Some people want to promote #homeschooling that will eventually embed caste system back in India because they feel Indian schools unfairly promote class-system and class-discrimination based on parental income.
1. They clearly seems to have not attended their Social Science 101 lessons.
The struggle against caste, class, racial, color discrimination is a perpetual struggle. What they do not know is our common schools are at the forefront of these struggles, against odds!
2. When India introduced RTE and allowed 25% 'poor' children to attend a private school near them for free, it was the upper-middle class parents who were up in arms against it, not schools. Imagine, you are pushing the same parents to do #homeschooling!
3. India partially diffused caste system promoting common government schools. Indian policy makers, who are not traditional teachers, (but are parents!), ensured they destroyed the government schools and promoted private schools to replace caste with class.
4. It is a shame that irresponsible capitalists with low social commitment and no understanding of social impact push their vested business interest to destroy the social fabric of India because the country as a whole encourages discrimination.
5. Venture Capitalists who go ga-ga about #Homeschooling every day are doing so because they have invested in companies that make learning content, which schools will not buy. Why would schools who are moving to outcome based learning buy learning content?
6. #Homeschooling is their way of marketing that content. Since schools will not pay for content, they dropped their B2B dream and are focusing on the B2C game. They renamed content as #OpenLearningResources and promote #homeschooling as a charity initiative.
7. Schools charge you money. Here, our #OpenLearningResources are free. Give it to your kids, load them with that information and make them sit for NIOS instead of CBSE or ICSE tests.
How will your business make money? Oh! We have CSR fund!
8. Now they mislead uninformed parents into thinking that #homeschooling is a better option than schools and push their CSR-funded free #OpenLearningResources on them. What are #OLRs? Textbooks in digital form, videos and hyperlinks added sometimes!
9. You will understand this game if you begin to wonder why low stake venture capitalists turned #homeschool enthusiasts blame schools for loading students with information and rote learning on one end and promote #OpernLearningResources on the other.
10. Once the #CSR Funds that fuel #OpenLearningResources dry up, they will have a ready market of helpless parents doing #homeschooling ready to buy digital learning solutions directly, bypassing schools. What a beautiful venture capitalist pipe dream, isn't it?
11. What these venture capital sociopaths (for want of a better word!) do not realize is, their greed for money is pushing India further back into stone-age schooling!
When I say that #homeschooling will eventually embed caste-system, am I not seeing the 100000s of kids who get bullied in schools in the name of disabilities and abilities and either need traditional schools to be inclusive or need homeschooling?
As someone who had faced bullying in school (both from teachers & peers!), I can assure you I see them first when I disagree with our current enthusiasm around making homeschooling mainstream and pitching it as a better option than schools.
Research has already established that the best approaches to schooling are the ones that encourage healthy parent-school partnerships around the life of a child trying to learn.
When ever I try to draw people's attention to the social evils that #homeschooling may intentionally or unemotionally promote, I get the word the word 'parental choice' thrown at me!
It seems that the parents have the right to choose how to educate their children and therefore you should not discourage a parent who exercises that right to choose #homeschooling, they tell me!
Whenever I come across an attempt to promote #homeschooling in India, I feel compelled to discourage it as a responsible citizen and a conventional educator. Since this video is no different, here is another 'homeschool-bashing' #thread. #Thread↓
#Note @SamrajSanjana & @aramanujaa are great tweeple to follow. I am merely voicing my disagreement with the idea of #homeschooling in India here, and it has nothing against them, personally. They are amazing people, from what I know about them so far. #Thread↓↑
My 'resistance' to #homeschooling in India is not the mere fear of a 'traditional' teacher about a new and revolutionary education movement. Like many of you, I loved the idea of the possibility of #homeschooling in India when I first heard about it. #Thread↓↑