Yums ๐Ÿ˜ฉI yassify scumbags Profile picture
Sep 18, 2022 โ€ข 66 tweets โ€ข 15 min read โ€ข Read on X
Shizun Yuan and disciple Shen Jiu would be such a gold mine of angst. Think about it, at first SY would probably still be under OOC mode and would have to ignore Shen Jiu's brothel visits right? 1/ #svss #shencest #shenjiu #ShenQingqiu #shenyuan #scumcum #danmei #dameitwt
I already know his lil gremlin brain would be going thru leaps and jumps ranting how obvious SJ was in his scuminess. Meanwhile, Shen Jiu is already highly self-conscious know the all the small differences in his shizun means Shizun is displeased w/him. He just doesn't know why
If i REALLY wanted this angst, Shen Jiu's original shizun used him as a cauldron, now that Shizun Yuan isnt visiting Shen Jiu in his little bamboo hut, Shen Jiu worries he's outlived his use.Orig, SJs OG shizun told him to go to WRP so no 1 would question his damaged meridians...
Shizun Yuan doesnt know why HD Jiu keeps sticking around longer. Since when does a grown man need help bathing??? Just as he was getting adjusted to waking up to the SV kneeling by his bedside,suddenly he's calling him shifu strangely sweetly and scrubbing his back in the bathtub
Shizun "wot is gey" Yuan doesnt realize that Shen Jiu is trying his hardest to seduce him.Shen Jiu is losing his mine when he sees the othed head discples all getting their given name,and he doesn't even know if he'll be allowed to stay on the mountain.What if shizun lied to him?
Shen Jiu use to scold YGY as kids for being naive,but look at him now.... Trusting that he'd really be a future PL of the most prestigious sects in just cause he's a cauldron? He had a late start, no clan, and worst of all a former demonic cultivator. It was too good to be true..
Shen Yuan randomly starts getting "heartbreak" points after he simply told the SV he didn't need to stick around just to grind ink in his home. Shen yuan was so confused. What are heartbreak levels? How are they even obtained? Theyre knocking out all his B points and he doesnt!!!
FREAKING know WHY!He just wanted to go home at this point.
He hated being a shizun,hates the vague missions, nonsensical stats,and doesn't understand how his wish for LBH to have a decent shizun was possible w/the SV.After all this effort he still on his way to scumhood๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ
The food sucks, the paperwork grueling, the sect master is condescending, and he doesn't even know how much time he has in this world before he "ascends" and gets to nope out of this bs world. When he leaves Shen Yuan vows to never type a comment again.
Shen Jiu feels like a joke.LQG, that bastard, not only mocks him about receiving his given name before him, forming his golden core before him, and over all being better than him, but he's twisting the knife asking if his"few nights of pleasure"were worth disappointing his shizun
Shen Jiu would laugh, if he didn't feel like crying about how that brute was so wrong yet so right...if only Shen Jiu appreciated his shizun's "favor" more before,stop skirting on that one responsibility at every given chance, than his bed wouldnt be empty and he could stay w/YGY
He's done all of this for nothing,did he even have the right to be annoyed w/YGY for breaking his promise when he was so useless even if he scarificed his meridians and spread his legs for his shizun he couldn't fufill his own promise?Who WOULDNT want to ditch someone so pathetic
Perhaps...Shen Jiu thought,he could fufill his promise another way?No matter how much he despised it,SJ was well aware his apperance was pleasing enough.The streets,QJL, WYZ, &his current shizun more than confirmed this. If - if he, ...enter the WRP as a worker, not a customer...
The thought of spending the rest of his life being taken advantage of in the way he despised most scared Shen Jiu to the bone, but, at least he'd be getting paid for it. The WRP Jiejies are nice, they wouldn't starve him, beat his face unrecognizable and he could keep his promise
Even if he was scum, Shen Jiu would never let himself stoop to the level of breaking promises.Shen Jiu took the mocking glances of his peakmates, scoldings from the "official HDs", ignored YGY's endless placating pitying words and stopped showing up to serve his shizun.
It didn't matter anymore.
