1. A government which disowns its people the minute they show any sign of independence.
2. An opposition that is not able to prove itself as viable entity with organizational discipline.
You get an embittered, misled, disenfranchised youth.
This is what has happened to #Eritrea|ns: youth were, via perpetual war and indefinite conscription, forced labor and economic paralysis, losing agency over their own life, forced to leave their county: 608,000 by 2019:
For a brief period (2015-16) when the #PFDJ hierarchy was terrified of being indicted for crimes against humanity, it promised it would limit national conscription, but once that danger was lifted, it went back to its predatory practices
As a result, even after the sanctions were lifted and relations with #Ethiopia were normalized, it used yet another pretext (stabilizing #Ethiopia) to continue its Iron Fist rule: no relaxation on travel or conscription. No concession.
And the youth kept flocking out, long after the so-called “Peace & Friendship Agreement” was signed between #Eritrea and #Ethiopia. Youth, underage, families, elderly: an emptying of the land:
And the by-now over 700,000 #Eritrea|ns who flocked out, all had dreadful stories of migration because when you don’t have exit or entry visas you are at the mercy of smugglers and traffickers. This is the same way those who left Eritrea left during armed struggle, but….
The suffering of the current generation of Eritreans is arguably of higher magnitude: many endured violence, including sexual violence, intimidation, organ harvesting, air raids, leaky boats….and their trauma is immense
When they finally “made it” in exile, they found a barely-alive opposition, and the people they escaped from, #PFDJ, kept stretching their tentacles on them:
Almost all found a way to survive. For some that meant reinventing themselves anew in exile; for some it meant making their peace with their tormentors. I have no problem with my government: I just came here to better myself. For others, that was a bit too much to take
And so was the State of Things… and elements of the opposition got weaker, and some stronger. And there is no question that as the war in #Ethiopia exploded, a reactionary force in search of lost Ethiopian glories was the ascendant #Eritrea|n opposition faction
And as one opposition organization after another, one leader after another claimed it was negotiating, discussing #Eritrea with #TPLF, and as the legacy opposition grew more silent and its activities drowned by new media, the radicalization intensified
First it was in words: “#Eritrea is an artificial country. I am a Tigraway Eritrean. The Eritrean army is made up of barbarians who committed genocide. Invasion of Eritrea is justified…” The Eritrean social media became a war zone with #PFDJ and NeoOppo hurling cruel words.
Some people claim that I blame #PFDJ even for things it didn’t do. But the person with the loudest megaphone is Isaias Afwerki and he has set the tone of political discourse, vile as it is, for the country….
And because many studies have shown that in authoritarian states where power is centralized in one man, many assume the path to success is to mimic the leader, the entire #PFDJ hierarchy is greased by ability to insult, mock, ridicule, marginalize, dismiss the other.
So now we are at point where a group of young people are being led by highly irresponsible agitators. It’s one thing when a riot is an unexpected outcome of demonstration (it happens everywhere); quite another when it is pursued as a strategy.
This is one of those few times I wish I were a lawyer. I would tell the youth in a language they understand what the laws of their host countries are, particularly as they apply to asylum-seekers. Many #Eritrea|ns are in deportation prisons because they didn’t know the law.
This is one of those times I wish I had any influence with the legacy opposition to remind them when the center vacates its responsibilities, the vacuum will almost certainly be occupied by the radicals
This is not one of those times I wish the #PFDJ would cease its campaign of polarization and never ending ተስፊያ to actually admit its not universally admired and to give political space to its dissidents. I wouldn’t because I know better the nature of the regime
This is one of those times I wish advice is not wasted on the youth. You are so angry that you don’t think words can express your anger? You don’t think words are adequate? Fine. Just remember words in prison are even less so. And question your leaders, who were never elected!
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#Eritrea|s ambassador to #Sudan has been #Eritrea|s ambassador to #Sudan for 20 years and he has been saying the same thing he has been saying for 20 years: enemies, መኸተ, war….
