#HOOK hurt My Sons & Daughter who aren’t born yet but have been here this whole time!!
He Took out #R & Mislead all the lost boys & Girls while I’ve been gone #AndNow—My Friend Croc opens Up Wide ! …
All anyone wants is to touch the hand of God, the whole world is waking up.
Why do you think ones come into this Country?
They know God is here & are showing they stand with God?
Your once MAINSTREAM minds
Have Been programmed to see the glass half empty, why ?
Do ones come here to stand with God, KNOWING God is here?
[THEY] make you think differently, WHY?
When the Flood happens, the wall was specifically built/designed to do something
specific for when the water freezes, would that be A SOLID FOUNDATION for an ICE WALL?
Receding water?
If there were to be A Mini Ice age, THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what [they] want you thinking, who would be prepared?
Programmed minds that think “global warming”, would