Shen Jiu, despite his resentment, didn't feel the need to "get back" at his shizun or the sect. 1)He has enough crimes on his head as is 2)as long as ...YGY was thriving here he'd never do anything to ruin it. Shen Jiu effectively and efficiently finished the stacks of paperwork
His Shizun had piled up.Shen Jiu had to organize things for when QJP had a real HD take over. What if they accused him of intentionally making things chaotic& went to settle accounts w/him at his new workplace? He'd end up on the streets when the Jiejies couldn't appease them
Shen Jiu wanted to handle things cleanly and quietly. People were already expecting him to get kicked out of his position as is,and wouldnt think he took it upon himself to resign. He cleaned out his private bamboo hut and packed up any belongings that werent gifted from the sect
He left a formal letter thanking shizun for the opportunity, apologizing for failing his expectations,not better suiting his taste on his desk and SJ just left a hastily drawn map to the WRP for YGY. They both knew he'd never see him again, but SJ would be keeping his promise.
Shen Yuan was grateful that one day he randomly stopped having his B points cleared out fron heartbreak points, and the very next day he also had the luxury of not having someone breathing down his neck. SY had to admit he was warming up to the SV now that he had space.
He's quieter takinf care of the accursed paper work he dreaded and finally finally ๐’‡๐’Š๐’๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ! He was becoming less of a creep, not visiting the brothels every five minutes and even when some other discples gave a few harsher critiques he didnt blow up like a casket at them
Shen Yuan spent MONTHS trying to teach him morality, reminding him that extreme emotions hurt his cultivaton, emphasizing the importance of loyalty, and most importantly telling him his jealousy would be his downfall. (Quite literally !!! Important things must be said thrice!!!)
Shen Yuan almost cried tears of joy where his mini-favorite war god bragged about getting his given name(it wasnt like SY wasn't going to give it to SJ,the system wouldnt let him off if he didnt!He's just waiting for him to get his powerup ) Shen Jiu nodded and congratulated him
It was such a sincere congratulations too! No sneer,no sarcasm, and not even a hint of bitterness in his voice. Shen Jiu's eyes were clear and his voice was soft when he said " Liu Qingge truly deserves his title, as do the rest of you."
Shen Yuan bragged to the other PLs when the HDs left about how much better his Shen Jiu was becoming. Making his life easier where he needed it and wasn't as clingy as their discples.
He wouldnt lie he wouldnt mind it if he was a ๐‘๐‘–๐‘ก closer w/him. It would make system task a bit easier, and seeing this quiet non-perverted Shen Jiu was a bit sad in a way. Aya, he felt like a real father. When kids were disobedien, you'd do anything to see them sensible-
However, to see them so well behaved and obedient you miss a bit of their wrecklessness and their sticky behavior. Shen Yuan was thinking that, even if Shen Jiu didnt reach a respectable cultivation level yet, he should give him his given name soon for his good behavior
Even if he grew a bit arrogant again, it be fine. Seeing him so quiet and reserve made him think of him too grownup. He can have that perfect solemn scholar presence(but untainted by cruelty or perversion!!!) When he grows up, right now, he's just his silly discple
Shen Yuan was so use to Shen Jiu being a real champ and knocking out paperwork for him, that he didn't bother checking letters that Shen Jiu didnt hand him directly stressing importants. So, a little plain letter went ignored as Shen Jiu said he was leaving randomly.
Shen Yuan waved his hand giving him permission to go,knowing he wasnt going to the brothels anymore. It was safer to always check which missions he was taking up, but Shen Jiu didnt have a habit to bit off more than he can chew like the other discples.He knew his limits very well
Shen Jiu's face looked a bit stiff when he gave him permission.Shen Yuan chuckled behind his beastry. The kid was probably looking for a bit of praise, everyone was mentioning how much he's changed he was probably feeling a bit miffed. Not to worry! Shizun has a surprise for you!
He took the time to plan a proper coming of age party for Shen Jiu. His parents didnt ask for leave during his birthday like the other head discples so SY thought Shen Jiu would really like it if he gave him a double celebration for both his iconic given name, and his late bday
Airplane was a hack writer, but even he didnt think to add in surpise parties into PIDW. This would be this world's first surpise party. Shen Jiu's little mission would be the perfect time to set things up. Shen Yuan couldn't wait to see how happy he'd be when he came back to it
Shen Yuan set everything up, but its been 2 weeks since Shen Jiu came back... Even the longest of missions for PLs don't take that long. What the hell was that boy doing !
