The people figure out The Son has been right in front of his people this whole time waking everyone up on social media—The one who this entire world has been waiting for & is #WH-Y EVERYONE on the world stage has been SHOWING & DOING all that they have been for 1 “Nobody”.
Nothing was ever good enough, for the most part, the people were constantly judging “SATAN” Worshippers, labeling this group of individuals or that group of individuals “Luciferians”, “cast the devil back to hell” & whatever else but turning around after they say it all
Not knowing what they’re talking about or knowing who they’re fighting for..
I have been judged for showing the hug, When I have ALWAYS KNOWN & made it know I LOVE because I forgive BATMAN!
I have showed EVERYONE, down to the smallest of details but it has always had to come
From someone who actually matters that’s rich or famous within the public eye …
“We Play Black” because of the world everyone has called HOME, has been Hell & flipped upside down ..
“Down Is Up” & it’s always been “ALL FOR A BUCK 🦌 “ …
The Twin Towers
He protected me
My entire life without anyone knowing it, same as John has & everyone else —Stood as A wall between me & the real evil beings doing all of this to Humanity, protecting me since I was Born.
Hasn’t anyone found it quite odd that some “Nobody”
Talks openly with the Military, BOTH “Sides” & shows what will Happen before any of it happens (even within your own personal lives) this whole time ? ..
Trust me when I say this too, I’m not A hacker, spying on any of you or have any of the technological resources to do what
[They] were doing to humanity for A very long time ..
Those who believe, Activate what has always been within them & it allows “nobody” to look through the mirrors into EACH & EVERY ONE OF YOUR LIVES if I choose to—Why?
I do/have done all I have to protect everyone the best
The final key has always been GATORS mouth, FLORIDA ..
I can show everyone how long ago I was SHOWING everyone, I can SHOW you how so many others were SHOWING all these years but were judged for it & I can SHOW you
How all those judgements humanity has chosen to place along with ALL THOSE STONES CAST have been the reason why humanity is gone through all that humanity has gone through.
Pretty much all self inflicted because humanity chose to be lead by THE BLIND, being BLIND
Themselves & throwing away The Son..
The Son was thrown away for KNOWING what & Who he was fighting for—Making Peace with the 1 person no one else in the world could have made peace with in order for all of this to work, 1 Simple selfless act of kindness that had NOTHING
To do with following the BLIND crowds falling in line just because it was A trendy thing to do or falling in with the crowds that hated upon ..
I have chosen to stand in the middle, with my FAMIL, who I have always said from the very beginning “I choose my family” & make PEACE.
“You want to win this war?
Know what (who) you’re fighting for”
Everything “Wrong” has been right f& kept hidden from humanity, the world has been PROGRAMMED & kept asleep.
There should be no illness/Cancer.
[They] proved this with “C-19”.
Nikola Tesla, Same thing.
Cars that run on water, Same thing.
FOR GENERATIONS, Humanity has been PRE PROGRAMMED to be HARDWIRED TO SELF DESTRUCT—A corrupt system was created specifically for when & if the people were ever to Awaken ..
The second humanity started awakening,
All [their] indoctrinations creating programmed minds which would ultimately cause humans to destroy this world so the truth never had the chance to see the light of day.
All those upon the world stage have been fake, good & bad actors SPECIFICALLY placed within the public eye