lovemoz1 #COVID19 #ClimateChange #H5N1 Profile picture
#PolynesieduCoeur🐠 #geology🏕#zoology🦌 #AfricanWildlife🐘 MSc Research NCAR⚡ #GSD #Marinebiology🐋 #BanTrophyHunting🦏 #JacksonBrowne💉x7 🇨🇮🌈🇺🇦
Jul 26, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
H/T @edwardcholmes on #OriginOfCovid by science writer @DavidQuammen, author of #Breathless @pen_is_mighty @KauaiVirologist @pewtergod @DanCady @ItsTheAtmospher @Msmariablack #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #Zoonotic #Science #Pandemic 1/… 2/ Excellent update on zoonotic spillover versus lab incident continuing > 3 1/2 yrs into the pandemic. Remember the initial concerns re the RBD & furin cleavage site? (Explained very well in BREATHLESS.)

“…as the researchers describe it, these apparent contradictions were
May 27, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
‼️👇🚢 This is really interesting👇Who knew⁉️@ItsTheAtmospher @pen_is_mighty #SCUBA #Salvage #Shipwrecks #Radioactive #Steel #Technology #WWII #History @pewtergod @JohnA_USMCvet #Navy #Physics “Low-background metals are valuable because they carry particularly low levels of radiation. Used as shielding in advanced particle physics projects and medical science devices like X-ray chambers, these metals won’t interfere with specialized, highly radiation-sensitive tools.”
May 27, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
🌍🔥🌊 #Tsunami #Antarctica #ClimateCrisis #landslide #deepsea #Geology #Ice #Ocean… 2/“By drilling into sediment cores 100s of feet beneath Antarctica’s sea floor, scientists discovered that during previous periods of global warming—3M & 15M yrs ago—loose sediment layers formed & slipped, sending massive tsunami waves to the shores of S America, NZ & SE Asia.”
May 27, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
#AbruptClimateChange #ClimateBrawl #ClimateEmergency #TalkCollapse #GlobalDimming @Msmariablack @pewtergod @ItsTheAtmospher @SmilGeoff

🌍🔥Oh, look-Guy McPherson was right (again)

“warming—especially since 2010-is driven mainly by steep reduction of climate-cooling sulfate 1/ 2/aerosol particles in the past 10-20 years, as new regulations limited emissions from the biggest sources, including the burning of coal & heavy ship fuels.”
May 22, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
🦠⚠️Invasive Strep A increasing amid shortage of antibiotics 😬 Articles complied by @LauraMiers below. 2/“…an especially nasty kind of strep—invasive group A strep.

Invasive strep—instead of the bacteria staying in the throat, it spreads to other parts of the body. The bacteria can get into the👉bloodstream…”

I’m adding a list of Invasive Strep A infections you’ll recognize 👀
May 21, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
🌍🔥 #Greenwashing #AbruptClimateChange #CO2 #Methane #Habitat #Biodiversity #Earth #Environment
It’s unbelievable that in 2023, people at decision making levels still don’t understand that deserts, swamps, bogs, mangrove swamps are all critical habitats—not wastelands…1/ @Msmariablack @pen_is_mighty @pewtergod @DanCady @NBPTROCKS @Blueoceanarctic
👉Human conceit-we destroy nature to replace it w/something “better”-read $—then wonder why we have problems w/disease, pollution, natural disasters.

“…the scale is almost incomprehensible 2/
May 20, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
@DanCady @Msmariablack It does‼️ I’m listening to #BREATHLESS for the 3rd time & got a physical copy. It’s excellent science & narrative on SARSCoV2. Author @DavidQuammen interviewed ~ 100 researchers in all science fields relating to virus origins, controversies, virology, evolutionary molecular 1/ @DanCady @Msmariablack @DavidQuammen 2/virology, epidemiology and more

“We have a great deal of information, but not enough knowledge. #Breathless explains the basic science of the coronavirus in a way we can understand.

It shows how scientists all over the world mobilized and communicated to learn MORE
May 20, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
🦠🦇#Zoonosis #Bats #Nipah #COVID19 #WomenInSTEM
H/T to @DanCady Excellent article.

1/ “The Reuters jump-zone analysis highlights a global trend that world leaders need to address “for the future of humanity…Nobody is safe-It will take no time MORE… 2/for a disease outbreak to reach anywhere in the world because of international travel & trade.”

The analysis is based on an examination of 95 spillovers in the past 2 decades of viruses found in bats, including Ebola, SARS, Marburg & Nipah. The news agency identified MORE
Nov 21, 2022 23 tweets 10 min read

💥UPDATE NOV 21, 2022

How to document your purchases-

1) If you ordered online from you need to include the email address (s) you used

2) A receipt for the impacted product from Jan 1, 2020-November 2020.

MORE 2/ Many bought their products via 3rd parties. Initially I bought mine through Amazon, the directly via The Laundress, so I have receipts.

However, if you don’t have the above, you need to include a photo of the product w/the Lot # and your initials + the date. See notice MORE
Nov 20, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
⚠️📢⚗🚨Pls RT‼️
#MSNBC #WomenWhoCode #WomenInSTEM #thelaundress
#IDTwitter @B0tSci
1/ "Some strains of PSEUDOMONAS are ANTIBIOTIC resistant, which can increase the seriousness of the infection. (Der) Pseudomonas can... contaminate & grow on LAUNDRY 👀
MORE 2/& at high enough levels spreads via contact w/contaminated laundry/sheets/pillowcases/sleepwear, etc.

