2/ Frontal CXR shows homogenous opacity in R.mid & lower zone in paravertebral region
❇️It has well defined superior,inferior&lateral borders, medial border is merged with mediastinum(incomplete border sign)
♉️Opacity has Broad base contact with mediastinum s/o mediastinal origin
3/ ❇️Lung lesion will be covered by lung margins all side(not always) & form an acute angle with meds
♉️Normal silhouette of right heart border is seen (neg silhouette sign) s/o lesion not in ant med
🉑Hilar vessels are seen coursing through the opacity (Hilum overlay sign +ve)
4/ ♓️Lateral border of the opacity is >2cm from the hilar vessels¬ converging towards the vessels (Hilum convergence sign-ve) s/o the lesion is not in middle med
❇️Inferior border of the opacity extend below R.diaphrgm s/o lesion in post med as ant med doesn’t extend below it
5/ ❇️No cavitation/Ca++/air fluid level/rib erosion/fracture
♒️The above features suggests that the lesion is of mediastinal origin & most likely in post mediastinum
🛑Lateral xray confirms the lesion is in posterior mediastinum
🉑What are the DD for posterior mediastinal lesion?