🧵with the main points and links to some articles.
(1) #ZaporizhzhiaNPP is controlled by the Russian military forces since March 4, 2022. So they can do with the plant whatever they want❗️without shelling.
(2) The plant has been operated safely by the Ukrainian Staff with guns pointed at them since March 4. Thank you 🫂🙏
The first 2 points alone call for immediate international action as proposed by @rafaelmgrossi and @iaeaorg. Support from @NATO could also help.
(3) occasional shelling of the plant: the main intention is #fearmongering of the plant staff, of the people and leadership of Ukraine and the rest of the world. The secondary intention may well be to divert the blame in case of an accident from those controlling the plant.
(4) potential consequences of the unlikely accident in the plant cannot involve major loss of life and/or major loss of useful land ➡️based on Fukushima Dai-ichi: no radiation caused casualties, evacuation within 20-30 km.
❗️Cannot be catastrophic for the entire planet
(4a) please note that parts of radiation released from a damaged nuclear power plant will basically travel around the world in detectable/measurable quantities.
❗️The quantities of significance for health will be limited to distances in the order of 10 km!
In summary: (1) #ZaporizhzhiaNPP is controlled by the Russian army since March 4. (2) Ukrainian operators operate it safely with guns
pointed at them. (3) Occasional shelling is #fearmongering: the risks of radiation accidents are low to moderate.
Vse kaže, da je jedrska elektrarna #Zaporizhzhya v nočnem napadu utrpela manjše poškodbe. Še vedno je v rokah Ukrajine, ena izmed 6 enot deluje, sevanje v okolici ni povečano.
Razmere spremljam in se bom še oglasil
Sledi kratka nit o jedrskih elektrarnah med vojaškim napadom
Zelo pomembno:
Jedrski reaktorji v jedrskih elektrarnah v nobenem primeru ne morejo postati jedrske bombe.
Nenameren napad (izstrelki zgrešijo pravi cilj in zadenejo jedrsko elektrarno) elektrarno lahko poškodujejo, reaktorja pa zelo verjetno ne bodo. Reaktorji so namreč nameščeni v “bunkerjih”, torej nekajkrat obdani z meter ali več debelimi plasteh armiranega betona.
@D_Jasmina@sledilnik Po mojem menju je podatkov za zgodnje zaznavanje opozorilnih znakov (povsem!) dovolj. Iz zgodovine naših napovedi:
»hodimo po robu« 16.7.2020 r4.ijs.si/COVID19a160720…