1/ Operational update regarding the #russian_invasion at 1800 on August 12, 2022.
Some gain by Ru in the outskirt of #Bakhmut Also they are now pushing head of Berestove & foothold in #Zaitseve
UA resisted everywhere else and pushed back Ru away. #UkraineMap#UkraineRussianWar
3/ The enemy's attempt to carry out combat reconnaissance in the direction of #Biloghrivka - #Hryhorivka failed.
The invaders tried to conduct reconnaissance near #Spirne. Ukrainian soldiers inflicted fire damage and neutralized the enemy.
other attempts this morning and ongoing
4/ With offensive & assault actions, Ru unsuccessfully tried to break through the defense of our units &advance in the direction of the settlements of Spirne, Ivano-Daryivka, Vyimka, (...) They suffered losses and left chaotically. Fighting continues in some areas.
5/ In the direction #Pokrovske - #Bakhmut, the enemy had partial success and is trying to gain a foothold.
Some videos and reports shows Ru on the main road next to some very well know business stores. and gen staff confirmed.
so let's see how this unfolds. but Ru are inside now
6/ With offensive and assault actions, the russian occupiers unsuccessfully tried to break through the defense of our units and advance in the direction of the settlements of #Kodema, #Vershyna and #zaitseve (that one). They suffered losses and left chaotically. #UkraineMap
7/ and that's it. the rest hasn't really changed
even if a lots is happening in the south. no obvious changes.
this alreadly took me 2h30 and yesterday to recap all 3h30. so.. i stop here.
gen staff reports below.
Good evening!
10/ Pay attention the tank had some mines on top of the top left mudguard
so it was a full strike 😬🐷🎉🎉🎉
orcs really wants to get "out" as fast as possible... 😂
11/ today there was some counter moves in the area so we cannot thake that ref for the end of the day. we'll see in the next 24/48h if "trends" is confirmed or not.
same goes for the axis to Bohorodychne... so let's see how it will unfold
12/ few days ago lots of report to say the material was rotten & lots were of no use, then shift again & one more time..
i have no time to check why there is all these contradictory informations going on right now.. but some might have been pushed by RU.
13/ and Ru are bringing in some new materials as they are losing quite a lot by destruction, use (wear and tear) (third of the barrels from the early phase of war are almost useless now) and old soviet materials also need high maintenance there.
14/ and they will end up.... in a nice pile of burned materials
15/ Ru have big supports / heavy arty etc, but when it comes to men on the ground for their attacks they have small old and basic materials.. so it's gonna be hard during rains in Fall when they will try to advance in the mudd.
48°06'22.4"N 37°46'39.3"E
18/ Allégorie parfaite de l'etat de la Russie.. ça tient bien de l'extérieur, et un jour... tout s’écroulera si les dirigeants continuent ds ce sens..
(utilisat° encore flagrante des +pauvre pr faire cette sale guerre)
1/ Hello au "petit gars" de la FRS, blindé de diplome, puant d'orgueil et n'ayant jamais quitté un fauteuil de sa vie, qui était venu "m'expliquer" que les Russes n'avaient plus aucun missile Kalibr!
(voir encore les vidéos des jours passés)...
2/ tous les jours nous avons la preuve comme je lui avait fait remarquer à l'epoque qu'il n'avait donc pas la moindre idée de son sujet et que ses connaissances n'étaient que pseudo académique et encore sans comprendre la pensée "soviétique" tant qu'à la "politique" concernant
3/ leurs missiles. c'est littéralement un point sur lequel tous les gens sérieux qui ont eu de vraies connaissances dans le domaine (comme les anciens dans le rens) expliquent à quel point les Russ ont toujours aimé (le terme est réel) jouer avec l'occident sur leurs vraies capa
1/ je voulais répondre mais la personne a deleté.
j'en profites juste pour dire qu'il faut arrêter avec ces délires complet sur cette journaliste et une pseudo action du FSB.
Comme pour Jirnov, ces gens là n'ont accès à rien, n'ont aucunes données ou connections importantes.
2/ Il n'est jamais bon d'aller fantasmé, inventé des théories fumeuses. Autant je "comprends" la position de certains Ukr sur le sujet car la guerre commence à "radicalisé" certaines positions et ont peu vite voir "l'ennemi" qui s’immiscerait partout..
3/ mais cette femme risque juste de faire encore plus de prisons, n'a pas un seul contact qui lui donnera accès a quoi que soit que l'on ne puisse trouver par internet et ce serait la pire des choses à faire pour le FSB pour la faire entrer ds des cercles fermés d'importances.
1/ Operational situation update regarding the #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on August 11, 2022.
Last Gen staff report & direct reports show no major changes today (few in a week). All Majors Ru attacks were pushed back today.
New Maps #UkraineMap#UkraineRussianWar#CarteUkraine
2/ From this morning gen staff report :
"In the #Slovyansk direction, the enemy continued shelling from artillery and tanks near #Karnaukhivka, #Virnopilla, #Bohorodychne, #Mazanivka and others."
some direct reports shows area in the forest near the oblast frontier and such.
3/ Tonight gen staff report :
"The occupiers unsuccessfully tried to improve the tactical position near #Hryhorivka#Verkhnyokamyanske & #Ivano-Daryivka. The enemy is pushed back."
in the morning they tried to storm by the south axis. seems that they went back to bed for night.
1/ Actually I do have a map for that too.
I made it a while ago..but did not show because they were not confirmed.
But here you go if you want to "see" from what distance/area it would be "safe" to launched them and moving forward..
NB. This map is not #ATACMSForUkraine#ATACMS
2/ is not showing like some "civilians" ('im one now though!) tried to show back then for "attacking Russians everywhere on their territory, which makes no sense
it shows what would be a good "zone" from where u can operate (or south of Odessa if Crimea is targeted) in a relative
3/ "safe" environnement (from the river and distance and you can create a "bubble" or an Iron Dome there if you want)
note that ATACMS would reach target in less than 7 min (4-5' for radar detection) but a Ru jet at 800km/h needs 22 minutes to do the reach the area...
even a
1/ So.. only from yesterday serveral small ammo/weapons dumps and important places occupied by Russians have been recorded destroyed. at least 5-7 (plus all the ones we do not have visuals/confirmations...)
3 Ru bases directly have been " #Himarsed " meaning w precision.
2/ and a good reminder from July only...
so it'll give you a "forecast" for the rest of the "party".
Enjoy it Orcs!
(so cheer up when Ru troll come at you with : Ukr has only 5k missiles... well, with the ongoing production line, this can go for months...!) #Himarsed