China’s ‘gain-of-function’ coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is the source of the deaths of at least 20,000,000 people globally.’The CCP’s deadly obsession with secrecy and control comes at the expense of public health in China and around the world.’1/4
China needs to be held accountable for the deaths,the severe illnesses, the mental degradation, and for its deceit and propagandic control of the virus’ narrative around the world. Here is the official State Department communique.…#ChinaExposed#China 2/4
While US politicians fight about ‘fringe’ issues, they have lost sight of the 800-lb gorilla in the room…China’s malign activities in the realm of biowarfare and with their irresponsible behavior of coverup and denial after the virus’ 3/4
public debut. To this day, the CPC hasn’t allowed access to the Lab in Wuhan by international scientists. They threatened to withhold antibiotics from the US if we launched a presidential commission on the origin of the virus. IT’S TIME TO HOLD CHINA ACCOUNTABLE. @ABlinken 4/4
On the issue of the 87,000 new #IRS agents to be hired to audit everyday Americans…Why is it that foreign investors into American companies (public and private) PAY NO CAPITAL GAINS TAX WHATSOEVER. When a Saudi Arabian Sheikh or a Chinese billionaire trades stocks or invests 1/4
In Uber, or Apple, or Space-X…they mint billions and go home without ever paying a single US tax dollar. Something is horribly wrong with a system that taxes, audits,and demands compliance with its own citizens but gives foreign investors a FREE PASS. Imagine the tax revenue 2/4
Just waiting to be harvested by taxing the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund, SoftBank, China Investment Corporation,China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), and many others that are currently enjoying a free ride in our capital markets. It’s time to pay. @LHSummers 3/4
Erdogan and Turkey 🇹🇷 have long supported and protected terrorism and enemies of the West. When ISIS retook Mosul, Iraq after the U.S. withdrawal, ISIS stole $300 million cash from the Iraqi Central Bank and ran as fast as they could to Turkey to invest it in Turkish business 1/8
under the approval and protection of Erdogan and his security forces. This one heist made ISIS one of the most well-funded radical terrorist organizations in the world.(This fact reported to me by al-Qaeda’s top informant to Mi6.) He is also certain that Erdogan protects 2/8
the jihadi training camps under the umbrella of Turkish defense systems. Part two will focus on the team of US Green Berets embedded into Syria for the past 5-6 years whose mission it was to completely eradicate ISIS from the face of the Earth. They had almost completed 3/8
Minutes ago at CPAC, Trump just said “Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan would have never in a million years happened under Trump.”In the end, Trump was a pacifist willing to trade market stability and egregious human rights abuses for his precious (and failed)trade deal.With advisors 1/3
like Mnuchin, China Inc. was always safe. Individuals like Pottinger, Turpin, Lighthizer, Nikakhtar, Kissel, Krach, Bethel, Dabbar, Mattis, Johnston, Wray, and many more did ALL OF THE GOOD WORK countering the CPC at every turn. (I’ve certainly left some off this list). 2/3
Trump and Mnuchin worked against the China team at every turn. His comments at CPAC confirm his personal position. @POTUS45#China#Pacifist#Trump#CPAC 3/3
The Chinese Navy has added a 7th zone to their ‘live-fire’ exercises that will now last until Monday morning at 10am. The Communist Party will use Pelosi’s visit as an excuse to ratchet to a new force operating level in the Taiwan Strait. These exercises are designed to 1/5
cause a closure of the ports on the West Coast. Taiwan imports its daily energy through its ports. Imagine the economic and personal pain an effective energy blockade will cause to the people of Taiwan 🇹🇼. China ratcheted their force presence in the SCS in 2015 when they 2/5
went from a ‘zone’ defense to a ‘man’ defense. They are now likely to use a ‘full-court press’ in the waters of the Taiwan Strait. The PLA navy will likely challenge each and every foreign warship and possibly commercial ships in the Strait. China ‘s Grand Strategy 3/5
In the last week, the running-dog of the Chinese propaganda effort @HuXijin_GT has ‘officially’ threatened the U.S. with war at least 6 times from behind the Great Firewall of the Communist Party of China. I need to call @RayDalio and Schwarzman to better understand how our 1/6
most coveted investment destination could possibly threaten us with war for conducting a diplomatic visit to another democracy. How much money will US endowments, pensions, and individual investors lose if China escalates Pelosi’s visit? The increasing belligerence of the 2/6
Chinese military has been on display for the world to see. xi’s preparations for a wartime footing have been telegraphed at each and every step. Given the threats to the Chinese regime’s control (economic crisis, energy crisis, food crisis, inflation crisis, banking crisis, 3/6
As we approach the annual pilgrimage of the Chinese elite to the resort town of Beidaihe,the world should remember what was happening in 1960 when this photo of the relaxed Mao Zedong was taken. 40,000-50,000 of his own people were starving to death daily due to this madman’s 1/5
disastrous social experiments. The so-called Great Leap Forward is,to this day, the worst man-made famine in human history. Mao’s stupidity killed 50 million Chinese. Why do today’s Chinese rank and file continue to discuss Mao with reverence when it is abundantly clear 2/5
that he was mentally disturbed and deeply evil. Mao’s atrocities killed more of his own people than Hitler and Stalin combined. As Xi heads to Beidaihe, he won’t be lounging on the beach as his idol was in 1960. He will be feverishly trying to wheel and deal to 3/5