tweet thread focuses on 20 mind-blowing AI technologies that will save you hundreds of hours of your time.⌛️

#ArtificialIntelligence #Tools #Business #AI #Technology #Innovation

👉Smartly is an AI-powered ad marketing system that allows teams to create, test, and publish the best-performing ads for their targeted consumers.

#ArtificialIntelligence #Tools #Business #AI #Technology #Network

👉Howler AI assists you in developing your pitch while using its algorithm to provide a tailored list of journalists who are a perfect fit for your niche.

#ArtificialIntelligence #Tools #Business #AI #Technology #Network
Read 22 tweets
1.0 🧵A tweet thread on key suggestions for lead marketing🧐👇

#leadmarketing #digitalmarketing #marketing #business #socialmedia #seo #sales #emailmarketing

📢Define your target audience: Before starting any lead marketing efforts, clearly understand who you're trying to reach. This will help guide your messaging and ensure you're targeting the right people

#leadmarketing #digitalmarketing #marketing

📢Create valuable content: To attract leads, you need to provide value to your audience. This can be through blog posts, ebooks, webinars, or other content that helps educate and inform your potential leads.

#leadmarketing #digitalmarketing #marketing #business #socialmedia
Read 7 tweets
Ahora te muestro una SUPER prueba que arme con #ChatGPT 

¡Atención si haces email marketing, sos copy o das un webinario en breve!

Vamos despacito que es largo. Pero que vas a flipar, vas a flipar.
Imaginemos que soy el autor del libro: "Cuánto daño han hecho las redes sociales a la pareja" en el que hablo de la importancia de borrar el historial y formatear por si acaso.

Y quiero hacer un webinario proximamente para presentar mi libro y por supuesto venderlo.
Así que voy al #ChatGPT y le meto un prompt del CARAJO. Bien específico, de esos que tenes el funnel completo en la cabeza. 

Un #marketero #emailmarketing #copy sabe de lo que hablo...

Mirá solo el prompt que le metí...
Read 15 tweets
73 AWESOME Types of Blog Posts You Can Write Today [MASSIVE THREAD] 🧵
1. Tutorials and How-to Guides
2. Latest Industry News
3. Current Events
4. Controversial Subjects
5. Checklists: Do you have all that you need to ____?
6. Listicles
7. Infographics
8. Case Studies
9. Profiles
10. Interviews
11. Advice from the Experts
12. Reviews
13. Comparisons
14. Video Blogs
15. MP3s
16. Resources
17. Problem & Solutions
18. Share What Others are Saying
19. A Glance “Behind the Curtain”
20. Inspirational Stories
21. Parody Posts
22. Funny Posts
23. Quizzes
24. Surveys & Polls
25. Local News
26. Presentations & SlideShare
Read 9 tweets
What Makes a Good Lead Magnet? 🧵
You already know that a lead magnet needs to provide value for free. But if you want your lead magnet to be highly effective, here are 5 criteria for you to consider:
✅ Easily consumed: Lead magnets are only effective when the audience uses them, so if you deliver a 300-page manifesto, you won’t gain traction.
Read 8 tweets
MemberOwls [ An A.I Powered Membership site creator in 2 Minutes for dummies.]: What are the features of MemberOwls?…
#webdeveloper #digitalmarketingagency #digitalmarketingtips #digitalmarketer #Sales #Salesforce #marketingoptimization Image
How To Rank ANY webSite on the first page of Google Without Backlinks [Ranking Number 1 on Google Made Easy]…
#SEO #seorankjng #DigitalMarketing
Read 19 tweets
Les 100 meilleurs #livres marketing de tous les temps. 📚

De la psychologie, copywriting, business, influence, story-telling, finances, au growth hacking, voici les livres à lire absolument pour toute personne intéressée à devenir meilleure en marketing. 🚀

📚100. Influence : Science & Practice est une examination de la psychologie de la conformité (c'est-à-dire la découverte des facteurs qui poussent une personne à dire "oui" à la demande d'une autre personne).

#influence #psychology #marketing Image
📚99. Le best-seller du New York Times qui explique pourquoi certains produits et idées deviennent populaires.

#marketing #contentmarketing #newyorktimes #book #livre Image
Read 105 tweets
1/ How to use the Pains & Gains exercise to better understand your market. 🧵

#marketing #emailmarketing #coldemail #coldemailing
2/ Pains:

spend 3 minutes creating bullet points on your market and your market pains

(it's important to note: these are NOT your personal pains)
3/ Come up with as many bullet points as possible:

(1) what problems are they having?

(2) what challenges are they having?

(3) what's stressing them out?
Read 7 tweets
Aquí van 10 lecciones de #EmailMarketing que ojalá hubiera aprendido antes 👇
➔ No pasa nada por enviar un email cada vez que tengas algo que contar.
Si son 3 por semana, como si son 7.
Tampoco es el fin del mundo.
➔ Vende SIEMPRE que venga al caso.
Si NO viene al caso, estrújate más los sesos.
Y si aún así no encuentras el ángulo, envía el email de todas formas.
Disfruta de contar algo ÚTIL o VALIOSO a tus suscriptores (considéralo una inversión).
Read 13 tweets
How to pause your emails when your subscribers are OoO (Out-of-Office)?

📷 Picture this: You're opening your email inbox after a well-deserved vacation, and your notifications 🔴 banner keeps growing like a maniac. 😱

#emailmarketing #ooo #outofoffice #marketingautomation
Nobody likes that—an inbox filled with emails of all kinds.

It will take a week to go through the entire inbox and select the ones that matter. All of the rest?