Shen Yuan got a sinking feeling in his stomach. The only time he was ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘–๐‘  truent was when he was out doing ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’•. Shen Yuan was so disappointed that felt rage flush down his face. Even if he would be penalize by the system for interfering w/a key plot point, SY didnt care!
He'd drag Shen Jiu's ass back to the sect from that whore house even if he was crying and screaming and nip this nonsense in the butt once and for all. Shen Yuan flew to the WRP himself and demanded to the madam to know where Shen Jiu was immediately
Shen Yuan felt even more disgusted when all he could hear was a man's lusty moans from the door and some poor girl sounding like she was in pain. Shen Yuan swore to god, if Shen Jiu was some women beater on top of being a pervert he gave up. He was irredeemable scum
Even if he had to do a MILLION side missions to save up enough B-points to go home. He didn't care. When Shen Yuan busted open the door, prepared for the worst. It was worst than he could ever fear... #ShenQingqiu #shenjiu #shenyuan #danmeitwt #threadstorytime #svsss #svss
A man, a cultivator from the looks of it, was choking a near nude Shen Jiu ..and...raping him. Shen Yuan didnt even know when he unsealed his sword, but he stopped his killing blow when Shen Jiu got in front of the blade looking more furious than Shen Yuan has ever seen him.
Shen Yuan felt sympathy for him from the very bottom of his heart. Who wouldn't be ashamed to have someone see the worst moment of their life Life.He kicked the bastard across the floor. SY's brain felt fried,he took off his outerrobe covered SJ an flew as fast as he could to CQM
Shen Jiu was crying &screaming so much so that Shen Yuan to clamp his mouth shut w/his hand. He didnt want more attention, he never wanted anyone to see Shen Jiu like this,& he promised that when they got home,no matter how loud Shen Jiu cried,he'd let him do so, in a safe space.
When Shen Yuan took Shen Jiu back to his home, Shen Jiu had already quieted down. It made SY go misty in his eyes to imagine that...Shen Jiu felt safer in his presence after such a traumatic event... He was such a good kid, but his heart broke to see him calm during such an event
Shen Jiu felt his burning rage dwindle into cold hatred. Why was he here? What hadn't he done so this man would leave him alone? Shen Jiu prayed to whatever divine being out there this wasn't some of newly formed poessivness or latened discovered jealousy about his new job
He didn't ๐’˜๐’‚๐’๐’• to get fucked for a living for a useless promise. Shen Jiu originally thought he'd have a few years to come to terms w/it.The WRP madam reluctantly agreed to let him be a tea server as new recruits do to see if any customers even be interested in him.
Despite his decent appearance, Shen Jiu didnt think to factor in men's hesitance to semi-publically indulge in anyone who wasnt a pretty woman. Even if WRP was strict about nondisclosure, customers were reluctant. Making hiring SJ a near money losing endeavour
He wasn't popular amongst the new wine servers, and Shen Jiu was a bit enthusiastic about his realistic struggle to even become an official entertainer, but worried about his future prospects staying here as nothing but dead weight were low. It was a tender dark balance for him
Most men flock to new tea servers like flies to honey, but only he was begrudgingly allowed to pour wine to lusty eyes but hesitant bodies. That is-, until Shen Jiu encountered a real misfortunate fortune. A HHP discple (realistically scoping out CQM) happened upon WRP
The moment he saw Shen Jiu he was filled with schedenfrueden curiosity. He tossed a bag filled of gold ,bought Shen Jiu's "first time" and requested to take him out for awhile(so OPM could use him) and gleefully assured he'd bring him back despite paying tripple his contract fee
Shen Jiu was in despair when he was under the man. Parts of him wonder would he even survive. HHPD left Shen Jiu no time to prepare himself and painfully fucked his ass open. Choking him till he lost consciousness, slapping, pinching, and hitting everywhere Shen Jiu wasnt bruised
Shen Jiu felt HHPD slow down and was leaping w/joy.He knew he wouldn't be presented to the old devil ruined liked this.He'd recieve rest ,medical attention before his next brutalizing hopefully it be over. Everything was getting better till his former shizun bursted thru the door
Breaking everything in site and beating his customer.Shen Jiu felt his heart drop. If he was worried about being kicked out before, than if the madam could, she'd kill him now... Shen Jiu couldnt help but scream and cry. Now here he is in front of the bastard who wont let him go
" what have i done wrong Li Songzhu?" *(๐•Š๐•™๐•–๐•Ÿ ๐•๐•ฆ๐•’๐•Ÿ'๐•ค ๐•š๐•ž๐•’๐•˜๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•–๐•• ๐•ฅ๐•ฃ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•ค๐•ž๐•š๐•˜๐•ฃ๐•’๐•ฅ๐•ฃ๐•• ๐•Ÿ๐•’๐•ž๐•–, ๐•œ)
Shen Yuan shed a tear for his poor discple. He didnt care if he broke properness codes in this situation. He wss hurting so much, that he thought-that was even
0.00000% his fault. " you did NOTHING wrong Shen Jiu yo-"

Shen Jiu snapped " than leave me tf alone !!! I aint fucking telling the damn world i was your cauldron, that we faked my identity together, or even disturbing the sect. Im making a damn LIVING there. Just let me live !
