3/ The temperature’s already rising so fast that most models didn’t expect it to get this hot until 2050. So how hot is going to be in 2050?
Actually, forget that. 2040. No, forget even that. Let’s just try…2030. We’re already at 45C in Europe. 50C in Asia-for a few days MORE
3/here & there. At this rate? By 2030, that’s not just a few days anymore—it’s weeks at a time…What happens then?
A lot of things do.
Megafires start—and don’t go out. Today’s crop failures are that much worse. Systems begin to shatter—the drought America’s West faces is MORE
4/ or less everywhere that’s not lucky enough to be right next to some kind of permanently self replenishing water source.
Inflation spikes even harder than now as a result of all this & people can’t afford the basics, so taxes have to be cut, which means that…there’s MORE
5/5/Inflation spikes even harder than now as a result of all this & people can’t afford the basics, so taxes have to be cut, which means that…there’s nothing left over to invest in the very systems we need to fight all the above.
Bang. Collapse.
I’m not saying that will MORE
6/happen—because it already is…animals have begun to die off now in serious ways — & all that depends on them is starting to fail, too—fish aren’t here to clean the rivers…insects aren’t here to turn the soil. What happens then?
The problem here is the same. Collapse is MORE
7/ HERE. According to the precautionary principle: hope for the best—plan for the worst. At least have some kind of rudimentary contingency plan, if things really get that bad.
Because that bad is EXISTENTIAL. Have something in the cupboard. Have something saved up for a MORE
8/Collapse is happening faster & harder than imagined. Than models said it would. Than pundits who denied it would ever happen said it could. Than the theories imagined it should.
Than the general cultural expectation— still mired in denial & it-can’t-happen-here-ism—MORE
9/even the possibility of it.
Temperatures are rising faster than models predicted. Nations like America are imploding faster than anyone believed. Species are dying off at horrific rates. Glaciers are melting, fires are burning, storms are brewing,pandemics just keep going.MORE
10/ We’re just sitting here, deer in the headlights of the apocalypse.
Our entire civilization’s efforts to combat the Event which will define history forevermore (me-what history) Extinction, the 6th (8th but I won’t quibble) one in deep history, the last one being the MORE
11/Permian, wiped out 96% percent of all marine life.
Let’s hit net zero by 2050, guys!!
It’s not enough. It not enough fast enough, either. We’re not going to make it to 2050.
What’s going to be left by 2050 is a smoking ruin of what was once a civilization, ravaged by MORE
12/pandemics, incinerated by megafires, desperately seeking salvation in theocracy & waging bitter wars, fascism pitting neighbors at one another’s throats, like in America—a thing of shattered systems & institutions, a mere haunted memory of a civilization.Let me put that MORE
13/in less poetic terms. Our civilization, our societies?
They’re beginning to struggle to provide the basics NOW. Water, clean air, energy, food, your house not being incinerated today.
That’s right now👉3 more decades of this? Getting worse by the season, month, day? MORE
13/ We are a civilization struggling to provide the basics RIGHT NOW. We are definitely not going to make it to 2050.
Everybody should understand this. Not to despair-to realise that what we are doing is inadequate—not nearly enough. To combat Extinction. How could it be? MORE
14/ Extinction. We have never experienced anything remotely like it in the 300,000 years we’ve existed…
Extinction will cleave time, shape politics & define culture forevermore,after us. (?) Our progeny (?) will [wonder] why didn’t they do anything?
Why did they sit there, MORE
15/ @iconickevin@kevpluck@Blueoceanarctic
glued to dumb Marvel Movies, debating pronouns & letting demagogues scapegoat & hate—while the planet died?
What we are doing is inadequate. You don’t have to think too hard about it…
16/Civilization’s attempts to combat Extinction so far have resulted in—THIS.
The dystopia we currently live in—Europe’s on fire, inflation’s spiking,COVID never goes away & all the rest of it. Our efforts👉are♦️self-evidently inadequate♦️
Things are this bad RIGHT NOW..
17/Go ahead—think about 2025. And shudder.
Most of us can’t even imagine the world in 2030, or 2040. Will there even be one? What will be left…?
Vague goals to hit “net zero” by 2050 are like standing in the basement of a burning house & agreeing to call the fire MORE
18/ in the morning. Sure, they might put out the fire.
But you won’t have a house, and you’ll be dead.
It’s not good enough & it’s not going to work.
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This is a novel virus. Although it shares certain taxonomic similarities with MORE
@TGer66@EricTopol@GretchenVogel@NewsfromScience@K_G_Andersen@Tuliodna@linfa_wang 2/ coronavirus “colds” and SARS1, it has enough differences that we have little defenses against it. SARSCoV (SARS1) didn’t become contagious until people were pretty sick & in the hospital. So most transmission was to HCWs-known as nosocomial transmission. So it was easily MORE
@TGer66@EricTopol@GretchenVogel@NewsfromScience@K_G_Andersen@Tuliodna@linfa_wang 3/defeated. The longer period of viral replication (incubation period) of at least the initial SARSCoV2 variants + high # of asymptomatics meant it could rapidly spread in the community. As it initially infects the respiratory system it was thought to be influenza MORE
1/In response to your question I will attach a # of articles & papers below. The 1st, for context, is from ROLLING STONE, essentially saying it’s most likely underestimated but still unknown, as defining it is a data issue. It may change w/VOC, reinfections, MORE
2/2/but so could latency period. Readmissions-are they counted? Are people who d*e w/in a few months of discharge counted? Asymptomatics tested for silent organ damage will likely have future issues-counted? I’d say at least 50% w/some level, subject to change in either MORE
3/direction perhaps less common/severe w/better therapeutics or worse with repeated reinfections or a “new” VOC. This is my opinion based on my reading/podcasts. I’m aware there are estimations that are lower, but it’s only now starting to be researched.