Why labour cost 'parasite' the #Farmers investiment?
Investment efficieny is measured by ROI hence as far as Hybrid seed investiment is concerned to small holder farmers in Africa, the expenses to production cost involve the labour cost which I emphasis on right crop
stage, right situation fit number and efficient supervisory of the labour in a field.
-Labours are hired to compensate in-efficiency of machinery adoption in farming landscape of Africas' agriculture post improved seed variety purchase to manage the threats of productivity
( spraying pesticide for diseases, insect, weeds control, harvest and post harvest processing)
- There is labour cost incured by #smallholderfarmers which can be eliminated by emphasis is being paid on "right crop stage, right situation fit number and efficient supervisory
of the labour in a field" during onboarding/ hiring.
- Pict below depict the situation that the field which was planted hybrid seed but was not proper weeded which resulted into: 1. Low hybrid Yield and yield quality due to weeds,
insect damage, nutrition management ( to pick few) 2. Inefficiency of harvesting operation (later increase labour cost which could be served by GAPs esp spacing, field hygiene
#smallholderfarmers operarional efficency does not only rely on labour but stewardship