❌ Goes to the trash;

❌ Unsubscribe (when we're lucky);

❌ That fabulous spam button is so easy to click. 🫣
➜ The point is that you don't want to be on that batch of emails.

But how can you pause your emails from reaching out-of-office people if they don't say anything?
Read 15 tweets
I increased % of email in total client’s revenue from 0% to 32% in a month. Here’s what I did.

So, the client (an apparel brand) came in on a summer month with seasonally declining sales.

We rose up to the challenge & within 30 days 30% of revenue was already coming from @klaviyo!

Sounds insane? Let’s break it down.
1. Started with meticulous audit. From main problems:

❌no list segmentation
❌no basic flows
❌too high bounce rate

To sum up: email channel was UNDERUTILISED [see: leaving money on the table].
Read 8 tweets
14 Lead Magnet Ideas

Are you stuck for lead magnet ideas? Good news… you’re about to get unstuck! The following ideas work across a variety of niches. Check them out… #leadmagnet #emailmarketing

- Thread -🧵
@DigiPromoteme ebook And Reports - Should solve one problem only with a title that focuses on the end result and the specific amount of time to reach that goal. i.e. How to [Get Some Result] In Just [Short Time Period]
@DigiPromoteme Apps - With a congruent name and purpose like: The [Type of] Calculator Example: The Fat-Loss and Calorie-Counting Calculator.
Read 16 tweets
🤔 Every email marketing campaign will succeed or fail, but how do you categorize something as a success or a failure? That's where metrics come in:…

#MarketingAnalytics #EmailMarketing #DSDojo
1. A conversion is characterized as a completed action towards a goal. Whether it's signing up for a newsletter or buying a pair of sunglasses, someone performed an action that brought you closer to completing your goal.
2. CTR is the number of clicks on links within your email that take potential customers to a landing page. It could be a button, picture, or text,but the important thing is someone clicked-on something that was meant to be clicked on.
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#1 Açılır formlar email pazarlamasının olmazsa olmaz yakıtıdır. Bunların nasıl kullanılacağı ise sistemi kuranın vizyonuna bağlıdır.

- Kullanıcıların siteye girdiği an açılır bir form
- Bir sayfa belli bir %’de kaydırıldığında açılır bir form
- Lansmana özel bir form
#2 Açılır formlar çeşitli sebeplerden çeşitli yerlere yerleştirilebilir. Fakat en önemlisi sepet veya ödeme adımını terk edenlere, ödeme adımını terk ettikleri esnada sunulan indirim pop-up’larıdır.
#3 Biz ne yapıyoruz; @mttoktas - Mustafa ve @DenizPulcu Deniz’in reklam stratejisi ile email sistemimizi birleştirerek reklam çalışmalarımız, web sitemiz ve email pazarlamamızın aynı dili konuşmasını sağlıyoruz.

Nasıl yapıyoruz bu kurguyu 👇
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Email is one of the best communication channels

and the first email was sent in 1971.

#Emailmarketing helps you connect with your audience.

It helps you promote your brand and increase sales.

You can do a lot with a customer's email, like sell products, share some news. Image
In 2019, there were 3.9 billion global email users

80% of Americans check their email at least once per day, with nearly a quarter of them checking their email several times a day.
80% of business professionals believe that email marketing increases customer retention.

and just so much more

I hope you can use these actionable insights before your next email campaign. ImageImage
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Be it design, strategy, or content - every aspect of email marketing ultimately aims at improving the metrics that lead to conversion.

Hence, the State of Emails 2022 has a section that discusses open rate trends, device usage, and optimum time slots.

Here's what we learned-
(1) 71.4% of the surveyors saw a rise in open rates in 2021 compared to 2020 and this could be a consequence of the latest Apple MPP updates.
(2) 56.8% of our survey respondents found an increase in mobile opens in 2021. Email responsiveness for mobile devices is a must going forward.
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#Emailmarketing is an art of optimizations.

So, it is only natural for us to include questions about open rates, list hygiene, and segmentation practices in the State of Email 2022 survey. Here's a thread about what we found out -
(1) The average open rate recorded by the surveyors is greater than 20%.
(2) 47.6% of the surveyors have used Send Time Optimization for over 50% of their email campaigns. This is one of the most popular uses of AI/ML in email marketing.
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Getting your emails to land in the primary inbox and compelling readers to open them is just the beginning. The real challenge is keeping readers hooked with an engaging email design.

Be it dark mode, accessibility, or GIFs, every design element can make or break your campaign.
While interacting with experts as a part of our State of Emails 2022 report, we quizzed them about the email designs they plan to continue using in 2022 and what elements they have said goodbye to in the last year. Here's a thread about our findings below
(1/7) 66.7% of the surveyors use drag-and-drop editors for creating their email template to leverage #emailautomation and quick scalability.
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It’s not easy to be an email marketer in 2022.

From writing great copy and ensuring #emaildeliverability to keeping up with trends, you always have to be on your toes.

So, we decided to jot down this year’s hottest #emailmarketing trend in a quick thread for you.👇
📩#openrates are losing their relevance – and losing it fast after the #iOS15 update. Email marketers need to dig harder now and depend on click and conversion rate.
⚡️AMP emails are now mainstream as more and more brands realize the potential of interactivity inside emails.
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Which has greater reach: Email or Social Media -- A thread

1. While social media is great for outreach, the next step should automatically bring the people you reach there to your email list. 1/6

#emailmarketing #SocialMedia #CustomerRelationshipManagement #DigitalMarketing
2. A small subscriber list that wants exactly what you are offering is way better than a large list of the 'uncommitted'. Isn't it!
3. Check out how the granddaddy 'email' compares with the younger hip social media.
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