Bob Ney: The hearing tonight was amazing. I keep up with what's going on in D.C., yet tonight there was still new information. It was sobering truth and was well done. @bobney#Jan6thHearings
Bob Ney: It went back through everything that verifies. The outtakes were amazing to watch; you could tell Trump didn't want to be there or do anything. As the Capitol was being stormed, Trump was calling Senators to try to stop the certification. @bobney#Jan6thHearings
Sarah Burris: I think maybe people who are casual Trump fans are starting to flip but a lot of the core 30% of nutters are just gonna stay with Trump. Mike Pence might have a chance to win but not with 30% supporting Trump. @SarahBurris@RawStory#Jan6thHearings
Bob Ney: I think this hurts Trump. I don't believe he'll run--he'll announce but he'll find some reason not to run. This has hurt him with some fringe political people in the GOP but not his 30%. @bobney#Jan6thHearings
Bob Ney: In order to try to escape some problems, Trump might announce he's running, but mostly it's a narcissistic Trump World thing.
Rick: He's still pushing in WI for them to overturn the 2020 election. Give it up already! It's over. @bobney#Jan6thHearings
Sarah Burris: Trump is a whining little man-baby who was making faces.
Bob Ney: Sarah is so right about that! His whole demeanor was scary.
Sarah: I thought the stmt he put out where he admits to everything was fake. @SarahBurris@RawStory@bobney#Jan6thHearings
Sarah Burris: The part of the hearing that was most depressing is the idea that we're giving these people a pass with light sentencing; we're not holding a lot of people accountable. The US Atty Gen'l said no one is above the law. @SarahBurris@RawStory#Jan6thHearings
Bob Ney: To listen to McCarthy, who calls Trump & is begging b/c he knows someone--a staffer, a member--is going to get killed. McCarthy begs for help. What does Trump say? In my words, he says maybe they have more smarts than McCarthy does. @bobney#Jan6thHearings
Sarah Burris: There are eleventy billion Congressmen but only 100 Senators. If some of these people saw a member with their pin on, they could have gone crazy & tried to string them up
Rick: Most people couldn't pick members out of a lineup @SarahBurris@RawStory#Jan6thHearings
@mentions@bobney: I think the DOJ won't look at the hearing tonight & decide to indict someone, but I think what was served here tonight was what our country needs: This needs to be told. We need to know the highest level, the President, where he was at & how on the edge we really were.
Sarah Burris: This has moved the needle in a huge way. The country has watched the hearings & knows things they probably didn't know before. After tonight, I don't think more people will move--they are where they are. @SarahBurris@RawStory#Jan6thHearings
Rick: I would argue Doug Mastriano, running for Gov of PA, is the worst of anyone running for any office
Jennifer Cohn: I think he has some close competition with DeSantis & the person running in Arizona, but he's up there. @jennycohn1#HandMarkedPaperBallots#ProtectOurVotes
Jennifer Cohn: On abortion access, he wants to ban it even if the mother is going to die without an abortion. Women with ectopic pregnancies can lose liters of blood while docs don't do abortions for fear of going to jail, even though the fetus isn't viable. @jennycohn1
Richard Ojeda: Those were NOT their people; they just wanted to make it look that way. When things got tough, Josh Hawley took off running.
Rick: The Haulin' Hawley 5K.
Rich: A wannabe tough guy, & it shows. @Ojeda4America@NoDemLeftBehind
Richard Ojeda: There's a guy, Jordan Klepper, goes to all the Trump rallies & talks to people. They're ignoring the #Jan6thHearings altogether. They have time to stand around for 12 hrs waiting for Trump but don't have time to watch a 2-hr hearing @Ojeda4America@NoDemLeftBehind
Richard Ojeda: DeSantis is just waiting right now for the go-ahead to run. He won't run head-to-head against Trump b/c he needs Trump's uneducated base. @Ojeda4America@NoDemLeftBehind
Max Burns: Steve Bannon just cannot stop committing federal crimes. He's been part of every push against democracy since Trump became Pres. @themaxburns@thedailybeast#Jan6thHearings
Rick: Steve Bannon was found guilty of contempt of congress after only 3 hrs of deliberations by federal jury; he could get 6 mos to 3 yrs in jail.
Max Burns: There's no GOP Pres to pardon him now, either. @themaxburns@thedailybeast#Jan6thHearings
Max Burns: Schedule F is a nightmare; GOP wants to make 50,000 federal employees immediately eligible to be fired if Trump is reelected & finds them disloyal. Purging the Civil Service is their goal. Openly planning this shows incredible confidence. @themaxburns@thedailybeast
Sarah Burris: This is more than just Jan 6; they're trying to make the point that Trump was manipulating people. Groups like The Proud Boys are using that as a cop-out. @SarahBurris@RawStory
Sarah Burris: I get what Liz Cheney is trying to do--drawing the conclusion that Trump is the pillar of indictment.
Rick: As was stated during the hearing, Trump is a stain on our history. @SarahBurris@RawStory
Sarah Burris: There is a radical rightwing terrorism about this that hasn't been addressed yet. This is the manifestation of when someone lights the powder keg of rightwing crazy people. @SarahBurris@RawStory#Jan6thHearings
Bob Ney: Some of these candidates won't go up against the grain that Trump has created. @bobney
Bob Ney: This is not federalization of the election--I'm not saying to do that, but there are ways that the states can be held accountable to make it easier for people to vote instead of harder for people to vote. (con't) @bobney
Bob Ney: (con't) If you don't have standards for making it easier for people to vote, it becomes fraudulent. @bobney
Greg Palast: They've got the money but we've got the people.
Rick: That's why I've said, that we've outprocreated the Repubs.
Greg: That's why they use voter suppression to steal our votes. @Greg_Palast
Greg Palast: There's a new voter law in GA, SB-202, signed by their gov., that says any voter there can challenge any other voter there, & there's no limit to the # of challenges. I spoke w/ one woman who made 32,000 challenges just in Cobb County, GA. @Greg_Palast
Greg Palast: This woman--a Repub--who challenged all the Biden voters didn't contact the people before she challenged them. She didn't even print out her list of challenges--she submitted a thumb drive. I can't make this stuff up. @Greg_Palast