Shen Jiu clenched his fist bloody " is it because we had sex, now you want me to kms instead of tarnishing your 'property' ?" Shen Jiu had a crazed look in his eye as he laughed as he cried " why did you think i agreed to cripple my shitty cultivation to begin w/ huh ?"
" i got FUCKED before. Hell, ive even been someone else's filthy little cauldron. So no need to act so poessive over a used thing like me. I told you i was leaving, so why are you bothering me now? Why did you hit my customer, why did you try fucking up my life even more you ba-"
Shen Jiu spat venom at thw two od them calling himself every filthy thing under the sun.Shen Yuan felt he was Qi-deviating when he heard how...disgusting the body he inhabited was.Shen Jiu didnt shy away from speaking of the horrors of what the original goods and him did in bed.
Shen Yuan could only weakly reach out to the system and plead w/it to tell him that Shen Jiu wasnt high off airplane horrifying plot device drugs or something. The system ruthlessly confirmed everything and paralyzed Shen Yuan into seeing the memory files of the original goods
In Shen Yuan's stupor Shen Jiu felt the greatest amount of hopelessness he's ever experianced. He was tired of fighting aganist fate, finding golden opportunities only to hear they were nothing but yellow dusted disappointment, tired of holding himself to promises no 1 else kept
He ran out of the house and wrote out his last apology to ...Qi-ge. He hated him so much, much more than he hated himself. Shen jiu didnt care if YGY ever got the note. He just needed to write out some explanation before he finally killed this accursed rat once amd for all.
Shen Jiu sobbed, laughed, feeling happier that he didnt have to crawl his way through hell only to be yanked right back anymore.He picked up the sword he left in his bamboo hut.The beautiful blade he hoped one day had a new weilder. Shen Jiu bunched up his hair and cut it first
Letting the long well tended strands he once so proudly adorned w/fake status symbol, the strands his shizun used as a cum rag, now being used to adorn the floor, and wipe up his blood... Shen Jiu swiftly sliced Xiu Ya across his throat, breathed his last breath and said goodbye
Shen Yuan was awakened from his system forced stupor to the deafening sounds of its warnings, congratulations, and shutting down. He rushed to Shen Jiu..whatever happened must have been serious.
He vomitted when he saw the scene before him. Shen Yuan sobbed and sobbed scared silly and wishing to simply wake up to him glaring at him for rejecting to scrub his back... Shen Yuan's silly sheep...
Was slaughtered.

โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข

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Nov 17, 2022
#QiuQiu thoughts. We know that airplane couldn't allow LBH any competition as the protagnist. So i think that QJL dying even off screen means he was really just that good looking, and it makes sense because it would def help hide the fact he's a trashcan person.