Pseudomonas also spreads by inhalation & can cause👉CYSTIC FIBROSIS‼️Per Consumer Reports, Pseudomonas a. is a VERY hardy bacteria +can grow in many different conditions.MORE
Nov 20, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
‼️FFS. "An obscure Family of viruses, endemic in wild African primates & known to cause fatal 👉Ebola like symptoms 👀 in some monkeys, is “poised👉for spillover” to humans, according to new CU Boulder research." 🙀 STOP IT👺 MORE… 2/ @pen_is_mighty
“This animal virus has figured out how to gain access to human cells, multiply & escape some of the important immune mechanisms we would expect to protect us from an animal virus. That’s pretty rare,”

Clears throat-uh, we are animals, that's why.
Nov 20, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
#Ebola #Colorado
#StaySafe #Uganda #EbolaSudan @B0tSci #IDTwitter
"In Colorado, health officials are tracking multiple people who recently arrived from high-risk areas..." MORE 2/ The current Ebola outbreak is related to what's known as the "Sudan strain," but the virus is spreading in Uganda. "It's worrisome because previous Ebola vaccines & treatments do not work against this strain. The virus can kill as many as 1/2 of those MORE
Oct 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
H/T @PaulHBeckwith

#ClimateCatastrophe #Ocean #Extinction #ClimateChange
🌍🔥…upper 2000m warming began, unequivocally, at least in the 1950s [& is] accelerating-more than doubling (from <5 to 10 ZJ/yr) from the 1960s-2010s. MORE… 2/👉A ZJ is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Joules of energy)

For comparison-the annual energy consumption for the U.S. is approximately 0.1 ZJ 👀‼️

And w/associated expansion of the oceans & melting of land-based ice, sea levels are rising relentlessly. MORE
Oct 22, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
🦠@pen_is_mighty @LauraMiers
Researchers observed microbial communities are vastly different between different types of indoor environments such as schools,houses & hospitals-even different rooms w/in same building (e.g.bedroom vs bathroom) exhibit distinct microbiomes. 👀 WOW‼️ 2/“We have identified the following 8 major categories of sources of airborne bacteria,viruses & fungi in the built environment: humans; pets; plants; plumbing systems; heating, ventilation & A/C systems; mold; dust resuspension; the outdoor environment…”
Oct 22, 2022 5 tweets 7 min read
⚠️ #pregnant #SARSCoV2
@B0tSci @DanCady
#CovidIsNotOver @SoilEcon #BLM @Msmariablack
#XBB most immune evasive VOC yet. &
"#COVID19 also drove dramatic increase in # of women who died of complications from pregnancy or childbirth."… @pen_is_mighty
"Pregnancy-related deaths have spiked nearly 80% since 2018-COVID was a factor in 1/4 of the deaths counted last year."
Oct 22, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Via @DanielGriffinMD CT Children's Med Ctr confirms considering [bringing in] Nat’l Guard & FEMA as it explores possibility of setting up tent on hospital lawn.
Over 70% of US pediatric hospital beds full amid surge of respiratory illnesses… 2/ #RSV #Influenza #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovidKids @Msmariablack @denise_dewald
“Another hospital in the state, Yale New Haven Children's Hospital, said overall RSV cases seen in the emergency department jumped from 57 👉last week to 106 currently.”
Jul 29, 2022 20 tweets 10 min read
🚨⚠️ #H5N1 #biodiversity #Bird #birdphotography #pandemic Avian Influenza spreading into species not typically affected & has spillover into 🦊 foxes. @pen_is_mighty @pewtergod @listopara2022 @SoilEcon @Msmariablack @Blueoceanarctic @NancyNoCo24… 1/“More than 300 outbreaks have been reported in UK seabird colonies & dozens of coastal sites have closed to the public. The Farne Islands are home to 200,000 seabirds, including Arctic terns, Atlantic puffins, guillemots, kittiwakes & razorbills MORE
Jul 18, 2022 20 tweets 7 min read
#ClimateEmergency #EuropeHeatWave @pawley_robert #AbruptIrreverisbleClimateChange @jim27182 @ClimateBen @pewtergod @Msmariablack @DanCady
🌍🔥 “Take a hard look at right now.

Do you really think civilization’s going to survive another 3 DECADES of this?—growing shortages MORE 2/ #ClimateEmergency #GlobalWarming #CO2 #hottestdayoftheyear #ExtinctionRebellion #Methane
runaway temperatures, killing heat, failing harvests…continents on fire, masses turning to lunacy/theocracy & fascism as a result? MORE
May 14, 2022 8 tweets 13 min read
@TGer66 @EricTopol @GretchenVogel @NewsfromScience @K_G_Andersen @Tuliodna @linfa_wang 1/The “Spanish Flu” was an influenza virus. SARSCoV2 is a Betacoronavirus. Not even taxonomically close. There was influenza prior to 1918-see decimation of indigenous people of the Americas.

This is a novel virus. Although it shares certain taxonomic similarities with MORE @TGer66 @EricTopol @GretchenVogel @NewsfromScience @K_G_Andersen @Tuliodna @linfa_wang 2/ coronavirus “colds” and SARS1, it has enough differences that we have little defenses against it. SARSCoV (SARS1) didn’t become contagious until people were pretty sick & in the hospital. So most transmission was to HCWs-known as nosocomial transmission. So it was easily MORE
May 5, 2022 21 tweets 5 min read
1/In response to your question I will attach a # of articles & papers below. The 1st, for context, is from ROLLING STONE, essentially saying it’s most likely underestimated but still unknown, as defining it is a data issue. It may change w/VOC, reinfections, MORE 2/2/but so could latency period. Readmissions-are they counted? Are people who d*e w/in a few months of discharge counted? Asymptomatics tested for silent organ damage will likely have future issues-counted? I’d say at least 50% w/some level, subject to change in either MORE
Nov 21, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
🌍Maybe he shouldn’t have let overpopulation & deforestation destroy 90% of Madagascar’s forest with monoculture. Articles attached below this one.…