-An INDIVIDUAL is one PERSON identified by his or her LEGAL NAME and valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).
In general usage, a human being; BY STATUTE
-however, the term can include firms, labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, & trustees.........
To label yourself an INDIVIDUAL to participate in the #TaxSystem is absurd
Both Elements MUST exist to be an INDIVIDUAL
You don't need a SS#/ITIN# to make a living
You need them to volunteer to pay taxes!
Its a voluntary system that was setup for Business Entities to pay taxes
YOU have a Given name & a FAMILY name,
a LEGAL name exists for Legal Entities!
-ENTITY: includes corporations,not-for-profit corporation, profit,not for-profit unincorporated association, Business Trust, estate, partnership, trust...
WORDS matter
Definitions matter
They obfuscate the truth & play games to deceive
Through trickery & deceit, they rely on our ignorance
Bondage & servitude through uniformed "consent"
You have the Substantive Right to trade your labor for "money".
I want to start out by saying, you folks are in a tough position, being PUBLIC SERVANTS of WE the People. I would like to believe that you truly have the best interest of our children and the community in mind, but you are factually acting outside of your delegated authority...
by practicing medicine, imposing unlawful medical interventions, and by simulating legal process.
That being said, our forefathers put together one of the most powerful and amazing documents in our history. The #constitution, which was drafted to protect individual rights!
They did this in an effort to make sure we didn’t end up under #tyranny again, and yet, here we are with individuals and Agencies operating outside of both their delegated authority and outside of the law. I’d bet my LIFE (emphasis added), if any one of them were alive today...
@MayorFrey signed Emergency Regulation 2022-7 immediately lifting the City’s mask requirement established in Emergency Regulation No. 2022-1, which has been in place since January 5, 2022. #Minneapolis
Yet,in local "news"articles it states "The City of Minneapolis will continue to uphold mask mandates for City employees and City-managed buildings. Visitors and employees in City-managed buildings will still be "required" to wear a mask.
Exactly what are "City Managed Buildings" enforcing?
Emergency Regulation 2022-1 is hereby rescinded and has no continuing applicability or effect!
:~0-[This is a war for credibility and legitimacy. The battle is emerging from the shadows into the public eye. It doesn’t really matter what you think of Trump or his administration per se because this is not “politics” as you’ve come to know it.]
:~1-[There is de facto a military government in the USA right now running the show, fighting the “deep state” shadow government. It maintains a civilian facade for show, to avoid societal panic and meltdown.]
:~2-[A formal state of national emergency was declared December 21, 2017.
All the powers that accompanied that declaration remain in force. Military tribunals are in
preparation. Vast assets seizures have taken place [1100-page PDF]
:~0- [The U.S. Constitution is the highest human law in our Republic. In that law, We The People create, define, and limit three branches of federal servants to do only the 17 services we enumerate in it. ]🇺🇸
:~1- [Anything else that our servants do is illegal activity, no matter how much we approve or benefit from it, or how long they’ve been doing it. Constitutionally, it’s simply D.C. organized crime.]🇺🇸
:~2- [CIVICS In our American constitutional system is simply: “Who is Boss?” and we answer that question in the opening of the Constitution, called the ‘preamble’, where we stipulate: “We The People...do ordain …”]🇺🇸
:~0- [In the Constitution, we call for the states to appoint its officers and provide training as outlined by Congress. But our state and federal servants persistently refuse their duty;]
:~1- [A County Militia Ordinance committing county (or local) government to lawfully fulfill those duties must be implemented. Militia must eventually replace the vast unconstitutional, corrupt, war-mongering, coercive alphabet agencies and the military-industrial complex.]
:~2- [Violating the Constitution will no longer be a crime that every public servant gets away with. Directing Militia in this task, the Grand Jury is a 1,000-year-old institution that we inherited from England as part of our Common Law system.]
:~0- [The Code of Federal Regulations title 26 § 441-1(8) and the Internal Revenue Code title 26 § 7701(1),(14) and § 7343 appears to define the “Taxpayer” and /or “Person”....]
:~1- [to be some individual officer or employee of a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or cor-poration under a duty to perform or subject to any internal revenue tax.]