#QiuQiu the type of develish handsome that just gazing at him to long can make someone go a bit mad.What if he was a love bound demon that fed off the strong emotions of their beloved&QJL slowly realized that his eyes became brighter,his hunger grew when he 1st saw SJ in despair
Every.single.emotion Shen Jiu had was a delicacy and he longed wish to devour Shen Jiu whole. Everyday he felt his hunger grow, to the point QJL felt himself on the brinks of being stuffed and feeling the madness of starvation consume him within a span of a few minutes
Read 9 tweets
Nov 16, 2022
@akasooju They would be the time of ppl to act like teling other teachers outside of work they're dating is a big a secret. Expecting them to be shocked because they're so proffesional! They don't even give each other goodbye kissies at work ๐Ÿ˜”! The sacrifices they do to be proffesional
@akasooju Even before they started dating everyone thought they were dating. Shen Yuan called Shen Jiu his work wife ,to progressively more unhinged nicknames and since no one wanted to be work spouses w/Shen Jiu before๐Ÿ˜ฟ he was extra happy to see his junior being so sweet to him
@akasooju Sometimes when SJ didn't have a class he'd help Shen Yuan w/his lesson plan, making prettt concisve doodles as Shen Yuan blushed saying that he didnt know Shen Jiu was such an artist. So than the next day he bought a stupidly expensive fancy coffee as a thank you gift
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Nov 16, 2022
Jiuyuan teacher AU. Enough discourse today i promise. These two are the proffesors who everyone knows are fucking, but have a sense of proffesionalism that wont allow them to say theyre dating but than do stuff like this in the breakroom and are constantly flirting w/each other.
Shen Yuan, a physics proffessor casually using the circumfrance of Shen Jiu's ass as an example equations and Shen Jiu the classic bitchy english proffessor who has a stern face but melts when they glance at their phone for a second. They share one lunch box and bicker
Shen Jiu always claims he's packed enough sweets, but starts pouting when he's finished his last little hershy kisses and SY just sighs. Jiu-ge think of your teeth! They compromise by sharing SY's candies proxy making out in the supply closet till the next period starts
Read 6 tweets
Nov 15, 2022
Cw//incest. Mama jiu who was picked up by OPM from the streets and turned into his hidden forgotten concubine. Shen Jiu knew being an omega would cause him nothing buy grief, after finally escaping the Qius and travelling to every cultivation sect to look for YGY's remains,
He was simply too sweet, when OPM heard thhe desperate little moans and smelt the divine plum peppermint scent calling to him, how would he deny giving this omega what they needed? Afterwards, Shen Jiu didn't have a choice, he was claimed by OPM and could only grit his teeth
Night after night OPM returned to Shen Jiu's bed chambers and soon enough Shen Jiu was with child. OPM only ever had LPM in his eyes as far as children went, and his fascination for Shen Jiu died the moment their child was revealed to be male. He truly was like the Qius
Read 4 tweets
Nov 9, 2022
This might be controversial but-
SHL &LPM are bottom on bottom supremacy.Whiny bratty hellian bottoms who just need to be fucked quiet.All pouty while setting fire to youre belongings until theyre tied up and have an automated vibrator teasing them to overstimulation
QQQ should take one for the sect use a firm hand on these 2.SHL being her pretty little slut since SHL invaded the sect.Mouthing on ayi's tits w/out permission since she just wants to be brought over her lap and have her pussy spanked till it's twitching, nice &warm 4 QQQ's strap
When LPM pissed off QQQ during the IAC she got bent over and had her panties pulled between her knees as she got her well earned spanking than and there. When LPM and SHL met fighting like dogs, none of them got fucked until they fucked each other for QQQ's entertainment
Read 7 tweets
Nov 8, 2022
Buff Shen Jiu is ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ.
Personal trainer Shen Jiu and Geek Yuan #Jiuyuan AU. Shen Jiu takes his time massaging the muscle they'll target. Shen Yuan blushes as his PT lightly digs his pretty hands into his shoulders squeezing on his pecs,whispering
"Ur doing so โ„Šโ„ดโ„ด๐’น ."
Shen Yuan is blushing pushing himself to complete the reps because pretty hands and dainty wrist connected to veiny forearms are caressing him so sweetly. His PT never yells, only coaxes him to work harder.
"Ah~ Shen- Shaoye can you do one it once more for me?" ๐Ÿ˜ฝ
Shen Yuan felt the sweat pour from his brow as he pushed 3 more reps of bench press than he thought possible. Maybe because Jiu-ge was standing over his chest spotting him and he could see the straitions of his juicy thick quads and his soft alluring voice cheering him on.
Read 11 tweets

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