… the ruling party’s decay is not just at the chairman (Isaias) level but also like him, since 1994:
Political director: Yemane Gebreab
Economic director: Hagos Ghebrehiwet
National Security: Abraha Kassa
Cultural Affairs: Zemehret Yohannes
Secretary: Alamin Mohammed Seid
Of the last two named, one is dead and the other is frozen but as in with legendary basketball players who jersey is retired, with #PFDJ, some of the positions are forever retired….
How many young #Ethiopia|ns & #Eritrea|ns enlisted or conscripted in the ENDF, ASF, TDF, EDF have been killed in the stupid war? Until we ask, and insist on an answer, the war will not stop. #HowManyDied?
If are comforted by the lullabies of your side (whichever side you are on),remember the 98-00 #Eritrea-#Ethiopia “border war” was 24 months of standstill interrupted by 1 month (cumulative) of battle. 100,00 young lives perished then! The current war is 4 months of non-stop war.
The horrific violations against civilians, including children 👇🏾will be accounted for because there are reporters and advocacy groups that will insist on it. But how will those addicted to claiming they won disclose what the cost of the “winning” was and who will make them?
It’s #FatuousFriday: just back from Planet NNNN, with its alternative facts, and I am here to share with my compats. Since everything Isaias touches turns to ashes, the promising political career of @AbiyAhmedAli is facing the abyss too. But, hey: war is peace and peace is war
More “War Is Peace, Peace Is War”: According to the “Abiy Is Our Leader #Eritrea Is Our Country”mob from #Ethiopia, joined by Isaiaists, when 🇺🇸 and EU call for end to war, it is warmongering!
Walking is the new #Eritrea|n accomplishment, according to the #PFDJ. Plus it’s good for the environment in a country with the most expensive fuel in the world. Pass it on.
Happy Friday: #Ethiopia|ns & “fellow #Eritreans across the border”! After 4 months of lies & denials, and less than a week after @ChrisCoons delivered the @POTUS msg that #Ethiopia is committing “systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing” in #Tigray, @PMEthiopia folds like a card:
The move came less than a week after @AbiyAhmedAli chose the parliament as his venue to admit what the whole world, except a few in #Eritrea|s NNNN Party #PFDJ and #Ethiopia|s Abiy Cult, knew: #Eritrean|s have been fighting inside #Tigray with knowledge & approval of @PMEthiopia
Now, there is only one country in the world whose media has not shared the news that #Eritrean|s are fighting in #Ethiopia and its leader has agreed to withdraw its troops. The country? Hint: its state media slogan is “serving the truth.”
Short @AbiyAhmedAli: We defeated #TPLF (june tah) completely & #Eritrea is in #Ethiopia only because we are at war with TPLF whom we have defeated completely 4 month ago. Mayyybe our soldiers & Isaias did a little raping here and there but TPLF ATTACKED NORTHERN COMMAND!
(2) #Eritrea|ns have made a very strong argument as to why they cannot withdraw from sovereign #Ethiopia|n territories, because they fear being attacked by #TPLF (who I have totally annihilated) and I must say I find their arguments compelling. The war is to catch 12 people.
(3) The call for us to withdraw #Amhara Special Forces from #Tigray is like me telling the US: Colorado National Guard cannot be dispatched to California in a state of emergency. Everybody knows Colorado ethnics & California ethnics are analogous to Tigray-Amhara ethnies.
Looking at the #Ethiopia|n War in Tigray & the ensuing carnage--death, dismemberment, displacement--& #Eritrea|s "self-defense" foray, there is not much to be optimistic about, but there could be if we act as Citizens of the Horn
The Horn of #Africa has no citizens, just subjects.
Citizens are free and, collectively, own sovereignty. They hire and fire their leaders.
Subjects are powerless, looking up to The Sovereign, who demands total obedience. Dissent results in disappearance, death, exile.
While this is true of all the nations in the Horn of Africa, this thread is about #Ethiopia and #Eritrea, who have not been able to extricate themselves from wars (declared and undeclared) since at least 1961. It's from the perspective of a member of the #Eritrean opposition....