The standard tactic among anti groups is to pummel city councils and water boards with email and calls demanding an end to fluoridation. It's incredibly harmful yet unsurprising given it has worked for many, many years. #publichealth#prevention#dentistry#teeth
Let me explain further. 1) A group of anti fluoride researchers, including some foreigners, seek to end community water fluoridation in the United States.
2) They have brought litigation against the Environmental Protection Agency in the US District Court for the Northern District of California.…
3) They allege that the @EPA is wrong to permit #fluoridation because, they say, fluoride, at fluoridation levels, harms the brain.
4) The ‘evidence’ upon which the plaintiffs base their case is unreliable and consists of several weak studies with flawed methodology which had been documented by scientific agencies Canadian… US…
5)Germany "In conclusion, based on the totality of currently available scientific evidence, the present review does not support the presumption that fluoride should be assessed as a human developmental neurotoxicant at the current exposure levels in Europe
6)2x the US Nat'l Tox Prg has issued draft reports and TWICE they have each been rejected by the peer review of the National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) because the NTP reports had flawed methods and reached flawed conclusions.…
7) Because the NTP does not appear to concede that its work to date is substandard, the @AmerDentalAssn has encouraged the NTP to be forthright in its communications.…
8) There is no reliable evidence that fluoride at fluoridation levels has a harmful effect on the brain. Yet, the Fed judge (FAN vs EPA) has specifically stated that he awaits the outcome of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) investigation into these studies.
9)It certainly can't be the case that the NTP would do what it takes to “find” that fluoridation harms the brain. Can it? Why would the past director of NIEHS (oversees NTP) write this op ed ?… and endorse this video?…
10)Does it seem odd the US Gov. cont to fund a team who promotes this false claim via videos and testimony, even though they do not correct methodological errors + to date have not released any data for reanalysis - a violation of @NIH data sharing policy.…
11) McGill Prof JS doesn’t believe fluoride is toxic to developing brains at levels found in tap water. Asking for the data, “doesn’t seem to me like an unreasonable request. “What are you hiding? Whoever owns the data should be willing to release it.”…
12) One controversial study BTW was immediately identified as flawed. Which begs the question why Jama Peds peer reviewers didn't also see the errors. I would hate think there was any type of collusion? 🤨…
14) According to CADTH, the authors’ conclusion that maternal exposure to higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy was linked to lower IQ scores in children “was not supported by the data.”…
15) Contrarian academics certainly enjoy fame and extra funding along with their universities while the most vulnerable with the least say in the policy process suffer, am-I-right? Queue the victimhood portrayal.…
16) Flooding city councils and water boards with anti f misinfo is a fav tactic of anti F groups. CWF is a local decision so small and large communities are vulnerable to misinformation guiding public health policies. Here is what happened in Calgary.
17) Fluoridation cessation and oral health equity: a 7-year post-cessation study of Grade 2 schoolchildren in Alberta,
18) and in Alaska where I live and work. The Impact of Water Fluoridation on Medicaid-Eligible Children and Adolescents in Alaska
19)… Not only did children suffer more caries procedures after cessation, it was also quite costly. Who pays? Not anti F groups, councilmembers, or publishers of shoddy studies, it's you and me, the taxpayers and caregivers.
20) Here is what happened when CWF was ceased in Juneau (nCWF) compared to fluoridated Anchorage. You will note the average number of caries procedures experienced per child declined in fluoridated Anchorage and increased in Juneau.
21) Similar with costs, of course. Sadly, the youngest with the least exposure to CWF appear to suffer the most.
22) Which begs the question, why would people of good will, elected to work for the safety and welfare of it's constituents, engage in a CWF cessation policy action that so clearly harms so many AND wastes public money? /end
and we are back... Holy cheese and crackers Malone's slides are off-the-chain bananas. What he is doing here with his slides is called "cherry-picking." No it isn't true that the Feds will lie to you, geez.
Faici never said 100% about anything, that's a lie
worked up? Awww, really? Have you treated patients in the ICU for COVID-19?
Hi Alaskans. I'll live tweet a little bit about the Woo Conference happening right now in Anchorage.
I've listened to all 5 speakers. None of them have made any coherent sense. All of them will make comments that fall into 3 categories.
1. downplay the virus 2. create fear about the vaccine 3. undermine the scientific establishment and steer listeners to their websites/supplements. #COVID19#VaccinesSaveLives
@MSchleinich@nenshi@gccarra Sadly Dr. Gahli was profoundly misled, and it was quite embarrassing for him. He should have been able to see the obvious flaws in the Green/Till paper which was immediately discredited by the Science Media Center.…
@MSchleinich@nenshi@gccarra Prof Thom Baguley, Professor of Experimental Psychology, Nottingham Trent University, said:
“First, the claim that maternal fluoride exposure is associated with a decrease in IQ of children is false. This finding was non-significant (but not reported in the abstract)." (yikes)
@MSchleinich@nenshi@gccarra ..."They did observe a decrease for male children and a slight increase in IQ (but non-significant) for girls. This is an example of subgroup analysis – which is frowned upon in these kinds of studies." Long story short, they mishandled the stats.