Honoured to receive International Prize from the Hayek Foundation together with my Latvian and Lithuanian colleagues for defending European democratic values.
Said in my speech that defending European democratic values is as topical today as back when we built up Estonia. 1/8
Today we defend these values in Ukraine. Ukraine is under Russia’s attack because it's a democracy, because it built open market economy, wanted to become part of the rule of law family of the EU. 2/8
While Soviet Union collapsed, its expansionist ideology never did. Ukraine is not the victim of a one-time miscalculation by a madman. We are witnessing a long-planned campaign by Kremlin to exert control over neighbouring countries by brute force, no matter the human cost. 3/8
Here at #NATOSummit, we as Allies agree that Russia is the most significant and direct threat to NATO.
As a result, the Allies decided a fundamental shift in NATO’s force posture resulting in further strengthening of NATO's eastern flank. 1/5
We have agreed on NATO’s modern forward defence that would deny our adversary any opportunity for aggression.
Work must immediately start to translate this collective political will into reality. 2/5
This means:
- units assigned and deployed
- equipment prepositioned
- enablers in place
- command and control structures established
- defence plans upgraded. 3/5
1/ My essay in @Telegraph today. the free world has made many right decisions in support of #Ukraine. But we need to speed up.
What Ukraine needs most are arms to fight back aggressor and liberate their country. telegraph.co.uk/world-news/202…
2 / The Kremlin has made it clear that their aim is to wipe Ukraine off the map. “Denazification" is the label of this policy of destruction.
A “Nazi” is simply any Ukrainian who resists. This rhetoric is used to make Ukrainians a seemingly legitimate target for destruction.
3/ No impunity for war crimes must form a cornerstone of our policies. Perpetrators must know that judgement day will come.
The aggressor must pay. A special fund for victims could be one way, using Russian assets and central bank reserves frozen by sanctions.
🧵 My speech at @Policy_Exchange in London following the honour of receiving the Grotius Prize:
The free world has made many right decisions in support of Ukraine. But we need to speed it up.
If aggression pays off somewhere, it invites it elsewhere. 1/7
We're witnessing Russia's state-orchestrated calls for genocide. The aim: dehumanise Ukrainians and wipe Ukraine off the world map. A “Nazi” is simply any Ukrainian who resists.
Putin and all those who have committed atrocities must know that their judgment day will come. 2/7
To hold perpetrators accountable, Ukraine must win back its territories and Russia must fail.
We must do all we can to help push back the Russian invasion and end massive war crimes on our doorstep.
Otherwise, worse will follow. This is what Estonian history teaches us. 3/7
Discussed security issues today @FolkochForsvar in Stockholm.
I warned about premature calls for a ceasefire and peace. We cannot give anything to the aggressor that it didn’t have before – or the aggression will sooner or later return. 1/4
No sign Russia has changed its calculus. I don't believe in goodwill by an outright aggressor and a cold-blooded war criminal.
We must avoid a bad peace. A badly negotiated peace for Ukraine would mean a bad peace for us all. 2/4
We need to focus on pushing back the aggressor and drying up his war machine.
What Ukraine needs today are weapons to fight back the aggressor and liberate its territories. We need to help Ukraine win. And we need to make a leap forward in our own defence. 3/4
Estonia hosts @ccdcoe which celebrates its 14th anniversary on 14 May.
Its flagships CyCon, live-fire exercises like Locked Shields, and Tallinn Manuals on international law have increased the know-how of allies and partners & lead the discussions on cyber defence globally. 3/6